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Όλα τα προϊόντα Metric Halo
Already familiar with the Production Bundle? Learn how v4 is different.The MH Production Bundle is a suite of signal processing plug-ins that let you stop recording and start making records. With all the critical tools you need to shape, tame, manipulate, and master your tracks, it is the essential audio engineering toolset that no one should be without.The Production Bundle includes 10 fantastic sounding plugins that will help you bring your work to new levels:Updated MH ChannelStripLegendary channel strip processing for all DAWsNew! MH Sonic EQThe Original Digital Mastering EQLegendary Sound, Precision and VersatilityNew! MH SuperGateFinally, a gate that actually does what a gate was always supposed to do…Updated MH Dirty DelayGritty, Musical Feedback DelayUpdated MH CharacterA bucket full of old school goodness.....Updated MH HaloVerbCreate your perfect spaceUpdated MH Multiband DynamicsSometimes the best EQ is a compressorUpdated MH Multiband ExpanderExpand your horizonsUpdated MH TransientControlSophisticated Transient Modifier & WaveshaperUpdated MH Precision De-EsserA Surgical Strike On Stubborn SibilanceDifferences between v3 and v4MH Production Bundle v4 featuresNew Plug-ins included in the bundle:MH SuperGate - A new, flexible state-space based Signal Gate that finally actually does what a gate was always supposed to do.MH Sonic EQ - 6-band fully parametric Equalizer, where every band in the EQ supports 2nd to 8th order filters, using the low-noise 64-bit state-space EQ structure. This implementation is based on the original SonicEQ developed by Dr. Andy Moorer for the Sonic Solutions mastering DAW, and then ported and enhanced for the Mobile I/O DSP by Dr. B.J. Buchalter.New Functions for Pro Tools:Adds support for EQ and Dynamics graphs in Pro ToolsEnables EQ and Dynamics pages in Avid Control/EuCon when running in Pro ToolsUpdates to Character:Provides a new UI for MH CharacterProvides additional oversampling options for MH CharacterCommon changes for all plug-ins:Adds VST3 versions for all plugins on both macOS and WindowsVST3 Apple Silicon Native support for Steinberg products (Cubase, Nuendo, etc).VST3 Native Sidechain Support for our plugins that provide Sidechain input.Undo/RedoA/B snapshots and snapshot blendSoftware update trackingMore flexible resizabilityCommon controls in the header bar (Help, Resize, Pane Disclosure)All plugins support AU, AAX, VST2 and VST3 on macOS.All plugins support AAX, VST2, and VST3 on Windows.Improved Preset ManagementPlug-in Settings copy/paste between instancesPlug-in details pane (accessed by the MH Logo) that shows:About boxLinks to documentation, tech support and frequently asked questionsSoftware update information and release notesCurrent release notesPlug-in PreferencesSignificantly reduced size download for the installers on macOSAdds a user configurable themes for most pluginsAdds user selectable knob styles for many pluginsAdds user preference for band colorsAdds user preference UI colorsAdds user preference for showing/hiding knob ringsRefines layout and visuals of the UIs
The ULN2 3D upgrade card is a user-installable internal expansion board for the Metric Halo ULN2 audio interface offering cutting edge functionality and seamless compatibility with the latest in computer audio technology. 3D replaces the ULN2’s built-in digital and computer interfacing board to enable not only USB-C connectivity, but also MH Link - Metric Halo’s low-latency and high-bandwidth audio/clock/data transfer via Gigabit Ethernet, and MH EdgeBus - a newly designed audio card expansion slot with a huge range of available options including S/PDIF, AES and MADI. The new hardware upgrade also supports a swathe of new software functionality including MH Console - Metric Halo’s 64-bit lightning-fast I/O grid application with flexible routing, MH Mixer for 128 input zero-latency mixing, MH Monitor for surround capable system processing and MH Record - a dedicated 128 input multitrack recorder complete with deep-hardware integration Main Features Preloaded SPDIF/AES Edgebus USB-C Connectivity 2x GigE MH-Link ports 75Ω BNC Word Clock I/O Ships with 1x USB-A to USB-C cable and 1x 1ft Cat 5e cable Legacy Version Only: ADAT I/O board and ADAT I/O ribbon cable included for Legacy 2882/ULN-2 Performance Supported Sample Rates: 44.1k — 192k Mono Mix Busses:64 Mono Mix Inputs:128 Mix Crosspoints: 8192 (fully interpolated) VU Meters: 1024 PPM Meters: 1024 Peak Meters: 1024 Router Crosspoints: 1024 Point-To-Point Router Latency: 3 samples (< 16 µs) MH Link Total System Latency: 3 samples (< 16 µs) DSP DSP Memory: 1GB Cores: 2 I/O USB: 1x USB-C port (Host & device capable) MH Link/Ethernet ports: 2x Gigabit Ethernet
The 3D upgrade card is a user-installable internal expansion board for the Metric Halo 2882 audio interface offering cutting edge functionality and seamless compatibility with the latest in computer audio technology. 3D replaces the built-in digital and computer interfacing board to enable not only USB-C connectivity, but also MH Link - Metric Halo’s low-latency and high-bandwidth audio/clock/data transfer via Gigabit Ethernet, and MH EdgeBus - a newly designed audio card expansion slot with a huge range of available options including S/PDIF, AES and MADI. The new hardware upgrade also supports a swathe of new software functionality including MH Console - Metric Halo’s 64-bit lightning-fast I/O grid application with flexible routing, MH Mixer for 128 input zero-latency mixing, MH Monitor for surround capable system processing and MH Record - a dedicated 128 input multitrack recorder complete with deep-hardware integration. Main Features Preloaded SPDIF/AES Edgebus USB-C Connectivity 2x GigE MH-Link ports 75Ω BNC Word Clock I/O Ships with 1x USB-A to USB-C cable and 1x 1ft Cat 5e cable Legacy Version Only: ADAT I/O board and ADAT I/O ribbon cable included for Legacy 2882/ULN-2 Performance Supported Sample Rates: 44.1k — 192k Mono Mix Busses:64 Mono Mix Inputs:128 Mix Crosspoints: 8192 (fully interpolated) VU Meters: 1024 PPM Meters: 1024 Peak Meters: 1024 Router Crosspoints: 1024 Point-To-Point Router Latency: 3 samples (< 16 µs) MH Link Total System Latency: 3 samples (< 16 µs) DSP DSP Memory: 1GB Cores: 2 I/O USB: 1x USB-C port (Host & device capable) MH Link/Ethernet ports: 2x Gigabit Ethernet
MH EdgeCard - MADI (1x Copper/1x Optical) (128 Audio Channels I/O)
MH EdgeCard - MADI (4x Copper) (256 Audio Channels I/O)
MH EdgeCard - DB-25 AES (8 Audio Channels I/O)
MH EdgeCard - 4x ADAT (32 Audio Channels I/O)
MH Edge Board - 2xSPDIF 2xADAT (20 Audio Channels I/O)
MH EdgeCard- 1xSPDIF 2xADAT (18 Audio Channels I/O)
MH EdgeCard for 3d Interfaces - AES/SPDIF
Customers who bought this product also bought the following products:MH EdgeCard - 1xSPDIF 2xADATMH EdgeCard- AES/SPDIFMobile I/O 2882 or ULN-2 Rack Ear Kit3d ADAT Opto BoardMH EdgeCard - SPDIF/MIDILIO-8 8 Channel (1-8) ULN-R Preamp KitMH CharacterMH TransientControlMH ChannelStrip 3MH ChannelStrip 3 for GarageBand
mkIV Analog Board Upgrade Kit for ULN-8/LIO-8 3dThis kit includes a new mkIV Analog Board and mkIV Relay Mute board + updated dome tags for your existing 3d (MHLink) based ULN-8 or LIO-8.Please note: Your ULN-8/LIO-8 must have a 3d card in order to utilize this upgrade. Please do not order this if your unit is FireWire based. This upgrade is not applicable to the 2882 or the ULN-2.
Η καλύτερη κάρτα ήχου που κατασκευάστηκε ποτέ τώρα στην εξελιγμένη τελευταία γενιά mkIV με νέους μετατροπείς AD και DA και 18 samples latency ! Mε δυνατότητες δικτύωσης μέσω Metric Halo Hub, με νέα σύνδεση USB, τεράστιες δυνατότητες για συνδιασμό πολλών καρτών μαζί, με εξελιγμένο DSP και νέα κονσόλα ! 5 χρόνια εξέλιξης και χρήσης σε beta πρόγραμμα απο guru του ήχου σε όλο τον κόσμο χρειάστηκαν για να παρουσιαστεί η ULN-8 3D.Μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί με την ίδια ευκολία απο μίξη και mastering μέχρι post production και PA και μπορεί να λειτουργεί σε συνδιασμό με ένα Mac αλλά με το εξελιγμένο πάνελ που διαθέτει μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί και χωρίς computer σαν αυτοδύναμος hi-end πολύ υψηλής ποιότητας μετατροπέας A/D 8 καναλιών , D/A 8 καναλιών και προενισχυτής μικροφώνου 8 καναλιών. Ιδιαίτερη μνεία πρέπει να γίνει στο ότι η κάρτα έχει 8 εισόδους μικροφώνου και 8 ξεχωριστές εισόδους γραμμής. Σε συνδιασμό με τα 8 send-return, τις 8 ψηφιακές εισόδους-εξόδους σε AES/EBU, τις 8 αναλογικές εξόδους , τις 2 εισόδους DI, το ενσωματωμένο DSP , την κονσόλα ανοιχτής αρχιτεκτονικής, έχουμε μια πανίσχυρη κάρτα με απίστευτη ποιότητα ήχου. Με νέα σύνδεση USB αλλά και την τεχνολογία Edge προσφέρει συνδεσιμότητες MADI, AES, Optical και είναι έτοιμη για οποισήποτε τεχνολογική εξέλιξη. ΟΛΕΣ ΟΙ ΠΑΛΙΕΣ ΚΑΡΤΕΣ ΑΝΑΒΑΘΜΙΖΟΝΤΑΙ ΣΤΙΣ ΝΕΕΣ METRIC HALO 3D ! ΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΙΣΤΙΚΑ USB-C Audio Interface 192 kHz converter 8 Ultra-low noise preamps MH-Link DSP license EdgeBus slot ANOC LED meter Phantom power +48 V Format: 19", 1U Dimensions (W x H x D): 423 x 44 x 330 mm Weight: 2.7 kg Includes rack ears and external power supply Connections: 8 x Microphone input Sub-D25 2 x Hi-Z input 6.3 mm jack 8 x line input Sub-D25 8 x Line Output Sub-D25 8 x Send Sub-D25 2 x Monitor output 6.3 mm jack AES / EBU input and output Sub-D25 MIDI input and output MH-Link SMPTE input and output Word Clock BNC input and output Stereo headphone output 6.3 mm jack USB-C
Η καλύτερη κάρτα ήχου που κατασκευάστηκε ποτέ τώρα στην εξελιγμένη τελευταία γενιά mkIV με νέους μετατροπείς AD και DA και 18 samples latency !Mε δυνατότητες δικτύωσης μέσω Metric Halo Hub, με νέα σύνδεση USB, τεράστιες δυνατότητες για συνδιασμό πολλών καρτών μαζί, με εξελιγμένο DSP και νέα κονσόλα !5 χρόνια εξέλιξης και χρήσης σε beta πρόγραμμα απο guru του ήχου σε όλο τον κόσμο χρειάστηκαν για να παρουσιαστεί η LIO-8 3D.Μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί με την ίδια ευκολία απο μίξη και mastering μέχρι post production και PA και μπορεί να λειτουργεί σε συνδιασμό με ένα Mac αλλά με το εξελιγμένο πάνελ που διαθέτει μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί και χωρίς computer σαν αυτοδύναμος hi-end πολύ υψηλής ποιότητας μετατροπέας A/D 8 καναλιών, D/A 8 καναλιώνΣε συνδιασμό με τα 8 send-return, τις 8 ψηφιακές εισόδους-εξόδους σε AES/EBU, τις 8 αναλογικές εξόδους , τις 2 εισόδους DI, το ενσωματωμένο DSP , την κονσόλα ανοιχτής αρχιτεκτονικής, έχουμε μια πανίσχυρη κάρτα με απίστευτη ποιότητα ήχου. Με νέα σύνδεση USB αλλά και την τεχνολογία Edge προσφέρει συνδεσιμότητες MADI, AES, Optical και είναι έτοιμη για οποισήποτε τεχνολογική εξέλιξη.ΟΛΕΣ ΟΙ ΠΑΛΙΕΣ ΚΑΡΤΕΣ ΑΝΑΒΑΘΜΙΖΟΝΤΑΙ ΣΤΙΣ ΝΕΕΣ METRIC HALO 3D !ΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΙΣΤΙΚΑUSB-C Audio Interface192 kHz converter8 Ultra-low noise preampsMH-LinkDSP licenseEdgeBus slotANOCLED meterPhantom power +48 VFormat: 19", 1UDimensions (W x H x D): 423 x 44 x 330 mmWeight: 2.7 kgIncludes rack ears and external power supplyConnections:8 x Microphone input Sub-D252 x Hi-Z input 6.3 mm jack8 x line input Sub-D258 x Line Output Sub-D258 x Send Sub-D252 x Monitor output 6.3 mm jackAES / EBU input and output Sub-D25MIDI input and outputMH-LinkSMPTE input and outputWord Clock BNC input and outputStereo headphone output 6.3 mm jackUSB-C
Η καλύτερη κάρτα ήχου που κατασκευάστηκε ποτέ τώρα στην εξελιγμένη τελευταία γενιά mkIV με νέους μετατροπείς AD και DA και 18 samples latency ! Mε δυνατότητες δικτύωσης μέσω Metric Halo Hub, με νέα σύνδεση USB, τεράστιες δυνατότητες για συνδιασμό πολλών καρτών μαζί, με εξελιγμένο DSP και νέα κονσόλα ! 5 χρόνια εξέλιξης και χρήσης σε beta πρόγραμμα απο guru του ήχου σε όλο τον κόσμο χρειάστηκαν για να παρουσιαστεί η ULN-8 3D.Μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί με την ίδια ευκολία απο μίξη και mastering μέχρι post production και PA και μπορεί να λειτουργεί σε συνδιασμό με ένα Mac αλλά με το εξελιγμένο πάνελ που διαθέτει μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί και χωρίς computer σαν αυτοδύναμος hi-end πολύ υψηλής ποιότητας μετατροπέας A/D 8 καναλιών , D/A 8 καναλιών και προενισχυτής μικροφώνου 8 καναλιών. Ιδιαίτερη μνεία πρέπει να γίνει στο ότι η κάρτα έχει 8 εισόδους μικροφώνου και 8 ξεχωριστές εισόδους γραμμής. Σε συνδιασμό με τα 8 send-return, τις 8 ψηφιακές εισόδους-εξόδους σε AES/EBU, τις 8 αναλογικές εξόδους , τις 2 εισόδους DI, το ενσωματωμένο DSP , την κονσόλα ανοιχτής αρχιτεκτονικής, έχουμε μια πανίσχυρη κάρτα με απίστευτη ποιότητα ήχου. Με νέα σύνδεση USB αλλά και την τεχνολογία Edge προσφέρει συνδεσιμότητες MADI, AES, Optical και είναι έτοιμη για οποισήποτε τεχνολογική εξέλιξη. ΟΛΕΣ ΟΙ ΠΑΛΙΕΣ ΚΑΡΤΕΣ ΑΝΑΒΑΘΜΙΖΟΝΤΑΙ ΣΤΙΣ ΝΕΕΣ METRIC HALO 3D ! ΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΙΣΤΙΚΑ USB-C Audio Interface 192 kHz converter 8 Ultra-low noise preamps MH-Link DSP license EdgeBus slot ANOC LED meter Phantom power +48 V Format: 19", 1U Dimensions (W x H x D): 423 x 44 x 330 mm Weight: 2.7 kg Includes rack ears and external power supply Connections: 8 x Microphone input Sub-D25 2 x Hi-Z input 6.3 mm jack 8 x line input Sub-D25 8 x Line Output Sub-D25 8 x Send Sub-D25 2 x Monitor output 6.3 mm jack AES / EBU input and output Sub-D25 MIDI input and output MH-Link SMPTE input and output Word Clock BNC input and output Stereo headphone output 6.3 mm jack USB-C
The ULN2 3D upgrade card is a user-installable internal expansion board for the Metric Halo ULN2 audio interface offering cutting edge functionality and seamless compatibility with the latest in computer audio technology.3D replaces the ULN2’s built-in digital and computer interfacing board to enable not only USB-C connectivity, but also MH Link - Metric Halo’s low-latency and high-bandwidth audio/clock/data transfer via Gigabit Ethernet, and MH EdgeBus - a newly designed audio card expansion slot with a huge range of available options including S/PDIF, AES and MADI.The new hardware upgrade also supports a swathe of new software functionality including MH Console - Metric Halo’s 64-bit lightning-fast I/O grid application with flexible routing, MH Mixer for 128 input zero-latency mixing, MH Monitor for surround capable system processing and MH Record - a dedicated 128 input multitrack recorder complete with deep-hardware integrationMain FeaturesPreloaded SPDIF/AES EdgebusUSB-C Connectivity2x GigE MH-Link ports75Ω BNC Word Clock I/OShips with 1x USB-A to USB-C cable and 1x 1ft Cat 5e cableLegacy Version Only: ADAT I/O board and ADAT I/O ribbon cable included for Legacy 2882/ULN-2PerformanceSupported Sample Rates: 44.1k — 192kMono Mix Busses:64Mono Mix Inputs:128Mix Crosspoints: 8192 (fully interpolated)VU Meters: 1024PPM Meters: 1024Peak Meters: 1024Router Crosspoints: 1024Point-To-Point Router Latency: 3 samples (< 16 µs)MH Link Total System Latency: 3 samples (< 16 µs)DSPDSP Memory: 1GBCores: 2I/OUSB: 1x USB-C port (Host & device capable)MH Link/Ethernet ports: 2x Gigabit Ethernet
The 3D upgrade card is a user-installable internal expansion board for the Metric Halo LIO-8/ULN-8 audio interface offering cutting edge functionality and seamless compatibility with the latest in computer audio technology.3D replaces the built-in digital and computer interfacing board to enable not only USB-C connectivity, but also MH Link - Metric Halo’s low-latency and high-bandwidth audio/clock/data transfer via Gigabit Ethernet, and MH EdgeBus - a newly designed audio card expansion slot with a huge range of available options including S/PDIF, AES and MADI.The new hardware upgrade also supports a swathe of new software functionality including MH Console - Metric Halo’s 64-bit lightning-fast I/O grid application with flexible routing, MH Mixer for 128 input zero-latency mixing, MH Monitor for surround capable system processing and MH Record - a dedicated 128 input multitrack recorder complete with deep-hardware integration.Main FeaturesPreloaded SPDIF/AES EdgebusUSB-C Connectivity2x GigE MH-Link ports75Ω BNC Word Clock I/OShips with 1x USB-A to USB-C cable and 1x 1ft Cat 5e cableLegacy Version Only: ADAT I/O board and ADAT I/O ribbon cable included for Legacy 2882/ULN-2PerformanceSupported Sample Rates: 44.1k — 192kMono Mix Busses:64Mono Mix Inputs:128Mix Crosspoints: 8192 (fully interpolated)VU Meters: 1024PPM Meters: 1024Peak Meters: 1024Router Crosspoints: 1024Point-To-Point Router Latency: 3 samples (< 16 µs)MH Link Total System Latency: 3 samples (< 16 µs)DSPDSP Memory: 1GBCores: 2I/OUSB: 1x USB-C port (Host & device capable)MH Link/Ethernet ports: 2x Gigabit Ethernet
The 3D upgrade card is a user-installable internal expansion board for the Metric Halo 2882 audio interface offering cutting edge functionality and seamless compatibility with the latest in computer audio technology. 3D replaces the built-in digital and computer interfacing board to enable not only USB-C connectivity, but also MH Link - Metric Halo’s low-latency and high-bandwidth audio/clock/data transfer via Gigabit Ethernet, and MH EdgeBus - a newly designed audio card expansion slot with a huge range of available options including S/PDIF, AES and MADI. The new hardware upgrade also supports a swathe of new software functionality including MH Console - Metric Halo’s 64-bit lightning-fast I/O grid application with flexible routing, MH Mixer for 128 input zero-latency mixing, MH Monitor for surround capable system processing and MH Record - a dedicated 128 input multitrack recorder complete with deep-hardware integration. Main Features Preloaded SPDIF/AES Edgebus USB-C Connectivity 2x GigE MH-Link ports 75Ω BNC Word Clock I/O Ships with 1x USB-A to USB-C cable and 1x 1ft Cat 5e cable Legacy Version Only: ADAT I/O board and ADAT I/O ribbon cable included for Legacy 2882/ULN-2 Performance Supported Sample Rates: 44.1k — 192k Mono Mix Busses:64 Mono Mix Inputs:128 Mix Crosspoints: 8192 (fully interpolated) VU Meters: 1024 PPM Meters: 1024 Peak Meters: 1024 Router Crosspoints: 1024 Point-To-Point Router Latency: 3 samples (< 16 µs) MH Link Total System Latency: 3 samples (< 16 µs) DSP DSP Memory: 1GB Cores: 2 I/O USB: 1x USB-C port (Host & device capable) MH Link/Ethernet ports: 2x Gigabit Ethernet
These Original FACTORY equipment World Ready power supplies come complete with an interchangeable IEC to 'your local plug configuration power (mains) cord'. Features:Input 90 ~ 250V ACFrequency 50-60HzOutput 24V DCMax. Load 48W
These Original FACTORY equipment World Ready power supplies come complete with an interchangeable IEC to 'your local plug configuration power (mains) cord and a locking 4 pin XLR connector for your ULN-2, ULN-8 or LIO-8'''. Specifications:Input 90 ~ 250V ACFrequency 50-60HzOutput 24V DCMax. Load 48WLocking 4 pin XLR connector for secure power input to your ULN-2, ULN-8 or LIO-8
This Kit adds channels 1-4 of ULN-R preamps and an 8 channel DB-25 Input connector board to an existing LIO-8.These are the same preamps as used in the ULN-8. Specifications: Mic Pre Input + ADCInput Impedance 3.3 kΩDynamic Range (-60 dB, flat 0-22.05 kHz, typ) 115 dBDynamic Range (-60 dB, A-weighted, typ) 118 dBNoise Floor (flat 0-22.05 kHz, typ) 115 dBNoise Floor (A-weighted, typ) 117.9 dBGain Range -22 dB to +91.5 dBGain Precision ±0.05 dBGain Step 0.5 dBTHD D/A/A/D loop @ -12 dBFS 0.0007 %THD D/A/A/D loop @ -12 dBFS +12 dB Gain 0.0015 %THD D/A/A/D loop @ -0 dBFS 0.0023 %Crosstalk @ 1kHz -110dBIMD 1k component (19 kHz/20kHz @ +8dBu) -104 dBuEIN @ 60 dB Gain (150Ω Source Impedance) -130.50 dBuEIN @ 60 dB Gain (0Ω Source Impedance) -133.25 dBuAnalog Send Calibration (ADC = 0 dBFS) +21.5 dBuPhantom Power (Switchable Per Channel) +48 VoltsMic Pre + ADC Frequency Response+0/-0.1dB @ fs = 44100 Hz 8.9 Hz - 20.5 kHz+0/-1.0dB @ fs = 44100 Hz 2.9 Hz - 21.0 kHz+0/-0.1dB @ fs = 96000 Hz 8.9 Hz - 43.9 kHz+0/-1.0dB @ fs = 96000 Hz 2.9 Hz - 45.4 kHz+0/-0.1dB @ fs = 192000 Hz 8.9 Hz - 42.1 kHz+0/-1.0dB @ fs = 192000 Hz 2.9 Hz - 64.7 kHz5° low-end in-channel phase deviation point 20.0 HzInterchannel phase 0 Hz - 20 kHz < ±0.05°Crosstalk from SMPTE Input < -142 dB
This Kit adds channels 5-8 of ULN-R preamps to a LIO-8 that has an 8 channel DB-25 Input connector board already installedThese are the same preamps as used in the ULN-8. Specifications: Mic Pre Input + ADCInput Impedance 3.3 kΩDynamic Range (-60 dB, flat 0-22.05 kHz, typ) 115 dBDynamic Range (-60 dB, A-weighted, typ) 118 dBNoise Floor (flat 0-22.05 kHz, typ) 115 dBNoise Floor (A-weighted, typ) 117.9 dBGain Range -22 dB to +91.5 dBGain Precision ±0.05 dBGain Step 0.5 dBTHD D/A/A/D loop @ -12 dBFS 0.0007 %THD D/A/A/D loop @ -12 dBFS +12 dB Gain 0.0015 %THD D/A/A/D loop @ -0 dBFS 0.0023 %Crosstalk @ 1kHz -110dBIMD 1k component (19 kHz/20kHz @ +8dBu) -104 dBuEIN @ 60 dB Gain (150Ω Source Impedance) -130.50 dBuEIN @ 60 dB Gain (0Ω Source Impedance) -133.25 dBuAnalog Send Calibration (ADC = 0 dBFS) +21.5 dBuPhantom Power (Switchable Per Channel) +48 VoltsMic Pre + ADC Frequency Response+0/-0.1dB @ fs = 44100 Hz 8.9 Hz - 20.5 kHz+0/-1.0dB @ fs = 44100 Hz 2.9 Hz - 21.0 kHz+0/-0.1dB @ fs = 96000 Hz 8.9 Hz - 43.9 kHz+0/-1.0dB @ fs = 96000 Hz 2.9 Hz - 45.4 kHz+0/-0.1dB @ fs = 192000 Hz 8.9 Hz - 42.1 kHz+0/-1.0dB @ fs = 192000 Hz 2.9 Hz - 64.7 kHz5° low-end in-channel phase deviation point 20.0 HzInterchannel phase 0 Hz - 20 kHz < ±0.05°Crosstalk from SMPTE Input < -142 dB