Kali Audio
Όλα τα προϊόντα Kali Audio
Bluetooth Module for Your Studio Monitors The Kali Audio MV-BT transforms your studio monitors into Bluetooth speakers, and makes streaming reference tracks from your smart device a breeze. This Bluetooth input module includes balanced XLR and TRS outputs for connecting to your studio rig. A large, weighted knob controls the volume of your playback device, while the aptX codec ensures high-quality Bluetooth transmission. The MV-BT is an elegant solution for piping audio from a Bluetooth-capable device to your monitors — no wires necessary. Use your favorite streaming service for reference Getting audio from your Bluetooth-capable smart device to your studio monitors has always been a hassle. But, thanks to the Kali Audio MV-BT that’s no longer the case. Just connect the MV-BT to your studio rig via its XLR outputs, then pair your device by pressing the Kali logo on its top panel. At Sweetwater, we appreciate the convenience of being able to fire up our favorite streaming service and use it for a mix reference. Kali Audio MV-BT Features: Bluetooth input module with balanced output Transforms your studio monitors into Bluetooth speakers Balanced XLR and TRS outputs for connecting to your studio rig Large, weighted knob controls the volume of your playback device aptX codec ensures high-quality Bluetooth transmission
Kali's IN-8 2nd Wave is one of the most innovative studio monitors ever made. Combining the natural advantages of a 3D design with a surreal display of a coaxial mid-range and Tweeter, it offers more transparency, lower distortion and a soundstage that must be heard to be believed.Power. Detail. Soundstage.The IN-8 2nd Wave Studio Monitor is a speaker like no other. Using the same Woofer and Tweeter from Kali's famous LP-8, the IN-8 2nd Wave adds a mid-range driver that surrounds the Tweeter and acts as its waveguide.That way, both Tweeter and Woofer are stocked. with less workload, are able to play cleaner and with less distortion.The coaxial nature of the medium and the Tweeter makes the IN-8 2nd Wave audio point source. This eliminates the deviation from the pod axis, resulting in a stereo sound stage that presents the listener with a super-realistic level of detail.All of this means that the IN-8 2nd Wave is extremely accurate and easy to mix, and that the blends made in the IN-8 will be wonderfully transferred to other systems.ImagingWe continue to talk about the "surreal" depiction of the IN-8 2nd Wave. What does this mean?When you listen to a stereo speaker set, you hear information about where the instruments and players were placed when the material was recorded. Even with purely digital material, producers can manipulate the physical locations of the elements in the mix, and you will hear them in a stereo recording.Not only does this allow producers to create interesting spatial effects, but it also means that you can work faster and with more confidence. An accurate audio track lets you see every element of the mix in front of you, so you can hear exactly what happens when you make changes.2-way systems with good waveguides, such as Kali's LP-6 and LP-8, do a good job of transmitting this spatial information. However, because the tweeters and woofers on these speakers (and most studio monitors!) Are separate, this information is lost in the space just above and below the speaker. This means that in the listening position, you do not hear the full stereo image.IN-8 solves this problem. The tweeter and the middle section share an audio center and the Woofer traverses 330 Hz, so the distance between the Woofer and the medium size is much less than a quarter of the wavelength at the junction. This means that the IN-8 is an acoustic point source. Therefore, it has the same excellent directionality that the LP-6 and LP-8 have on their sides at a full 360 degrees around the speaker. You listen to all the space information in the listening position, so the sound scene you hear will have every detail in the mix.ClarityThe total harmonic distortion of the IN-8 is less than 1.4%, which is excellent. This is the result of both Woofer and Tweeter unloading, so they both do less work. The Woofer is clocked at 330 Hz, 2.5 octaves lower than the LP-8.Tweeter traverses at 3000 Hz, almost an octave higher than the LP-8. Take up space between the hero of the IN-8 system: the 4-inch, optimized mid-profile driver profile. This guide has a lot of work to do. In addition to playing the midrange, it also acts as a waveguide for Tweeter. This means that the shape must be precisely constructed to provide an ideal dispersion characteristic of Tweeter.It also means that the medium intervals must remain stationary. In many other coaxial or concentric systems, the large deviation from the larger guide causes a distortion of the body and degrades the accuracy of the system. The midline in the IN-8 2nd Wave is limited to a top deflection of less than 1 millimeter, making the headset stagnant while still providing mid-range to keep up with the powerful woofer and Tweeter.Easy useMarginal EQ controlThe given speaker position in a room can drastically change the frequency response. A speaker mounted against a wall or desk will sound very different from a speaker mounted on a stand, even in a well-crafted space. Hard surfaces such as walls, desktops, and recording consoles can alter the screen's low-frequency response and degrade overall sound clarity.Fortunately, most of the common positions are quite predictable and easily corrected.Kali's team did the Boundary EQ tuning at The Village Studios in Los Angeles and found EQ settings for offsetting to help you get the perfect sound for where to place your speakers.Combined with the LF and HF fins, this will ensure that the speakers sound better, regardless of the room in which you mix or where the speakers are placed.
Kali Audio WS-6.2 Αυτοενισχυόμενο Subwoofer 6,5” 400W RMS Black+ΔΩΡΟ 1 Τεμάχιο EQ Acoustics Classic Wedge 60 Ηχοαπορροφητικό Πάνελ Αφρού !!Το WS-6.2 είναι ένα ενεργό studio subwoofer με δύο οριζόντια αντίθετα woofers 6,5 ιντσών. Καταλαμβάνοντας λιγότερο από το μισό χώρο των subwoofers συγκρίσιμης απόδοσης, είναι ιδανικό για στερεοφωνικές ρυθμίσεις μίξης όπου ο χώρος είναι υψηλός.Το WS-6.2 είναι προσαρμοσμένο για να είναι συνοδευτικό για τα monitors της σειράς LP και IN-Series της Kali, αλλά θα ενσωματωθεί επίσης καλά με σχεδόν οποιοδήποτε ζευγάρι studio monitors.Μικρό μέγεθος, τεράστιος ήχοςΤο WS-6.2 είναι ελαφρώς μεγαλύτερο από ένα studio monitor 8 ιντσών, καθιστώντας το την τέλεια επιλογή για να το τοποθετήσετε κάτω από το γραφείο σας ή σε άλλους στενούς χώρους. Τα οριζόντια αντίθετα woofers στο WS-6.2 έχουν τόση περιοχή ακτινοβολίας με ένα woofer 10 ιντσών, αλλά σε πολύ μικρότερη συσκευασία.Ως πρόσθετο πλεονέκτημα, η διαμόρφωση των woofers ακυρώνει τους καθαρούς κραδασμούς, έτσι ώστε το subwoofer να μην χτυπάει, να βουίζει ή να κροταλίζει, ακόμη και σε υψηλά SPL.IO & ControlΜε 120 dB max SPL, το WS-6.2 θα είναι υπεραρκετό για τις περισσότερες στερεοφωνικές ρυθμίσεις και θα λειτουργεί καλά και σε μικρές πολυκαναλικές ρυθμίσεις. Εάν χρειάζονται περισσότερα SPL, μπορεί να προστεθεί ένα δεύτερο WS-6.2 χωρίς να καταλαμβάνει πολύ χώρο. Μπορείτε επίσης να δείτε τη χρήση του μεγαλύτερου subwoofer WS-12.Το WS-6.2 διαθέτει ισορροπημένες εισόδους για καλώδια XLR ή TRS, καθώς και μη ισορροπημένες εισόδους RCA.Μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε το crossover 80 Hz εάν χρησιμοποιείτε το subwoofer για να επεκτείνετε την απόκριση χαμηλού επιπέδου των monitors σας, να χρησιμοποιήσετε τη λειτουργία LFE για να τροφοδοτήσετε το subwoofer ένα αποκλειστικό κανάλι LFE ή να απενεργοποιήσετε το crossover και να χρησιμοποιήσετε ένα εξωτερικό crossover για μεγαλύτερη προσαρμογή. Το crossover 80 Hz προορίζεται για χρήση με studio monitors της Kali, αλλά θα λειτουργήσει καλά με monitors από τους πιο δημοφιλείς κατασκευαστές.Όταν χρησιμοποιείτε το crossover 80 Hz, το σήμα υψηλής διέλευσης θα σταλεί μέσω των εξόδων XLR. Το WS-6.2 διαθέτει υποδοχή ποδοδιακόπτη που θα σας επιτρέψει να απενεργοποιήσετε το subwoofer και οι έξοδοι XLR θα στείλουν σήμα πλήρους εμβέλειας στα studio monitors. Οι ποδοδιακόπτες πωλούνται χωριστά και διατίθενται στα περισσότερα καταστήματα λιανικής μουσικής.PORT TUBEΌπως τα monitors πλήρους εμβέλειας της Kali Audio, το WS-6.2 περιλαμβάνει ένα port tube πυροδότησης εμπρός που αποτρέπει τον θόρυβο και τη συμπίεση.Στους περισσότερους port tubes, ο αέρας φεύγει με διαφορετικές ταχύτητες από διαφορετικά σημεία του ανοίγματος, δημιουργώντας θορυβώδεις αναταράξεις. Αυτή η αναταραχή μπορεί να ακουστεί ως “τσούφισμα” ή ένας ηχητικός ήχος αέρα που προέρχεται από την οθόνη. Αυτός ο ήχος θα προσθέσει το επίπεδο θορύβου και θα κρύψει τις λεπτομέρειες του χαμηλού άκρου.Ο port tube στο WS-6.2 σχεδιάστηκε για να διασφαλίζει ότι όλος ο αέρας φεύγει από τον σωλήνα θύρας με την ίδια ταχύτητα. Αυτό συμβάλλει στην απόκριση χαμηλού επιπέδου του ηχείου, ενώ διατηρεί τα μπάσα καθαρά, σφιχτά και χωρίς επιπλέον θόρυβο.
Kali Audio LP UNF Studio Monitor 4,5” (Ζεύγος)Το LP-UNF είναι το μικρότερο πιο συμπαγές studio monitor που έχουμε ποτέ, που αποτελείται από ένα woofer 4,5″ και χρησιμοποιεί το ίδιο tweeter και 3D κυματοδηγό με τις εξαιρετικά επιτυχημένα monitor LP-6. Το LP-UNF παράγει απίστευτη λεπτομέρεια και ακρίβεια και παρά το μικρό του μέγεθος, το LP-UNF είναι ικανό να παράγει τεράστια χαμηλά επίπεδα! Το LP-UNF είναι μια τέλεια λύση για μικρά δωμάτια ή με περιορισμένο χώρο γραφείου που αναζητούν monitor που να παρέχει ουδέτερη απόκριση συχνότητας, επιτρέποντάς τους έτσι να ακούν τη μουσική τους όπως προβλέπεται.Ultra-Detailed. Ultra-Accurate. Ultra-Nearfield.Το LP-UNF προορίζεται να σας προσφέρει όλα όσα χρειάζεστε από ένα studio monitor, σε ένα πακέτο που μπορείτε να ρυθμίσετε οπουδήποτε. Ειδικά κατασκευασμένο για desktop mixing, το LP-UNF προσφέρει κρυστάλλινο ήχο πλήρους εύρους και μια σταθερή στερεοφωνική εικόνα που δεν θέτει σε κίνδυνο την έξοδο ή την επέκταση.Kali Audio WS-6.2 Αυτοενισχυόμενο Subwoofer 6,5” 400W RMS Black (Τεμάχιο)Το WS-6.2 είναι ένα ενεργό studio subwoofer με δύο οριζόντια αντίθετα woofers 6,5 ιντσών. Καταλαμβάνοντας λιγότερο από το μισό χώρο των subwoofers συγκρίσιμης απόδοσης, είναι ιδανικό για στερεοφωνικές ρυθμίσεις μίξης όπου ο χώρος είναι υψηλός.Το WS-6.2 είναι προσαρμοσμένο για να είναι συνοδευτικό για τα monitors της σειράς LP και IN-Series της Kali, αλλά θα ενσωματωθεί επίσης καλά με σχεδόν οποιοδήποτε ζευγάρι studio monitors.Μικρό μέγεθος, τεράστιος ήχοςΤο WS-6.2 είναι ελαφρώς μεγαλύτερο από ένα studio monitor 8 ιντσών, καθιστώντας το την τέλεια επιλογή για να το τοποθετήσετε κάτω από το γραφείο σας ή σε άλλους στενούς χώρους. Τα οριζόντια αντίθετα woofers στο WS-6.2 έχουν τόση περιοχή ακτινοβολίας με ένα woofer 10 ιντσών, αλλά σε πολύ μικρότερη συσκευασία.
Ultra-Detailed. Ultra-Accurate. Ultra-Nearfield.The LP-UNF is meant to give you everything you need from a studio monitor, in a package that you can set up anywhere. Specifically made for desktop mixing, the LP-UNF delivers crystal clear full range audio and a rock solid stereo image that doesn’t compromise on output or extension.The LP-UNF is specifically designed for your desk, no matter how else you’re using your desk. Reflections from the drivers to the desk to your ears are accounted for, giving you a perfectly clear picture of your mix that you can rely on to translate well. The LP-UNF has specific settings to let you use it:On stands behind your desk,On a desk, away from walls,On a desk, against a wall,On a desk, on speaker stands, away from walls,On a desk, on speaker stands, against a wallOn a recording desk with rack units, away from walls,On a recording desk with rack units, against a wall.The LP-UNF uses much of the same technology as Kali’s best-selling LP-6 and LP-8 V2 speakers. A 3-D imaging waveguide is employed to create a detailed, lifelike stereo image where all of the elements of the mix can be clearly perceived in space.The large front-firing port tube uses a unique. fluid dynamics derived shape that eliminates port noise and compression. This allows you to place the speakers against walls without worrying about adverse effects on the port’s performance.Despite its small size, the LP-UNF’s high-excursion 4.5-Inch woofer packs plenty of punch, extending down to 39 Hz and allowing less than 2% distortion on the low end.
Kali Audio LP-8 2nd Wave Studio Monitor 8″ 100W RMS Black+GIFT 1 Piece EQ Acoustics Classic Wedge 60 Sound Absorbing Foam Panel !!Kali's famous LP-8 studio monitors have just received a major upgrade. With improvements in noise level, output level, frequency response and distortion, the 2nd Wave of Project Lone Pine are the best monitors you can buyTransparency. Clarity. Accuracy.Kali Audio's Lone Pine Series studio monitors are designed to let you hear every detail happening in your mix.This starts with an extremely accurate frequency response. Whatever's in your mix is what you'll hear on these monitors. Nothing is boosted or suppressed to cover up flaws or try to sound more pleasing.With the LP-6 and LP-8, you can mix with more confidence, and you can also be sure that your mix will translate as well as possible to whatever systems your audience is using. The 2nd Wave goes even further, using a more powerful DSP for an even flatter frequency response at the top end.3-D Imaging WaveguideHear 3D sound from a stereo pair of speakersDouble layer voice coilLarge diameter voice coil allows for low distortion and high dynamic range.Low Noise Port TubePrecisely designed using airflow simulations for powerful bass without port noise.LPs have always been praised for their accuracy, and we're happy to share that the 2nd Wave releases make small but noticeable improvements in this regard, particularly at the top end.Full resolution measurement data is available below.Kali Audio defines a listening distance as the maximum distance at which speakers can play continuously at 85 dB while maintaining 20 dB of dynamic headroom.This means that anywhere within this listening distance, you can listen for long periods of time at reference volume, and momentary peaks such as bass drops or boom effects will come through clearly and with minimal distortion. The LP-6 has enough output for most 1-2 person setups and the LP-8 can handle larger setups with ease. Full output specifications, along with maximum listening distances, can be found in our user manual.The bass in the LP series monitors is provided by larger magnets and larger voice coils than any comparable speakers on the market. This gives you more accurate bass response that extends lower so you can hear exactly the low end sound you need. The bass response isn't boosted or exaggerated, but you can be sure you're hearing the bass you've got in the track.Protective limiters prevent harmful voltage from ever reaching the drivers, so there's no risk of these speakers blowing up. These have been updated for the 2nd wave, allowing 3dB higher output. It uses 40W for the 1″ soft dome tweeter and 60W for the 8″ wooferBoundary EQ ControlA speaker's given position in a room can drastically change its frequency response. A speaker mounted on a wall or on a desk will sound very different from a speaker mounted on a stand, even in a well-maintained space. Hard surfaces such as walls, desk tops, and recording consoles can alter the monitor's low-frequency response and degrade overall sound clarity.Fortunately, most common positions are fairly predictable and easy to fix.The Kali team did our Boundary EQ tuning at The Village Studios in Los Angeles and came up with Boundary EQ settings to help you get the optimal sound for where you need to place your speakers. For the 2nd wave, the limit equalizers have been updated for using the speakers in a desk with monitor stands.Combined with the LF and HF liners, this will ensure that the speakers sound their best, no matter what room you're mixing in or where the speakers are located.Easy connectionsThe LP-6 and LP-8 feature balanced XLR and TRS inputs and an unbalanced RCA input.The RCA input can be set to -10 dBu sensitivity when using consumer devices such as the headphone jack of a laptop or smartphone.
Hear Every Detail in Your Mix with This 3-way Coaxial Monitor If you demand the utmost in precision, the Kali Audio IN-5 is among the most accurate studio monitors in its price range. In fact, it stands up to speakers that far exceed the modest price tag. The IN-5 unveils every detail in your mix; in other words, it’s brutally honest. Nothing is boosted or attenuated to mask flaws or spice up its sound — what you hear is what you get. In addition to its ruler-flat frequency response, the IN-5 exhibits negligible levels of distortion, ample headroom, and impressive low-end extension for a 5-inch speaker. This speaker’s coaxial design boasts directivity that surpasses any non-coaxial speaker, enveloping your entire room in a uniform soundstage. Plus, its low-noise port tube yields clean, punchy bass. And thanks to its boundary compensation EQ, the IN-5 sounds great in a myriad of environments. The IN-5 also includes an integrated Class D power amp, along with balanced XLR and TRS inputs, and an unbalanced RCA input. For your studio setup, you need a monitor that you can trust — and the Kali Audio IN-5 delivers on all fronts. Transparent sound reproduction for mixes you can trust The IN-5 offers ultra-transparent sound reproduction, enabling you to hear every detail of your mix. This starts with an exceptionally accurate frequency response — there’s nothing hyped about this speaker. Its dual-layer, large-diameter voice coil exhibits a crystal-clear sound with negligible distortion — a full 6dB lower than its nearest competitor. At continuous reference-level output, the IN-5 boasts at least 20dB of headroom to allow for transient spikes. What’s more, this studio monitor employs larger magnets and voice coils than others in its class, resulting in super-accurate low-end response and impressive low-frequency extension. At Sweetwater, we’ve found that the IN-5 empowers you to mix with confidence. Coaxial design yields rock-solid imaging With a typical 2-way studio monitor, its woofer and tweeter produce energy at the same time, creating an interference pattern at the speaker’s crossover point. Waveguides are generally employed to reduce the interference; however, the speaker still produces a directivity anomaly because the two drivers are in two separate positions. The Kali Audio IN-5’s coaxial high- and mid-frequency drivers, on the other hand, occupy the same space. This puts them within a quarter wavelength of one another, thereby eliminating this interference pattern. The IN-5 exhibits superb directivity — better than any non-coaxial design — and covers your entire room uniformly. What’s more, the IN-5’s optimized-profile midrange driver boasts more radiating surface than a standard waveguide, ensuring minimum distortion and maximum dynamic range. Low-noise port tube exhibits clean, punchy low end One of the IN-5’s most novel features is its low-noise port tube. Many port tubes emit turbulence, as air leaves the tube at different speeds from different points of the opening. This turbulence produces chuffing — a noisy sound that obscures the low-end details of your mix. The IN-5’s port tube, on the other hand, ensures that all of the air exits at the same velocity. The end result is clean, punchy bass with zero added noise. Boundary EQ ensures optimal sound in any environment A speaker’s position in a room drastically affects its frequency response. Even if your room is acoustically treated, your studio monitor’s sound will change if you place it near a wall or on a desk. Additionally, hard surfaces like walls and the top of your console will skew your monitor’s frequency response, degrade its sound, and give you false auditory information. The engineers at Kali Audio understand this, and that's why they baked a solution directly into the IN-5: its Boundary EQ. Tuned to perfection at The Village Studios in Los Angeles, the IN-5’s Boundary EQ supplies you with presets that are tailored to eight common speaker placements. You also get LF/HF trims for fine-tuning the speaker’s response. With the IN-5, you’ll be able to optimize its response, no matter what environment you’re mixing in.
Kali Audio LP-6 V2 is a 6.5 inch Studio monitor. It is designed to provide transparent sound to creators working in a variety of genres and formats at a price that makes it feasible. An advanced waveguide, a large voice coil and precision tuning make the sound extremely transparent, while the large low-frequency magnet and low-noise port provide strong, clear bass response. To make it easy to integrate into your settings, the speaker is self-powered and has a variety of inputs. DSP has Boundary EQ settings that optimize the response of the speaker to what is in the listening area.In the 2nd version it is an improved amplifier platform that offers lower noise, higher sensitivity and smooth high frequency response. Boundary EQ settings have been updated based on user feedback, and the low-frequency driver cone has less mass for a more consistent response.
Kali Audio LP-6 V2 is a 6.5 inch Studio monitor. It is designed to provide transparent sound to creators working in a variety of genres and formats at a price that makes it feasible. An advanced waveguide, a large voice coil and precision tuning make the sound extremely transparent, while the large low-frequency magnet and low-noise port provide strong, clear bass response. To make it easy to integrate into your settings, the speaker is self-powered and has a variety of inputs. DSP has Boundary EQ settings that optimize the response of the speaker to what is in the listening area.In the 2nd version it is an improved amplifier platform that offers lower noise, higher sensitivity and smooth high frequency response. Boundary EQ settings have been updated based on user feedback, and the low-frequency driver cone has less mass for a more consistent response.
Kali's IN-8 2nd Wave is one of the most innovative studio monitors ever made. Combining the natural advantages of a 3D design with a surreal display of a coaxial mid-range and Tweeter, it offers more transparency, lower distortion and a soundstage that must be heard to be believed.Power. Detail. Soundstage.The IN-8 2nd Wave Studio Monitor is a speaker like no other. Using the same Woofer and Tweeter from Kali's famous LP-8, the IN-8 2nd Wave adds a mid-range driver that surrounds the Tweeter and acts as its waveguide.That way, both Tweeter and Woofer are stocked. with less workload, are able to play cleaner and with less distortion.The coaxial nature of the medium and the Tweeter makes the IN-8 2nd Wave audio point source. This eliminates the deviation from the pod axis, resulting in a stereo sound stage that presents the listener with a super-realistic level of detail.All of this means that the IN-8 2nd Wave is extremely accurate and easy to mix, and that the blends made in the IN-8 will be wonderfully transferred to other systems.ImagingWe continue to talk about the "surreal" depiction of the IN-8 2nd Wave. What does this mean?When you listen to a stereo speaker set, you hear information about where the instruments and players were placed when the material was recorded. Even with purely digital material, producers can manipulate the physical locations of the elements in the mix, and you will hear them in a stereo recording.Not only does this allow producers to create interesting spatial effects, but it also means that you can work faster and with more confidence. An accurate audio track lets you see every element of the mix in front of you, so you can hear exactly what happens when you make changes.2-way systems with good waveguides, such as Kali's LP-6 and LP-8, do a good job of transmitting this spatial information. However, because the tweeters and woofers on these speakers (and most studio monitors!) Are separate, this information is lost in the space just above and below the speaker. This means that in the listening position, you do not hear the full stereo image.IN-8 solves this problem. The tweeter and the middle section share an audio center and the Woofer traverses 330 Hz, so the distance between the Woofer and the medium size is much less than a quarter of the wavelength at the junction. This means that the IN-8 is an acoustic point source. Therefore, it has the same excellent directionality that the LP-6 and LP-8 have on their sides at a full 360 degrees around the speaker. You listen to all the space information in the listening position, so the sound scene you hear will have every detail in the mix.ClarityThe total harmonic distortion of the IN-8 is less than 1.4%, which is excellent. This is the result of both Woofer and Tweeter unloading, so they both do less work. The Woofer is clocked at 330 Hz, 2.5 octaves lower than the LP-8.Tweeter traverses at 3000 Hz, almost an octave higher than the LP-8. Take up space between the hero of the IN-8 system: the 4-inch, optimized mid-profile driver profile. This guide has a lot of work to do. In addition to playing the midrange, it also acts as a waveguide for Tweeter. This means that the shape must be precisely constructed to provide an ideal dispersion characteristic of Tweeter.It also means that the medium intervals must remain stationary. In many other coaxial or concentric systems, the large deviation from the larger guide causes a distortion of the body and degrades the accuracy of the system. The midline in the IN-8 2nd Wave is limited to a top deflection of less than 1 millimeter, making the headset stagnant while still providing mid-range to keep up with the powerful woofer and Tweeter.Easy useMarginal EQ controlThe given speaker position in a room can drastically change the frequency response. A speaker mounted against a wall or desk will sound very different from a speaker mounted on a stand, even in a well-crafted space. Hard surfaces such as walls, desktops, and recording consoles can alter the screen's low-frequency response and degrade overall sound clarity.Fortunately, most of the common positions are quite predictable and easily corrected.Kali's team did the Boundary EQ tuning at The Village Studios in Los Angeles and found EQ settings for offsetting to help you get the perfect sound for where to place your speakers.Combined with the LF and HF fins, this will ensure that the speakers sound better, regardless of the room in which you mix or where the speakers are placed.
Unveil Your Mix’s Low End Do your mixes sound great in your studio, but like mud on large, full-range systems? If so, you need a subwoofer like the Kali Audio WS-12. This powered sub boasts 1,000 watts, a 23Hz–160Hz frequency response, and a 123dB maximum SPL, giving it enough volume to handle any situation and enough low-end extension to faithfully reproduce your mix’s low-frequency content. Plus — like other Kali Audio speakers — the WS-12’s low-noise port tube yields clean, punchy bass. This subwoofer is infinitely versatile, thanks to back-panel dip switches that control its crossover frequency, output level, polarity, and more. Beyond that, a rear-panel jack enables you to use a third-party footswitch to bypass the subwoofer — a must-have for studio applications. The WS-12 is small enough to fit anywhere, yet durable enough to withstand the rigors of the road. Whether you need to mix low-frequency content, or want to add punch to your setup, Kali’s WS-12 will deliver the performance you demand. Enough output and bandwidth to tackle any situation The WS-12 unveils every detail of your mix’s low end, all the way down to 23Hz at -10dB. This powered subwoofer tackles bass-heavy genres like EDM and hip-hop like a champ, and flawlessly reproduces the super-low-frequency content inherent in film soundtracks. Packing 1,000 watts, the WS-12 delivers impressive output — enough for a 5.1 array of LP-8 studio monitors. It’s even loud enough for light PA use! At Sweetwater, we appreciate the WS-12’s built-in limiter circuit, which protects the sub from unsafe voltage levels. Versatile form factor and rock-solid build quality The Kali Audio WS-12 is the perfect size. It fits easily under your desk — even in a small studio. What’s more, its mega-durable 18mm plywood enclosure and sturdy side handles make it roadworthy enough for live use. It’s also small enough to fit in most small passenger cars, so transportating it is child’s play. Low-noise port tube exhibits clean, punchy low end One of the WS-12’s most novel features is its low-noise port tube. Many port tubes emit turbulence, as air leaves the tube at different speeds from different points of the opening. This turbulence produces chuffing — a noisy sound that obscures the low-end details of your mix. The WS-12’s port tube, on the other hand, ensures that all of the air exits at the same velocity. The end result is clean, punchy bass with zero added noise. Robust configuration options cover myriad applications You can use the WS-12 in a myriad of applications, thanks to its robust configuration options. Its rear-panel dip switches provide you with selectable crossovers every 20Hz between 40Hz and 140Hz, along with presets for Kali’s LP-6, LP-8, and IN-8 studio monitors, plus LFE and external crossover settings. You can also select between four preset gain adjustment settings, reverse the subwoofer’s polarity, enable and disable its RCA inputs, and enable and disable its standby mode. To top it off, a rear-panel jack enables you to use a third-party footswitch to bypass the subwoofer — a must-have feature in the studio.
Unveils Every Detail in Your Mix Featuring a refined amplifier design, the Kali Audio LP-8 V2 is among the most accurate studio monitors you’ll find in its price range — in fact, it stands up to speakers that far exceed the modest price tag. The LP-8 V2 unveils every detail in your mix — it’s brutally honest. Nothing is boosted or attenuated to mask flaws or spice up its sound: what you hear is what you get. In addition to a ruler-flat frequency response, the LP-8 V2 exhibits negligible levels of distortion, ample headroom, and impressive low-end extension for a 8-inch speaker. Experience a massive soundstage with spot-on imaging, courtesy of the LP-8 V2’s cutting-edge waveguide design, while its low-noise port tube yields clean, punchy bass. Plus, it sounds excellent in a myriad of environments, thanks to its boundary compensation EQ. At the end of the day, you need a studio monitor that you can trust — and the Kali Audio LP-8 V2 delivers on all fronts. Second-generation refinements yield sonic excellence Despite so many rave reviews among studio engineers, Kali Audio saw room for improvement with the LP-8's already impressive sonic signature. The LP-8 V2 features a refined amplifier design that lowers the noise floor even further than it was, and offers a smoother high frequency response too. The LP-8 V2's Boundary EQ settings have been tweaked based on user feedback, enhancing transparency when your monitors are positioned close to a wall or on a desktop. And with the LP-8 V2's lower-mass woofer design, you'll experience even more detail and clarity in the bass regions. Transparent sound reproduction for mixes you can trust The LP-8 V2 offers ultra-transparent sound reproduction, enabling you to hear every detail of your mix. This starts with an exceptionally accurate frequency response. There’s nothing hyped about this speaker: its dual-layer, large-diameter voice coil exhibits a crystal-clear sound with negligible distortion — a full 6dB lower than its nearest competitor. At continuous reference-level output, the LP-8 V2 boasts at least 20dB of headroom to allow for transient spikes. What’s more, this studio monitor employs larger magnets and voice coils than others in its class, resulting in super-accurate low-end response and impressive low-frequency extension. At Sweetwater, we’ve found that the LP-8 V2 empowers you to mix with confidence. Once you dial in your music on a set of these monitors, it will sound great everywhere. Cutting-edge waveguide design yields rock-solid imaging When you listen to a speaker, you hear both its direct sound and its reflections. When the reflections are consistent with the direct sound, the speaker sounds better. Its stereo image will sound three-dimensional, enabling you to observe subtle details, such as spatial information and microphone placement. The Kali Audio LP-8 V2’s cutting-edge waveguide design minimizes unwanted reflections, thereby preventing the smeared sound stage that’s inherent in many low-cost studio monitors. With the LP-8 V2, you’ll know the exact location of every instrument in your mix’s stereo field. This will also you to mix faster, and produce better results. Low-noise port tube exhibits clean, punchy low end One of the LP-8 V2’s most novel features is its low-noise port tube. Many port tubes emit turbulence, as air leaves the tube at different speeds from different points of the opening. This turbulence produces chuffing, a noisy sound that obscures the low-end details of your mix. The LP-8 V2’s port tube, on the other hand, ensures that all of the air exits at the same velocity. The end result is clean, punchy bass with zero added noise. Boundary EQ ensures optimal sound in any environment A speaker’s position in a room drastically affects its frequency response. Even if your room is acoustically treated, your studio monitor’s sound will change if you place it near a wall or on a desk. What’s more, hard surfaces like walls and the top of your console will skew your monitor’s frequency response, degrade its sound, and give you false auditory information. The engineers at Kali Audio understand this, and they baked a solution directly into the LP-8 V2: its Boundary EQ. Tuned to perfection at The Village Studios in Los Angeles, the LP-8 V2’s Boundary EQ supplies you with presets that are tailored to eight common speaker placements. You also get LF/HF trims for fine-tuning the speaker’s response. With the LP-8 V2, you’ll be able to optimize its response, no matter what environment you’re mixing in.
Second-gen 3-way Coaxial Monitor from Kali Audio Kali Audio's IN-8 has been heralded as one of the most accurate powered studio monitors in its price range, and the second-wave version ups the ante with a new amplifier platform, improved transducers, and an upgraded cabinet. The IN-8 V2 uncovers every detail in your mix — it’s brutally honest. Nothing is boosted or attenuated to mask flaws or spice up its sound, so what you hear is what you get. In addition to a ruler-flat frequency response, the IN-8 V2 exhibits negligible levels of distortion, ample headroom, and impressive low-end extension for an 8-inch speaker. This speaker’s coaxial design boasts directivity that surpasses any non-coaxial speaker, enveloping your entire room in a uniform soundstage. Its low-noise port tube yields clean, punchy bass. And thanks to its boundary compensation EQ, it sounds great in a myriad of environments. The IN-8 V2 includes an integrated Class D power amp, along with balanced XLR and TRS inputs, and an unbalanced RCA input. At the end of the day, the Kali Audio IN-8 V2 is a studio monitor that you can trust. Transparent sound reproduction The IN-8 V2 offers ultra-transparent sound reproduction, enabling you to hear every detail of your mix. This starts with an exceptionally accurate frequency response. Its dual-layer, large-diameter voice coil exhibits a crystal-clear sound with negligible distortion — a full 6dB lower than its nearest competitor. At continuous reference-level output, the IN-8 V2 boasts at least 20dB of headroom to allow for transient spikes. What’s more, this studio monitor employs larger magnets and voice coils than others in its class, resulting in super-accurate low-end response and impressive low-frequency extension. At Sweetwater, we’ve found that the IN-8 V2 empowers you to mix with confidence. Once you dial it in on a set of these monitors, it will sound great everywhere. Coaxial design yields rock-solid imaging With a typical 2-way studio monitor, its woofer and tweeter produce energy at the same time, creating an interference pattern at the speaker’s crossover point. Waveguides are generally employed to reduce the interference; however, the speaker still produces a directivity anomaly because the two drivers are in two separate positions. The Kali Audio IN-8 V2’s coaxial high- and mid-frequency drivers, on the other hand, occupy the same space. This puts them within a quarter wavelength of one another, thereby eliminating this interference pattern. The IN-8 V2 exhibits superb directivity — better than any non-coaxial design — covering your entire room uniformly. What’s more, the IN-8 V2’s optimized-profile midrange driver boasts more radiating surface than a standard waveguide, ensuring minimum distortion and maximum dynamic range. Low-noise port tube exhibits clean, punchy low end One of the IN-8 V2’s more novel features is its low-noise port tube. Many port tubes emit turbulence, as air leaves the tube at different speeds from different points of the opening. This turbulence produces chuffing — a noisy sound that obscures the low-end details of your mix. The IN-8 V2’s port tube, conversely, ensures that all of the air exits at the same velocity. The result is clean, punchy bass with zero added noise. Boundary EQ ensures optimal sound in any environment A speaker’s position in a room drastically affects its frequency response. Even if your room is acoustically treated, your studio monitor’s sound will change if you place it near a wall or on a desk. What’s more, hard surfaces like walls and the top of your console will skew your monitor’s frequency response, degrade its sound, and give you false auditory information. The engineers at Kali Audio understand this, and they baked a solution directly into the IN-8 V2: its Boundary EQ. Tuned to perfection at The Village Studios in Los Angeles, the IN-8 V2’s Boundary EQ supplies you with presets that are tailored to eight common speaker placements. You also get LF/HF trims for fine-tuning the speaker’s response. With the IN-8 V2, you’ll be able to optimize its response, no matter what environment you’re mixing in.
Hear Every Detail in Your Mix with This 3-way Coaxial Monitor If you demand the utmost in precision, the Kali Audio IN-5 is among the most accurate studio monitors in its price range. In fact, it stands up to speakers that far exceed the modest price tag. The IN-5 unveils every detail in your mix; in other words, it’s brutally honest. Nothing is boosted or attenuated to mask flaws or spice up its sound — what you hear is what you get. In addition to its ruler-flat frequency response, the IN-5 exhibits negligible levels of distortion, ample headroom, and impressive low-end extension for a 5-inch speaker. This speaker’s coaxial design boasts directivity that surpasses any non-coaxial speaker, enveloping your entire room in a uniform soundstage. Plus, its low-noise port tube yields clean, punchy bass. And thanks to its boundary compensation EQ, the IN-5 sounds great in a myriad of environments. The IN-5 also includes an integrated Class D power amp, along with balanced XLR and TRS inputs, and an unbalanced RCA input. For your studio setup, you need a monitor that you can trust — and the Kali Audio IN-5 delivers on all fronts. Transparent sound reproduction for mixes you can trust The IN-5 offers ultra-transparent sound reproduction, enabling you to hear every detail of your mix. This starts with an exceptionally accurate frequency response — there’s nothing hyped about this speaker. Its dual-layer, large-diameter voice coil exhibits a crystal-clear sound with negligible distortion — a full 6dB lower than its nearest competitor. At continuous reference-level output, the IN-5 boasts at least 20dB of headroom to allow for transient spikes. What’s more, this studio monitor employs larger magnets and voice coils than others in its class, resulting in super-accurate low-end response and impressive low-frequency extension. At Sweetwater, we’ve found that the IN-5 empowers you to mix with confidence. Coaxial design yields rock-solid imaging With a typical 2-way studio monitor, its woofer and tweeter produce energy at the same time, creating an interference pattern at the speaker’s crossover point. Waveguides are generally employed to reduce the interference; however, the speaker still produces a directivity anomaly because the two drivers are in two separate positions. The Kali Audio IN-5’s coaxial high- and mid-frequency drivers, on the other hand, occupy the same space. This puts them within a quarter wavelength of one another, thereby eliminating this interference pattern. The IN-5 exhibits superb directivity — better than any non-coaxial design — and covers your entire room uniformly. What’s more, the IN-5’s optimized-profile midrange driver boasts more radiating surface than a standard waveguide, ensuring minimum distortion and maximum dynamic range. Low-noise port tube exhibits clean, punchy low end One of the IN-5’s most novel features is its low-noise port tube. Many port tubes emit turbulence, as air leaves the tube at different speeds from different points of the opening. This turbulence produces chuffing — a noisy sound that obscures the low-end details of your mix. The IN-5’s port tube, on the other hand, ensures that all of the air exits at the same velocity. The end result is clean, punchy bass with zero added noise. Boundary EQ ensures optimal sound in any environment A speaker’s position in a room drastically affects its frequency response. Even if your room is acoustically treated, your studio monitor’s sound will change if you place it near a wall or on a desk. Additionally, hard surfaces like walls and the top of your console will skew your monitor’s frequency response, degrade its sound, and give you false auditory information. The engineers at Kali Audio understand this, and that's why they baked a solution directly into the IN-5: its Boundary EQ. Tuned to perfection at The Village Studios in Los Angeles, the IN-5’s Boundary EQ supplies you with presets that are tailored to eight common speaker placements. You also get LF/HF trims for fine-tuning the speaker’s response. With the IN-5, you’ll be able to optimize its response, no matter what environment you’re mixing in.