Ηχεία Δαπέδου
Το Grimm Audio LS1 είναι το πιο Τεχνολογικά Προηγμένο Σύστημα Ηχείων στον Κόσμο!Αρκεί κάποιος να ακούσει μια καλογραμμένη ορχήστρα στα LS1, για να καταλάβει πόσο κοντά στην αληθινή μουσική μπορούμε να φτάσουμε, συνδυάζοντας την γνώση και το μεράκι, με την αιχμή της τεχνολογίας.Ένα πραγματικά καλό ηχείο monitor θα όφειλε να συνδυάζει την υψηλή ακρίβεια με την απαράμιλλη μουσικότητα. Δυστυχώς όμως δεν υπάρχουν πολλά πραγματικά καλά monitor ηχεία γι'αυτό και υπάρχει η άποψη, πως μπορείς να έχεις τη μία από τις δύο παραπάνω αρετές , αλλά ποτέ και τις δύο μαζί. Το Grimm LS1 είναι το πρώτο ηχείο που αποδεικνύει ότι η απαράμιλλη μουσικότητα συμβαδίζει με την απόλυτη ακρίβεια.Ενσωματώνοντας κορυφαίας ποιότητας DSP, μετατροπείς (D/A και A/D) και ενισχυτικές μονάδες σε ένα από τα «πόδια» του ηχείου, η Grimm Audio κατάφερε να «παντρέψει» με ιδανικό τρόπο τεχνολογίες που ποτέ πριν δεν είχαν χρησιμοποιηθεί με τέτοια στρατηγική ακρίβεια. Συνεπώς, το LS1 δεν είναι απλά «ένα ηχείο», αλλά ένα πλήρες ηχητικό σύστημα που απλά χρειάζεται μια ψηφιακή ή αναλογική πηγή για να σας μεταφέρει εκεί ακριβώς που ο μηχανικός ήχου είχε στο μυαλό του αλλά και να απολάυσετε μουσική στο σαλόνι σας όπως κανένα ηχείο δεν κατάφερε έως τώρα.«Το Grimm LS1 είναι ένα ηχείο γι’ αυτούς που αναζητούν την πιο ουδέτερη και διάφανη ηχητική αναπαραγωγή. Κανένας συμβιβασμός δεν έγινε κατά την ανάπτυξή του.»Η επίτευξη πραγματικής ακρίβειας έγκειται στο να μπορείς να αποδώσεις κάθε επιμέρους στοιχείο μιας ηχογράφησης χωρίς ούτε να χάνεις αλλά και ούτε να προσθέτεις το παραμικρό. Το LS1 μπορεί να αναπαραγάγει κάθε ηχογραφημένο γεγονός με όλη του την ομορφιά ανέπαφη, ενώ ταυτόχρονα απεικονίζει κάθε ατέλεια στην πραγματική της διάσταση δίνοντάς σας όλες τις αναγκαίες πληροφορίες ώστε να επιτύχετε γρήγορα και εύκολα το ζητούμενο. Είναι αυτές ακριβώς οι ιδιότητες που καθιστούν το LS1 εκτός από ένα εξαιρετικό ηχείο Hi-Fi, ένα ιδανικό monitor τόσο για mixing όσο και για mastering.Μη σας ξεγελά το μοντέρνο “industrial” look του LS1· το σχήμα του ηχείου προέκυψε ως αποτέλεσμα εκτεταμένων ακουστικών και ψυχοακουστικών μελετών. Το μικρό σε όγκο (μόλις 14 λίτρα) κλειστό κουτί, είναι, σε αντίθεση με τη συντριπτική πλειοψηφία των ηχείων, πολύ πιο πλατύ απ’ ότι βαθύ, ώστε να λειτουργεί σαν οιωνεί άπειρη μπάφλα σχεδόν μέχρι τα 250 Hz. Μ’ αυτόν τον τρόπο, το ηχείο πάνω από τα 250 Hz ακτινοβολεί με αρκετά σταθερή κατευθυντικότητα στον ημιχώρο 2π («στενεύοντας» φυσιολογικά και προοδευτικά την off-axis απόκρισή του στις υψηλές συχνότητες) ελαττώνοντας πολλές από τις αρνητικές επιδράσεις του χώρου ακρόασης (η Ψυχοακουστική μας λέει ότι κάτω από περίπου τα 300 Hz το ανθρώπινο ακουστικό αισθητήριο δε μπορεί να διακρίνει ξεκάθαρα τον απευθείας ήχο από τις πρώτες ανακλάσεις ή το πεδίο αντηχήσεων), ενώ κάτω από τα 250 Hz η ακτινοβολία του μετατρέπεται ομαλά σε παντοκατευθυντική.«Η πολύ φαρδιά μπάφλα ‘’κόβει στο μισό’’ το χώρο στον οποίο ακτινοβολεί το ηχείο, υποδιπλασιάζοντας μ’ αυτόν τον τρόπο και τα προβλήματα προσαρμογής του στο δωμάτιο. Οι ημικυλινδρικές πλευρές περιορίζουν την περίθλαση, εκμηδενίζοντας μ’ αυτόν τον τρόπο την κλασσική ‘’κουτίλα’’.»Η καμπίνα του LS1 αναρτάται από δύο ημικυλίνδρους που περιορίζουν την περίθλαση και λειτουργούν ως μια ακλόνητη βάση. Η ευφυής χρήση DSP «δένει» απόλυτα το 8 ιντσών wooferμε κώνο από μαγνήσιο και το 1 ίντσας tweeter θόλου, ενώ εξασφαλίζει γραμμική απόκριση συχνότητας και επιτρέπει ελεγχόμενη απόδοση στα μπάσα μέχρι τα 35 Hz. Στο ένα από τα δύο πόδια ενός Grimm LS1 βρίσκεται ένας 48/76-bit Ψηφιακός Επεξεργαστής Σήματος (Digital Signal Processor – DSP), ψηφιακές είσοδοι/έξοδοι, μετατροπείς AD/DA, το ίδιο κύκλωμα clocking με το ομόσταυλο CC1 master clock, καθώς και δύο 180W κορυφαίοι ενισχυτές Class D Hypex NCore. Η σύλληψη του LS1 αντλεί τα μέγιστα δυνατά οφέλη από την έξυπνη χρήση της τεχνολογίας DSP. Το βασισμένο σε IIR (Infinite Impulse Response) φίλτρα crossover του ηχείου υλοποιεί ένα 4ης τάξης δικτύωμα διαχωρισμού Linkwitz-Riley με κλίσεις 24 dB/οκτάβα ανά δρόμο στα 1550 Hz, ενώ, στη συνέχεια, η διόρθωση της φάσης επιτυγχάνεται με τη χρήση ενός ιδεατού αντίστροφου ολοπερατού φίλτρου.Το αποτέλεσμα είναι μια γραμμική απόκριση φάσης χωρίς όμως τα pre-echo’s που ευθύνονται για την κακώς εννοούμενη «ψηφιακίλα» στην ηχητική υπογραφή των ηχείων που χρησιμοποιούν κοινά FIR (Finite Impulse Response) φίλτρα είτε για να υλοποιήσουν το crossoverτους στο ψηφιακό πεδίο, είτε απλά για να «αντιστρέψουν τα κακώς κείμενα» της κρουστικής τους απόκρισης.«Το tweeterμε κυματοδηγό (waveguide), το woofer που επιδεικνύει απόλυτα πιστονική συμπεριφορά σε όλο το φάσμα λειτουργίας του (και τα δύο προέρχονται από τη φημισμένη Νορβηγική SEAS), και η πολύ χαμηλή συχνότητα cross, εγγυώνται την ευρύτατη και εντυπωσιακά ομαλή διασπορά του ηχείου. Ο προσεγμένος ακουστικός σχεδιασμός και η σωστή και ευφυής χρήση DSP, επιτυγχάνουν το απόλυτο δέσιμο των μεγαφώνων και οδηγούν στην πιο ομοιογενή συχνοτική απόδοση και την ταχύτερη κρουστική απόκριση που έχετε ακούσει στη ζωή σας.»Το Grimm LS1 είναι επίσης ένα πολύ πρακτικό και εύκολο στη συμβίωση ηχείο. Οι ψηφιακές του είσοδοι του επιτρέπουν να συνδέεται απευθείας με network playersσαν το Squeezebox ή το Sonos, ή σε ένα Mac ή PC χρησιμοποιώντας τον ομόσταυλο USB converter.Συμβουλευτείτε τις παρεχόμενες φωτογραφίες για να δείτε μερικές επιλογές σύνδεσης.Παρά το συμπαγές τους μέγεθος, τα Grimm Audio LS1 προορίζονται ξεκάθαρα για χρήση ως main monitors σε mastering studios και mixing rooms όπου υπάρχει δυνατότητα να τοποθετηθούν ηχεία δαπέδου. Oι ελεγχόμενες μέσω DSP αναλογικές έξοδοι για sub επιτρέπουν την εύκολη και απρόσκοπτη ενσωμάτωση δύο subwoofers, γι’ αυτούς που χρειάζονται υψηλά SPL κάτω από τα 40 Hz. Προφανώς, η επιλογή των ομόσταυλων LS1s subwoofers, εγγυάται το ιδανικό ταίριασμά τους με το κυρίως σύστημα των LS1, το οποίο μετατρέπεται σε ένα ολοκληρωμένο και τέλεια «δεμένο» σύστημα 3 δρόμων.Περισσότερες πληροφορίες μπορούν να βρεθούν στις σελίδες των LS1 remote και LS1s subwoofers.Χαρακτηριστικά:Ακτινοβολία στον ημιχώρο 2π με κάτω όριο τα 250 HzΑπόκριση συχνότητας ελεγχόμενη μέσω DSPΟμαλότατη off-axis συμπεριφοράΑναλογική και Ψηφιακές είσοδοιΑναλογική έξοδοςSub ήδη φιλτραρισμένηΑσφαλής λειτουργία χάρη στην ενσωματωμένη θερμική προστασία και τον έλεγχο της μέγιστης διαδρομής των μεγαφώνωνΡύθμιση παραμέτρων και volume control μέσω midiΕνεργή οδήγηση με τους υπερ-χαμηλής παραμόρφωσης class D ενισχυτές Hypex NCoreΥψηλής ποιότητας μεγάφωνα SeasΔυνατότητα τηλεχειρισμούΔυνατότητα επιλογής φινιρίσματοςΠροδιαγραφές:Απόκριση Συχνότητας: 55Hz-30kHz +/-0.5dB. 45Hz-40kHz -3dB(Το κάτω σημείο αποκοπής είναι ρυθμιζόμενο από το χρήστη μεταξύ 35 Hz και 100 Hz, με Q=0.7 ή 0.5)Με την προσθήκη των LS1s Subwoofers, το LS1 μπορεί να κατέβει σχεδόν μέχρι την περιοχή των υποήχων.Απόκλιση από την Ελάχιστη Φάση (Deviation from minimum phase) +/-2°Ισχύς Ενισχυτών: 2x180WMax SPL: 109dB/1mSNR: 114dB (unweighted)Crossover : 1.55 kHz Linkwitz-Riley 4ης τάξης, φασικά διορθωμένο ώστε να προκύπτει σύστημα Ελάχιστης Φάσης.Latency: 2msΕσωτερικός Όγκος: 14 ΛίτραΎψος: 1150mm, 1450mm – κατόπιν παραγγελίας.Πλάτος Χ Βάθος: 520mm Χ 160mmΕπιπλέον στοιχεία (στα Αγγλικά):· Download the LS1 PC remote software
The floor standing flagship of the RUBICON series, the RUBICON 8, will provide you with a mind blowing large soundstage and an impressive deep, physical bass. Inherited from the EPICON series, the RUBICON series utilizes the same SMC technology and soft dome diaphragm. The RUBICON 8 has no less than three drivers that all kick in at different frequencies. This setup ads up to what in effect is a 2½+½+½-way construction, and generates an amazing range and impressive sound pressure. The RUBICON 8 is for those seeking the extraordinary in size and sound.Upping the audio ante to the extreme, the RUBICON 8 is quite simply stunning in terms of the epic soundstage it presents. The trio of woofers work by kicking in at different frequencies, making the RUBICON 8 loudspeaker, the pinnacle of your entry into the world of high-end audio at a mid-range price.Delivering a totally transparent image with a richness of detail that recreates the passion of a live performance, the wider sound dispersion afforded by our hybrid tweeter helps the RUBICON 8 fill even the most sizeable of spaces with the purest audio your ears will ever witness.Combine the RUBICON 8 with a pair of RUBICON 2 or RUBICON LCR, a RUBICON VOKALand a SUB M-10 D to get an ideal surround experience. SMC MAGNET SYSTEMWith a pole piece constructed entirely from SMC, surrounded by a slitted copper cap, and enclosed within a large ferrite magnet, the effect of the SMC is focused and maximised, and reduces distortion as never heard before.HYBRID TWEETER MODULEThe hybrid tweeter module is a DALI trademark and for the RUBICON series, it is build in Denmark. The hybrid tweeter module, combines the dome tweeter with the ribbon tweeter for an amazing rendering of the high frequencies.CABINET CONSTRUCTIONDividing the mid-range and basse drivers into separated chambers enables us to individually tune every driver to its specific frequency range to maximise the woofer output.WOOD FIBRE CONESUsing a wood fibre cone gives the in-house build woofer a light, rigid and randomly uneven membrane. Making it easy to move ensures even piston like movements and reduces the possibility of surface resonance greatly. Specifications :Frequency Range (+/-3 dB) [Hz] : 38 - 34.000Sensitivity (2,83 V/1 m) [dB] : 90.5Nominal Impedance [ohms] : 4Maximum SPL [dB] : 112Recommended Amplifier Power [W] : 40 - 250Crossover Frequency [Hz] : 500 / 800 / 2.500 / 14.000Crossover Principle : 2½ + ½ + ½ way Hybrid tweeter module, Super high freq. driver, Quantity : 1 x 17 x 45 mmHybrid tweeter module, Super high freq. driver, Diaphragm type : RibbonHybrid tweeter module, High frequency driver, Quantity : 1 x 29 mmHybrid tweeter module, High frequency driver Diaphragm type : Soft Textile Dome Low frequency driver, Quantity : 3 x 6½"Low frequency driver, Diaphragm type : Wood Fibre ConeEnclosure type : Bass Reflex Bass Reflex Tuning Frequency [Hz] : 33.5Connection Input : Bi-Wiring Magnetic Shielding : NoRecommended Placement : Floor Recommended Distance From Wall [cm] : 20 - 180Dimensions With Base (HxWxD) [mm] : 1,100 x 220 x 445Weight [kg] : 27.3Accessories Included : Manual Micro Fibre Cloth Rubber Bumpers Spikes M8
The floor standing flagship of the RUBICON series, the RUBICON 8, will provide you with a mind blowing large soundstage and an impressive deep, physical bass. Inherited from the EPICON series, the RUBICON series utilizes the same SMC technology and soft dome diaphragm. The RUBICON 8 has no less than three drivers that all kick in at different frequencies. This setup ads up to what in effect is a 2½+½+½-way construction, and generates an amazing range and impressive sound pressure. The RUBICON 8 is for those seeking the extraordinary in size and sound.Upping the audio ante to the extreme, the RUBICON 8 is quite simply stunning in terms of the epic soundstage it presents. The trio of woofers work by kicking in at different frequencies, making the RUBICON 8 loudspeaker, the pinnacle of your entry into the world of high-end audio at a mid-range price.Delivering a totally transparent image with a richness of detail that recreates the passion of a live performance, the wider sound dispersion afforded by our hybrid tweeter helps the RUBICON 8 fill even the most sizeable of spaces with the purest audio your ears will ever witness.Combine the RUBICON 8 with a pair of RUBICON 2 or RUBICON LCR, a RUBICON VOKALand a SUB M-10 D to get an ideal surround experience. SMC MAGNET SYSTEMWith a pole piece constructed entirely from SMC, surrounded by a slitted copper cap, and enclosed within a large ferrite magnet, the effect of the SMC is focused and maximised, and reduces distortion as never heard before.HYBRID TWEETER MODULEThe hybrid tweeter module is a DALI trademark and for the RUBICON series, it is build in Denmark. The hybrid tweeter module, combines the dome tweeter with the ribbon tweeter for an amazing rendering of the high frequencies.CABINET CONSTRUCTIONDividing the mid-range and basse drivers into separated chambers enables us to individually tune every driver to its specific frequency range to maximise the woofer output.WOOD FIBRE CONESUsing a wood fibre cone gives the in-house build woofer a light, rigid and randomly uneven membrane. Making it easy to move ensures even piston like movements and reduces the possibility of surface resonance greatly. Specifications :Frequency Range (+/-3 dB) [Hz] : 38 - 34.000Sensitivity (2,83 V/1 m) [dB] : 90.5Nominal Impedance [ohms] : 4Maximum SPL [dB] : 112Recommended Amplifier Power [W] : 40 - 250Crossover Frequency [Hz] : 500 / 800 / 2.500 / 14.000Crossover Principle : 2½ + ½ + ½ way Hybrid tweeter module, Super high freq. driver, Quantity : 1 x 17 x 45 mmHybrid tweeter module, Super high freq. driver, Diaphragm type : RibbonHybrid tweeter module, High frequency driver, Quantity : 1 x 29 mmHybrid tweeter module, High frequency driver Diaphragm type : Soft Textile Dome Low frequency driver, Quantity : 3 x 6½"Low frequency driver, Diaphragm type : Wood Fibre ConeEnclosure type : Bass Reflex Bass Reflex Tuning Frequency [Hz] : 33.5Connection Input : Bi-Wiring Magnetic Shielding : NoRecommended Placement : Floor Recommended Distance From Wall [cm] : 20 - 180Dimensions With Base (HxWxD) [mm] : 1,100 x 220 x 445Weight [kg] : 27.3Accessories Included : Manual Micro Fibre Cloth Rubber Bumpers Spikes M8
RUBICON 6 is a floor standing loudspeaker that features two 6½ inch woofers, each sporting its own bass port, gold-plated bi-wiring terminals and our innovative ribbon/soft dome hybrid tweeter module, which also was used in the EPICON series.The RUBICON 6 is able to deliver more physical bass to fill a larger room, especially thanks to the woofers. The two woofers work together to move much more air, delivering more powerful bass and pumping out audio excellence that fills the room. The driver construction of the RUBICON 6 makes it even more powerful than its smaller siblings with an enhanced and controlled performance.The RUBICON 6 can be matched with the RUBICON 2 or RUBICON LCR, the RUBICON VOKAL and the SUB M-10 D to create a surround setup. SMC MAGNET SYSTEMWith a pole piece constructed entirely from SMC, surrounded by a slitted copper cap, and enclosed within a large ferrite magnet, the effect of the SMC is focused and maximised, and reduces distortion as never heard before.HYBRID TWEETER MODULEThe hybrid tweeter module is a DALI trademark and for the RUBICON series, it is build in Denmark. The hybrid tweeter module, combines the dome tweeter with the ribbon tweeter for an amazing rendering of the high frequencies.CABINET CONSTRUCTIONDividing the mid-range and basse drivers into separated chambers enables us to individually tune every driver to its specific frequency range to maximise the woofer output.WOOD FIBRE CONESUsing a wood fibre cone gives the in-house build woofer a light, rigid and randomly uneven membrane. Making it easy to move ensures even piston like movements and reduces the possibility of surface resonance greatly. Specifications :Frequency Range (+/-3 dB) [Hz] : 38 - 34.000Sensitivity (2,83 V/1 m) [dB] : 88.5Nominal Impedance [ohms] : 4Maximum SPL [dB] : 110Recommended Amplifier Power [W] : 40 - 200Crossover Frequency [Hz] : 800 / 2,600 / 14,000Crossover Principle : 2½ + ½-wayHybrid tweeter module, Super high freq. driver, Quantity : 1 x 17 x 45 mmHybrid tweeter module, Super high freq. driver, Diaphragm type : Ribbon Hybrid tweeter module, High frequency driver, Quantity : 1 x 29 mmHybrid tweeter module, High frequency driver Diaphragm type : Soft Textile Dome Low frequency driver, Quantity : 2 X 6½"Low frequency driver, Diaphragm type : Wood Fibre Cone Enclosure type : Bass Reflex Bass Reflex Tuning Frequency [Hz] : 33.5Connection Input : Bi-Wiring Magnetic Shielding : NoRecommended Placement : Floor Recommended Distance From Wall [cm] : 20 - 180Dimensions With Base (HxWxD) [mm] : 990 x 200 x 380Weight [kg] : 20.2Accessories Included : Manual Micro Fibre Cloth Rubber Bumpers Spikes M8
RUBICON 6 is a floor standing loudspeaker that features two 6½ inch woofers, each sporting its own bass port, gold-plated bi-wiring terminals and our innovative ribbon/soft dome hybrid tweeter module, which also was used in the EPICON series.The RUBICON 6 is able to deliver more physical bass to fill a larger room, especially thanks to the woofers. The two woofers work together to move much more air, delivering more powerful bass and pumping out audio excellence that fills the room. The driver construction of the RUBICON 6 makes it even more powerful than its smaller siblings with an enhanced and controlled performance.The RUBICON 6 can be matched with the RUBICON 2 or RUBICON LCR, the RUBICON VOKAL and the SUB M-10 D to create a surround setup. SMC MAGNET SYSTEMWith a pole piece constructed entirely from SMC, surrounded by a slitted copper cap, and enclosed within a large ferrite magnet, the effect of the SMC is focused and maximised, and reduces distortion as never heard before.HYBRID TWEETER MODULEThe hybrid tweeter module is a DALI trademark and for the RUBICON series, it is build in Denmark. The hybrid tweeter module, combines the dome tweeter with the ribbon tweeter for an amazing rendering of the high frequencies.CABINET CONSTRUCTIONDividing the mid-range and basse drivers into separated chambers enables us to individually tune every driver to its specific frequency range to maximise the woofer output.WOOD FIBRE CONESUsing a wood fibre cone gives the in-house build woofer a light, rigid and randomly uneven membrane. Making it easy to move ensures even piston like movements and reduces the possibility of surface resonance greatly. Specifications :Frequency Range (+/-3 dB) [Hz] : 38 - 34.000Sensitivity (2,83 V/1 m) [dB] : 88.5Nominal Impedance [ohms] : 4Maximum SPL [dB] : 110Recommended Amplifier Power [W] : 40 - 200Crossover Frequency [Hz] : 800 / 2,600 / 14,000Crossover Principle : 2½ + ½-wayHybrid tweeter module, Super high freq. driver, Quantity : 1 x 17 x 45 mmHybrid tweeter module, Super high freq. driver, Diaphragm type : Ribbon Hybrid tweeter module, High frequency driver, Quantity : 1 x 29 mmHybrid tweeter module, High frequency driver Diaphragm type : Soft Textile Dome Low frequency driver, Quantity : 2 X 6½"Low frequency driver, Diaphragm type : Wood Fibre Cone Enclosure type : Bass Reflex Bass Reflex Tuning Frequency [Hz] : 33.5Connection Input : Bi-Wiring Magnetic Shielding : NoRecommended Placement : Floor Recommended Distance From Wall [cm] : 20 - 180Dimensions With Base (HxWxD) [mm] : 990 x 200 x 380Weight [kg] : 20.2Accessories Included : Manual Micro Fibre Cloth Rubber Bumpers Spikes M8
RUBICON 6 is a floor standing loudspeaker that features two 6½ inch woofers, each sporting its own bass port, gold-plated bi-wiring terminals and our innovative ribbon/soft dome hybrid tweeter module, which also was used in the EPICON series.The RUBICON 6 is able to deliver more physical bass to fill a larger room, especially thanks to the woofers. The two woofers work together to move much more air, delivering more powerful bass and pumping out audio excellence that fills the room. The driver construction of the RUBICON 6 makes it even more powerful than its smaller siblings with an enhanced and controlled performance.The RUBICON 6 can be matched with the RUBICON 2 or RUBICON LCR, the RUBICON VOKAL and the SUB M-10 D to create a surround setup. SMC MAGNET SYSTEMWith a pole piece constructed entirely from SMC, surrounded by a slitted copper cap, and enclosed within a large ferrite magnet, the effect of the SMC is focused and maximised, and reduces distortion as never heard before.HYBRID TWEETER MODULEThe hybrid tweeter module is a DALI trademark and for the RUBICON series, it is build in Denmark. The hybrid tweeter module, combines the dome tweeter with the ribbon tweeter for an amazing rendering of the high frequencies.CABINET CONSTRUCTIONDividing the mid-range and basse drivers into separated chambers enables us to individually tune every driver to its specific frequency range to maximise the woofer output.WOOD FIBRE CONESUsing a wood fibre cone gives the in-house build woofer a light, rigid and randomly uneven membrane. Making it easy to move ensures even piston like movements and reduces the possibility of surface resonance greatly. Specifications :Frequency Range (+/-3 dB) [Hz] : 38 - 34.000Sensitivity (2,83 V/1 m) [dB] : 88.5Nominal Impedance [ohms] : 4Maximum SPL [dB] : 110Recommended Amplifier Power [W] : 40 - 200Crossover Frequency [Hz] : 800 / 2,600 / 14,000Crossover Principle : 2½ + ½-wayHybrid tweeter module, Super high freq. driver, Quantity : 1 x 17 x 45 mmHybrid tweeter module, Super high freq. driver, Diaphragm type : Ribbon Hybrid tweeter module, High frequency driver, Quantity : 1 x 29 mmHybrid tweeter module, High frequency driver Diaphragm type : Soft Textile Dome Low frequency driver, Quantity : 2 X 6½"Low frequency driver, Diaphragm type : Wood Fibre Cone Enclosure type : Bass Reflex Bass Reflex Tuning Frequency [Hz] : 33.5Connection Input : Bi-Wiring Magnetic Shielding : NoRecommended Placement : Floor Recommended Distance From Wall [cm] : 20 - 180Dimensions With Base (HxWxD) [mm] : 990 x 200 x 380Weight [kg] : 20.2Accessories Included : Manual Micro Fibre Cloth Rubber Bumpers Spikes M8
The absolute pinnacle of the EPICON series, the EPICON 8 delivers dramatically rich and detailed sound that will blow your mind and captivate your senses. This incredible loudspeaker is the result of a passionate, tireless quest for perfection. Prepare yourself for true musical indulgence like never before and for a beautifully statuesque design that will grace any home.absolute pinnacle of the EPICON series, the EPICON 8 delivers dramatically rich and detailed sound that will blow your mind and captivate your senses. This incredible loudspeaker is the result of a passionate, tireless quest for perfection. Prepare yourself for true musical indulgence like never before and for a beautifully statuesque design that will grace any home. SMC TECHNOLOGYAdvanced Soft Magnetic Compound (SMC), which eliminates variation of flux strength in the magnet gap. It reduces distortion to a minimum compared to conventional drivers. IN-HOUSE MADE WOOFERSThe latest generation of the wood fibre cones, including new cone impregnation process and a new post-assembly coating. DALI EPICON woofers are not only developed - but also manufactured at the DALI headquarters in Denmark! HYBRID TWEETEROptimized for the EPICON series. Featuring an extremely smooth and wide horizontal dispersion. MULTILAYER MDFConstructed from 6 individual layers of MDF glued together to form a rigid construction that reduces cabinet resonances. The rounded shape practically eliminated standing waves.The absolute pinnacle of the EPICON series, the EPICON 8 delivers dramatically rich and detailed sound that will blow your mind and captivate your senses. The loudspeaker is the result of a passionate, tireless quest to reach perfection.There are musical experiences in life so epic that you wish they would never end. Moments so wonderfully overpowering the very thought of them makes your heart tremble, your mind go wandering and your ears yearn for more. With the new, awe inspiring DALI EPICON 8 loudspeaker you can relive that sensation, again and again.Prepare yourself for musical indulgence like never before – and for a beautifully statuesque design your guests will envy. Specifications :Frequency Range (+/-3 dB) [Hz] : 35 - 30,000Sensitivity (2,83 V/1 m) [dB] : 89.0Nominal Impedance [ohms] : 5Maximum SPL [dB] : 112Recommended Amplifier Power [W] : 50 - 500Crossover Frequency [Hz] : 550 / 3,100 / 15,000Hybrid tweeter module, Super high freq. driver, Quantity : 1 x 10 x 55 mmHybrid tweeter module, Super high freq. driver, Diaphragm type : Ribbon Hybrid tweeter module, High frequency driver, Quantity : 1 x 29 mmHybrid tweeter module, High frequency driver Diaphragm type : Soft Textile Dome Midrange driver, Quantity : 1 x 6½"Midrange driver, Diaphragm type : Wood Fibre Cone Low frequency driver, Quantity : 2 x 8"Low frequency driver, Diaphragm type : Wood Fibre Cone Enclosure type : Bass Reflex Bass Reflex Tuning Frequency [Hz] : 28.0Connection Input : Bi-Amping (INT) Magnetic Shielding : NoRecommended Placement : FloorRecommended Distance From Wall [cm] : > 35Dimensions With Base (HxWxD) [mm] : 1262 x 353 x 497Dimensions (HxWxD) [mm] : 1225 x 264 x 485Weight [kg] : 47.5Accessories Included : Base Manual Micro Fibre Cloth Rubber Pads Spikes M10 Terminal Links
The absolute pinnacle of the EPICON series, the EPICON 8 delivers dramatically rich and detailed sound that will blow your mind and captivate your senses. This incredible loudspeaker is the result of a passionate, tireless quest for perfection. Prepare yourself for true musical indulgence like never before and for a beautifully statuesque design that will grace any home.absolute pinnacle of the EPICON series, the EPICON 8 delivers dramatically rich and detailed sound that will blow your mind and captivate your senses. This incredible loudspeaker is the result of a passionate, tireless quest for perfection. Prepare yourself for true musical indulgence like never before and for a beautifully statuesque design that will grace any home. SMC TECHNOLOGYAdvanced Soft Magnetic Compound (SMC), which eliminates variation of flux strength in the magnet gap. It reduces distortion to a minimum compared to conventional drivers. IN-HOUSE MADE WOOFERSThe latest generation of the wood fibre cones, including new cone impregnation process and a new post-assembly coating. DALI EPICON woofers are not only developed - but also manufactured at the DALI headquarters in Denmark! HYBRID TWEETEROptimized for the EPICON series. Featuring an extremely smooth and wide horizontal dispersion. MULTILAYER MDFConstructed from 6 individual layers of MDF glued together to form a rigid construction that reduces cabinet resonances. The rounded shape practically eliminated standing waves.The absolute pinnacle of the EPICON series, the EPICON 8 delivers dramatically rich and detailed sound that will blow your mind and captivate your senses. The loudspeaker is the result of a passionate, tireless quest to reach perfection.There are musical experiences in life so epic that you wish they would never end. Moments so wonderfully overpowering the very thought of them makes your heart tremble, your mind go wandering and your ears yearn for more. With the new, awe inspiring DALI EPICON 8 loudspeaker you can relive that sensation, again and again.Prepare yourself for musical indulgence like never before – and for a beautifully statuesque design your guests will envy. Specifications :Frequency Range (+/-3 dB) [Hz] : 35 - 30,000Sensitivity (2,83 V/1 m) [dB] : 89.0Nominal Impedance [ohms] : 5Maximum SPL [dB] : 112Recommended Amplifier Power [W] : 50 - 500Crossover Frequency [Hz] : 550 / 3,100 / 15,000Hybrid tweeter module, Super high freq. driver, Quantity : 1 x 10 x 55 mmHybrid tweeter module, Super high freq. driver, Diaphragm type : Ribbon Hybrid tweeter module, High frequency driver, Quantity : 1 x 29 mmHybrid tweeter module, High frequency driver Diaphragm type : Soft Textile Dome Midrange driver, Quantity : 1 x 6½"Midrange driver, Diaphragm type : Wood Fibre Cone Low frequency driver, Quantity : 2 x 8"Low frequency driver, Diaphragm type : Wood Fibre Cone Enclosure type : Bass Reflex Bass Reflex Tuning Frequency [Hz] : 28.0Connection Input : Bi-Amping (INT) Magnetic Shielding : NoRecommended Placement : FloorRecommended Distance From Wall [cm] : > 35Dimensions With Base (HxWxD) [mm] : 1262 x 353 x 497Dimensions (HxWxD) [mm] : 1225 x 264 x 485Weight [kg] : 47.5Accessories Included : Base Manual Micro Fibre Cloth Rubber Pads Spikes M10 Terminal Links
Allow sensational musical moments to live on in the comfort of your own home with the revolutionary EPICON 6. Designed to make a lasting impression, the exterior of the loudspeaker is as captivating to the eye as the sound is to the ear. Sit back and enjoy impeccable high frequencies and voice reproductions so lifelike, you will feel as if you are in the middle of a live performance.The backbone of EPICON 6 is DALI’s new driver technology. Featuring two 6 ½“ bass woofers, the unique Linear Drive Magnet System as well as the breakthrough ribbon/soft dome hybrid tweeter the sound breaks with traditional loudspeaker conventions.The EPICON 6 relies on a 2½-way system as – compared to the EPICON 2 – it features an additional woofer kicking in below 600Hz. However, for the highest frequencies the EPICON 6 also incorporates a ribbon tweeter as part of the hybrid tweeter, in reality turning the speaker into a ‘2½ + ½-way’ construction. SMC - Linear Drive Magnet SystemFor years designing magnet systems has been a DALI specialty. For the EPICON 6 we decided to challenge the highest market standards and to take magnet system design further than ever before in order to reduce distortion generated from less than perfect magnet systems. The answer turned out to be a Soft Magnetic Compound (SMC) material which offers exactly the right physical properties: Very high magnetic conductivity and very low electrical conductivity (approx. 1/10.000’s of iron). The result is a dramatic reduction in distortion caused by mechanical loss in the magnet system. The high magnetic conductivity is instrumental in more or less eliminating the frequency depended effect of hysteresis. The electrical non-conductive nature of the SMC material eliminates the induction of modulating magnet fields in the magnet gab and significantly lowers the eddy current on the pole piece caused by the movement of the voice coil. The resulting reduction of distortion is both very clearly measurable and indeed audible. HYBRID TWEETERFor a transparent and solid rendering of even the most subtle high frequency details the finest DALI hybrid tweeter module is employed in the EPICON 6. The module consists of a newly developed 29 mm ultra lightweight dome tweeter and a 10 x 55 mm ribbon tweeter. Working in unison, the soft dome tweeter and the ribbon tweeter form the ideal high frequency solution. Combining the advantages of each tweeter’s unique properties is a technology which DALI has spent years in perfecting. Low resonance frequency, high power handling, and exceptional headroom for high sound pressure levels and extreme excursions are all characteristics of the oversized soft dome tweeter. Incorporating an ultra-thin magnetic fluid for cooling, the fluid has a very high flux saturation point for greater power handling. This also means superb control of coil movement – even at very high sound pressure levels. The ribbon tweeter features a broad frequency band and superb dispersion in the higher frequencies. Gently rolled in above 10 kHz, the ribbon reaches full contribution from 15 kHz to well beyond 30 kHz, far above the audible range. Both the soft dome and the ribbon tweeter are free of artefacts, e.g. resonances and high Q peaks within their working range. The Hybrid Tweeter Module features an extremely smooth and wide horizontal dispersion – one of our sound design trademarks. Even the detailing of the faceplate of the tweeter module is designed for optimal horizontal dispersion. WOOFERWith the background of in-depth loudspeaker driver design for years, and having engineers with loudspeaker drivers manufacturing experience in-house, DALI started up the process of establishing in-house production of drivers in 2009. Today we are proud to present the result: DALI EPICON 6 woofers are not only developed - but also manufactured at the DALI headquarters in Denmark. At DALI we believe in designs based on low mechanical loss. Actually we were among the first to insist on controlling the frequency response by carefully balanced designs. We want the amplifier voltage and current to be the factor to control the frequency response by carefully balanced designs. The wood fibre technology has proven to be a key in reproducing the finest details and dynamics in the music with very low loss of information. Wood fibres add stiffness to very light paper cone membranes, ensuring non-uniform break-up characteristics within the material. The result is a structural stiffness showing top-class behaviour. The wood fibre cone terminates in a low-loss rubber surround that is fitted to a die cast aluminium chassis. Assembly of the cone, surround, voice coil and chassis is done in highly accurate tools for the maximum alignment accuracy. CABINETWorking both as an acoustic tuned ‘spring’ for the drivers, as well as getting rid of reaction force (resonant) energy, the cabinet is an important part of the entire speaker system. A rigid construction is necessary to optimize the working environment for both woofers and tweeter. The front baffle, sides and top of the EPICON 6 are heated in a process that allows us to press it into an organic shape. This design increases overall rigidity and severely reduces cabinet resonances. Furthermore standing waves are practically eliminated as there are no parallel surfaces reflecting sound waves. With a thickness of 33 mm the dual-layer front baffle ensures that energy from the drivers is radiated as acoustic energy, and not as vibrations in the cabinet. The curved shape of the front baffle is also a contributing factor in ensuring a stable acoustic platform. At the very bottom of the cabinet, you will see that the hardwired crossover is mounted in its own enclosure - free from the dynamic variation of cabinet pressure inside the bass reflex enclosures. The finish of the cabinet is real wood veneer which is lacquered for a total of 10 times. And in between, each layer is hand polished to ensure a deep, high gloss and elegant surface. 10 times of lacquer also ensures a sturdy finish with a thickness of almost 2 mm. That means that the entire CNC cutting for drivers, ports and terminals is done after the paint process to ensure perfect fit. Specifications :Frequency Range (+/-3 dB) [Hz] : 35 - 30,000Sensitivity (2,83 V/1 m) [dB] : 88.0Nominal Impedance [ohms] : 5Maximum SPL [dB] : 110Recommended Amplifier Power [W] : 50-300.Crossover Frequency [Hz] : 700 / 2,550 / 15,000Hybrid tweeter module, Super high freq. driver, Quantity : 1 x 10 x 55 mmHybrid tweeter module, High frequency driver, Quantity : 1 x 29 mmLow frequency driver, Quantity : 2 x 6½"Bass Reflex Tuning Frequency [Hz] : 32.5Magnetic Shielding : NoRecommended Distance From Wall [cm] : > 25Dimensions With Base (HxWxD) [mm] : 1062 x 320x 459Dimensions (HxWxD) [mm] : 1025 x 232 441Weight [kg] : 30.0
Allow sensational musical moments to live on in the comfort of your own home with the revolutionary EPICON 6. Designed to make a lasting impression, the exterior of the loudspeaker is as captivating to the eye as the sound is to the ear. Sit back and enjoy impeccable high frequencies and voice reproductions so lifelike, you will feel as if you are in the middle of a live performance.The backbone of EPICON 6 is DALI’s new driver technology. Featuring two 6 ½“ bass woofers, the unique Linear Drive Magnet System as well as the breakthrough ribbon/soft dome hybrid tweeter the sound breaks with traditional loudspeaker conventions.The EPICON 6 relies on a 2½-way system as – compared to the EPICON 2 – it features an additional woofer kicking in below 600Hz. However, for the highest frequencies the EPICON 6 also incorporates a ribbon tweeter as part of the hybrid tweeter, in reality turning the speaker into a ‘2½ + ½-way’ construction. SMC - Linear Drive Magnet SystemFor years designing magnet systems has been a DALI specialty. For the EPICON 6 we decided to challenge the highest market standards and to take magnet system design further than ever before in order to reduce distortion generated from less than perfect magnet systems. The answer turned out to be a Soft Magnetic Compound (SMC) material which offers exactly the right physical properties: Very high magnetic conductivity and very low electrical conductivity (approx. 1/10.000’s of iron). The result is a dramatic reduction in distortion caused by mechanical loss in the magnet system. The high magnetic conductivity is instrumental in more or less eliminating the frequency depended effect of hysteresis. The electrical non-conductive nature of the SMC material eliminates the induction of modulating magnet fields in the magnet gab and significantly lowers the eddy current on the pole piece caused by the movement of the voice coil. The resulting reduction of distortion is both very clearly measurable and indeed audible. HYBRID TWEETERFor a transparent and solid rendering of even the most subtle high frequency details the finest DALI hybrid tweeter module is employed in the EPICON 6. The module consists of a newly developed 29 mm ultra lightweight dome tweeter and a 10 x 55 mm ribbon tweeter. Working in unison, the soft dome tweeter and the ribbon tweeter form the ideal high frequency solution. Combining the advantages of each tweeter’s unique properties is a technology which DALI has spent years in perfecting. Low resonance frequency, high power handling, and exceptional headroom for high sound pressure levels and extreme excursions are all characteristics of the oversized soft dome tweeter. Incorporating an ultra-thin magnetic fluid for cooling, the fluid has a very high flux saturation point for greater power handling. This also means superb control of coil movement – even at very high sound pressure levels. The ribbon tweeter features a broad frequency band and superb dispersion in the higher frequencies. Gently rolled in above 10 kHz, the ribbon reaches full contribution from 15 kHz to well beyond 30 kHz, far above the audible range. Both the soft dome and the ribbon tweeter are free of artefacts, e.g. resonances and high Q peaks within their working range. The Hybrid Tweeter Module features an extremely smooth and wide horizontal dispersion – one of our sound design trademarks. Even the detailing of the faceplate of the tweeter module is designed for optimal horizontal dispersion. WOOFERWith the background of in-depth loudspeaker driver design for years, and having engineers with loudspeaker drivers manufacturing experience in-house, DALI started up the process of establishing in-house production of drivers in 2009. Today we are proud to present the result: DALI EPICON 6 woofers are not only developed - but also manufactured at the DALI headquarters in Denmark. At DALI we believe in designs based on low mechanical loss. Actually we were among the first to insist on controlling the frequency response by carefully balanced designs. We want the amplifier voltage and current to be the factor to control the frequency response by carefully balanced designs. The wood fibre technology has proven to be a key in reproducing the finest details and dynamics in the music with very low loss of information. Wood fibres add stiffness to very light paper cone membranes, ensuring non-uniform break-up characteristics within the material. The result is a structural stiffness showing top-class behaviour. The wood fibre cone terminates in a low-loss rubber surround that is fitted to a die cast aluminium chassis. Assembly of the cone, surround, voice coil and chassis is done in highly accurate tools for the maximum alignment accuracy. CABINETWorking both as an acoustic tuned ‘spring’ for the drivers, as well as getting rid of reaction force (resonant) energy, the cabinet is an important part of the entire speaker system. A rigid construction is necessary to optimize the working environment for both woofers and tweeter. The front baffle, sides and top of the EPICON 6 are heated in a process that allows us to press it into an organic shape. This design increases overall rigidity and severely reduces cabinet resonances. Furthermore standing waves are practically eliminated as there are no parallel surfaces reflecting sound waves. With a thickness of 33 mm the dual-layer front baffle ensures that energy from the drivers is radiated as acoustic energy, and not as vibrations in the cabinet. The curved shape of the front baffle is also a contributing factor in ensuring a stable acoustic platform. At the very bottom of the cabinet, you will see that the hardwired crossover is mounted in its own enclosure - free from the dynamic variation of cabinet pressure inside the bass reflex enclosures. The finish of the cabinet is real wood veneer which is lacquered for a total of 10 times. And in between, each layer is hand polished to ensure a deep, high gloss and elegant surface. 10 times of lacquer also ensures a sturdy finish with a thickness of almost 2 mm. That means that the entire CNC cutting for drivers, ports and terminals is done after the paint process to ensure perfect fit. Specifications :Frequency Range (+/-3 dB) [Hz] : 35 - 30,000Sensitivity (2,83 V/1 m) [dB] : 88.0Nominal Impedance [ohms] : 5Maximum SPL [dB] : 110Recommended Amplifier Power [W] : 50-300.Crossover Frequency [Hz] : 700 / 2,550 / 15,000Hybrid tweeter module, Super high freq. driver, Quantity : 1 x 10 x 55 mmHybrid tweeter module, High frequency driver, Quantity : 1 x 29 mmLow frequency driver, Quantity : 2 x 6½"Bass Reflex Tuning Frequency [Hz] : 32.5Magnetic Shielding : NoRecommended Distance From Wall [cm] : > 25Dimensions With Base (HxWxD) [mm] : 1062 x 320x 459Dimensions (HxWxD) [mm] : 1025 x 232 441Weight [kg] : 30.0
Allow sensational musical moments to live on in the comfort of your own home with the revolutionary EPICON 6. Designed to make a lasting impression, the exterior of the loudspeaker is as captivating to the eye as the sound is to the ear. Sit back and enjoy impeccable high frequencies and voice reproductions so lifelike, you will feel as if you are in the middle of a live performance.The backbone of EPICON 6 is DALI’s new driver technology. Featuring two 6 ½“ bass woofers, the unique Linear Drive Magnet System as well as the breakthrough ribbon/soft dome hybrid tweeter the sound breaks with traditional loudspeaker conventions.The EPICON 6 relies on a 2½-way system as – compared to the EPICON 2 – it features an additional woofer kicking in below 600Hz. However, for the highest frequencies the EPICON 6 also incorporates a ribbon tweeter as part of the hybrid tweeter, in reality turning the speaker into a ‘2½ + ½-way’ construction. SMC - Linear Drive Magnet SystemFor years designing magnet systems has been a DALI specialty. For the EPICON 6 we decided to challenge the highest market standards and to take magnet system design further than ever before in order to reduce distortion generated from less than perfect magnet systems. The answer turned out to be a Soft Magnetic Compound (SMC) material which offers exactly the right physical properties: Very high magnetic conductivity and very low electrical conductivity (approx. 1/10.000’s of iron). The result is a dramatic reduction in distortion caused by mechanical loss in the magnet system. The high magnetic conductivity is instrumental in more or less eliminating the frequency depended effect of hysteresis. The electrical non-conductive nature of the SMC material eliminates the induction of modulating magnet fields in the magnet gab and significantly lowers the eddy current on the pole piece caused by the movement of the voice coil. The resulting reduction of distortion is both very clearly measurable and indeed audible. HYBRID TWEETERFor a transparent and solid rendering of even the most subtle high frequency details the finest DALI hybrid tweeter module is employed in the EPICON 6. The module consists of a newly developed 29 mm ultra lightweight dome tweeter and a 10 x 55 mm ribbon tweeter. Working in unison, the soft dome tweeter and the ribbon tweeter form the ideal high frequency solution. Combining the advantages of each tweeter’s unique properties is a technology which DALI has spent years in perfecting. Low resonance frequency, high power handling, and exceptional headroom for high sound pressure levels and extreme excursions are all characteristics of the oversized soft dome tweeter. Incorporating an ultra-thin magnetic fluid for cooling, the fluid has a very high flux saturation point for greater power handling. This also means superb control of coil movement – even at very high sound pressure levels. The ribbon tweeter features a broad frequency band and superb dispersion in the higher frequencies. Gently rolled in above 10 kHz, the ribbon reaches full contribution from 15 kHz to well beyond 30 kHz, far above the audible range. Both the soft dome and the ribbon tweeter are free of artefacts, e.g. resonances and high Q peaks within their working range. The Hybrid Tweeter Module features an extremely smooth and wide horizontal dispersion – one of our sound design trademarks. Even the detailing of the faceplate of the tweeter module is designed for optimal horizontal dispersion. WOOFERWith the background of in-depth loudspeaker driver design for years, and having engineers with loudspeaker drivers manufacturing experience in-house, DALI started up the process of establishing in-house production of drivers in 2009. Today we are proud to present the result: DALI EPICON 6 woofers are not only developed - but also manufactured at the DALI headquarters in Denmark. At DALI we believe in designs based on low mechanical loss. Actually we were among the first to insist on controlling the frequency response by carefully balanced designs. We want the amplifier voltage and current to be the factor to control the frequency response by carefully balanced designs. The wood fibre technology has proven to be a key in reproducing the finest details and dynamics in the music with very low loss of information. Wood fibres add stiffness to very light paper cone membranes, ensuring non-uniform break-up characteristics within the material. The result is a structural stiffness showing top-class behaviour. The wood fibre cone terminates in a low-loss rubber surround that is fitted to a die cast aluminium chassis. Assembly of the cone, surround, voice coil and chassis is done in highly accurate tools for the maximum alignment accuracy. CABINETWorking both as an acoustic tuned ‘spring’ for the drivers, as well as getting rid of reaction force (resonant) energy, the cabinet is an important part of the entire speaker system. A rigid construction is necessary to optimize the working environment for both woofers and tweeter. The front baffle, sides and top of the EPICON 6 are heated in a process that allows us to press it into an organic shape. This design increases overall rigidity and severely reduces cabinet resonances. Furthermore standing waves are practically eliminated as there are no parallel surfaces reflecting sound waves. With a thickness of 33 mm the dual-layer front baffle ensures that energy from the drivers is radiated as acoustic energy, and not as vibrations in the cabinet. The curved shape of the front baffle is also a contributing factor in ensuring a stable acoustic platform. At the very bottom of the cabinet, you will see that the hardwired crossover is mounted in its own enclosure - free from the dynamic variation of cabinet pressure inside the bass reflex enclosures. The finish of the cabinet is real wood veneer which is lacquered for a total of 10 times. And in between, each layer is hand polished to ensure a deep, high gloss and elegant surface. 10 times of lacquer also ensures a sturdy finish with a thickness of almost 2 mm. That means that the entire CNC cutting for drivers, ports and terminals is done after the paint process to ensure perfect fit. Specifications :Frequency Range (+/-3 dB) [Hz] : 35 - 30,000Sensitivity (2,83 V/1 m) [dB] : 88.0Nominal Impedance [ohms] : 5Maximum SPL [dB] : 110Recommended Amplifier Power [W] : 50-300.Crossover Frequency [Hz] : 700 / 2,550 / 15,000Hybrid tweeter module, Super high freq. driver, Quantity : 1 x 10 x 55 mmHybrid tweeter module, High frequency driver, Quantity : 1 x 29 mmLow frequency driver, Quantity : 2 x 6½"Bass Reflex Tuning Frequency [Hz] : 32.5Magnetic Shielding : NoRecommended Distance From Wall [cm] : > 25Dimensions With Base (HxWxD) [mm] : 1062 x 320x 459Dimensions (HxWxD) [mm] : 1025 x 232 441Weight [kg] : 30.0
Allow sensational musical moments to live on in the comfort of your own home with the revolutionary EPICON 6. Designed to make a lasting impression, the exterior of the loudspeaker is as captivating to the eye as the sound is to the ear. Sit back and enjoy impeccable high frequencies and voice reproductions so lifelike, you will feel as if you are in the middle of a live performance.The backbone of EPICON 6 is DALI’s new driver technology. Featuring two 6 ½“ bass woofers, the unique Linear Drive Magnet System as well as the breakthrough ribbon/soft dome hybrid tweeter the sound breaks with traditional loudspeaker conventions.The EPICON 6 relies on a 2½-way system as – compared to the EPICON 2 – it features an additional woofer kicking in below 600Hz. However, for the highest frequencies the EPICON 6 also incorporates a ribbon tweeter as part of the hybrid tweeter, in reality turning the speaker into a ‘2½ + ½-way’ construction. SMC - Linear Drive Magnet SystemFor years designing magnet systems has been a DALI specialty. For the EPICON 6 we decided to challenge the highest market standards and to take magnet system design further than ever before in order to reduce distortion generated from less than perfect magnet systems. The answer turned out to be a Soft Magnetic Compound (SMC) material which offers exactly the right physical properties: Very high magnetic conductivity and very low electrical conductivity (approx. 1/10.000’s of iron). The result is a dramatic reduction in distortion caused by mechanical loss in the magnet system. The high magnetic conductivity is instrumental in more or less eliminating the frequency depended effect of hysteresis. The electrical non-conductive nature of the SMC material eliminates the induction of modulating magnet fields in the magnet gab and significantly lowers the eddy current on the pole piece caused by the movement of the voice coil. The resulting reduction of distortion is both very clearly measurable and indeed audible. HYBRID TWEETERFor a transparent and solid rendering of even the most subtle high frequency details the finest DALI hybrid tweeter module is employed in the EPICON 6. The module consists of a newly developed 29 mm ultra lightweight dome tweeter and a 10 x 55 mm ribbon tweeter. Working in unison, the soft dome tweeter and the ribbon tweeter form the ideal high frequency solution. Combining the advantages of each tweeter’s unique properties is a technology which DALI has spent years in perfecting. Low resonance frequency, high power handling, and exceptional headroom for high sound pressure levels and extreme excursions are all characteristics of the oversized soft dome tweeter. Incorporating an ultra-thin magnetic fluid for cooling, the fluid has a very high flux saturation point for greater power handling. This also means superb control of coil movement – even at very high sound pressure levels. The ribbon tweeter features a broad frequency band and superb dispersion in the higher frequencies. Gently rolled in above 10 kHz, the ribbon reaches full contribution from 15 kHz to well beyond 30 kHz, far above the audible range. Both the soft dome and the ribbon tweeter are free of artefacts, e.g. resonances and high Q peaks within their working range. The Hybrid Tweeter Module features an extremely smooth and wide horizontal dispersion – one of our sound design trademarks. Even the detailing of the faceplate of the tweeter module is designed for optimal horizontal dispersion. WOOFERWith the background of in-depth loudspeaker driver design for years, and having engineers with loudspeaker drivers manufacturing experience in-house, DALI started up the process of establishing in-house production of drivers in 2009. Today we are proud to present the result: DALI EPICON 6 woofers are not only developed - but also manufactured at the DALI headquarters in Denmark. At DALI we believe in designs based on low mechanical loss. Actually we were among the first to insist on controlling the frequency response by carefully balanced designs. We want the amplifier voltage and current to be the factor to control the frequency response by carefully balanced designs. The wood fibre technology has proven to be a key in reproducing the finest details and dynamics in the music with very low loss of information. Wood fibres add stiffness to very light paper cone membranes, ensuring non-uniform break-up characteristics within the material. The result is a structural stiffness showing top-class behaviour. The wood fibre cone terminates in a low-loss rubber surround that is fitted to a die cast aluminium chassis. Assembly of the cone, surround, voice coil and chassis is done in highly accurate tools for the maximum alignment accuracy. CABINETWorking both as an acoustic tuned ‘spring’ for the drivers, as well as getting rid of reaction force (resonant) energy, the cabinet is an important part of the entire speaker system. A rigid construction is necessary to optimize the working environment for both woofers and tweeter. The front baffle, sides and top of the EPICON 6 are heated in a process that allows us to press it into an organic shape. This design increases overall rigidity and severely reduces cabinet resonances. Furthermore standing waves are practically eliminated as there are no parallel surfaces reflecting sound waves. With a thickness of 33 mm the dual-layer front baffle ensures that energy from the drivers is radiated as acoustic energy, and not as vibrations in the cabinet. The curved shape of the front baffle is also a contributing factor in ensuring a stable acoustic platform. At the very bottom of the cabinet, you will see that the hardwired crossover is mounted in its own enclosure - free from the dynamic variation of cabinet pressure inside the bass reflex enclosures. The finish of the cabinet is real wood veneer which is lacquered for a total of 10 times. And in between, each layer is hand polished to ensure a deep, high gloss and elegant surface. 10 times of lacquer also ensures a sturdy finish with a thickness of almost 2 mm. That means that the entire CNC cutting for drivers, ports and terminals is done after the paint process to ensure perfect fit. Specifications :Frequency Range (+/-3 dB) [Hz] : 35 - 30,000Sensitivity (2,83 V/1 m) [dB] : 88.0Nominal Impedance [ohms] : 5Maximum SPL [dB] : 110Recommended Amplifier Power [W] : 50-300.Crossover Frequency [Hz] : 700 / 2,550 / 15,000Hybrid tweeter module, Super high freq. driver, Quantity : 1 x 10 x 55 mmHybrid tweeter module, High frequency driver, Quantity : 1 x 29 mmLow frequency driver, Quantity : 2 x 6½"Bass Reflex Tuning Frequency [Hz] : 32.5Magnetic Shielding : NoRecommended Distance From Wall [cm] : > 25Dimensions With Base (HxWxD) [mm] : 1062 x 320x 459Dimensions (HxWxD) [mm] : 1025 x 232 441Weight [kg] : 30.0
The floor standing flagship of the RUBICON series, the RUBICON 8, will provide you with a mind blowing large soundstage and an impressive deep, physical bass. Inherited from the EPICON series, the RUBICON series utilizes the same SMC technology and soft dome diaphragm. The RUBICON 8 has no less than three drivers that all kick in at different frequencies. This setup ads up to what in effect is a 2½+½+½-way construction, and generates an amazing range and impressive sound pressure. The RUBICON 8 is for those seeking the extraordinary in size and sound.Upping the audio ante to the extreme, the RUBICON 8 is quite simply stunning in terms of the epic soundstage it presents. The trio of woofers work by kicking in at different frequencies, making the RUBICON 8 loudspeaker, the pinnacle of your entry into the world of high-end audio at a mid-range price.Delivering a totally transparent image with a richness of detail that recreates the passion of a live performance, the wider sound dispersion afforded by our hybrid tweeter helps the RUBICON 8 fill even the most sizeable of spaces with the purest audio your ears will ever witness.Combine the RUBICON 8 with a pair of RUBICON 2 or RUBICON LCR, a RUBICON VOKALand a SUB M-10 D to get an ideal surround experience. SMC MAGNET SYSTEMWith a pole piece constructed entirely from SMC, surrounded by a slitted copper cap, and enclosed within a large ferrite magnet, the effect of the SMC is focused and maximised, and reduces distortion as never heard before.HYBRID TWEETER MODULEThe hybrid tweeter module is a DALI trademark and for the RUBICON series, it is build in Denmark. The hybrid tweeter module, combines the dome tweeter with the ribbon tweeter for an amazing rendering of the high frequencies.CABINET CONSTRUCTIONDividing the mid-range and basse drivers into separated chambers enables us to individually tune every driver to its specific frequency range to maximise the woofer output.WOOD FIBRE CONESUsing a wood fibre cone gives the in-house build woofer a light, rigid and randomly uneven membrane. Making it easy to move ensures even piston like movements and reduces the possibility of surface resonance greatly. Specifications :Frequency Range (+/-3 dB) [Hz] : 38 - 34.000Sensitivity (2,83 V/1 m) [dB] : 90.5Nominal Impedance [ohms] : 4Maximum SPL [dB] : 112Recommended Amplifier Power [W] : 40 - 250Crossover Frequency [Hz] : 500 / 800 / 2.500 / 14.000Crossover Principle : 2½ + ½ + ½ way Hybrid tweeter module, Super high freq. driver, Quantity : 1 x 17 x 45 mmHybrid tweeter module, Super high freq. driver, Diaphragm type : RibbonHybrid tweeter module, High frequency driver, Quantity : 1 x 29 mmHybrid tweeter module, High frequency driver Diaphragm type : Soft Textile Dome Low frequency driver, Quantity : 3 x 6½"Low frequency driver, Diaphragm type : Wood Fibre ConeEnclosure type : Bass Reflex Bass Reflex Tuning Frequency [Hz] : 33.5Connection Input : Bi-Wiring Magnetic Shielding : NoRecommended Placement : Floor Recommended Distance From Wall [cm] : 20 - 180Dimensions With Base (HxWxD) [mm] : 1,100 x 220 x 445Weight [kg] : 27.3Accessories Included : Manual Micro Fibre Cloth Rubber Bumpers Spikes M8
The absolute pinnacle of the EPICON series, the EPICON 8 delivers dramatically rich and detailed sound that will blow your mind and captivate your senses. This incredible loudspeaker is the result of a passionate, tireless quest for perfection. Prepare yourself for true musical indulgence like never before and for a beautifully statuesque design that will grace any home.absolute pinnacle of the EPICON series, the EPICON 8 delivers dramatically rich and detailed sound that will blow your mind and captivate your senses. This incredible loudspeaker is the result of a passionate, tireless quest for perfection. Prepare yourself for true musical indulgence like never before and for a beautifully statuesque design that will grace any home. SMC TECHNOLOGYAdvanced Soft Magnetic Compound (SMC), which eliminates variation of flux strength in the magnet gap. It reduces distortion to a minimum compared to conventional drivers. IN-HOUSE MADE WOOFERSThe latest generation of the wood fibre cones, including new cone impregnation process and a new post-assembly coating. DALI EPICON woofers are not only developed - but also manufactured at the DALI headquarters in Denmark! HYBRID TWEETEROptimized for the EPICON series. Featuring an extremely smooth and wide horizontal dispersion. MULTILAYER MDFConstructed from 6 individual layers of MDF glued together to form a rigid construction that reduces cabinet resonances. The rounded shape practically eliminated standing waves.The absolute pinnacle of the EPICON series, the EPICON 8 delivers dramatically rich and detailed sound that will blow your mind and captivate your senses. The loudspeaker is the result of a passionate, tireless quest to reach perfection.There are musical experiences in life so epic that you wish they would never end. Moments so wonderfully overpowering the very thought of them makes your heart tremble, your mind go wandering and your ears yearn for more. With the new, awe inspiring DALI EPICON 8 loudspeaker you can relive that sensation, again and again.Prepare yourself for musical indulgence like never before – and for a beautifully statuesque design your guests will envy. Specifications :Frequency Range (+/-3 dB) [Hz] : 35 - 30,000Sensitivity (2,83 V/1 m) [dB] : 89.0Nominal Impedance [ohms] : 5Maximum SPL [dB] : 112Recommended Amplifier Power [W] : 50 - 500Crossover Frequency [Hz] : 550 / 3,100 / 15,000Hybrid tweeter module, Super high freq. driver, Quantity : 1 x 10 x 55 mmHybrid tweeter module, Super high freq. driver, Diaphragm type : Ribbon Hybrid tweeter module, High frequency driver, Quantity : 1 x 29 mmHybrid tweeter module, High frequency driver Diaphragm type : Soft Textile Dome Midrange driver, Quantity : 1 x 6½"Midrange driver, Diaphragm type : Wood Fibre Cone Low frequency driver, Quantity : 2 x 8"Low frequency driver, Diaphragm type : Wood Fibre Cone Enclosure type : Bass Reflex Bass Reflex Tuning Frequency [Hz] : 28.0Connection Input : Bi-Amping (INT) Magnetic Shielding : NoRecommended Placement : FloorRecommended Distance From Wall [cm] : > 35Dimensions With Base (HxWxD) [mm] : 1262 x 353 x 497Dimensions (HxWxD) [mm] : 1225 x 264 x 485Weight [kg] : 47.5Accessories Included : Base Manual Micro Fibre Cloth Rubber Pads Spikes M10 Terminal Links
Tangent’s Spectrum range of affordable hi-fi and home theatre loudspeakers offer typically Danish contemporary, stylish designs fused with high-end audio quality from compact enclosures … to create the very best in two and multi-channel applications. Latest Technology The range benefits from latest-technology drive units carefully selected by Tangent’s acoustic engineers, including a wide dispersion 25mm soft fabric dome tweeter, together with a 110mm or 130mm long throw paper coned bass driver … or an 200mm bass driver featured in the subwoofer. Danish Speaker DesignThe compact, stylish enclosures boast a solid, inert construction to reduce cabinet colouration and resonance. Available in attractive midnight black or polar white highly durable matt satin finishes, all drive units are protective with colour-matched, integrated mesh grilles. Contrasting walnut base plinths complete the unique aesthetic appeal across the range. Spectrum X6Following the success of the X4 and X5 bookshelf/stand-mount speakers, Tangent now introduces a stunning pair of X6 3-way bass reflex floor-standing loudspeakers. Housed within the stylish and handsome cabinet enclosures, the performance is faithfully reproduced from two 130mm bass-midrange drivers together with the range generic 25 mm dome fabric tweeter … resulting in 200 watts of easy to drive power and a sensitivity rating of 88db. Make it a SystemComplete your system with the new Spectrum XC Centre speaker and Spectrum XSW-8 Subwoofer to create the ultimate multi-channel movie or music experience. Features:Unique satin finishesFabric dome tweeterMidrange-bass driversDanish design Specifications:System 3-waysSensitivity 88 dBFrequency 50Hz - 20 000HzImpedance 6 ΩPower Up to 200 wattWeight 12 / 13 kgProduct Dimensions 166 x 923 x 268 mmCarton Size 245 x 1010 x 343 mm
First, came the 3.7The 3.7 is a 3-way design, like the 3.6, but, it is a full-range ribbon design, like the highly acclaimed 1.7. We are calling it "trickle-up" technology. The concepts that worked so well in the 1.7 were incorporated in the 3.7.The 3.7 was subjected to "blind testing" by a panel of audiophiles and casual listeners. In addition to better sound, there is one more important improvement that you can test for yourself. If you have the opportunity to hear the 3.7s at your local dealer, try this experiment---Ask the dealer to place the speakers with the tweeters on the outside. Note how the imaging remains remarkably stable when seated far off-axis. With some speakers it is necessary to sit in the "sweet spot" for good imaging. If you are too far out of the sweet spot, you will hear predominately one speaker. With the tweeters on the outside, the 3.7 has the widest sweet spot of any of any previous Maggies. If you prefer to sit only in the "sweet spot", try the tweeters on the inside. Be sure the speakers are toed-in. In all cases, the tweeter should not be closer to the listener than the bass section.Then, the 3.7 became the 3.7iIn past model improvements, driver changes and factory retooling were extensive. It is rare when improvements can be made that are audible in a blind test and do not require a major investment. So, in view of this good fortune, we chose to pass on these small improvements rather than save them for a 3.8. Specifications:Trim : blackCloth : black knotFreq. Resp.: 35Hz- 40 kHz Sensitivity: 86dB/500Hz /2.83vImpedance: 4 OhmDimensions: 24 x 71 x 1.625 inches
The 20.7 is not big from an acoustical standpoint. However, the bass driver is big. If we sold the portion of the speaker from 200 Hz up, you could put it in the average apartment. Yes, it is tall, but very narrow. The ideal speaker would be a massless line-source that would look like a pole--from the floor to the ceiling. The 20.7 comes as close to that ideal as is possible with real-world devices.The 20.7 bass driver is the reason it is big. Sorry, but that is what it takes to have high definition bass.The 20.7 was subjected to "blind testing" by a panel of audiophiles and casual listeners. In addition to better sound, there is one more important improvement that you can test for yourself. If you have the opportunity to hear the 20.7s at your local dealer, try this experiment - Ask the dealer to place the speakers with the tweeters on the outside. Note how the imaging remains remarkably stable when seated far off-axis. With some speakers it is necessary to sit in the "sweet spot" for good imaging. If you are too far out of the sweet spot, you will hear predominately one speaker. With the tweeters on the outside, the 20.7 has the widest sweet spot of any of any previous Maggies. If you prefer to sit only in the "sweet spot", try the tweeters on the inside. Be sure the speakers are toed-in. In all cases, the tweeter should not be closer to the listener than the bass section. Specifications:Trim : natural oak, black, aluminium silver matt or black mattCloth : white, dark gray, black3-Way / Ribbon Tweeter - Planar-MagneticFreq. Resp.: 25-40 kHz Sensitivity: 86dB/500Hz /2.83vImpedance: 4 OhmDimensions: 29 x 79x 2.062 inches
The Triton Seven brings Speaker-of-the-Year Award winning Triton Series performance into a more compact size and even more affordable price range. Although it is the first Triton Tower without a built-in powered subwoofer, it still achieves superbly deep, subwoofer-like impactful bass performance by combining advanced drivers with our highly evolved and sophisticated bass-loading technologies. Mike Mettler of Sound&Vision called the Triton Seven a “real reference speaker for $1400 a pair...they’ll likely become your next reference speakers, just as they've become mine”.Like the Five, the Seven’s strikingly attractive and acoustically purposeful cabinet provides the same performance benefits, as well as looking great. The Seven’s precise and totally boxless imaging characteristics are further enhanced by the narrow front baffle. A complex Linkwitz/Riley crossover perfectly blends the D'Appolito Arrayed twin 5-1/4" cast basket bass/midrange drivers specifically designed for exceptionally long-throw, for tremendous dynamic range and extraordinarily deep bass response.These surround the same signature High Velocity Folded Ribbon (HVFR™) tweeter for high-resolution reproduction of both music and cinema. And dual side-mounted inertially-balanced, planar sub-bass radiators deliver impactful, superbly detailed, subwoofer-quality bass performance. The Triton Seven’s high-resolution sonic performance makes it perfect for the highest quality two channel systems as well as the best multi-channel music and home theater systems. Features:Frequency Response 29 Hz - 35 kHzEfficiency 89 dBNominal Impedance Compatible with 8 ohmsDriver Complement Two - 5-1/4˝ High-Definition Cast-BasketMid/Bass Drivers, coupled to:Two - 8˝ Planar Sub-Bass RadiatorsOne - HVFR™ High-Velocity Folded Ribbon TweeterRecommended Amplification 10 - 300 watt/channelDimensions(height is with base installed, no spikes): 5-3/4˝ W (front) x 7-1/4˝ W (rear) x 11˝ D x 39-3/4˝ HBase: 10-1/2˝ W x 14-1/2˝ DWeight : 32 lbs (product) / 42 lbs (shipping)
The Triton Five is a larger version of the Award Winning Triton Seven, with greater dynamic range and even deeper bass extension, plus important refinements carried over from the Triton One development program. As with all of our Triton Towers, the Triton Five’s high-resolution sonic performance makes it ideal for use in two channel systems of the highest quality, as well as complete multi-channel surround music and home theater systems. “They absolutely rock the speaker world’s foundation to the core … delivering the kind of musical bliss some pay upwards of $10,000 for”, raves Caleb Denison of Digital Trends.The Five’s unique cabinet shape is both acoustically purposeful as well as strikingly attractive. Its narrow front baffle and stylish rearward rake, in conjunction with the complex crossover, both aligns the driver array precisely for a coherent wave-launch directed at ear level at the listening position, as well as results in non-parallel front and rear baffles for better control of internal standing waves. And, the non-parallel side cabinet walls and slanted top provide the same acoustical performance benefit.A D’Appolito array of two newly developed 6" long-throw midrange/bass drivers surround the same High Velocity Folded Ribbon Tweeter (HVFR™) used in all the Triton Towers. The Five incorporates FOUR side-mounted, opposing, inertially-balanced planar sub-bass radiators, located on either side of the cabinet down near the floor for optimum coupling to the room. And the Fives will deliver exceptional performance with moderately priced receivers, while also allowing you to appreciate the subtle qualities of the world’s finest audio components. Features:Frequency Response: 26 Hz - 35 kHzEfficiency: 90 dBNominal Impedance Compatible with 8 ohmsDriver Complement Two - 6˝ High-Definition Cast-BasketMid/Bass Drivers, coupled to:Four - 8˝ Planar Sub-Bass RadiatorsOne - HVFR™ High-Velocity Folded Ribbon TweeterRecommended Amplification 15 - 400 watt/channelDimensions (height is with base installed, no spikes) 6-5/8˝ W (front) x 8-1/8˝ W (rear) x 12-3/8˝ D x 44-1/4˝ HBase: 11˝ W x 16-1/2˝ D
The Triton Three+ incorporates the same advanced technologies and delivers state-of-the-art performance remarkably similar to its bigger brothers. The Triton Three+ is literally a smaller version of the award-winning Triton One and Triton Two+. It is the perfect solution for listeners looking for a more compact loudspeaker that offers equally superb performance for both high-quality two-channel systems as well as in multi-channel home theater and music systems.Like the Triton Two+, the newly updated Triton Three+ incorporates technologies developed for the Triton One. Its built-in powered subwoofer (a technology first pioneered by GoldenEar principals Sandy Gross and Don Givogue) includes an integral 800 watt GoldenEar ForceField digital/DSP controlled power amp driving an active front-mounted long-throw 5" x 9" quadratic subwoofer driver. This is coupled to two opposing, inertially balanced 6-3/4" x 8" quadratic planar infrasonic passive radiators which are located on the sides, near the floor, in order to take full advantage of boundary coupling.There is one of the same 4.5" high-definition spider-leg, cast-basket MVPP™ drivers as used in the Triton Two+, along with the same GoldenEar signature High-Velocity Folded Ribbon (HVFR™) tweeter. Performance-wise, the Triton Three+ delivers the same boxless three-dimensional imaging as the bigger Tritons. Likewise, the powerful, deep subwoofer bass blends perfectly with the silky smooth, utterly transparent midrange and high frequencies, putting many dramatically more expensive speakers to shame. Features:Frequency Response: 21 Hz - 35 kHzEfficiency: 90 dBNominal Impedance Compatible with 8 ohmsDriver Complement:One - 5˝ x 9˝ Long-Throw Quadratic Subwoofer Bass Driver, coupled to:Two - 6-3/4˝ x 8˝ Quadratic Planar Infrasonic RadiatorsOne - 4-1/2˝ High-Definition Cast-Basket MVPP™ Upper-Bass/Mid DriverOne - HVFR™ High-Velocity Folded Ribbon TweeterRecommended Amplification: 20 - 400 watt/channelBuilt-In SubwooferPower Amplification: 800 watt ForceField AmplifierDimensions: 5-1/4˝ W (front) x 7˝ W (rear) x 13˝ D x 44˝ H (height is with base installed, no spikes)Base: 11-1/2˝ W x 16-1/4˝ D
GoldenEar’s Triton Two Tower clearly set the audio world on its proverbial ear with extraordinary sound quality, elegant styling and previously unimaginable value. It has earned an incredible series of rave reviews and industry accolades from around the world — including more than a few Speaker of the Year and Audio Product of the Year honors and awards. "Listening with them paralleled previous encounters with no-holds-barred speakers - ones priced upwards of $50,000.", raved Al Griffin of Sound & Vision.The sleek, 48" tall Triton Two+ is newly updated to now incorporate many of the new technologies and refinements developed for the Triton One, including: a fully balanced crossover design, high-end film capacitors, redesigned midrange/upper-bass drivers, and a reprogrammed DSP. Its built-in subwoofer section is powered by a 1200 watt GoldenEar ForceField digital amplifier driving two 5" x 9" front-mounted quadratic subwoofer bass drivers coupled to dual opposing side-mounted, inertially-balanced, 7" x 10" quadratic planar infrasonic bass radiators. The two 4-1/2" spider-leg cast-basket midrange/upper bass drivers, which incorporate GoldenEar’s proprietary Multi-Vaned Phase Plug (MVPP™) design, are housed in dual discreet chambers arranged in a D’Appolito array surrounding GoldenEar’s extraordinary High-Velocity Folded Ribbon (HVFR™) tweeter design. The Triton Two's dynamic, effortless, you-are-there clarity will almost literally put the live performance or action right into your home, or conversely, put you into the concert hall or the live action on the screen. Features:Frequency Response: 16 Hz - 35 kHzEfficiency: 91 dBNominal Impedance Compatible with 8 ohmsDriver Complement:Two - 5˝ x 9˝ Long-Throw Quadratic Subwoofer Bass Drivers, coupled to:Two - 7˝ x 10˝ Quadratic Planar Infrasonic RadiatorsTwo - 4-1/2" High-Definition Cast-Basket MVPP™ Upper-Bass/Mid DriversOne - HVFR™ High-Velocity Folded Ribbon TweeterRecommended Amplification: 20 - 500 watt/channelBuilt-In SubwooferPower Amplification: 1200 watt ForceField AmplifierDimensions: 5-1/4˝ W (front) x 7-1/2˝ W (rear) x 15˝ D x 48˝ H (height is with base installed, no spikes)Base: 11-1/2˝ W x 18˝ D
The Triton One is an evolutionary speaker that builds upon all the advanced technologies that have made the Tritons famous. (In response to questions, there is no Triton One+ coming. The "+" in the new Triton Three+ and Two+ is technology already in the One.) The sleek 54" tall Triton One's upgraded technology includes a 56 bit DSP engine for the sub section, a fully balanced crossover design, high-end film capacitors, advanced cabinet design, and much more. The Triton One includes a built-in subwoofer section powered by a 1600 watt GoldenEar ForceField digital amplifier.The amp drives three 5" x 9" front-mounted quadratic subwoofer bass drivers which are coupled to dual (per side) side-mounted 7" x 10" quadratic planar infrasonic bass radiators. Our newly developed Frequency Dependent Bass Loading Technology, utilizing open-cell polyurethane foam damping pads, as well as special hollow-fiberfill, further optimizes low-frequency performance.There are two newly designed 5-1/4" cast-basket midrange/upper bass drivers, which incorporate GoldenEar’s proprietary Multi-Vaned Phase Plug (MVPP™) design, housed in dual discreet midrange chambers, arranged in a D’Appolito array surrounding the extraordinary GoldenEar High-Velocity Folded Ribbon (HVFR™) tweeter.The result is a superb, Loudspeaker-of-the-Year award winning reference home audio and home theater loudspeaker that has performance equal to, and in many cases surpassing, speakers selling for ten times its cost. Features:Dimensions (height is with base installed, no spikes):5-3/4˝ W (front) x 8˝ W (rear) x 16-5/8˝ D x 54˝ HBase: 12-3/8˝ W x 19-3/4˝ DWeight: 80 lbs (product) / 99 lbs (shipping)Frequency Response: 14 Hz - 35 kHzEfficiency: 92 dBNominal Impedance: Compatible with 8 ohmsDriver Complement:Three - 5˝ x 9˝ Long-Throw Quadratic Subwoofer Bass Drivers, coupled to:Four - 7˝ x 10˝ Quadratic Planar Infrasonic RadiatorsTwo - 5-1/4" High-DefinitionCast-Basket MVPP™Upper-Bass/Mid DriversOne - HVFR™ High-Velocity Folded Ribbon TweeterRecommended Amplification 20 - 650 watt/channelBuilt-In Subwoofer Power Amplification: 1600 watt ForceField Amplifier
We heard you —“The 1.7 is too big for my small room.”So, we down-sized the 1.7 and called it the “.7”. It was that simple. Most all of what you read about the 1.7 applies to the .7.Ok, not everything. Because the .7 has a smaller bass diaphragm, it has less “bite on the air.” Consequently, the bass will be less than the 1.7 if you wish to use it in a larger room. However, the DWM Bass Panel can be used to supplement the bass.The .7 offers full-range, quasi-ribbon technology at a price that some audiophiles spend for speaker cables. Value is what Magneplanars are all about.The .7 has an optional oval base as shown below for modern decors.For those that have followed the "i" upgrades of the 3.7 and 1.7, the improvements of the 3.7i and 1.7i were incorporated into the .7.The .7 was subjected to "blind testing" by a panel of audiophiles and casual listeners. In addition to better sound, there is one more important improvement that you can test for yourself. If you have the opportunity to hear the .7s at your local dealer, try this experiment---Ask the dealer to place the speakers with the tweeters on the outside. Note how the imaging remains remarkably stable when seated far off-axis. With some speakers it is necessary to sit in the "sweet spot" for good imaging. If you are too far out of the sweet spot, you will hear predominately one speaker. With the tweeters on the outside, the .7 has the widest sweet spot of any of any previous Maggies. If you prefer to sit only in the "sweet spot", try the tweeters on the inside. Be sure the speakers are toed-in. In all cases, the tweeter should not be closer to the listener than the bass section. Specifications:Freq. Resp: 45-22kHz ±3dBSensitivity: 86dB/500Hz /2.83vImpedance: 4 ΩDimensions: 15 w x 54 H x 1 D inches
The 1.7 is a departure from Magnepan’s 41-year history of using planar magnetic drivers for the bass or lower midrange. The use of quasi ribbon technology down into the lower midrange and bass will provide a new level of coherence.The 1.7i is not big from an acoustical standpoint. However, the bass driver is big. If we sold the portion of the speaker from 200 Hz up, you could put it in the average apartment. Yes, it is tall, but very narrow. The ideal speaker would be a massless line-source that would look like a pole--from the floor to the ceiling. The 1.7i comes as close to that ideal as is possible with real-world devices.The 1.7i bass driver is the reason it is big. Sorry, but that is what it takes to have high definition bass (We are not fans of hybrid speakers).Need more bass?Put a big speaker in a small room, too much bass. Put a small speaker in big room, too little bass. In general, it is true. There is no one-size-fits-all. In an ideal world, the bass diaphragm would be like an accordion which could be expanded to exactly fit the needs of your acoustical environment.Magnepan now provides more options for getting the bass and frequency balance just right for your particular room. The relative levels of the bass and tweeter/super-tweeter can be adjusted. If that does not achieve a smooth balance in your room, bass diaphragm area can be added with one or more Maggie Bass Panels. Specifications:Trim : blackCloth : black knot3-Way, Full-Range, Quasi-RibbonFreq. Resp.: 40-24 kHz Sensitivity: 86dB/500Hz /2.83vImpedance: 4 OhmDimensions: 19 x 65 x 2 inches
The Radius 270 houses a precision-crafted Radius driver system of twin 100mm (4”) C-CAM® mid/bass drivers and a 25mm (1”) C-CAM tweeter. Pair with the 225 or 200 for scintillating home theatre audio, or with the 380/390 sub in a discreet two-channel system. Προδιαγραφές: New 4” C-CAM® bass driver - Radius features all new bass drivers with concave cone profiles, introduced by our top-of-the-range Platinum speakers and applied subsequently to Gold GX. Extensive research and FEA modelling have allowed us to perfect the relationship between the new radiating diaphragm and its motor design, introducing larger motor sizes and voice coils for increased excursion, higher power capability and reduced distortion. New C-CAM gold dome tweeter - optimised to deliver the finest and widest performance within the compact Radius cabinets. It benefits from a more efficient rear-venting design, releasing air trapped and compressed at the back of the tweeter dome, and guiding it around the drive assembly to a rear-loading chamber. HiVe®II port design - Straight from Platinum’s design blueprint, the HiVe reflex port makes its Radius debut. It’s shaped to have the same effect on airflow as a gun-barrel on a bullet. Rifled grooves inside the port help to accelerate the flow and reduce turbulence, so air moves in and out of the port more efficiently, for a faster more dynamic bass response. Single through-bolt driver fixing provides mechanical de-coupling and enhanced mid-band clarity and resolution. The through-bolts also act as rigid cross bracing to give a very solid non-resonant cabinet. Front and rear ported reflex design Χαρακτηριστικά: Frequency Response: 50Hz – 35KHz Sensitivity: 87dB Nominal Impedance: 6 ohms Power Handling Single (RMS): 100 watts System Power Handling (RMS): 150 watts Recommended Amplifier Requirements: 40-150 watts Maximum SPL (dBA): 107 Bass Alignment Bass reflex Front and rear ported Driver complement 2 x 4” (100mm) C-CAM® cone bass/mid driver 1 x 1” (25mm) C-CAM gold dome tweeter Cabinet Dimensions (H x W x D): 1000 x 177 x 208mm (393/8 x 615/16 x 83/16 Inches) Inc Plinth Without Spikes Cabinet Dimensions (H x W x D): (Inc Grille & Terminals) 1025 x 177 x 208mm>(403/8 x 615/16 x 83/16 Inches) Inc Plinth, With Spikes Weight: 9.9kg (21lb 12oz) Finishes: Black Gloss Frequency Response: 80Hz – 30kHz
The Radius 270 houses a precision-crafted Radius driver system of twin 100mm (4”) C-CAM® mid/bass drivers and a 25mm (1”) C-CAM tweeter. Pair with the 225 or 200 for scintillating home theatre audio, or with the 380/390 sub in a discreet two-channel system. Προδιαγραφές:New 4” C-CAM® bass driver - Radius features all new bass drivers with concave cone profiles, introduced by our top-of-the-range Platinum speakers and applied subsequently to Gold GX. Extensive research and FEA modelling have allowed us to perfect the relationship between the new radiating diaphragm and its motor design, introducing larger motor sizes and voice coils for increased excursion, higher power capability and reduced distortion.New C-CAM gold dome tweeter - optimised to deliver the finest and widest performance within the compact Radius cabinets. It benefits from a more efficient rear-venting design, releasing air trapped and compressed at the back of the tweeter dome, and guiding it around the drive assembly to a rear-loading chamber.HiVe®II port design - Straight from Platinum’s design blueprint, the HiVe reflex port makes its Radius debut. It’s shaped to have the same effect on airflow as a gun-barrel on a bullet. Rifled grooves inside the port help to accelerate the flow and reduce turbulence, so air moves in and out of the port more efficiently, for a faster more dynamic bass response.Single through-bolt driver fixing provides mechanical de-coupling and enhanced mid-band clarity and resolution. The through-bolts also act as rigid cross bracing to give a very solid non-resonant cabinet.Front and rear ported reflex designΧαρακτηριστικά:Frequency Response: 50Hz – 35KHzSensitivity: 87dBNominal Impedance: 6 ohmsPower Handling Single (RMS): 100 wattsSystem Power Handling (RMS): 150 wattsRecommended Amplifier Requirements: 40-150 wattsMaximum SPL (dBA): 107 Bass Alignment Bass reflex Front and rear ported Driver complement 2 x 4” (100mm) C-CAM® cone bass/mid driver 1 x 1” (25mm) C-CAM gold dome tweeterCabinet Dimensions (H x W x D): 1000 x 177 x 208mm (393/8 x 615/16 x 83/16 Inches) Inc PlinthWithout Spikes Cabinet Dimensions (H x W x D): (Inc Grille & Terminals) 1025 x 177 x 208mm>(403/8 x 615/16 x 83/16 Inches) Inc Plinth, With SpikesWeight: 9.9kg (21lb 12oz)Finishes: WalnutFrequency Response: 80Hz – 30kHz
The SX80s offer the power and presence of floorstanders at an unrivalled price point. They combine our years of h-fi expertise with cutting edge custom components to bring you a musical performance of scale and enjoyment.The SX80’s crossover is optimised for the most neutral, smooth and phase linear response, giving you a natural and immersive sound stage.All the decisions we make whilst designing our products are made to make your music and movies sound amazing. The SX80s use highly optimised woofer magnet systems to deliver controlled bass and high efficiency.We use a specifically treated paper cone to provide a smooth and even frequency response. And our silk dome tweeter delivers perfect accuracy and detail to ensure you hear every beat and every line of your music and movies exactly as they were intended.Χαρακτηριστικά:Sensitivity: 87dBFrequency Response: 40Hz – 20kHzImpedance: 8 OhmsDrive units: 2 x 165mm (6.5’’) woofers1 x 25mm (1’’) silk dome tweeterPorted: 1 frontColour: BlackDimensions: (WxHxD): 240 x 980 x 338mm (9.4 x 38.6 x 13.3″)Weight: 16.9kg (37.3lbs) each
Ηχειο δαπέδου - δρόμων ισχύος 250W, με αντίσταση 6Ω, ευαισθησία 88dB και απόκριση συχνότητας 33 Hz – 21 kHz.Χαρακτηριστικά:Frequency Response: (+/-3 DB ) 33 Hz - 21 kHzPower Impulse: 250 WCrossover Frequency: 80 Hz - 2,9 kHzCrossover Attenuation: 4 X 12 dB / OctaveEfficiency: 88 dB / 1W / 1 mImpedance: 8 ΩImpedance mini: 6 ΩWoofer: 21 cmMedium: 17 cmTweeter: 2,5 cmDimensions (H X W X D) Cm 108 X 21 X 37Net Weight/Gross Weight 28 / 30 kg
Ηχεια δαπέδου - δρόμων ισχύος 150W, με αντίσταση 6Ω, ευαισθησία 90 dB και απόκριση συχνότητας 45 Hz–27 kHz.Χαρακτηριστικά:Frequency Response: (+/-3 DB ) 45 Hz-27 kHzPower Impulse: 150 WCrossover Frequency: 2,9 KHzEfficiency: 90 dBImpedance: 8 ΩImpedance Mini: 6 ΩWoofer: 17 CMTweeter: 2,5 cm
The Radius 270 houses a precision-crafted Radius driver system of twin 100mm (4”) C-CAM® mid/bass drivers and a 25mm (1”) C-CAM tweeter. Pair with the 225 or 200 for scintillating home theatre audio, or with the 380/390 sub in a discreet two-channel system. Features: New 4” C-CAM® bass driver - Radius features all new bass drivers with concave cone profiles, introduced by our top-of-the-range Platinum speakers and applied subsequently to Gold GX. Extensive research and FEA modelling have allowed us to perfect the relationship between the new radiating diaphragm and its motor design, introducing larger motor sizes and voice coils for increased excursion, higher power capability and reduced distortion. New C-CAM gold dome tweeter - optimised to deliver the finest and widest performance within the compact Radius cabinets. It benefits from a more efficient rear-venting design, releasing air trapped and compressed at the back of the tweeter dome, and guiding it around the drive assembly to a rear-loading chamber. HiVe®II port design - Straight from Platinum’s design blueprint, the HiVe reflex port makes its Radius debut. It’s shaped to have the same effect on airflow as a gun-barrel on a bullet. Rifled grooves inside the port help to accelerate the flow and reduce turbulence, so air moves in and out of the port more efficiently, for a faster more dynamic bass response. Single through-bolt driver fixing provides mechanical de-coupling and enhanced mid-band clarity and resolution. The through-bolts also act as rigid cross bracing to give a very solid non-resonant cabinet. Front and rear ported reflex design Specifications: Frequency Response: 50Hz – 35KHz Sensitivity: 87dB Nominal Impedance: 6 ohms Power Handling Single (RMS): 100 watts System Power Handling (RMS): 150 watts Recommended Amplifier Requirements: 40-150 watts Maximum SPL (dBA): 107 Bass Alignment Bass reflex Front and rear ported Driver complement 2 x 4” (100mm) C-CAM® cone bass/mid driver 1 x 1” (25mm) C-CAM gold dome tweeter Cabinet Dimensions (H x W x D): 1000 x 177 x 208mm (393/8 x 615/16 x 83/16 Inches) Inc Plinth Without Spikes Cabinet Dimensions (H x W x D): (Inc Grille & Terminals) 1025 x 177 x 208mm>(403/8 x 615/16 x 83/16 Inches) Inc Plinth, With Spikes Weight: 9.9kg (21lb 12oz) Finishes: White Gloss Frequency Response: 80Hz – 30kHz
H εισαγωγή στα ηχεία δαπέδου στης Triangle για αυξημένη απόκριση στις χαμηλές συχνότητες ή μεγαλύτερου χώρους.Κατάλληλο για μέχρι 40τμΠροδιαγραφές: Ευαισθησία91 dB/W/mΑπόκριση45 Hz – 20 KHz (+/- 3 dB)Ισχύς100 WΙσχύς κορυφής200 WΔρόμοι2,5Αντίσταση8 ΩΕλάχιστη αντίσταση4,4 ΩΣυχνότητα διαχωρισμού 2,5 kHzΔιαστάσεις1060 x 370 x 380 mmΒάρος20 kg
Το μεγάλο ηχείο της σειράς Esprit.Βαθύτερες χαμηλές χωρίς να χάνεται τίποτα απ την τονική ισορροπία των μικρότερων μοντέλων.Για χώρους μέχρι 50τμ.Προδιαγραφές: Ευαισθησία91 dB/W/mΑπόκριση40 Hz – 20 KHz (+/- 3 dB)Ισχύς100 WΙσχύς κορυφής200 WΔρόμοι3Αντίσταση8 ΩΕλάχιστη αντίσταση3,4 ΩΣυχνότητα διαχωρισμού 2,5 kHz και 250HzΔιαστάσεις1140 x 370 x 380 mmΒάρος22,5 kg
Το μεγάλο ηχείο της σειράς Esprit.Βαθύτερες χαμηλές χωρίς να χάνεται τίποτα απ την τονική ισορροπία των μικρότερων μοντέλων.Για χώρους μέχρι 50τμ.Προδιαγραφές: Ευαισθησία91 dB/W/mΑπόκριση40 Hz – 20 KHz (+/- 3 dB)Ισχύς100 WΙσχύς κορυφής200 WΔρόμοι3Αντίσταση8 ΩΕλάχιστη αντίσταση3,4 ΩΣυχνότητα διαχωρισμού 2,5 kHz και 250HzΔιαστάσεις1140 x 370 x 380 mmΒάρος22,5 kg
Ηχείο δαπέδου της σειράς Genese.Ο τονικός χαρακτήρας του GENESE Trio με ευρύτερη περιοχή χαμηλών συχνοτήτων.Προδιαγραφές: Ευαισθησία92 dB/W/mΑπόκριση35 Hz – 20 KHz (+/- 3 dB)Ισχύς120 WΙσχύς κορυφής240 WΔρόμοι3Αντίσταση8 ΩΕλάχιστη αντίσταση 3,2 ΩΣυχνότητα διαχωρισμού 2,3 kHz και 250HzΔιαστάσεις465 x 233 x 372 mmΒάρος26 kg
Ηχείο δαπέδου της σειράς Genese.Ο τονικός χαρακτήρας του GENESE Trio με ευρύτερη περιοχή χαμηλών συχνοτήτων.Προδιαγραφές: Ευαισθησία92 dB/W/mΑπόκριση35 Hz – 20 KHz (+/- 3 dB)Ισχύς120 WΙσχύς κορυφής240 WΔρόμοι3Αντίσταση8 ΩΕλάχιστη αντίσταση 3,2 ΩΣυχνότητα διαχωρισμού 2,3 kHz και 250HzΔιαστάσεις465 x 233 x 372 mmΒάρος26 kg
Τo κορυφαίο ηχείο της σειράς Genese.Μεγάλος ήχος από ένα μεγάλο ηχείο με την περίφημη μουσικότητα της Triangle.Προδιαγραφές: Ευαισθησία92 dB/W/mΑπόκριση32 Hz – 20 KHz (+/- 3 dB)Ισχύς140 WΙσχύς κορυφής280 WΔρόμοι3Αντίσταση8 ΩΕλάχιστη αντίσταση 3 ΩΣυχνότητα διαχωρισμού 2,3 kHz και 250HzΔιαστάσεις1330 x 370 x 386 mmΒάρος30 kg
Τo κορυφαίο ηχείο της σειράς Genese.Μεγάλος ήχος από ένα μεγάλο ηχείο με την περίφημη μουσικότητα της Triangle.Προδιαγραφές: Ευαισθησία92 dB/W/mΑπόκριση32 Hz – 20 KHz (+/- 3 dB)Ισχύς140 WΙσχύς κορυφής280 WΔρόμοι3Αντίσταση8 ΩΕλάχιστη αντίσταση 3 ΩΣυχνότητα διαχωρισμού 2,3 kHz και 250HzΔιαστάσεις1330 x 370 x 386 mmΒάρος30 kg
Το εισαγωγικό ηχείο δαπέδου της σειράς MagellanΌταν ακούτε αυτό το ηχείο, η μαγεία της μουσικής, ξετυλίγεται μπροστά σας.Το Cello προσφέρει αυτό το κάτι επιπλέον που μεταφέρει την έντονη συγκίνηση μιας μουσικής εκτέλεσης χωρίς να φαίνεται να κάνει καμία ιδιαίτερη προσπάθεια.Η ακουστική εμπειρία είναι σκέτη απόλαυση, ανεξάρτητα από το είδος της μουσικής, παραδίδεται με υπέροχη κλίμακα και δεν είναι ποτέ κουραστική.Επιπλέον χρωματισμοί:Black, White,Bubinga (Καλέστε για διαθεσιμότητα)Προδιαγραφές:Ευαισθησία91 dB/W/mΑπόκριση35 Hz – 20 KHz (+/- 3 dB)Ισχύς200 WΙσχύς κορυφής350 WΔρόμοι3Αντίσταση8 ΩΕλάχιστη αντίσταση 3 ΩΣυχνότητα διαχωρισμού 2,8 kHz και 400 HzΔιαστάσεις1138 x 423 x 371 mmΒάρος34 kg
Η ηχητική εικόνα έχει εισέλθει πλέον σε μια νέα διάσταση. Το Quatuor επιβάλεται στη σκηνή με χαρακτηριστική κομψότητα. Το πίσω τουίτερ δημιουργεί bipolar ακτινοβολία και ανοίγει διάπλατα τις πύλες για την ελευθερία.Κομψά βελούδινο και εκλεπτυσμένο,δυναμικό και άγριο όταν χρειαστεί,ένας χαμαιλέοντας του μουσικού προγράμματος.Μπορείτε να φανταστείτε εύκολα οι μουσικοί να παίζουν pianissimo στο πίσω μέρος της ορχήστρας ενώ το forte αναπαράγεται με όλη του την μεγαλοπρέπεια;Το Quatuor σας επιτρέπει να ακούτε μουσική χωρίς να χρειάζεται να κάνετε στον εαυτό σας ερωτήσεις.Επιπλέον χρωματισμοί:Black, White,Bubinga (Καλέστε για διαθεσιμότητα)Προδιαγραφές:Ευαισθησία90 dB/W/mΑπόκριση33 Hz – 20 KHz (+/- 3 dB)Ισχύς260 WΙσχύς κορυφής500 WΔρόμοι3Αντίσταση8 ΩΕλάχιστη αντίσταση 3 ΩΣυχνότητα διαχωρισμού 2,8 kHz και 400 HzΔιαστάσεις1338 x 423 x 371 mmΒάρος45 kg
Αυτό είναι το άρτιο ηχείο ενός λάτρη της μουσικής , και αναπαράγει πιστά κάθε λεπτομέρεια. Το Concert είναι σε θέση να αφήσει ελέυθερη την πλήρη ισχύ μιας συμφωνικής ορχήστρας ή να αποκαλύψει απαλά την παραμικρή κλίση σε μια φωνή ή ένα όργανο. Μπορεί να ασχοληθεί με όλα τα είδη μουσικής με εξαιρετική ευκολία, από την πιο άυλη εως την πιο ξέφρενη.Εκρηκτικό,δυναμικό, βαθιά μπάσα,τραγανά πρίμα και έμφαση στην τονική ποιότητα: είναι όλα εκεί και τα φέρνει μαζί αποτελεσματικά για να παράγει μια πρωτοφανή αίσθηση διαφάνειας.Ο βελτιστοποιημένος στρωματικά ήχος του θα σας κάνει να ξεχάσετε ακούτε σε ένα ηχείο.Αυτό είναι το αποτέλεσμα των ανδρών και γυναικών που απαρτίζουν την Triangle,προερχόμενο από το βαθύ πάθος τους για τη μουσική.Επιπλέον χρωματισμοί:Black, White,Bubinga (Καλέστε για διαθεσιμότητα) Προδιαγραφές:Ευαισθησία90 dB/W/mΑπόκριση32 Hz – 20 KHz (+/- 3 dB)Ισχύς300 WΙσχύς κορυφής600 WΔρόμοι3Αντίσταση4 ΩΕλάχιστη αντίσταση 2,5 ΩΣυχνότητα διαχωρισμού 2,8 kHz και 300 HzΔιαστάσεις1600 x 600 x 450 mmΒάρος65 kg
Η απόλυτη κορυφή.Το Grand Concert δεν είναι απλώς μια τεχνολογική βιτρίνα.Όλο το πάθος της Triangle για τη μουσική έχει περάσει σε αυτό το ηχείο .Για την τελειότητα στο όριο του. Η δομή του αποτελείται από τρια διακριτά περιβλήματα (καμπίνες) σχεδιασμένα για να εξασφαλίσουν την κατάργηση των στάσιμων κυμάτων και των δονήσεων. Το σημαντικό βάρος από το ηχείο (100 κιλά),που απαιτείται για την ανάπτυξη του νέου αποκλειστικού Fixocal σύστημα κλειδώματος,κλειδώνει τις τρεις καμιπίνες των μεγαφώνων δημιουργόντας μέχρι 1,6 τόνους πίεση σύσφιξης. Με αβυσσαλέες χαμηλές,μεσαία και υψηλά που απλά πανε πέρα από τα όρια του δωματίου,μπορείτε να νιώσετε την ατμόσφαιρα στην αίθουσα και είναι εντελώς συναρπαστική. Επιτέλους, μπορείτε πλέον να απολαύσετε μια πραγματικά ρεαλιστική εμπειρία ακρόασης. Με το Grand Concert οι μηχανικοί της Triangle έχουν καταφέρει να συνδυάσουν μαζί φαινομενικά ασυμβίβαστα στοιχεία: την πλήρη υφή του ηχόχρωματος σε συνδυασμό με ανυπέρβλητη διαφάνεια και τη δύναμη που ανατριχιάζει.Σε συνεργασία με το Hutchinson, έχουμε αναπτύξει μια αποκλειστική διαδικασία ζεύξης για το midrange T16PG .Η εξάλειψη κάθε δόνησης δημιουργεί μια ηχητική εικόνα η οποία είναι εντελώς διαφανής και εξαιρετικά τραγανή. Αυτή η αρχή της μηχανικής σύνδεσης έχει αξιοποιηθεί για τη διαμόρφωση των φίλτρων που είναι ξεχωριστά και μεμονωμένα,με το καθένα να λειτουργεί μοναδικά για την περιοχή συχνοτήτων που του αναλογεί. Σε λευκό και μαύρο high gloss χρωματισμό.(Καλέστε για διαθεσιμότητα) Προδιαγραφές: Ευαισθησία91 dB/W/mΑπόκριση28 Hz – 20 KHz (+/- 3 dB)Ισχύς400 WΙσχύς κορυφής800 WΔρόμοι3Αντίσταση4 ΩΕλάχιστη αντίσταση 2,5 ΩΣυχνότητα διαχωρισμού 2,8 kHz και 300 HzΔιαστάσεις2150 x 600 x 450 mmΒάρος100 kg
H εισαγωγή στα ηχεία δαπέδου στης Triangle για αυξημένη απόκριση στις χαμηλές συχνότητες ή μεγαλύτερου χώρους.Κατάλληλο για μέχρι 40τμΠροδιαγραφές: Ευαισθησία91 dB/W/mΑπόκριση45 Hz – 20 KHz (+/- 3 dB)Ισχύς100 WΙσχύς κορυφής200 WΔρόμοι2,5Αντίσταση8 ΩΕλάχιστη αντίσταση4,4 ΩΣυχνότητα διαχωρισμού 2,5 kHzΔιαστάσεις1060 x 370 x 380 mmΒάρος20 kg
Ο φημισμένος ήχος της Triangle σε μια πιό σύγχρονη αισθητικά προσέγγισηΠροδιαγραφές:Ευαισθησία90 dB/2,83 V/ 1mΑπόκριση45 Hz – 24 KHz (+/- 3 dB)Ισχύς100 WΙσχύς κορυφής200 WΔρόμοι3Αντίσταση6 ΩΕλάχιστη αντίσταση3,9 ΩΣυχνότητα διαχωρισμού 3,0 kHz και 400 kHzΔιαστάσεις965 x 188 x 275mmΒάρος965 x 188 x 275mm
Ο φημισμένος ήχος της Triangle σε μια πιό σύγχρονη αισθητικά προσέγγισηΠροδιαγραφές:Ευαισθησία90 dB/2,83 V/ 1mΑπόκριση45 Hz – 24 KHz (+/- 3 dB)Ισχύς100 WΙσχύς κορυφής200 WΔρόμοι3Αντίσταση6 ΩΕλάχιστη αντίσταση3,9 ΩΣυχνότητα διαχωρισμού 3,0 kHz και 400 kHzΔιαστάσεις965 x 188 x 275mmΒάρος965 x 188 x 275mm
Ο φημισμένος ήχος της Triangle σε μια πιό σύγχρονη αισθητικά προσέγγισηΠροδιαγραφές:Ευαισθησία90 dB/2,83 V/ 1mΑπόκριση45 Hz – 24 KHz (+/- 3 dB)Ισχύς100 WΙσχύς κορυφής200 WΔρόμοι3Αντίσταση6 ΩΕλάχιστη αντίσταση3,9 ΩΣυχνότητα διαχωρισμού 3,0 kHz και 400 kHzΔιαστάσεις965 x 188 x 275mmΒάρος965 x 188 x 275mm