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Εξωτερικά Τροφοδοτικά

26  Προϊόντα

Fiio PL50The Fiio PL50 external power supply is specifically designed to enhance FiiO headphone amplifiers such as the FiiO R7 and FiiO K7 , but also the  FiiO M17 audiophile portable music player . This Fiio PL50 power supply provides perfectly clean and stable electrical current to ensure optimal operating conditions for the associated devices. The result is greater musicality, with a notable gain in transparency, dynamics and precision. Fiio PL50: Interference SuppressionThe Fiio PL50 separate power supply has a major impact on the sound quality of the associated devices. Indeed, the electrical network is invaded by numerous interferences generated by the electronic devices connected to the network: refrigerator, oven, elevator, etc. Even other consumers outside your home can impact the electrical signal. The digital signals that pass through the network to the connected audio equipment are very sensitive to these disturbances which can greatly reduce their precision and thus impact the sound quality. The Fiio PL50 power supply eliminates these interferences while providing a more stable current. 

159 €
36 Δόσεις 5,49€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Linear power supply your turnable & phono preamp. Cleanest power for your phono setup! The power supply is a very important part of the audio path and significantly contributes to the sonic quality of an audio product.With the new Power Box RS2 Phono you can connect both, your turntable and phono preamp, and benefit from the perfect power contribution. The new Power Box is compatible with all of our Phono Boxes and every 15V DC Pro-Ject turntable. A linear power supply consists of a massive toroidal transformer, which avoids penetration of interferences from mains into the audio component. The built-in transformer has a much higher power reserve compared to the standard power adapter. It has very low output impedance and in combination with large filtration capability it can easily manage all power needs. Sound staging, darkness of silent backgrounds and small detail resolution will improve strongly and contribute to a far better overall performance of each component. Power Box RS2 Phono is made in Europe and available in a black or silver full aluminium housing.Premium Connect it Power cables (1m) included!

1.049 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 87,42€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

NPX TT is the dedicated power supply for the NVC TT preamplifier, providing it with even cleaner power. It connects to a number of separate elements, including existing Naim products such as NAC-N 272, enabling them to reach their full potential.

3.000 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 250,00€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Reach a higher level of musical performance with the NPX 300 power supply for the 200 Series sources and preamplifiers, including the NSC 222 streaming preamplifier. NPX 300 deactivates the internal power supply, immediately reducing noise, and provides a superior, cleaner power supply. You can connect several NPX 300 power supplies within the same configuration for an exceptional musical experience.

7.000 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 583,33€ / μήνα

ΠεριγραφήΕξωτερικό τροφοδοτικό Hi-End με ενσωματωμένο ειδικό σύστημα ελέγχου ΝC, βασισμένο στο πρωτοποριακό κύκλωμα Never-Connected.

1.190 €
Άτοκες Δόσεις 396,67€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Με το νέο τροφοδοτικό iPower Elite, οι συσκευές σας αναβαθμίζονται στην Elite της ηχητικής αλυσίδας! Είναι γνωστό ότι ένα εξωτερικό τροφοδοτικό προσδίδει ανώτερη ηχητική ποιότητα, νέες διαστάσεις, χώρους, ησυχία και αύξηση των δυναμικών αντιθέσεων τόσο σε ήχο όσο και στην εικόνα. Αυτές ακριβώς τις ιδιότητες προσφέρει το iPower Elite σε κάθε συσκευή που θα συνδεθεί, λειτουργώντας σαν μπαταρία χωρίς όμως τα μειονεκτήματα της μπαταρίας.  Με 60 watts συνεχή τροφοδοσία, λιγότερο από  1μV κατώφλι θορύβου και αλουμινένιο unibody σασί με ενσωματωμένες ψύκτρες, το iPower Elite θα γίνει το ιδανικό συνοδό κάθε συσκευής πολλών κατασκευαστών, που τροφοδοτούνται από τα γνωστά μας πάμφθηνα wall-warts («πακάκια»). Ενδεικτικά μερικοί κατασκευαστές που οι συσκευές  τους, αναβαθμίζονται σημαντικά είναι: iFi Audio, Arcam, Chord, Cambridge, Mytek, Musical Fidelity, M2Tech, MiniDSP, Melco, RME, Rupert Neve, Logitech, Darbee, Exogal, Creek, Graham Slee, Roon, NUC και πολλές άλλες.

329 €
36 Δόσεις 11,36€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Χρησιμοποιεί την τεχνολογία Active Noise Cancellation-2 για να ακυρώσει τον εισερχόμενο θόρυβο του δικτύου καλύτερα από ποτέ. Για να το επιτύχει αυτό έχει 50% μεγαλύτερη χωρητικότητα εισόδου, 150% μεγαλύτερη χωρητικότητα εξόδου με πυκνωτές Solid Organic για αποθορυβοποίηση υψίσυχνου θορύβου. Είναι ένα εντελώς νέο επανασχεδιασμένο τροφοδοτικό ultra-low noise με 20% περισσότερη ισχύ από το γνωστό μας iPower.

119 €
36 Δόσεις 4,11€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Χρησιμοποιεί την τεχνολογία Active Noise Cancellation-2 για να ακυρώσει τον εισερχόμενο θόρυβο του δικτύου καλύτερα από ποτέ. Για να το επιτύχει αυτό έχει 50% μεγαλύτερη χωρητικότητα εισόδου, 150% μεγαλύτερη χωρητικότητα εξόδου με πυκνωτές Solid Organic για αποθορυβοποίηση υψίσυχνου θορύβου. Είναι ένα εντελώς νέο επανασχεδιασμένο τροφοδοτικό ultra-low noise με 20% περισσότερη ισχύ από το γνωστό μας iPower.

119 €
36 Δόσεις 4,11€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Χρησιμοποιεί την τεχνολογία Active Noise Cancellation-2 για να ακυρώσει τον εισερχόμενο θόρυβο του δικτύου καλύτερα από ποτέ. Για να το επιτύχει αυτό έχει 50% μεγαλύτερη χωρητικότητα εισόδου, 150% μεγαλύτερη χωρητικότητα εξόδου με πυκνωτές Solid Organic για αποθορυβοποίηση υψίσυχνου θορύβου. Είναι ένα εντελώς νέο επανασχεδιασμένο τροφοδοτικό ultra-low noise με 20% περισσότερη ισχύ από το γνωστό μας iPower.

119 €
36 Δόσεις 4,11€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Χρησιμοποιεί την τεχνολογία Active Noise Cancellation-2 για να ακυρώσει τον εισερχόμενο θόρυβο του δικτύου καλύτερα από ποτέ. Για να το επιτύχει αυτό έχει 50% μεγαλύτερη χωρητικότητα εισόδου, 150% μεγαλύτερη χωρητικότητα εξόδου με πυκνωτές Solid Organic για αποθορυβοποίηση υψίσυχνου θορύβου. Είναι ένα εντελώς νέο επανασχεδιασμένο τροφοδοτικό ultra-low noise με 20% περισσότερη ισχύ από το γνωστό μας iPower.

119 €
36 Δόσεις 4,11€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Με το νέο τροφοδοτικό iPower Elite, οι συσκευές σας αναβαθμίζονται στην Elite της ηχητικής αλυσίδας! Είναι γνωστό ότι ένα εξωτερικό τροφοδοτικό προσδίδει ανώτερη ηχητική ποιότητα, νέες διαστάσεις, χώρους, ησυχία και αύξηση των δυναμικών αντιθέσεων τόσο σε ήχο όσο και στην εικόνα. Αυτές ακριβώς τις ιδιότητες προσφέρει το iPower Elite σε κάθε συσκευή που θα συνδεθεί, λειτουργώντας σαν μπαταρία χωρίς όμως τα μειονεκτήματα της μπαταρίας.  Με 60 watts συνεχή τροφοδοσία, λιγότερο από  1μV κατώφλι θορύβου και αλουμινένιο unibody σασί με ενσωματωμένες ψύκτρες, το iPower Elite θα γίνει το ιδανικό συνοδό κάθε συσκευής πολλών κατασκευαστών, που τροφοδοτούνται από τα γνωστά μας πάμφθηνα wall-warts («πακάκια»). Ενδεικτικά μερικοί κατασκευαστές που οι συσκευές  τους, αναβαθμίζονται σημαντικά είναι: iFi Audio, Arcam, Chord, Cambridge, Mytek, Musical Fidelity, M2Tech, MiniDSP, Melco, RME, Rupert Neve, Logitech, Darbee, Exogal, Creek, Graham Slee, Roon, NUC και πολλές άλλες.

299 €
36 Δόσεις 10,32€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Με βάση την αυστηρών προδιαγραφών στρατιωτική τεχνολογία, το βελτιωμένο Active Noise Cancellation II® ακυρώνει ενεργά όλο τον εισερχόμενο θόρυβο. Αυτό το κάνει με παρόμοιο τρόπο με τα ενεργά ακουστικά που ακυρώνουν θόρυβο - παράγει ένα σήμα πανομοιότυπο με αυτό του εισερχόμενου ηλεκτρικού θορύβου, αλλά στην αντίθετη φάση, το ακυρώνει ενεργά. Αυτό είναι πολύ αποτελεσματικό στην αφαίρεση θορύβου χαμηλής και μέσης συχνότητας, ενώ τα παθητικά μονωτικά φίλτρα αντιμετωπίζουν υψηλότερες παρεμβολές συχνότητας. Αυτός ο συνδυασμός είναι μετρίως πιο αποτελεσματικός στην εξάλειψη του θορύβου που καταστρέφει το σήμα USB από τις συσκευές που βασίζονται αποκλειστικά στο παθητικό φιλτράρισμα.

299 €
36 Δόσεις 10,32€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

It may be small, but the HiCap’s talent for maximising your system’s musicality should not be underestimated. A compact power supply partner for almost all of our preamplifiers plus our phono stages and active crossover components, its large toroidal transformer and generous, high-quality smoothing capacitors ensure excellent performance and value. NAC 282 preamplifier owners can enjoy even better performance by adding an additional, second HiCap to their system. Features: Two 24V power outputs All-new Discrete Regulator (DR) configuration, delivering Naim Audio’s best-ever standards of stable, low-noise power Bead-blasted, black-anodised aluminium chassis plus anti-vibration, resonance controlling feet Technology & Craft Each of the power outputs on the HiCap use Naim Audio's specially designed discrete regulators for optimum performance. The design can be used to power all of the Naim Audio phono stage preamplifier, active crossovers and preamplifiers except the NAC 552 and NAC 252. In the case of the NAC 282 preamplifier a second HiCap may be used, bringing further improvements. The addition of anti-vibration, resonance-controlling feet complements the elegant new cast and extruded anti-magnetic chassis to protect the sensitive internal components from resonance and microphonic vibration.  The HiCap was updated in 2012 as a result of a two year project to develop a new discrete regulator (DR) for Naim Audio power supplies. The new Naim Audio DR now features, alongside improvements to the wire routing, mechanical decoupling and internal layout. These enhancements, developed through intensive listening tests, significantly raise performance and make music even more communicative and enjoyable. Finish: Case: Black powder coated Front: Bead blasted and black anodised Outputs: Power Outputs: 2 x 24V Physical: Shipping Weight: 9.5 kg Shipping Dimensions: 210 x 280 x 410 mm Weight: 7.35 Dimensions (HxWxD): 87 x 207 x 314 mm Power: Mains Supply: 100V, 115V, 230V; 50 or 60Hz Supplied with: Supplied with: SNAIC Upgrades: Other: Power-Line Lite mains cable (UK denominations only)

1.490 €
36 Δόσεις 51,44€ / μήνα

Not everyone sees hi-fi as we do. For us, a smooth, stable, low-noise power supply isn’t just desirable: it’s fundamental to proper hi-fi performance. Nowhere is that belief more clearly exemplified than in our reference 555 PS DR, the best power supply in our portfolio. Originally designed to partner our world-class CD555 CD player, the 555 PS can also be used with our NDS and NDX network players, our HDX hard disk player/ server and our DAC digital to analogue converter as well as the CDX2 CD player. Whatever Naim Audio product it partners, the 555 PS DR will improve every aspect of your favourite music. Voices and instruments become clearer and more natural. Perceived dynamic range increases too, while timing – music’s fundamental sense of rhythm and accuracy – snaps into even greater focus. Features: Seven regulated supply voltages, including a separate supply for the CD555 clock circuit Low-resonance case with isolating feet Massive transformer, 40 percent larger than that fitted to the XPS Supplied with Power-Line mains cable as standard All-new Discrete Regulator (DR) configuration, delivering Naim Audio’s best-ever standards of stable, low-noise power Technology & Craft The 555 PS benefits from both our decades of experience and our relentless pursuit of superior sound quality. Its massive transformer, some 40 percent larger than that fitted to our XPS power supply, features five separate windings outputting to seven regulated supply voltages, including an output specifically intended for use with the clock circuitry of our CD555. The 555 PS was updated in 2012 as a result of a two year project to develop a new discrete regulator (DR) for Naim Audio power supplies. The new Naim Audio DR now features, alongside improvements to the wire routing, mechanical decoupling and internal layout. These enhancements, developed through intensive listening tests, significantly raise performance and make music even more communicative and enjoyable. Finish: Case: Brushed and black anodised Front: Brushed and black anodised Outputs: Power Outputs: ± 22V, ± 10V, 12V, 2 x 15V Physical: Shipping Dimensions: 240 x 590 x 500 mm Weight: 15.7 kg Dimensions (HxWxD): 87 x 432 x 314 mm Power: Mains Supply: 100V, 115V, 230V; 50 or 60Hz Supplied with: Supplied with: Power-Line

9.850 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 820,83€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

The compact NAPSC comes as standard with the NAC 282 preamplifier and it can also be used as an upgrade for the NAC 202 or to power the HeadLine headphone amplifier. It’s a small but important link in the chain in extracting the highest levels of musical performance from these hi-fi components.   Features: 18V power output Bead-blasted, black-anodised aluminium chassis plus anti-vibration feet Convenient and compact size at just 12cm wide Technology & Craft Controlling the power supply element of the system has been a mainstay of Naim Audio engineering since the early days. Just as paying close attention to every detail in design – no matter how small or seemingly insignificant it may seem – is one of the ways in which we ensure high quality musical performance. The NAPSC power supply is an example of this philosophy in action. It comes as standard with the NAC 282 preamplifier, supplying smooth low-noise power for the digital circuitry, leaving the preamp to concentrate on doing its main job of managing the signal. When paired with the NAC 202 it does the same job by upgrading the existing internal power supply section to remove the electrically noisy work from the box entirely. In both applications this attention to detail reaps rewards in improved musical clarity and reduced noise. Finish: Case: Black powder coated Front: Black powder coated Outputs: Power Outputs: 18V Physical: Shipping Weight: 2.7 kg Shipping Dimensions: 110 x 250 x 330 mm Weight: 2.1 kg Dimensions (HxWxD): 57 x 121 x 187 mm Power: Mains Supply: 100V-120V, 220-240V; 50 or 60Hz Upgrades: Other: Power-Line

700 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 58,33€ / μήνα

The XPS is a simple and effective upgrade to enhance the music-making ability of your Naim Audio source component. As one of our most flexible performers it can be used to upgrade our CDX2 CD player and DAC digital to analogue converter, and it is also suitable for use with our NDS, NDX and ND5 XS network players and HDX hard-disk player/server. Its large toroidal transformer features four separate windings, coupled to six low-noise regulators and benefits from Naim Audio DR voltage regulator technology Features: Four isolated transformer windings with six low-noise DR power regulators - configured as two isolated regulators for digital at +15V, isolated +/-10V for DACs and isolated +/-23V for analogue stages All-new Discrete Regulator (DR) configuration, delivering Naim Audio’s best-ever standards of stable, low-noise power Brushed, black-anodised aluminium chassis plus anti-vibration feet Technology & Craft The Naim Audio XPS is a highly sophisticated power supply with six separately regulated, very low noise outputs, featuring a toroidal transformer and six power regulators. These supplies are branched and re-regulated, some twice in the CD player. The addition of anti-vibration, resonance-controlling feet complement the elegant cast and extruded anti-magnetic chassis protect the sensitive internal components from resonance and microphonic vibration. The XPS was updated in 2012 as a result of a two year project to develop a new discrete regulator (DR) for Naim Audio power supplies. The new Naim Audio DR now features, alongside improvements to the mechanical decoupling and internal layout. These enhancements, developed through intensive listening tests, significantly raise performance and make music even more communicative and enjoyable. Please note  Only new classic series XPS units are compatible with the NDX network player, not ‘Olive’ versions. The old ‘Olive’ XPS is still compatible with CDX and CDS model CD players, the HDX hard disk player and the DAC digital to analogue converter however. Please consult your Naim Audio retailer if you are unsure of compatibility. Finish: Case: Black powder coated Front: Brushed and black anodised Outputs: Power Outputs: ± 22V, ± 10V, 2 x 15V Physical: Shipping Weight: 15.1 kg Shipping Dimensions: 240 x 590 x 500mm Weight: 12.4 kg Dimensions (HxWxD): 87 x 432 x 314mm Power: Mains Supply: 100V, 115V, 230V; 50 or 60Hz Supplied with: Supplied with: Burndy Upgrades: Other: Power-Line Lite mains cable (UK denominations only)

5.165 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 430,42€ / μήνα

It may be small, but the HiCap’s talent for maximising your system’s musicality should not be underestimated. A compact power supply partner for almost all of our preamplifiers plus our phono stages and active crossover components, its large toroidal transformer and generous, high-quality smoothing capacitors ensure excellent performance and value. NAC 282 preamplifier owners can enjoy even better performance by adding an additional, second HiCap to their system. Features: Two 24V power outputs All-new Discrete Regulator (DR) configuration, delivering Naim Audio’s best-ever standards of stable, low-noise power Bead-blasted, black-anodised aluminium chassis plus anti-vibration, resonance controlling feet Technology & Craft Each of the power outputs on the HiCap use Naim Audio's specially designed discrete regulators for optimum performance. The design can be used to power all of the Naim Audio phono stage preamplifier, active crossovers and preamplifiers except the NAC 552 and NAC 252. In the case of the NAC 282 preamplifier a second HiCap may be used, bringing further improvements. The addition of anti-vibration, resonance-controlling feet complements the elegant new cast and extruded anti-magnetic chassis to protect the sensitive internal components from resonance and microphonic vibration.  The HiCap was updated in 2012 as a result of a two year project to develop a new discrete regulator (DR) for Naim Audio power supplies. The new Naim Audio DR now features, alongside improvements to the wire routing, mechanical decoupling and internal layout. These enhancements, developed through intensive listening tests, significantly raise performance and make music even more communicative and enjoyable. Finish: Case: Black powder coated Front: Bead blasted and black anodised Outputs: Power Outputs: 2 x 24V Physical: Shipping Weight: 9.5 kg Shipping Dimensions: 210 x 280 x 410 mm Weight: 7.35 Dimensions (HxWxD): 87 x 207 x 314 mm Power: Mains Supply: 100V, 115V, 230V; 50 or 60Hz Supplied with: Supplied with: SNAIC Upgrades: Other: Power-Line Lite mains cable (UK denominations only)

1.990 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 165,83€ / μήνα

As iconic as it is widely acclaimed, the SuperCap DR is a Naim Audio classic, capable of powering every preamplifier in our range except for the NAC-N 172 XS and our flagship, the NAC 552. Its substantial toroidal transformer and high-quality smoothing capacitors combine to ensure improved timing, clarity and dynamic range from your favourite music. Upgraded with our new DR voltage regulator, this timeless component remains one of the most well know and oft-employed power supplies in our range, and for good reason.    Features: 13 x 24V outputs, 2 x 12V output  All-new Discrete Regulator (DR) configuration, delivering Naim Audio’s best-ever standards of stable, low-noise power Brushed, black-anodised aluminium chassis Technology & Craft Each of the multiple power outputs on the SuperCap DR uses Naim Audio's specially designed discrete regulators for optimum performance. The SuperCap DR can be used to power all of the Naim Audio preamplifier (except the NAC 552 and NAC-N 172 XS), Superline phono stage and active crossovers, and is the only choice for supplying power to the NAC 252 preamplifier. Its anti-vibration, resonance-controlling feet complement the elegant new cast and extruded anti-magnetic chassis to protect the sensitive internal components from resonance and microphonic vibration. The SuperCap DR was updated in 2012 as a result of a two year project to develop a new discrete regulator (DR) for Naim Audio power supplies. The new Naim Audio DR now features, alongside improvements to the wire routing, mechanical decoupling and internal layout. These enhancements, developed through intensive listening tests, significantly raise performance and make music even more communicative and enjoyable. Finish: Case: Black powder coated Front: Brushed and black anodised Outputs: Power Outputs: 13 x 24V, 2 x 12V Physical: Shipping Weight: 14.2 kg Shipping Dimensions: 240 x 590 x 500 mm Weight: 11.6 kg Dimensions (HxWxD): 87 x 432 x 314 mm Power: Mains Supply: 100V, 115V, 230V; 50 or 60Hz Upgrades: Other: Power-Line Lite mains cable (UK denominations only)

5.990 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 499,17€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Use an iPower to replace your regular power supply for clean, noise pollution free power. Upgrade to the iFi iPower to feed your system’s circuits with clean, audiophile grade power and address issues at both the output and input stages. The iPower use Active Noise Cancellation+ to cancel all incoming EMI or RFI noise. It is at least 10x quieter than previous iFi power adapters, 20x quieter than audiophile linear power supplies and 1000x quieter than standard SMPS wall adapters. It has 4 barrel-tip adapters which means it’s compatible with all wall pin types across the world (UK/US/EU/AU). A true-globe trotter. It also comes with USB and centre negative adapters. Add the iPower into your system and you’ll notice music come back to life. It can add in detail originally lost through conventional power supplies. Get your power back with the iFi iPower. It works with virtually any DC powered device and comes in 5, 9, 12 and 15 volts. Just check the correct voltage and away you go. Clean, audiophile grade power.

85 €
36 Δόσεις 2,93€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Use an iPower to replace your regular power supply for clean, noise pollution free power. Upgrade to the iFi iPower to feed your system’s circuits with clean, audiophile grade power and address issues at both the output and input stages. The iPower use Active Noise Cancellation+ to cancel all incoming EMI or RFI noise. It is at least 10x quieter than previous iFi power adapters, 20x quieter than audiophile linear power supplies and 1000x quieter than standard SMPS wall adapters. It has 4 barrel-tip adapters which means it’s compatible with all wall pin types across the world (UK/US/EU/AU). A true-globe trotter. It also comes with USB and centre negative adapters. Add the iPower into your system and you’ll notice music come back to life. It can add in detail originally lost through conventional power supplies. Get your power back with the iFi iPower. It works with virtually any DC powered device and comes in 5, 9, 12 and 15 volts. Just check the correct voltage and away you go. Clean, audiophile grade power.

85 €
36 Δόσεις 2,93€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Use an iPower to replace your regular power supply for clean, noise pollution free power. Upgrade to the iFi iPower to feed your system’s circuits with clean, audiophile grade power and address issues at both the output and input stages. The iPower use Active Noise Cancellation+ to cancel all incoming EMI or RFI noise. It is at least 10x quieter than previous iFi power adapters, 20x quieter than audiophile linear power supplies and 1000x quieter than standard SMPS wall adapters. It has 4 barrel-tip adapters which means it’s compatible with all wall pin types across the world (UK/US/EU/AU). A true-globe trotter. It also comes with USB and centre negative adapters. Add the iPower into your system and you’ll notice music come back to life. It can add in detail originally lost through conventional power supplies. Get your power back with the iFi iPower. It works with virtually any DC powered device and comes in 5, 9, 12 and 15 volts. Just check the correct voltage and away you go. Clean, audiophile grade power.

85 €
36 Δόσεις 2,93€ / μήνα

Optional Linear Power Supply upgrade for improved sound quality in matching chassis.Backwards compatible with the ZENmini MkII. Features: Mains Supply 230V AC / 115V AC - Internal Linear Power Supply DC Output DC 16V, 3A maximum Connector 2.5 x 5.5mm barrel plug Dimensions 74 x 214 x 240 mm (H x W x D) Weight 4 Kg In the box Innuos ZENmini LPSU DC Connection cable with barrel plug Mains Cable Getting Started leaflet

799 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 66,58€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Slimline and versatile power. Designed to complement our XS range, the FlatCap XS is a dual-rail, dual-output power supply that powers not just one, but two Naim Audio components if required. For example, an XS Series owner could add a FlatCap XS to enhance the performance of both a CD5 XS and a NAC 152 XS, and so enjoy all the improvements to clarity, dynamics and timing you’d expect from any Naim Audio power supply upgrade. It’s a logical, high-value and highly effective upgrade path – just as you’d expect from Naim Audio. Features Dual-rail power supply with four 24V power outputs Four low-noise regulators Black-anodised chassis with brushed front panel plus anti-vibration feet Technology & Craft The FlatCap XS transformer has two separate secondary windings to isolate each of the dual supplies from the other. It includes four Naim Audio-tested and selected low-noise regulators to achieve its exceptional performance. Finish Case: Black powder coated Front: Brushed and black anodised Outputs Power Outputs: 4 x 24V Physical Shipping Weight: 7.6 kg Shipping Dimensions: 200 x 590 x 500 mm Weight: 5.5 kg Dimensions (HxWxD): 70 x 432 x 301 mm Power Mains Supply: 100V, 115V, 230V; 50 or 60Hz Supplied with Supplied with: SNAIC Upgrades Other: Power-Line Lite mains cable (UK denominations only)

1.240 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 103,33€ / μήνα

Extremely Low Noise Power Supply When it comes to high audio performance, the quality of the current being delivered to a hi-fi unit is overly important. Noise in the supply current may be injected into the sound or couple with critical circuits, like the clock, leading to less-than-optimal performance. A low noise supply is therefore mandatory to squeeze the last bit of sound quality out of your DAC or amplifier. Of course, a low noise design involves quality, room occupation and cost way beyond those acceptable in budget designs. That’s why M2Tech offers the Van Der Graaf MkII: users who purchased the Young MkIII and the Nash Phono Preampmplifier may later allocate some more budget to increase their performance by adding the Van Der Graaf MkII. Extremely easy to use, its benefits go from the higher stability of the clocks (with related increased soundstage sharpness and details rendition) to a darker background due to the lower noise floor. The Van Der Graaf MkII remembers the order user followed to activate the four outputs: when switching off, it follows the reverse order and remember the activation order upon subsequient switch-on. The Van Der Graaf MkII is provided with an IR receiver and is able to trap the ON/OFF commands from the remote controllers of all other Rockstars Series units. This allows user to power all the attached units on and off with a single command with the right switching order. Specifications : Input:90-265VAC, 50/60Hz (VDE socket) Outputs:2 x 9VDC or 15VDC (5.5/2.1mm jack)2 x 5VDC:+15VDC:-15VDC (4-pin XLR) Total output power:50W Residual noise:3uVrms (5Hz to 22kHz) Power consumption:60VA Size:200x200x50mm (wxdxh) Weight:net 3kg (with ancillaries)gross 3.5g

989 €
36 Δόσεις 34,14€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Ειδικό εξωτερικό τροφοδοτικό για πλήρη μηδενισμό των κραδασμών του μοτέρ.Χρησιμοποιεί τεχνολογία DSP (digital signal processing) μέσω γεννήτριας και ειδικού κρυστάλλου υψηλής ακριβείας ελέγχου συχνότητας.Κατάλληλο για να χρησιμοποιηθεί με τα πικάπ: P3-24 / RP3 / Planar 3 2016 / RP6 / P5 / P7 / RP40 special edition / RP8 και για όλα τα παλαιότερα μοντέλα Rega, τα οποία χρησιμοποιούν 24v motor upgrade kit. Χαρακτηριστικά:Διαθέτει σύστημα ελέγχου στροφών 33 1/3 & 45Διαστάσεις τροφοδοτικού (W x D x H ): 180.0 mm x 155.0 mm x 50.0 mmΒάρος: 1,5 kg

389 €
24 Άτοκες Δόσεις 16,21€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

The Evo Supply Two is a very low noise 9V power supply dedicated to the Evo Two Series products. It is provided with three outputs which deliver clean current from a low noise, discrete components regulator. Outputs are switched with a rele operated by a button on the front panel. Overcurrent protection is included on each output.The very-low-noise regulator features the same basic design as the Van Der Graaf, ensuring a residual noise which rivals that of the best high current batteries, with the extra bonus of a very long trouble-free life.Χαρακτηριστικά:The Evo Supply Two has enough current capability to power any combination of Evo Two or legacy Evo products. A carefully thought design which allows for exceptional performance from the lightest load up to the rated current delivery.The output polyswitch fuse avoids damages even in case of continuous short-circuit at one or more outputs. 

460 €
36 Δόσεις 15,88€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας
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