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Grace Designleft_desk

Grace Design

Το 1994, ο Michael Grace συνεργάστηκε με τον αδελφό του, Eben, και ιδρύθηκε η Grace Design, ξεκινώντας την παραγωγή του προενισχυτή μικροφώνου μοντέλου 801. Το μοντέλο 801 όχι μόνο παρείχε ένα νέο επίπεδο ηχητικής απόδοσης και λειτουργικότητας, αλλά βοήθησε να θεμελιωθεί ο εξωτερικός προενισχυτής μικροφώνου ως ένας νέος πυλώνας στην επαγγελματική ηχογράφηση.

Grace Designleft_desk

Δημοφιλή Προϊόντα

Grace Design REX

Grace Design REX

This is the little nipper, but don’t judge – we piled up everything we know from 30 years of designing mic preamps, zapped it with our shrink ray and crammed it all into a minty-fresh green BIX style chassis.With bonafide Grace Design mic preamp pedigree, it will give any studio rack preamp a run for its money. But REX is really designed to be velcroed to a pedal board and hit the stage. Simple high and low tone controls, a 10dB boost circuit (sorry FOH), a mute switch, and an FX loop will all help you get your sound dialed. Are you a singer with your own vocal mic and wish you could have that extra studio clarity and presence on stage? REX to the REXcue (ugh). You get the idea.Horn PlayersHorn players looking to expand their sonic palette. Flugelhorn into a wha-wha pedal with distortion and delay? All day. Baritone sax through an octave pedal? Dude.
760 €
Grace Design FELiX2 Black

Grace Design FELiX2 Black

Released 6 years ago, FELiX helped usher in a renaissance of amplified acoustic sound quality and functionality. What once required racks of studio gear and stage techs to achieve, FELiX made available in a single, affordable and rugged /compact floor unit. Since its release, we have worked together with many demanding players to improve and hone its features and functionality, and are now pleased to announce the latest version of this little champ – FELiX2.FELiX2 NEW FEATURES INCLUDE:STEREO OPERATIONNew dual mono or true stereo FX loop allows for independent FX loops on either channel or stereo FX operation with mono or stereo inStereo amp output for connecting to stereo stage amp rigStereo headphone output for stereo headphone personal monitoring blissVARIABLE PHASE CONTROLBuilt in variable phase control on channel 2 allows users to adjust mic / pickup blending systems to be perfectly phase coherentMORE EQ POWERHIGH shelving EQ control updated to include 2 transition frequency settings at 1k and 2k, allowing for more flexible high frequency tone controlNew notch filter uses a much higher Q setting for better surgical control of problem frequenciesNEW POWER SUPPLYClass II power supply eliminates ground loops when connecting to stage amps and other non-isolated stage equipmentNOTE: this is now a 2 prong power inputBETTER STAGE MANNERSNew protective side rails and slightly lower profile knobs to help protect controls from extra left feet and floppy stray instrument cablesCHANNEL 1 BOOST DEFEATAllows the boost circuit to only affect channel 2FELiX2 is a studio quality, 2 channel blending acoustic instrument and mic preamp, designed for working musicians, engineers, sound companies or venues looking for the highest quality solution for amplifying stringed instruments. FELiX2 is built into a roadworthy floor unit chassis of anodized aluminum and steel, portable enough to leave the rack at home but bring studio quality to the stage. With the same stunning audio performance and legendary reliability as Grace Design’s pro audio range, FELiX2 brings open, musical and nuanced preamplification to any performance situation.A powerful eq section allows simple and intuitive tone shaping for even the most unruly of instruments. Each channel’s variable high pass filter cuts 12dB per octave from 20Hz to 1kHz, and can also be set as a notch filter for chasing down problem feedback or rumble areas. Parametric mid range controls cover from 70Hz all the way to 8KHz. While fixed low and high controls are carefully voiced for musical shading of bass and treble.Controls are simple and clearly marked on a bright panel, making them easy to read and tweak on a dark stage. Footswitch functions include a mute / tune switch for muting all outputs except the dedicated tuner out, a boost switch which activates a variable boost circuit, and finally, an A/B mode switch for when FELiX2 is in A/B mode (which simply toggles between the two different channels).FELiX2 brings the kitchen sink approach to I/O. Inputs include a 48V XLR mic input and two instrument inputs. Two independent transformer isolated DI outputs can be sourced from either the mix or the individual channel. This allows you to send the front of house a mix or each channel independently. A dedicated, level controlled amplifier output can be sourced from the mix or channel 2. A dedicated tuner output stays active when all the other outputs are muted. A side panel mounted 1/8” mini jack headphone amplifier is there for practicing, private noodling during boring soundchecks, or scrutinizing dubious eq decisions. Dual TRS jack send and return FX loop signals and can be configured for stereo operation or dual mono with separate FX loops for each channel.Guitar, bass, fiddle, mandolin, cello, dare we say banjo, that weird 3 string gourd thing – FELiX2 is your instrument’s new best friend. Flexible, reliable, a good listener and eager to make you sound better, FELiX2 is also your new best friend.Designed and built by family and friends in sunny Lyons, CO, USA.FEATURES:Open, musical and detailed instrument and mic preamplification for discerning artists and engineers2 channel audio path with blend output controlm101 style transimpedance microphone preamplifier, no electrolytic capacitors in the signal pathVariable Phase control on channel to for fine tuning phase between a microphone and pickupUltra precision 0.5% thin  film resistors are used in the signal pathCareful power supply design and grounding yield an ultra-quiet signal path and professional level headroom and line driving abilityFully ground isolated DI outputs with high quality, low distortion, fully shielded transformersSuper rugged 1/4” connectors with heavy duty metal bushingsNew side rails to protect control from inadvertent changes via cables or feetPowerful, independent EQ on both channels – hi and low shelving and full parametric midrangeMid frequency control has two ranges 70-880Hz / 670 – 8kHz20Hz-1kHz sweepable HPF on both channels, can also be set as notch filterA / B footswitch for multiple instrument configurations or soloing different pickupsMute/ tune footswitch mutes all outputs except dedicated tuner outBoost footswitch for variable 10dB level boost (global)DI outputs sources are configurable – Ch1 (mix or Ch1) Ch2 (mix or Ch2)Dedicated level controlled stereo stage amp output (configurable as blend or Ch2)Dedicated tuner out, remains hot when unit is mutedSide panel switches for 48V, phase, mid Hz range select, HPF/notch select, 12V and A/B mode select12V mic input power available on Ch2Phase reverse switch for each channel3 input impedance settings on each channel – Ch1 10K, 1MEG, 10MEG / Ch2 332K, 1MEG, 20MEG accommodating a wide range of pickup typesMic stand flange mount screw holes holes for putting FELiX on a mic stand1/8” stereo headphone jack, active when FELiX is mutedStereo FX loop or independent dual mono FX loopsNEW CLASS II Universal 100-240 AC power supply with standard IEC cableFull 5 year transferable warranty / built for long, happy life on the roadDesigned and built by family and friends in Lyons, CO, USA
1.632 €
Grace Design m908

Grace Design m908

SURROUND / MULTI-CHANNEL MONITOR CONTROLLER (2,1 ΜΕΧΡΙ 22,2) Για επαγγελματίες ήχου που εργάζονται σε στερεοφωνικά, surround και πολυκάναλα συστήματα έως 22,2, παρουσιάζουμε το m908. Η νέα αρχιτεκτονική του συστήματος, που σχεδιάστηκε πρόσφατα, διαθέτει μια πληθώρα νέων τεχνικών επιτευγμάτων. Με το νέο ισχυρό DSP, τους μετατροπείς AD / DA τελευταίας γενιάς και την εξαιρετική πλατφόρμα ελέγχου, το m908 παρέχει μια ολοκληρωμένη λύση παρακολούθησης για μια μεγάλη ποικιλία εργασιών. Χαρακτηριστικά: 24 ψηφιακές έξοδοι αναλογικών καναλιών I / O / 16 24 καναλιών AES3 16 είσοδοι ADAT Lightpipe σε / εισόδους 24 καναλιών USB AES3, S / PDIF και στερεοφωνικές εισόδους TOSLINK Προαιρετική μονάδα Dante ™ ή DigiLink ™ για επιπλέον 32 κανάλια εισόδου / εξόδου Προαιρετική μονάδα ADC 8 καναλιών για αναλογικές εισόδους 8 ή 16 καναλιών Η τελευταία γενιά μετατροπέων AD και DA 4η γενιά s-Lock σύστημα χρονοδιακόπτη PLL για εξαιρετικά χαμηλό jitter Έλεγχος έντασης υψηλής ευκρίνειας Ισχυρό EQ διόρθωσης του χώρου. Πλήρης δυνατότητα διαχείρισης μπάσων Επίπεδο καναλιού και βαθμονόμηση latency Πλήρης έλεγχος downmix Διαθέτει μετρητή SPL και ροζ θόρυβο Ισχυρή και διαισθητική μονάδα τηλεχειρισμού για πρόσβαση σε όλα τα συστήματα ελέγχου και βαθμονόμηση του συστήματος Διπλή εξωτερική παροχή ρεύματος Ενισχυτής ακουστικών ποιότητας αναφοράς με τροφοδοσία Ευέλικτο σύστημα συνομιλίας με ενσωματωμένο μικρόφωνο στο τηλεχειριστήριο και είσοδο μικροφώνου για εξωτερικά μικρόφωνο talkback Έως 8 στερεοφωνικές επιλογές CUE 4 είσοδοι και έξοδοι γενικής χρήσης για διασύνδεση με εξωτερικά συστήματα  
10.523 €
Grace Design Bix

Grace Design Bix

In a few short years, FELiX and AliX have become the preamps of choice for discerning touring and recording musicians. From Banjo to bass players, they enable performers to perfect their stage and studio sound beyond what was previously possible.And now directly from this lineage comes BiX, which shares the exact same DNA of its bigger siblings, but with an intelligently streamlined feature set and a price that puts it in reach of any performer, whether on their way to the local coffee shop or the megadome.Controls are dead simple – input gain, high and low shelving EQ, and a 10dB variable boost circuit, with footswitches for mute and boost. I/O includes the instrument input, separate send and return insert jacks, an unbalanced line output, and a balanced ISO DI output on XLR. For enhanced EQ control, rear panel DIP switches select between two different transition frequencies for both High and Low controls. And BiX is pedalboard friendly, with a 9VDC power input and a compact, rugged low-profile chassis.Sonically, BiX is a carbon copy of its bigger siblings, with crystal clear, ultra-quiet audio performance. A better than 30VDC internal operating voltage provides for incredible headroom. The highs are smooth and open, and the lows are deep and rock solid. The dynamics and tone of the instrument come alive with clarity and realism, which translates to creating a deeper bond between you and your instrument.1/4" high impedance inputSeparate FX send and return1/4" unbalanced line outputBalanced XLR DI transformer iso output10dB variable boostMute and Boost footswitchesHigh and Low shelving EQSelectable EQ transition frequencies9VDC operationOver 30V internal operating voltagePedalboard friendly design5 year transferable warrantyMade in the USA
500 €
Grace Design Felix

Grace Design Felix

FELiX is a studio quality, 2 channel blending acoustic instrument and mic preamp, designed for working musicians, engineers, sound companies or venues looking for the highest quality solution for amplifying stringed instruments. FELiX is built into a roadworthy (beer-resistant) floor unit chassis of anodized aluminum and steel, portable enough to leave the rack at home but bring studio quality to the stage. With the same stunning audio performance and legendary reliability as Grace Design’s pro audio range, FELiX brings open, musical and nuanced preamplification to any performance situation.A powerful eq section allows simple and intuitive tone shaping for even the most unruly of instruments. Each channel’s variable high pass filter cuts 12dB per octave from 20Hz to 1kHz, and can also be set as a notch filter for chasing down problem feedback or rumble areas. Parametric mid range controls cover from 70Hz all the way to 8KHz. While fixed low and high controls are carefully voiced for musical shading of bass and treble.Controls are simple and clearly marked on a bright panel, making them easy to read and tweak on a dark stage. Footswitch functions include a mute / tune switch for muting all outputs except the dedicated tuner out, a boost switch which activates a variable boost circuit, and finally, an A/B mode switch for when FELiX is in A/B mode (which simply toggles between the two different channels).FELiX brings the kitchen sink approach to I/O. Inputs include a 48V XLR mic input and two instrument inputs. Two independent transformer isolated DI outputs can be sourced from either the mix or the individual channel. This allows you to send the front of house a mix or each channel independently. A dedicated, level controlled amplifier output can be sourced from the mix or channel 2. A dedicated tuner output stays active when all the other outputs are muted. A side panel mounted 1/8” mini jack headphone amplifier is there for practicing, private noodling during boring soundchecks, or scrutinizing dubious eq decisions. A TRS insert is included for adding effects, and finally, a remote footswitch jack is included if FELiX is going to spend his life in a rack or up off the floor.Guitar, bass, fiddle, mandolin, cello, dare we say banjo, that weird 3 string gourd thing - FELiX is your instrument’s new best friend. Flexible, reliable, a good listener and eager to make you sound better, he is also your new best friend.Designed and built by family and friends in sunny Lyons, CO, USA.
1.270 €
Grace Design m905 Analog

Grace Design m905 Analog

Analog only version of the famous m905The m905 is our second generation stereo monitor controller, engineered from the ground up to provide unrivaled audio playback performance with a comprehensive and intuitive feature set.Included are all requisite professional audio inputs and outputs, both analog and digital, with an asynchronous USB input for jitter free 24/192 computer playback. Outputs include 3 stereo speaker sets, two subwoofer, and our reference headphone amplifier.The remote is powerful, clean and ergonomic. It includes a headphone output, talkback microphone, and dedicated real time SPL meter. Controls are designed so that anyone unfamiliar with the system can operate it immediately and intuitively, then with a minimal time investment advanced setup and calibration features are accessed and programmed with ease.The m905 offers more monitoring management features than any current monitor controller. But its true essence is as the most sonically reliable and innate centerpiece available for your studio – homebase for your ears, eyes and hands.
3.937 €
Grace Design m108

Grace Design m108

Με 25 χρόνια εμπειρίας σε δημιουργία hi-end μηχανημάτων, o  Grace Design m108 είναι ένας νέος  οκτακάναλος προενισχυτής μικροφώνων και ταυτόχρονα οκτακάναλος μετατροπέας A/D σε συνδιασμό με πολλαπλά ψηφιακά φορμά εξόδου όπως USB, Dante αλλά και δικάναλο D/A  !  Δηλαδή περιλαμβάνει οτιδήποτε ζητάει ένα σύγχρονο studio για ηχογραφήσεις πολύ υψηλής ποιότητας ταυτόχρονα με στέρεο monitoring. Ο  Grace Design m108  είναι πάρα πολύ έυκολος στην λειτουργία μέσα απο ένα εύχρηστο menu. Επιλογές όπως 48V phantom power, phase reverse, channel grouping,meter peak, channel gain settings, metering, peak status κλπ  διαχειρίζονται μέσα απο ένα  καθαρό OLED screen Στην αρχική του μορφή μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί σαν mic preamp / ADC αλλά με τα ενσωματωμένα  serial και  MIDI control, ο  m108  μπορεί να ενσωματωθεί σε μεγαλύτερα remote συατήματα και να ελέγχεται είτε απο τον μεγαλύτερο αδελφό του τον  m802 η απο σύστημα Protools™.   Το optional DANTE™  πρωτόκολο του επιτρέπει να ενσωματώνεται σε νέα δίκτυα μέσω Ethernet και συνεργασία με πολλά άλλα συστήματα.            ΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΙΣΤΙΚΑ 8 channels of balanced analog preamp outputs 8 channels of transparent, musical mic preamplier Wide gain range: -8 to 74dB Ribbon mic mode 8 channels of 192kHz ADC outputs via AES, ADAT and USB Class 2 / External Word clock in and out Reference DAC and headphone amplier for low-latency monitoring of channel pairs or USB playback from a computer Channel 1 & 2 HI-Z inputs on front panel High contrast, wide viewing angle OLED display for all system parameters and setup menu Combination RS 485/422 serial / MIDI ports for control from existing m802 RCU or Protools™ RJ45 Ethernet port for network control Expansion slot for optional Audinate / DANTE™ network audio card Cooling fan for reliable operation in the harshest environments Built in 100-240VAC universal AC power supply 5 year transferrable warranty Made in the USA
4.440 €

Όλα τα προϊόντα Grace Design

25  Προϊόντα

This one is bigger and more kitchen sink-y. This starts with a precision rotary switch gain control, which levels up the audio performance, especially in higher gain ranges (ribbon mics welcome). A 2 position high pass filter gives excellent control of problem bass / rumble areas at 75Hz or 150Hz. A 3-band EQ with sweepable mids rounds out the tone shaping. The FX loop can be defeated by a footswitch and has an onboard blend control to run your effects at 100% and adjust wet / dry amount on the preamp. The input is a combi XLR / 1/4″ jack, so it can run as an instrument preamp like its buddy ALiX .We could keep going, but you get the idea: REX and ROXi are wicked mashups of a mic pre, channel strip and stage preamp. Plop one on your your studio desktop and boom, you have an genuine Grace Design recording channel. Tack one to your pedalboard and you have a Swiss Army knife style stompbox with astonishing audio performance and massive flexibility. Do the Swiss actually give those little red knives to their army? Let us know.SingersA singer can plug their favorite microphone into a Grace Design mic preamp with their own effect pedals in the FX loop and control their reverb, old-timey AM radio or distorted vocal effects however they want. Singers with pedal boards? Your time has come.

1.164 €
36 Δόσεις 40,19€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

This is the little nipper, but don’t judge – we piled up everything we know from 30 years of designing mic preamps, zapped it with our shrink ray and crammed it all into a minty-fresh green BIX style chassis.With bonafide Grace Design mic preamp pedigree, it will give any studio rack preamp a run for its money. But REX is really designed to be velcroed to a pedal board and hit the stage. Simple high and low tone controls, a 10dB boost circuit (sorry FOH), a mute switch, and an FX loop will all help you get your sound dialed. Are you a singer with your own vocal mic and wish you could have that extra studio clarity and presence on stage? REX to the REXcue (ugh). You get the idea.Horn PlayersHorn players looking to expand their sonic palette. Flugelhorn into a wha-wha pedal with distortion and delay? All day. Baritone sax through an octave pedal? Dude.

760 €
36 Δόσεις 26,24€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Released 6 years ago, FELiX helped usher in a renaissance of amplified acoustic sound quality and functionality. What once required racks of studio gear and stage techs to achieve, FELiX made available in a single, affordable and rugged /compact floor unit. Since its release, we have worked together with many demanding players to improve and hone its features and functionality, and are now pleased to announce the latest version of this little champ – FELiX2.FELiX2 NEW FEATURES INCLUDE:STEREO OPERATIONNew dual mono or true stereo FX loop allows for independent FX loops on either channel or stereo FX operation with mono or stereo inStereo amp output for connecting to stereo stage amp rigStereo headphone output for stereo headphone personal monitoring blissVARIABLE PHASE CONTROLBuilt in variable phase control on channel 2 allows users to adjust mic / pickup blending systems to be perfectly phase coherentMORE EQ POWERHIGH shelving EQ control updated to include 2 transition frequency settings at 1k and 2k, allowing for more flexible high frequency tone controlNew notch filter uses a much higher Q setting for better surgical control of problem frequenciesNEW POWER SUPPLYClass II power supply eliminates ground loops when connecting to stage amps and other non-isolated stage equipmentNOTE: this is now a 2 prong power inputBETTER STAGE MANNERSNew protective side rails and slightly lower profile knobs to help protect controls from extra left feet and floppy stray instrument cablesCHANNEL 1 BOOST DEFEATAllows the boost circuit to only affect channel 2FELiX2 is a studio quality, 2 channel blending acoustic instrument and mic preamp, designed for working musicians, engineers, sound companies or venues looking for the highest quality solution for amplifying stringed instruments. FELiX2 is built into a roadworthy floor unit chassis of anodized aluminum and steel, portable enough to leave the rack at home but bring studio quality to the stage. With the same stunning audio performance and legendary reliability as Grace Design’s pro audio range, FELiX2 brings open, musical and nuanced preamplification to any performance situation.A powerful eq section allows simple and intuitive tone shaping for even the most unruly of instruments. Each channel’s variable high pass filter cuts 12dB per octave from 20Hz to 1kHz, and can also be set as a notch filter for chasing down problem feedback or rumble areas. Parametric mid range controls cover from 70Hz all the way to 8KHz. While fixed low and high controls are carefully voiced for musical shading of bass and treble.Controls are simple and clearly marked on a bright panel, making them easy to read and tweak on a dark stage. Footswitch functions include a mute / tune switch for muting all outputs except the dedicated tuner out, a boost switch which activates a variable boost circuit, and finally, an A/B mode switch for when FELiX2 is in A/B mode (which simply toggles between the two different channels).FELiX2 brings the kitchen sink approach to I/O. Inputs include a 48V XLR mic input and two instrument inputs. Two independent transformer isolated DI outputs can be sourced from either the mix or the individual channel. This allows you to send the front of house a mix or each channel independently. A dedicated, level controlled amplifier output can be sourced from the mix or channel 2. A dedicated tuner output stays active when all the other outputs are muted. A side panel mounted 1/8” mini jack headphone amplifier is there for practicing, private noodling during boring soundchecks, or scrutinizing dubious eq decisions. Dual TRS jack send and return FX loop signals and can be configured for stereo operation or dual mono with separate FX loops for each channel.Guitar, bass, fiddle, mandolin, cello, dare we say banjo, that weird 3 string gourd thing – FELiX2 is your instrument’s new best friend. Flexible, reliable, a good listener and eager to make you sound better, FELiX2 is also your new best friend.Designed and built by family and friends in sunny Lyons, CO, USA.FEATURES:Open, musical and detailed instrument and mic preamplification for discerning artists and engineers2 channel audio path with blend output controlm101 style transimpedance microphone preamplifier, no electrolytic capacitors in the signal pathVariable Phase control on channel to for fine tuning phase between a microphone and pickupUltra precision 0.5% thin  film resistors are used in the signal pathCareful power supply design and grounding yield an ultra-quiet signal path and professional level headroom and line driving abilityFully ground isolated DI outputs with high quality, low distortion, fully shielded transformersSuper rugged 1/4” connectors with heavy duty metal bushingsNew side rails to protect control from inadvertent changes via cables or feetPowerful, independent EQ on both channels – hi and low shelving and full parametric midrangeMid frequency control has two ranges 70-880Hz / 670 – 8kHz20Hz-1kHz sweepable HPF on both channels, can also be set as notch filterA / B footswitch for multiple instrument configurations or soloing different pickupsMute/ tune footswitch mutes all outputs except dedicated tuner outBoost footswitch for variable 10dB level boost (global)DI outputs sources are configurable – Ch1 (mix or Ch1) Ch2 (mix or Ch2)Dedicated level controlled stereo stage amp output (configurable as blend or Ch2)Dedicated tuner out, remains hot when unit is mutedSide panel switches for 48V, phase, mid Hz range select, HPF/notch select, 12V and A/B mode select12V mic input power available on Ch2Phase reverse switch for each channel3 input impedance settings on each channel – Ch1 10K, 1MEG, 10MEG / Ch2 332K, 1MEG, 20MEG accommodating a wide range of pickup typesMic stand flange mount screw holes holes for putting FELiX on a mic stand1/8” stereo headphone jack, active when FELiX is mutedStereo FX loop or independent dual mono FX loopsNEW CLASS II Universal 100-240 AC power supply with standard IEC cableFull 5 year transferable warranty / built for long, happy life on the roadDesigned and built by family and friends in Lyons, CO, USA

1.632 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 136,00€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Released 6 years ago, FELiX helped usher in a renaissance of amplified acoustic sound quality and functionality. What once required racks of studio gear and stage techs to achieve, FELiX made available in a single, affordable and rugged /compact floor unit. Since its release, we have worked together with many demanding players to improve and hone its features and functionality, and are now pleased to announce the latest version of this little champ – FELiX2.FELiX2 NEW FEATURES INCLUDE:STEREO OPERATIONNew dual mono or true stereo FX loop allows for independent FX loops on either channel or stereo FX operation with mono or stereo inStereo amp output for connecting to stereo stage amp rigStereo headphone output for stereo headphone personal monitoring blissVARIABLE PHASE CONTROLBuilt in variable phase control on channel 2 allows users to adjust mic / pickup blending systems to be perfectly phase coherentMORE EQ POWERHIGH shelving EQ control updated to include 2 transition frequency settings at 1k and 2k, allowing for more flexible high frequency tone controlNew notch filter uses a much higher Q setting for better surgical control of problem frequenciesNEW POWER SUPPLYClass II power supply eliminates ground loops when connecting to stage amps and other non-isolated stage equipmentNOTE: this is now a 2 prong power inputBETTER STAGE MANNERSNew protective side rails and slightly lower profile knobs to help protect controls from extra left feet and floppy stray instrument cablesCHANNEL 1 BOOST DEFEATAllows the boost circuit to only affect channel 2FELiX2 is a studio quality, 2 channel blending acoustic instrument and mic preamp, designed for working musicians, engineers, sound companies or venues looking for the highest quality solution for amplifying stringed instruments. FELiX2 is built into a roadworthy floor unit chassis of anodized aluminum and steel, portable enough to leave the rack at home but bring studio quality to the stage. With the same stunning audio performance and legendary reliability as Grace Design’s pro audio range, FELiX2 brings open, musical and nuanced preamplification to any performance situation.A powerful eq section allows simple and intuitive tone shaping for even the most unruly of instruments. Each channel’s variable high pass filter cuts 12dB per octave from 20Hz to 1kHz, and can also be set as a notch filter for chasing down problem feedback or rumble areas. Parametric mid range controls cover from 70Hz all the way to 8KHz. While fixed low and high controls are carefully voiced for musical shading of bass and treble.Controls are simple and clearly marked on a bright panel, making them easy to read and tweak on a dark stage. Footswitch functions include a mute / tune switch for muting all outputs except the dedicated tuner out, a boost switch which activates a variable boost circuit, and finally, an A/B mode switch for when FELiX2 is in A/B mode (which simply toggles between the two different channels).FELiX2 brings the kitchen sink approach to I/O. Inputs include a 48V XLR mic input and two instrument inputs. Two independent transformer isolated DI outputs can be sourced from either the mix or the individual channel. This allows you to send the front of house a mix or each channel independently. A dedicated, level controlled amplifier output can be sourced from the mix or channel 2. A dedicated tuner output stays active when all the other outputs are muted. A side panel mounted 1/8” mini jack headphone amplifier is there for practicing, private noodling during boring soundchecks, or scrutinizing dubious eq decisions. Dual TRS jack send and return FX loop signals and can be configured for stereo operation or dual mono with separate FX loops for each channel.Guitar, bass, fiddle, mandolin, cello, dare we say banjo, that weird 3 string gourd thing – FELiX2 is your instrument’s new best friend. Flexible, reliable, a good listener and eager to make you sound better, FELiX2 is also your new best friend.Designed and built by family and friends in sunny Lyons, CO, USA.FEATURES:Open, musical and detailed instrument and mic preamplification for discerning artists and engineers2 channel audio path with blend output controlm101 style transimpedance microphone preamplifier, no electrolytic capacitors in the signal pathVariable Phase control on channel to for fine tuning phase between a microphone and pickupUltra precision 0.5% thin  film resistors are used in the signal pathCareful power supply design and grounding yield an ultra-quiet signal path and professional level headroom and line driving abilityFully ground isolated DI outputs with high quality, low distortion, fully shielded transformersSuper rugged 1/4” connectors with heavy duty metal bushingsNew side rails to protect control from inadvertent changes via cables or feetPowerful, independent EQ on both channels – hi and low shelving and full parametric midrangeMid frequency control has two ranges 70-880Hz / 670 – 8kHz20Hz-1kHz sweepable HPF on both channels, can also be set as notch filterA / B footswitch for multiple instrument configurations or soloing different pickupsMute/ tune footswitch mutes all outputs except dedicated tuner outBoost footswitch for variable 10dB level boost (global)DI outputs sources are configurable – Ch1 (mix or Ch1) Ch2 (mix or Ch2)Dedicated level controlled stereo stage amp output (configurable as blend or Ch2)Dedicated tuner out, remains hot when unit is mutedSide panel switches for 48V, phase, mid Hz range select, HPF/notch select, 12V and A/B mode select12V mic input power available on Ch2Phase reverse switch for each channel3 input impedance settings on each channel – Ch1 10K, 1MEG, 10MEG / Ch2 332K, 1MEG, 20MEG accommodating a wide range of pickup typesMic stand flange mount screw holes holes for putting FELiX on a mic stand1/8” stereo headphone jack, active when FELiX is mutedStereo FX loop or independent dual mono FX loopsNEW CLASS II Universal 100-240 AC power supply with standard IEC cableFull 5 year transferable warranty / built for long, happy life on the roadDesigned and built by family and friends in Lyons, CO, USA

1.632 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 136,00€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

High Fidelity Microphone Preamplifier Like the updated m801mk2, our freshly redesigned m201mk2 provides a full serving of our unique brand of audio performance. It delivers massive headroom, ultra-wide bandwidth and a very open, musical character. The fully balanced signal path has been refined, resulting in incredible dynamic range. A new power supply design provides the lowest noise performance we have ever achieved. This all means the new m201mk2 will translate a sonic picture of astonishing clarity and detail, which captures the essential character of the music being recorded. Changes over the previous design find the m201mk2 more essential and a bit more paired down. We have eliminated the A/D option as this is functionality is now best served buy our current m108 8 channel mic preamp A/D. We have eliminated the M+S matrix and a few other functions to really focused on making the finest, purist style 2 channel mic preamp we can. These refinements also serve to bring the price down to where even more recording engineers can now afford Grace Design flagship mic preamp performance. The m201mk2 will bring out the very best in your entire microphone collection. Your favorite large diaphragm mics will sound like they were intended, with detail and texture in extra measure. Your humble dynamics mics will come alive with newfound dynamics and clarity. Ribbons mics will perform their best with our exclusive ribbon mic mode, which shifts the gain range up 10dB while deactivating 48V phantom power, bypassing the decoupling capacitors and optimizing the input impedance. FREQUENCY RESPONSE: @ 20dB gain ± 3dB 150Ω source: 3.2Hz-530kHz @ 20dB gain ± 0.2dB 150Ω source: 14.8Hz-109kHz @ 40dB gain ± 3dB 150Ω source: 3.2Hz-500kHz @ 40dB gain ± 0.2dB 150Ω source: 15.4Hz-103kHz THD+N: @ 20dB gain +20dBu out, 1kHz:

2.450 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 204,17€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

SURROUND / MULTI-CHANNEL MONITOR CONTROLLER (2,1 ΜΕΧΡΙ 22,2) Για επαγγελματίες ήχου που εργάζονται σε στερεοφωνικά, surround και πολυκάναλα συστήματα έως 22,2, παρουσιάζουμε το m908. Η νέα αρχιτεκτονική του συστήματος, που σχεδιάστηκε πρόσφατα, διαθέτει μια πληθώρα νέων τεχνικών επιτευγμάτων. Με το νέο ισχυρό DSP, τους μετατροπείς AD / DA τελευταίας γενιάς και την εξαιρετική πλατφόρμα ελέγχου, το m908 παρέχει μια ολοκληρωμένη λύση παρακολούθησης για μια μεγάλη ποικιλία εργασιών. Χαρακτηριστικά: 24 ψηφιακές έξοδοι αναλογικών καναλιών I / O / 16 24 καναλιών AES3 16 είσοδοι ADAT Lightpipe σε / εισόδους 24 καναλιών USB AES3, S / PDIF και στερεοφωνικές εισόδους TOSLINK Προαιρετική μονάδα Dante ™ ή DigiLink ™ για επιπλέον 32 κανάλια εισόδου / εξόδου Προαιρετική μονάδα ADC 8 καναλιών για αναλογικές εισόδους 8 ή 16 καναλιών Η τελευταία γενιά μετατροπέων AD και DA 4η γενιά s-Lock σύστημα χρονοδιακόπτη PLL για εξαιρετικά χαμηλό jitter Έλεγχος έντασης υψηλής ευκρίνειας Ισχυρό EQ διόρθωσης του χώρου. Πλήρης δυνατότητα διαχείρισης μπάσων Επίπεδο καναλιού και βαθμονόμηση latency Πλήρης έλεγχος downmix Διαθέτει μετρητή SPL και ροζ θόρυβο Ισχυρή και διαισθητική μονάδα τηλεχειρισμού για πρόσβαση σε όλα τα συστήματα ελέγχου και βαθμονόμηση του συστήματος Διπλή εξωτερική παροχή ρεύματος Ενισχυτής ακουστικών ποιότητας αναφοράς με τροφοδοσία Ευέλικτο σύστημα συνομιλίας με ενσωματωμένο μικρόφωνο στο τηλεχειριστήριο και είσοδο μικροφώνου για εξωτερικά μικρόφωνο talkback Έως 8 στερεοφωνικές επιλογές CUE 4 είσοδοι και έξοδοι γενικής χρήσης για διασύνδεση με εξωτερικά συστήματα  

10.523 €
36 Δόσεις 363,29€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Ο Grace Design m801 MKII Microphone Preamp είναι ένα πανίσχυρο μηχάνημα με χαρακτήρα και υψηλή ποιότητα για εγγραφή στο studio σας. Το ασύγκριτο δυναμικό εύρος του σήματος, ο γλυκός και καθαρός ήχος και η απόδοση του, καθιστούν το M801 MKII έναν προ-ενισχυτή μικροφώνου πολλαπλών καναλιών που αξίζει να φέρει το όνομα της Grace Design. Αυτός ο προενισχυτής μικροφώνου κάνει την πηγή σας να ακούγεται υπέροχη και το μικρόφωνο σας να έχει έναν χαρακτήρα και μία ζεστασιά με ισορροπία και μεγάλο δυναμικό εύρος. Θα ανταμειφθείτε απο μια ηχογράφηση με εκπληκτικό βάθος και ρεαλισμό. Το νέο κύκλωμα ενισχυτή που προστέθηκε στον Grace Design m801 MKII, βελτιώνει σημαντικά την απόδοση του θορύβου σε Low-Gain, αυξάνοντας το bandwidth για βελτιωμένη απόκριση φάσης, βελτιώνοντας την RFI / EMI , και την εξάλειψη της εξωτερικής τροφοδοσίας DC. Η νέα, προσεκτικά σχεδιασμένη τροφοδοσία γενικής χρήσης διακόπτη είναι αθόρυβη, ελαφριά και λειτουργεί βολικά σε τάσεις δικτύου από 100-240VAC. Χαρακτηριστικά: Έλεγχοι μπροστινού πίνακα 24 mic input Peak meter LED δύο χρωμάτων 48V fandom power. Διακόπτης αντιστροφής φάσης -20db Pad IEC Ισχύς εισόδου, υποδοχή ασφάλειας και διακόπτης τροφοδοσίας Υποδοχή εισόδου XLR Mic Παράλληλη έξοδος XLR Απόκριση συχνότητας: @ 20dB Gain ± 3dB 150O Πηγή: 3,2Hz-530kHz @ 20dB Gain ± 0.2dB 150Ο Πηγή: 14.8Hz-109kHz @ 40dB Gain ± 3dB 150O Πηγή: 3.2Hz-500kHz @ 40dB Gain ± 0.2dB 150O Πηγή: 15.4Hz-103kHz @ 20dB Κέρδος + 20dBu Έξοδος, 1kHz:

5.440 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 453,33€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

FELiX is a studio quality, 2 channel blending acoustic instrument and mic preamp, designed for working musicians, engineers, sound companies or venues looking for the highest quality solution for amplifying stringed instruments. FELiX is built into a roadworthy (beer-resistant) floor unit chassis of anodized aluminum and steel, portable enough to leave the rack at home but bring studio quality to the stage. With the same stunning audio performance and legendary reliability as Grace Design’s pro audio range, FELiX brings open, musical and nuanced preamplification to any performance situation.A powerful eq section allows simple and intuitive tone shaping for even the most unruly of instruments. Each channel’s variable high pass filter cuts 12dB per octave from 20Hz to 1kHz, and can also be set as a notch filter for chasing down problem feedback or rumble areas. Parametric mid range controls cover from 70Hz all the way to 8KHz. While fixed low and high controls are carefully voiced for musical shading of bass and treble.Controls are simple and clearly marked on a bright panel, making them easy to read and tweak on a dark stage. Footswitch functions include a mute / tune switch for muting all outputs except the dedicated tuner out, a boost switch which activates a variable boost circuit, and finally, an A/B mode switch for when FELiX is in A/B mode (which simply toggles between the two different channels).FELiX brings the kitchen sink approach to I/O. Inputs include a 48V XLR mic input and two instrument inputs. Two independent transformer isolated DI outputs can be sourced from either the mix or the individual channel. This allows you to send the front of house a mix or each channel independently. A dedicated, level controlled amplifier output can be sourced from the mix or channel 2. A dedicated tuner output stays active when all the other outputs are muted. A side panel mounted 1/8” mini jack headphone amplifier is there for practicing, private noodling during boring soundchecks, or scrutinizing dubious eq decisions. A TRS insert is included for adding effects, and finally, a remote footswitch jack is included if FELiX is going to spend his life in a rack or up off the floor.Guitar, bass, fiddle, mandolin, cello, dare we say banjo, that weird 3 string gourd thing - FELiX is your instrument’s new best friend. Flexible, reliable, a good listener and eager to make you sound better, he is also your new best friend.Designed and built by family and friends in sunny Lyons, CO, USA.

1.270 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 105,83€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

In a few short years, FELiX and AliX have become the preamps of choice for discerning touring and recording musicians. From Banjo to bass players, they enable performers to perfect their stage and studio sound beyond what was previously possible.And now directly from this lineage comes BiX, which shares the exact same DNA of its bigger siblings, but with an intelligently streamlined feature set and a price that puts it in reach of any performer, whether on their way to the local coffee shop or the megadome.Controls are dead simple – input gain, high and low shelving EQ, and a 10dB variable boost circuit, with footswitches for mute and boost. I/O includes the instrument input, separate send and return insert jacks, an unbalanced line output, and a balanced ISO DI output on XLR. For enhanced EQ control, rear panel DIP switches select between two different transition frequencies for both High and Low controls. And BiX is pedalboard friendly, with a 9VDC power input and a compact, rugged low-profile chassis.Sonically, BiX is a carbon copy of its bigger siblings, with crystal clear, ultra-quiet audio performance. A better than 30VDC internal operating voltage provides for incredible headroom. The highs are smooth and open, and the lows are deep and rock solid. The dynamics and tone of the instrument come alive with clarity and realism, which translates to creating a deeper bond between you and your instrument.1/4" high impedance inputSeparate FX send and return1/4" unbalanced line outputBalanced XLR DI transformer iso output10dB variable boostMute and Boost footswitchesHigh and Low shelving EQSelectable EQ transition frequencies9VDC operationOver 30V internal operating voltagePedalboard friendly design5 year transferable warrantyMade in the USA

500 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 41,67€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

The Grace Design ALiX instrument preamplifier gives you studio-quality sound at your next gig. The powerful EQ controls on the ALiX allow you to sculpt the sound of any stringed instrument to perfection. Other useful features include a dedicated tuner out, a variable and footswitchable boost function, a ground-isolated DI output, and more. If you want an instrument preamp with Grace Design's stunning audio performance and legendary reliability, then you need the Grace Design ALiX instrument preamplifier.Grace Design ALiX Instrument Preamp at a Glance:Powerful EQ sectionVariable input impedance for optimized toneRugged Grace construction Powerful EQ sectionThe versatile ALiX preamp pedal will carve your signature sound via a powerful equalizer that delivers a natural and musical tone at all frequencies. You'll be able to manipulate the fixed low and high controls, a parametric midrange that covers everything from 65Hz to 6kHz, and a highpass filter that cuts 12dB per octave from 20Hz to 1kHz. The layout is simple and intuitive to use. It doesn't matter if you play guitar, bass, mandolin, fiddle, banjo, or anything else, the Grace Design ALiX instrument preamp will dial in the perfect sound. Variable input impedance for optimized toneThe Grace Design ALiX flawlessly preserves the sound of your stringed instrument with its high impedance input, making it an excellent choice as a DI box. Your live sound will revel in the same resolution and detail as Grace preamplifiers available for DI recording situations. And you'll be able to precisely match your instrument's pickup for the best sound possible by choosing from three input impedance settings. Rugged Grace constructionThe rugged construction allows discerning live performers to achieve studio-quality sound in their live situations with ALiX. The Grace Design ALiX delivers big studio sound, while the anodized aluminum and steel body withstands the rigors of the road. Take it from the Sweetwater crew - the Grace Design ALiX instrument preamp will give you years of great performance and amazing sound. Grace Design ALiX Instrument Preamp Features:Single-channel studio-grade instrument preamp with a detailed and open soundPowerful EQ controls to sculpt your sonic signaturePremium components used throughout for uncompromising soundVariable and footswitchable boost functionDI output with selectable source and output levelUltra-quiet signal path thanks to studio-quality power supply designDedicated tuner output3 input impedance settings for matching your pickup outputFully grounded DI output with high-quality transformers Get detailed and articulate studio sounds live with the single-channel Grace Design ALiX Instrument Preamp. 

1.064 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 88,67€ / μήνα

The Grace Design ALiX instrument preamplifier gives you studio-quality sound at your next gig. The powerful EQ controls on the ALiX allow you to sculpt the sound of any stringed instrument to perfection. Other useful features include a dedicated tuner out, a variable and footswitchable boost function, a ground-isolated DI output, and more. If you want an instrument preamp with Grace Design's stunning audio performance and legendary reliability, then you need the Grace Design ALiX instrument preamplifier.Grace Design ALiX Instrument Preamp at a Glance:Powerful EQ sectionVariable input impedance for optimized toneRugged Grace construction Powerful EQ sectionThe versatile ALiX preamp pedal will carve your signature sound via a powerful equalizer that delivers a natural and musical tone at all frequencies. You'll be able to manipulate the fixed low and high controls, a parametric midrange that covers everything from 65Hz to 6kHz, and a highpass filter that cuts 12dB per octave from 20Hz to 1kHz. The layout is simple and intuitive to use. It doesn't matter if you play guitar, bass, mandolin, fiddle, banjo, or anything else, the Grace Design ALiX instrument preamp will dial in the perfect sound. Variable input impedance for optimized toneThe Grace Design ALiX flawlessly preserves the sound of your stringed instrument with its high impedance input, making it an excellent choice as a DI box. Your live sound will revel in the same resolution and detail as Grace preamplifiers available for DI recording situations. And you'll be able to precisely match your instrument's pickup for the best sound possible by choosing from three input impedance settings. Rugged Grace constructionThe rugged construction allows discerning live performers to achieve studio-quality sound in their live situations with ALiX. The Grace Design ALiX delivers big studio sound, while the anodized aluminum and steel body withstands the rigors of the road. Take it from the Sweetwater crew - the Grace Design ALiX instrument preamp will give you years of great performance and amazing sound. Grace Design ALiX Instrument Preamp Features:Single-channel studio-grade instrument preamp with a detailed and open soundPowerful EQ controls to sculpt your sonic signaturePremium components used throughout for uncompromising soundVariable and footswitchable boost functionDI output with selectable source and output levelUltra-quiet signal path thanks to studio-quality power supply designDedicated tuner output3 input impedance settings for matching your pickup outputFully grounded DI output with high-quality transformers Get detailed and articulate studio sounds live with the single-channel Grace Design ALiX Instrument Preamp. 

995 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 82,92€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

High fidelity 500 series microphone preamplifier module Presenting the m501, our 500 series module version of the venerable m101 mic preamplifier.Now the signature transparency and detail of our circuit designs is available for your 500 series frame.  While the 500 series market has plenty of colored mic preamplifier options, the natural, musical clarity of the m501 makes it a welcome addition to the field.This circuit is for engineers confident with the quality of the source, mic section and placement, and wish to capture it with as little coloration or distortion as possible.The m501 module is a balanced, transformerles preamplifier, with 48V phantom, a 75Hz HPF and a 1/4” HI-Z instrument input.Also standard is our exclusive ribbon mic mode, which raises the mic input impedance, bypasses the input decoupling capacitors and deactivates 48V phantom to protect delicate ribbon mics from damage.Large diaphragm, vintage ribbon or trusty dynamic - the m501 brings out the very best in any microphone and takes the guesswork out of your input chain. Stay tuned for complete details.

990 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 82,50€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Precision stereo microphone positioning made simple, reliable and repeatable The Spacebar microphone positioner allows for precise and repeatable setting of microphone capsule spacing, angle of incidence, and rotation around the x axis. With precision scales for angle and distance engraved on the Spacebar components, it becomes easy to make perfectly measured and repeatable stereo microphone setups. As well as being able to precisely set microphones in standard stereo configurations (i.e. XY, ORTF, NOS, and AB 50cm), the Spacebar allows for exact settings through the entire continuum of angle and spacing. This allows the user to adjust the stereo microphone array and tailor the pickup field to suit virtually any recording environmentWe highly recommend The Stereophonic Zoom by Michael Williams, a technical paper that provides detailed information on the relationship between angle of incidence, capsule spacing, and the effective angle of the recorded sound field. It is a very useful reference that can greatly increase the flexibility of your stereo microphone techniques.The Stereophonic Zoom can be downloaded from: http://www.microphone-data.com/pdfs/Stereo%20zoom.pdf The Spacebar system is precision fabricated from machined aircraft aluminum, brass, and stainless steel.Each system consists of a center stand clamp, horizontal bar, and microphone holders.The SB-30 and SB-66 are both supplied with two microphone holder assemblies and an additional tall microphone holder. The taller microphone holder body can be used to raise one microphone to avoid interference if the mic spacing requires that the microphone bodies overlap.The Spacebar system comes in two versions – the SB-30 and the SB-66, which provide the following microphone spacing: model minimum spacing maximum spacing SB-30 7cm (2.75”) 26cm (10.2”) SB-66 7cm (2.75”) 61cm (24”) Also available is a hanging bar (SB-HB-30/66) for installations where the positioner is hung from above.This accessory consists of a tube which mounts to the center clamp through which the microphone cable is threaded. This enables the spacebar to be hung by the microphone cable and positioned via side mounted guide wires.See detailed photo here.The Spacebar system is precision fabricated from machined aircraft aluminum, brass, and stainless steel. If properly cared for it will last a lifetime.

390 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 32,50€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Precision stereo microphone positioning made simple, reliable and repeatable The Spacebar microphone positioner allows for precise and repeatable setting of microphone capsule spacing, angle of incidence, and rotation around the x axis.With precision scales for angle and distance engraved on the Spacebar components, it becomes easy to make perfectly measured and repeatable stereo microphone setups. As well as being able to precisely set microphones in standard stereo configurations (i.e. XY, ORTF, NOS, and AB 50cm), the Spacebar allows for exact settings through the entire continuum of angle and spacing.This allows the user to adjust the stereo microphone array and tailor the pickup field to suit virtually any recording environment We highly recommend The Stereophonic Zoom by Michael Williams, a technical paper that provides detailed information on the relationship between angle of incidence, capsule spacing, and the effective angle of the recorded sound field. It is a very useful reference that can greatly increase the flexibility of your stereo microphone techniques.The Stereophonic Zoom can be downloaded from: http://www.microphone-data.com/pdfs/Stereo%20zoom.pdf The Spacebar system is precision fabricated from machined aircraft aluminum, brass, and stainless steel.Each system consists of a center stand clamp, horizontal bar, and microphone holders.The SB-30 and SB-66 are both supplied with two microphone holder assemblies and an additional tall microphone holder. The taller microphone holder body can be used to raise one microphone to avoid interference if the mic spacing requires that the microphone bodies overlap.The Spacebar system comes in two versions – the SB-30 and the SB-66, which provide the following microphone spacing: model minimum spacing maximum spacing SB-30 7cm (2.75”) 26cm (10.2”) SB-66 7cm (2.75”) 61cm (24”) Also available is a hanging bar (SB-HB-30/66) for installations where the positioner is hung from above.This accessory consists of a tube which mounts to the center clamp through which the microphone cable is threaded. This enables the spacebar to be hung by the microphone cable and positioned via side mounted guide wires.See detailed photo here.The Spacebar system is precision fabricated from machined aircraft aluminum, brass, and stainless steel. If properly cared for it will last a lifetime.

495 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 41,25€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Precision stereo microphone positioning made simple, reliable and repeatable The Spacebar microphone positioner allows for precise and repeatable setting of microphone capsule spacing, angle of incidence, and rotation around the x axis.With precision scales for angle and distance engraved on the Spacebar components, it becomes easy to make perfectly measured and repeatable stereo microphone setups. As well as being able to precisely set microphones in standard stereo configurations (i.e. XY, ORTF, NOS, and AB 50cm), the Spacebar allows for exact settings through the entire continuum of angle and spacing.This allows the user to adjust the stereo microphone array and tailor the pickup field to suit virtually any recording environment We highly recommend The Stereophonic Zoom by Michael Williams, a technical paper that provides detailed information on the relationship between angle of incidence, capsule spacing, and the effective angle of the recorded sound field. It is a very useful reference that can greatly increase the flexibility of your stereo microphone techniques.The Stereophonic Zoom can be downloaded from: http://www.microphone-data.com/pdfs/Stereo%20zoom.pdf The Spacebar system is precision fabricated from machined aircraft aluminum, brass, and stainless steel.Each system consists of a center stand clamp, horizontal bar, and microphone holders.The SB-30 and SB-66 are both supplied with two microphone holder assemblies and an additional tall microphone holder. The taller microphone holder body can be used to raise one microphone to avoid interference if the mic spacing requires that the microphone bodies overlap.The Spacebar system comes in two versions – the SB-30 and the SB-66, which provide the following microphone spacing: model minimum spacing maximum spacing SB-30 7cm (2.75”) 26cm (10.2”) SB-66 7cm (2.75”) 61cm (24”) Also available is a hanging bar (SB-HB-30/66) for installations where the positioner is hung from above.This accessory consists of a tube which mounts to the center clamp through which the microphone cable is threaded. This enables the spacebar to be hung by the microphone cable and positioned via side mounted guide wires.See detailed photo here.The Spacebar system is precision fabricated from machined aircraft aluminum, brass, and stainless steel. If properly cared for it will last a lifetime.

625 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 52,08€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Το νέο m103 της Grace είναι ένα από τα καλύτερα channel strips ανεξαρτήτως τιμής για όλα τα είδη ηχογράφησης. Προσφέρει ένα προενισχυτή μικροφώνου, ένα ισοσταθμιστή και ένα compressor, όλα στη γνωστή ποιότητα της Grace. Το κανάλι ξεκινά με το γνωστό και δοκιμασμένο m101 με κύκλωμα transformerless microphone preamplifier. Δυναμική περιοχή, λεπτομέρεια, διαύγεια, μουσικότητα… όλα είναι εκεί, συν ρύθμιση για μικρόφωνο ταινίας ribbon, καθώς και φίλτρο  75Hz HPF και 48V phantom.Ο τομέας του EQ τριών περιοχών βασίζεται σε σχεδίαση  «single stage parallel tuning architecture» η οποία ελαχιστοποιεί τη διαδρομή του σήματος με αποτέλεσμα τη μουσικότητα στις τονικές ρυθμίσεις σε όλο το συχνοτικό φάσμα. Στα ρυθμιστικά ελέγχου περιλαμβάνεται πλήρης παραμετρικός έλεγχος στη μεσαία περιοχή και shelving ή peak φίλτρα στις χαμηλές και υψηλές περιοχές.Ο compressor βασίζεται σε οπτικό κύκλωμα, τον καθαρότερο, υψηλής πιστότητας μηχανισμό ελέγχου δυναμικών που υπάρχει. Παρέχει από ελαφρύ limiting έως και ακραίο compression παραμένοντας ουδέτερος και διαφανής.Αντίστοιχες είσοδοι επιτρέπουν την ανεξάρτητη πρόσβαση στο τμήμα προενίσχυσης και EQ/COMP, ενώ η σειρά EQ/COMP αντιστρέφεται με διακόπτη. Ο compressor μπορεί να συνδεθεί με άλλο m103 για stereo χρήση. Τι άλλο να ζητήσει κανείς ;;;     

2.950 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 245,83€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Για πολλούς ο καλύτερος προενισχυτής μικροφώνων σε παραγωγή ο m802 βασίζεται στον περίφημο προενισχυτή model 801R που αντικαθιστά, τον οποίο οι καλύτεροι τεχνικοί ήχου στη μουσική βιομηχανία , στον κινηματογράφο, το P/A αλλά και μουσικές σχολές χρησιμοποιούν επί χρόνια για την υψηλή του απόδοση και την αξιοπιστία του. O νέος προενισχυτής m802 έχει πολλές σημαντικές αναβαθμίσεις που όχι μόνο το διαχωρίζουν από τον αγαπημένο του προκάτοχο, αλλά και από οποιονδήποτε άλλο προενισχυτή μικροφώνου υψηλής απόδοσης υπάρχει. Ο m802 μπορεί να ελεγχθεί απευθείας από συστήματα ProTools, συμβατά controller και άλλα midi hardware αλλά και απο τον δικό του controller μέχρι αποστάσεως 1Km. 

6.250 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 520,83€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

FELiX is a studio quality, 2 channel blending acoustic instrument and mic preamp, designed for working musicians, engineers, sound companies or venues looking for the highest quality solution for amplifying stringed instruments. FELiX is built into a roadworthy (beer-resistant) floor unit chassis of anodized aluminum and steel, portable enough to leave the rack at home but bring studio quality to the stage. With the same stunning audio performance and legendary reliability as Grace Design’s pro audio range, FELiX brings open, musical and nuanced preamplification to any performance situation.A powerful eq section allows simple and intuitive tone shaping for even the most unruly of instruments. Each channel’s variable high pass filter cuts 12dB per octave from 20Hz to 1kHz, and can also be set as a notch filter for chasing down problem feedback or rumble areas. Parametric mid range controls cover from 70Hz all the way to 8KHz. While fixed low and high controls are carefully voiced for musical shading of bass and treble.Controls are simple and clearly marked on a bright panel, making them easy to read and tweak on a dark stage. Footswitch functions include a mute / tune switch for muting all outputs except the dedicated tuner out, a boost switch which activates a variable boost circuit, and finally, an A/B mode switch for when FELiX is in A/B mode (which simply toggles between the two different channels).FELiX brings the kitchen sink approach to I/O. Inputs include a 48V XLR mic input and two instrument inputs. Two independent transformer isolated DI outputs can be sourced from either the mix or the individual channel. This allows you to send the front of house a mix or each channel independently. A dedicated, level controlled amplifier output can be sourced from the mix or channel 2. A dedicated tuner output stays active when all the other outputs are muted. A side panel mounted 1/8” mini jack headphone amplifier is there for practicing, private noodling during boring soundchecks, or scrutinizing dubious eq decisions. A TRS insert is included for adding effects, and finally, a remote footswitch jack is included if FELiX is going to spend his life in a rack or up off the floor.Guitar, bass, fiddle, mandolin, cello, dare we say banjo, that weird 3 string gourd thing - FELiX is your instrument’s new best friend. Flexible, reliable, a good listener and eager to make you sound better, he is also your new best friend.Designed and built by family and friends in sunny Lyons, CO, USA.

1.270 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 105,83€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

The m905 is our second generation stereo monitor controller, engineered from the ground up to provide unrivaled audio playback performance with a comprehensive and intuitive feature set.Included are all requisite professional audio inputs and outputs, both analog and digital, with an asynchronous USB input for jitter free 24/192 computer playback. Outputs include 3 stereo speaker sets, two subwoofer, and our reference headphone amplifier.The remote is powerful, clean and ergonomic. It includes a headphone output, talkback microphone, and dedicated real time SPL meter. Controls are designed so that anyone unfamiliar with the system can operate it immediately and intuitively, then with a minimal time investment advanced setup and calibration features are accessed and programmed with ease.The m905 offers more monitoring management features than any current monitor controller. But its true essence is as the most sonically reliable and innate centerpiece available for your studio – homebase for your ears, eyes and hands.Χαρακτηριστικά: Analog inputs - unbalanced, balanced, CUE, talkback mic (additional balanced input available on the m905 Analog)Digital inputs - 2x AES3 (Single or dual-wire), 1 S/PDIF, 1 TOSLINK, ADAT (selectable in 4 pairs, or 2 pairs in S/MUX), USB, DSD128 (5.6448MHz)Audio circuitry designed for completely transparent and musical playback performanceAsynchronous Class 2 USB playback supports up to 24 bit/192kHzMastering quality DAC circuitry with configurable de-emphasis filteringHybrid RCU with hardware switches, large level encoder and graphical LCDLCD display shows input, level, output, SPL and DAC status plus a full calibration menuRCU includes built in microphone for talkback and onboard SPL meterSPL meter features include level, peak, fast and slow modes, A & C weightingPrecision .5 dB step level control for speakers and headphonesReference headphone amplifier circuitry, with outputs on both the RCU and ACUDedicated mono, dim, mute and sub mute switchesMono mode can be set to L+R summed, L only in both channels, or R only in both channels L solo, R solo, L-R and sub solo modes are available3 available stereo speaker outputs, with two assignable mono sub outputs (or single stereo sub output)Multi-mode SUB/ DAC/ METER outSUB out mode for stereo or multiple mono subwoofer outputsDAC out mode for a fixed DAC output fed by the selected digital inputMETER out mode fed by selected input signal (digital or analog), configurable with a fixed level or to follow the monitor levelDetachable RCU tilt base

5.000 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 416,67€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Analog only version of the famous m905The m905 is our second generation stereo monitor controller, engineered from the ground up to provide unrivaled audio playback performance with a comprehensive and intuitive feature set.Included are all requisite professional audio inputs and outputs, both analog and digital, with an asynchronous USB input for jitter free 24/192 computer playback. Outputs include 3 stereo speaker sets, two subwoofer, and our reference headphone amplifier.The remote is powerful, clean and ergonomic. It includes a headphone output, talkback microphone, and dedicated real time SPL meter. Controls are designed so that anyone unfamiliar with the system can operate it immediately and intuitively, then with a minimal time investment advanced setup and calibration features are accessed and programmed with ease.The m905 offers more monitoring management features than any current monitor controller. But its true essence is as the most sonically reliable and innate centerpiece available for your studio – homebase for your ears, eyes and hands.

3.937 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 328,08€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

The m905 is our second generation stereo monitor controller, engineered from the ground up to provide unrivaled audio playback performance with a comprehensive and intuitive feature set.Included are all requisite professional audio inputs and outputs, both analog and digital, with an asynchronous USB input for jitter free 24/192 computer playback. Outputs include 3 stereo speaker sets, two subwoofer, and our reference headphone amplifier.The remote is powerful, clean and ergonomic. It includes a headphone output, talkback microphone, and dedicated real time SPL meter. Controls are designed so that anyone unfamiliar with the system can operate it immediately and intuitively, then with a minimal time investment advanced setup and calibration features are accessed and programmed with ease.The m905 offers more monitoring management features than any current monitor controller. But its true essence is as the most sonically reliable and innate centerpiece available for your studio – homebase for your ears, eyes and hands.

5.000 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 416,67€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Το m906 προσφέρει πληθώρα balanced και unbalanced 5.1 αναλογικών, ψηφιακών και στέρεο εισόδων , οι τελευταίες δε χαρακτηρίζονται από τεχνολογία τελευταίας γενιάς 24/192 DAC. Όλες οι είσοδοι και έξοδοι μπορούν να καλιμπραριστούν από τον χρήστη ώστε να έχουν τη μέγιστη δυνατή απόδοση με οποιοδήποτε μέσο αναπαραγωγής και σε οποιοδήποτε περιβάλλον.Το m906 αποτελείται από μια κεντρική μονάδα 2U που ελέγχεται από ένα εύχρηστο remote controller. Ως standard feature περιλαμβάνεται το φημισμένο m902 κύκλωμα ενίσχυσης ακουστικών με μια έξοδο στην κεντρική μονάδα και μια επιπλέον έξοδο στο remote.Αυτό το κύκλωμα παρέχει αληθινή audiophile ενίσχυση ακουστικών για υψηλής ποιότητας monitor mixing και quality control. 

6.750 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 562,50€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Με 25 χρόνια εμπειρίας σε δημιουργία hi-end μηχανημάτων, o  Grace Design m108 είναι ένας νέος  οκτακάναλος προενισχυτής μικροφώνων και ταυτόχρονα οκτακάναλος μετατροπέας A/D σε συνδιασμό με πολλαπλά ψηφιακά φορμά εξόδου όπως USB, Dante αλλά και δικάναλο D/A  !  Δηλαδή περιλαμβάνει οτιδήποτε ζητάει ένα σύγχρονο studio για ηχογραφήσεις πολύ υψηλής ποιότητας ταυτόχρονα με στέρεο monitoring. Ο  Grace Design m108  είναι πάρα πολύ έυκολος στην λειτουργία μέσα απο ένα εύχρηστο menu. Επιλογές όπως 48V phantom power, phase reverse, channel grouping,meter peak, channel gain settings, metering, peak status κλπ  διαχειρίζονται μέσα απο ένα  καθαρό OLED screen Στην αρχική του μορφή μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί σαν mic preamp / ADC αλλά με τα ενσωματωμένα  serial και  MIDI control, ο  m108  μπορεί να ενσωματωθεί σε μεγαλύτερα remote συατήματα και να ελέγχεται είτε απο τον μεγαλύτερο αδελφό του τον  m802 η απο σύστημα Protools™.   Το optional DANTE™  πρωτόκολο του επιτρέπει να ενσωματώνεται σε νέα δίκτυα μέσω Ethernet και συνεργασία με πολλά άλλα συστήματα.            ΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΙΣΤΙΚΑ 8 channels of balanced analog preamp outputs 8 channels of transparent, musical mic preamplier Wide gain range: -8 to 74dB Ribbon mic mode 8 channels of 192kHz ADC outputs via AES, ADAT and USB Class 2 / External Word clock in and out Reference DAC and headphone amplier for low-latency monitoring of channel pairs or USB playback from a computer Channel 1 & 2 HI-Z inputs on front panel High contrast, wide viewing angle OLED display for all system parameters and setup menu Combination RS 485/422 serial / MIDI ports for control from existing m802 RCU or Protools™ RJ45 Ethernet port for network control Expansion slot for optional Audinate / DANTE™ network audio card Cooling fan for reliable operation in the harshest environments Built in 100-240VAC universal AC power supply 5 year transferrable warranty Made in the USA

4.440 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 370,00€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Προενισχυτής μικροφώνου - DI  πολύ υψηλής ποιότητας , o m101 είναι το άκρως επιθυμητό και ταυτόχρονα οικονομικό μοντέλο από την σειρά  της Grace Design.Χρησιμοποιεί την ίδια γρήγορη μουσική, διάφανη, σχεδιαστική αρχιτεκτονική όπως τα μοντέλα 801 και 201, αλλά είναι φτιαγμένο και τιμολογημένο έτσι ώστε να βρίσκεται κοντά στην οικονομική δυνατότητα οποιουδήποτε ηχολήπτη, μουσικού και studio.Με τα εντυπωσιακά καινούργια χαρακτηριστικά του, το m101 μπορεί να θεωρηθεί ένας απο τούς καλύτερους προενισχυτές μικροφώνου ανεξαρτήτου τιμής. Με χαρακτηρηστικά που βρίσκει κάποιος μόνο σε εξωτικούς και πανάκριβους προενισχυτές όπως  χρήση μεταλλικών πυκνωτών ακρίβειας  0.5% , τον 12 θέσεων επίχρυσο περιστρεφόμενο διακόπτη έντασης, ενσωματωμένο universal AC input, αποκλειστική ρύθμιση για μικρόφωνα RIBBON, 10-75 db gain  και η εικόνα γίνεται σαφής: Είναι ένας απολύτως επαγγελματικός, ακριβής προενισχυτής μικροφώνου τελευταίας τεχνολογίας.Όλα αυτά στην ίδια προσιτή τιμή του αρχικού model 101.Ένας πραγματικά κορυφαίος προενισχυτής / DI  με εξαιρετικές κριτικές διεθνώς.> Με  ρύθμιση για μικρόφωνα Ribbon 12 θέσεων επίχρυσο περιστρεφόμενο διακόπτη έντασης Με μικρομετρική ρύθμιση στάθμης 10-75 db gain 

1.100 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 91,67€ / μήνα
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Ο νέος m900 είναι ένας φορητός ενισχυτής ακουστικών / DAC / προενισχυτής, σχεδιασμένος για να παρέχει στους επαγγελματίες ηχολήπτες, Mastering Engineers καθώς και τους λάτρεις της μουσικής,  λεπτομέρεια, ανάλυση και διαφάνεια στην αναπαραγωγή του ήχου μέσω ψηφιακών πηγών USB, S/PDIF ή TOSLINK ενώ ταυτόχρονα παρέχει την ίδια ποιότητα ήχου σε αναλογικό και ψηφιακό επίπεδο με τα μεγαλύτερα και ακριβότερα μοντέλα DAC/Preamps,  αλλά σε μια ανθεκτική, φορητή και εκπληκτικά προσιτή σε τιμή συσκευή με την υπογραφή της Grace Design.Το DAC m900 χρησιμοποιεί το τελευταίας γενιάς τσιπ AKM 4490, το οποίο διαθέτει επεξεργαστή 32 bit και δειγματοληψία Sample Rate έως και 384kHz PC ή 256x DSD. Η σύνδεση USB λειτουργεί σε ασύγχρονη λειτουργία, επιτρέποντας στο m900 να είναι το master clock, με αποτέλεσμα να υπάρχει πολύ χαμηλότερο Jitter ενώ οι είσοδοι S/PDIF και Toslink  επιτρέπουν στο m900 να βελτιώνει τον ήχο σε οποιαδήποτε σύνδεση ψηφιακών πηγών.Ένας έξυπνος σχεδιασμός παροχής ηλεκτρικού ρεύματος επιτρέπει δύο λειτουργίες ισχύος - χαμηλή και υψηλή. Η λειτουργία χαμηλής κατανάλωσης ισχύος είναι από την υποδοχή USB #1, η οποία παρέχει την απαραίτητη ισχύ μαζί με δεδομένα, επιτρέποντας στο m900 να λειτουργεί με μία μόνο σύνδεση στον υπολογιστή σας. Η λειτουργία υψηλής ισχύος είναι διαθέσιμη συνδέοντας την τροφοδοσία DC 5V,2A USB με την υποδοχή USB #2, η οποία παρέχει πρόσθετη ισχύ για την οδήγηση ακουστικών υψηλής ομικής αντίστασης.Ο m900 διαθέτει υψηλή αντίσταση στην είσοδο του και χαμηλή αντίσταση στην έξοδο του με αποτέλεσμα να μπορεί να τροφοδοτήσει επαρκώς την πλειοψηφία των ακουστικών του εμπορίου (από 4 ohm μέχρι 600 ohm ). Η παραμόρφωση του ενισχυτή σε ολόκληρο το ακουστικό φάσμα είναι εξαιρετικά χαμηλή, καθώς και το ποσοστό σήματος / θορύβου (signal to noise ratio) είναι καταπληκτικό.Μετά από πολλά χρόνια εμπειρίας και σχεδίασης DAC & Eνισχυτών Aκουστικών, η Grace Design με το m900 κατάφερε να αποδώσει το καλύτερο ηχητικό της αποτέλεσμα σε μια μικρή, ανθεκτική και απλή συσκευή. Με το m900 o χρόνος σας στο στούντιο, στο γραφείο ή στο δρόμο, θα σας φέρει πιο κοντά στη μουσική που αγαπάτε. Χαρακτηριστικά:USB, S/PDIF and Toslink digital inputs, supports up to 192kHz (Toslink up to 96kHz)Asynchronous USB interface for jitter free computer audio playback, supports up to 384kHz PCM and 256x DSDDual zero ohm output impedance headphone outputsUnbalanced level controlled outputs via RCA for connecting to a stereo monitor systemCompact, portable chassis perfect for travel, desktop or studioLow power mode via USB Bus powerHigh power mode via included USB 2A power supply4 different DAC filter settings to tailor playback performance to personal preferenceSimple user setup menu for setup and calibration7 segment LED display displays level and setup menu informationLarge rotary encoder for volume control and setup menu navigationMade in Lyons, CO USA5 year transferable Warranty

895 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 74,58€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας
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