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Ηχεία Βάσης

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Ιδανικό για μικρούς xώρους, το Theva N1 είναι ένα ηχείο βιβλιοθήκης στη νέα σειρά Theva της Focal. Μπορεί να τοποθετηθεί σε διάφορες επιφάνειες σε ένα σπίτι, η επάνω στην ειδική βάση που γέρνει ώστε να υπάρχει ιδανικό time alignment των μεγαφώνων ως πρός τη θέση ακρόασης. Προσφέρει καθαρές και εκτεταμένες υψηλές συχνότητες, φυσική μεσαία περιοχή και εξαιρετικό μπάσο για το μέγεθος του. Όλα αυτά, λόγω των τεχνολογιών της Focal και συγκεριμένα, την τεχνολογία TNT στο tweeter και το ειδικό υλικό Slatefiber στά μεσαία και τα μπάσα. Η σειρά Theva κατασκευάζεται στην Γαλλία και προσφέρει μια σχεδίαση που είναι ταυτόχρονα μοντέρνα και διαχρονική, με πολλές λεπτομέρειες που κάνουν την διαφορά σε αυτή την κατηγορία τιμής. Η δημιουργία ενός εξαιρετικού stereo συστήματος η Home Cinema, ποτέ δεν ήταν τόσο εύκολη και με τόσο υψηλή ποιότητα. Απλά ανακαλύψτε και ακούστε τα Focal Theva N°1, Theva N°2, Theva N°3, Theva N°3-D, Theva Center, Theva Surround καθώς και το Subwoofer SUB 600P!

595 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 49,58€ / μήνα

Ιδανικό για μικρούς xώρους, το Theva N1 είναι ένα ηχείο βιβλιοθήκης στη νέα σειρά Theva της Focal. Μπορεί να τοποθετηθεί σε διάφορες επιφάνειες σε ένα σπίτι, η επάνω στην ειδική βάση που γέρνει ώστε να υπάρχει ιδανικό time alignment των μεγαφώνων ως πρός τη θέση ακρόασης. Προσφέρει καθαρές και εκτεταμένες υψηλές συχνότητες, φυσική μεσαία περιοχή και εξαιρετικό μπάσο για το μέγεθος του. Όλα αυτά, λόγω των τεχνολογιών της Focal και συγκεριμένα, την τεχνολογία TNT στο tweeter και το ειδικό υλικό Slatefiber στά μεσαία και τα μπάσα. Η σειρά Theva κατασκευάζεται στην Γαλλία και προσφέρει μια σχεδίαση που είναι ταυτόχρονα μοντέρνα και διαχρονική, με πολλές λεπτομέρειες που κάνουν την διαφορά σε αυτή την κατηγορία τιμής. Η δημιουργία ενός εξαιρετικού stereo συστήματος η Home Cinema, ποτέ δεν ήταν τόσο εύκολη και με τόσο υψηλή ποιότητα. Απλά ανακαλύψτε και ακούστε τα Focal Theva N°1, Theva N°2, Theva N°3, Theva N°3-D, Theva Center, Theva Surround καθώς και το Subwoofer SUB 600P!

595 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 49,58€ / μήνα

Ιδανικό για μικρούς xώρους, το Theva N1 είναι ένα ηχείο βιβλιοθήκης στη νέα σειρά Theva της Focal. Μπορεί να τοποθετηθεί σε διάφορες επιφάνειες σε ένα σπίτι, η επάνω στην ειδική βάση που γέρνει ώστε να υπάρχει ιδανικό time alignment των μεγαφώνων ως πρός τη θέση ακρόασης. Προσφέρει καθαρές και εκτεταμένες υψηλές συχνότητες, φυσική μεσαία περιοχή και εξαιρετικό μπάσο για το μέγεθος του. Όλα αυτά, λόγω των τεχνολογιών της Focal και συγκεριμένα, την τεχνολογία TNT στο tweeter και το ειδικό υλικό Slatefiber στά μεσαία και τα μπάσα. Η σειρά Theva κατασκευάζεται στην Γαλλία και προσφέρει μια σχεδίαση που είναι ταυτόχρονα μοντέρνα και διαχρονική, με πολλές λεπτομέρειες που κάνουν την διαφορά σε αυτή την κατηγορία τιμής. Η δημιουργία ενός εξαιρετικού stereo συστήματος η Home Cinema, ποτέ δεν ήταν τόσο εύκολη και με τόσο υψηλή ποιότητα. Απλά ανακαλύψτε και ακούστε τα Focal Theva N°1, Theva N°2, Theva N°3, Theva N°3-D, Theva Center, Theva Surround καθώς και το Subwoofer SUB 600P!

595 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 49,58€ / μήνα

Also in the Venere 1.5 bookshelf speaker we have considered the cornerstones of the history of Sonus faber, where tradition and innovation combine in a cabinet design inspired by the lyre shape of Aida and a dedicated stand.Technical specificationsSYSTEM 2 way standmount bookshelf vented boxLOUDSPEAKERS Tw: High definition precoated fabric dome driver with no ferrofluid, Ø 29 mm Md: Free compression basket design and Curv cone, 1 x Ø 150 mmCROSSOVER 2.000HzFREQUENCY RESPONSE 50Hz-25.000 HzSENSITIVITY 85 dB SPL (2.83V/1M)NOMINAL IMPEDANCE 6 ohmSUGGESTED AMPLIFIER POWER OUTPUT 30W – 150W without clippingDIMENSIONS (HXWXD) 1055 x 370 x 472 mm 41,5 x 14,5 x 18,5 in394 x 206 x 300 mm 15,5 x 8 x 11,8 in 682 x 276 x 382 mm (optional dedicated stand) 26,8 x 10,8 x 15 in (optional dedicated stand)WEIGHT 6,5 Kg ea – net weight 14,3 lb ea – net weight 11,5 Kg ea - dedicated stand incl. (optional) 25,3 lb ea - dedicated stand incl. (optional)AVAILABLE FINISHES Black, Wood

1.290 €
36 Δόσεις 44,54€ / μήνα

Αυτό το ηχείο βάσης της σειράς Kanta N ° 1,συνδυάζεται άψογα σε οποιαδήποτε χώρο και είναι η ιδανική λύση για δωμάτια κάτω από 270 ft2 (25 m²). Μετά από τρία χρόνια έρευνας, η Focal προσφέρει ένα νέο συνδυασμό αποκλειστικών τεχνολογιών: τον συνδυασμό του Beryllium tweeter IAL3 και τεχνολογίας flax για τα μεγάφωνα μεσαίων και μπάσων. Το αποτέλεσμα ? Ένας ακριβής, λεπτομερής ήχος, γεμάτος ζεστασιά και μουσικότητα. Είναι η αρχή μιας νέας εποχής για όσους αγαπούν τον ήχο ...

5.950 €
36 Άτοκες Δόσεις 165,28€ / μήνα

Μικρό αλλά απίστευτα δυνατό το Sopra No1 περιλαμβάνει μια σειρά από τεχνολογικές καινοτομίες που το κάνουν να ξεχωρίζει.Η κατασκευή του περιλαμβάνει “NIC” μαγνητικό πεδίο, “TDM” σχεδίαση γύρω απο το midrange-woofer και IHL ( infinite horn loading) για το tweeter με πολύ χαμηλές παραμορφώσεις στην κρίσημη περιοχή 1500-4000 kHz. Οι πολύ χαμηλές παραμορφώσεις δίνουν απίστευτη ακρίβεια, καθαρότητα και διαφάνεια στον ήχο σε συνδιασμό με μια τεράστια στερεοφωνική εικόνα. Μετά την εντυπωσιακή πρώτη ακρόαση, αυτό που πραγματικά ξεχωρίζει είναι η ομοιογένεια, τα επίπεδα του ήχου και του τίμπρου των οργάνων σε συνδιασμό με έναν πολύ φυσικό, μαλακό ήχο και μπάσο που δύσκολα πιστέυει κάποιος πως προέρχεται απο ένα “μικρό” ηχείο. Ο ακροατής με ‘εκπληξη ανακαλύπτει σε κάθε μουσικό κομμάτι νέα στοιχεία που παρατηρεί για πρώτη φορά. Ολόκληρη η σειρά Sopra απευθύνεται στους μουσικόφιλους και τους παθιασμένους με τον ήχο πολύ υψηλής ποιότητας, ακροατές. Ταυτόχρονα προσφέρει νέα επίπεδα στην ποιότητα κατασκευής και έρχεται με πολλά νέα φινιρίσματα και χρώματα ώστε να ταιριάξει σε κάθε σπίτι με σύγχρονη η κλασσική σχεδίαση. Το Sopra n°1 είναι ιδανικό για χώρους μέχρι 25m2 αλλά μπορεί να καλύψει μέχρι και 50m2. Συνοδεύεται απο ένα stand υψηλής ποιότητας που απομονώνει το ηχείο απο κάθε χρωματισμό και προσφέρει ένα ταχύτατο άκουσμα στα μεταβατικά. NIC (Neutral Inductance Circuit) Μετά την εξέλιξη των ηλεκτρομαγνητικών πεδιων στις περίφημα ηχεία Grande Utopia EM και Stella Utopia EM οι τεχνικοί μας ανακάλυψαν πως το μαγνητικό πεδίο δεν είναι σταθερό γιατί επηρεάζεται από διάφορους παράγοντες. ΜΕ απλά λόγια και με την τεχνολογία “ NIC “ κατάφεραν το μαγνητικό πεδίο να μην επηρεάζεται πλέον απο την θέση του πηνίου φωνής και έτσι να έχουμε χαμηλότερες παραμορφώσεις και καλύτερα μεταβατικά - δυναμικά. TMD (Tuned Mass Damper) Η ποιότητα των μεσαίων συχνοτήτων είναι πολύ κρίσημη σε ενα ηχητικό σύστημα αξιώσεων. Οι τεχνικοί μας αποκάλυψαν παραμορφώσεις στην ανάρτηση του κώνου των μεγαφώνων. Χρησιμοποιώντας μια εξελιγμένη τεχνική που συναντάμαι και στις αναρτήσεις αυτοκινήτων αγώνων με την ονομασία " Tuned MAss Damper" ελλατώνουν και πάλι τις παραμορφώσεις και αυξάνουν την διαφάνεια του ήχου. IHL (Infinite Horn Loading) Τα tweeter απο βηρίλλιο της Focal θεωρούνται τα καλύτερα tweeter σε παραγωγή. Το μόνο τους ελλάτωμα μπορεί να θεωρηθεί πως προέρχεται απο το compression του αέρα πίσω απο την μονάδα. Ιδανικά χρειάζεται μια πολύ μεγάλη επιφάνεια πίσω απο το tweeter αλλά αυτό δεν είναι εφικτό για λόγους χώρου. Με μια ακόμα καινοτομία , την δημιουργία χοάνης πίσω απο το tweeter με ταυτόχρονη απόσβεση του αέρα που μετακινήται πρός τα πίσω έχουμε μια μείωση παραμόρφωσης της τάξεως του 30 % !! με άυξηση βέβαια της διαφάνειας των υψηλών συχνοτήτων.

12.690 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 1.057,50€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Μικρό αλλά απίστευτα δυνατό το Sopra No1 περιλαμβάνει μια σειρά από τεχνολογικές καινοτομίες που το κάνουν να ξεχωρίζει.Η κατασκευή του περιλαμβάνει “NIC” μαγνητικό πεδίο, “TDM” σχεδίαση γύρω απο το midrange-woofer και IHL ( infinite horn loading) για το tweeter με πολύ χαμηλές παραμορφώσεις στην κρίσημη περιοχή 1500-4000 kHz. Οι πολύ χαμηλές παραμορφώσεις δίνουν απίστευτη ακρίβεια, καθαρότητα και διαφάνεια στον ήχο σε συνδιασμό με μια τεράστια στερεοφωνική εικόνα. Μετά την εντυπωσιακή πρώτη ακρόαση, αυτό που πραγματικά ξεχωρίζει είναι η ομοιογένεια, τα επίπεδα του ήχου και του τίμπρου των οργάνων σε συνδιασμό με έναν πολύ φυσικό, μαλακό ήχο και μπάσο που δύσκολα πιστέυει κάποιος πως προέρχεται απο ένα “μικρό” ηχείο. Ο ακροατής με ‘εκπληξη ανακαλύπτει σε κάθε μουσικό κομμάτι νέα στοιχεία που παρατηρεί για πρώτη φορά. Ολόκληρη η σειρά Sopra απευθύνεται στους μουσικόφιλους και τους παθιασμένους με τον ήχο πολύ υψηλής ποιότητας, ακροατές. Ταυτόχρονα προσφέρει νέα επίπεδα στην ποιότητα κατασκευής και έρχεται με πολλά νέα φινιρίσματα και χρώματα ώστε να ταιριάξει σε κάθε σπίτι με σύγχρονη η κλασσική σχεδίαση. Το Sopra n°1 είναι ιδανικό για χώρους μέχρι 25m2 αλλά μπορεί να καλύψει μέχρι και 50m2. Συνοδεύεται απο ένα stand υψηλής ποιότητας που απομονώνει το ηχείο απο κάθε χρωματισμό και προσφέρει ένα ταχύτατο άκουσμα στα μεταβατικά. NIC (Neutral Inductance Circuit) Μετά την εξέλιξη των ηλεκτρομαγνητικών πεδιων στις περίφημα ηχεία Grande Utopia EM και Stella Utopia EM οι τεχνικοί μας ανακάλυψαν πως το μαγνητικό πεδίο δεν είναι σταθερό γιατί επηρεάζεται από διάφορους παράγοντες. ΜΕ απλά λόγια και με την τεχνολογία “ NIC “ κατάφεραν το μαγνητικό πεδίο να μην επηρεάζεται πλέον απο την θέση του πηνίου φωνής και έτσι να έχουμε χαμηλότερες παραμορφώσεις και καλύτερα μεταβατικά - δυναμικά. TMD (Tuned Mass Damper) Η ποιότητα των μεσαίων συχνοτήτων είναι πολύ κρίσημη σε ενα ηχητικό σύστημα αξιώσεων. Οι τεχνικοί μας αποκάλυψαν παραμορφώσεις στην ανάρτηση του κώνου των μεγαφώνων. Χρησιμοποιώντας μια εξελιγμένη τεχνική που συναντάμαι και στις αναρτήσεις αυτοκινήτων αγώνων με την ονομασία " Tuned MAss Damper" ελλατώνουν και πάλι τις παραμορφώσεις και αυξάνουν την διαφάνεια του ήχου. IHL (Infinite Horn Loading) Τα tweeter απο βηρίλλιο της Focal θεωρούνται τα καλύτερα tweeter σε παραγωγή. Το μόνο τους ελλάτωμα μπορεί να θεωρηθεί πως προέρχεται απο το compression του αέρα πίσω απο την μονάδα. Ιδανικά χρειάζεται μια πολύ μεγάλη επιφάνεια πίσω απο το tweeter αλλά αυτό δεν είναι εφικτό για λόγους χώρου. Με μια ακόμα καινοτομία , την δημιουργία χοάνης πίσω απο το tweeter με ταυτόχρονη απόσβεση του αέρα που μετακινήται πρός τα πίσω έχουμε μια μείωση παραμόρφωσης της τάξεως του 30 % !! με άυξηση βέβαια της διαφάνειας των υψηλών συχνοτήτων.

12.690 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 1.057,50€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

The bookshelf lousdspeaker Diablo Utopia Colour Evo, part of the Utopia III Evo line, is compact, distinguished, captivating, audiophile. Diablo is the ultimate vision of the high-end reference bookshelf loudspeaker, in the purest Focal's tradition. Largely inspired from the Grande Utopia EM Evo, it sets new milestones in the bass thanks to its new patented Power Flower. Fixed on a dedicated stand, Diablo Utopia Colour Evo enchants the midrange and the treble with its definition, demonizes the bass with a density and a power handling never reached so far.

19.950 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 1.662,50€ / μήνα

607 S3Offering power and scale that belies its compact form, the 607 S3 bookshelf speaker combines our new Titanium Dome™ tweeter with the accuracy and transparency of our acclaimed Continuum™ bass/midrange cone. *Stand(s) not included.Same size, even more detailIdeal for smaller spaces, the 607 S3 uncovers incredible insight and dynamism in your music. Using the same game-changing technologies as its siblings, 607 S3 is perfect for enjoying your music or providing surround sound as part of a home theatre system.Layered, beautiful detailsThe new 607 S3 introduces our all-new Titanium Dome tweeter, which combines exceptional resolution and insight with smooth, refined high-frequency reproduction. The result? An accurate and immersive insight into your favorite music.Truly amazing sound607 S3 introduces our new and even more acoustically transparent tweeter grille mesh, first developed for our revered Signature models. Alongside the new Titanium Dome tweeter, the resolution and realism is exceptional.Precision and transparencyThanks to its composite construction, the Continuum cone avoids the abrupt transitions in behavior that can impair the performance of a conventional drive unit. With 607 S3, experience a more open, neutral performance that delivers voices and instruments with precision and transparency.Upgraded speaker terminalsDerived from the speaker terminals recently introduced in our 700 Series range, the speaker terminals on the new 607 S3 feature an improved layout and a cleaner signal path between your amplifier and your loudspeakers.

699 €
849 €
36 Δόσεις 24,13€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας
tag icon
Κέρδος: 150,00€

607 S3Offering power and scale that belies its compact form, the 607 S3 bookshelf speaker combines our new Titanium Dome™ tweeter with the accuracy and transparency of our acclaimed Continuum™ bass/midrange cone. *Stand(s) not included.Same size, even more detailIdeal for smaller spaces, the 607 S3 uncovers incredible insight and dynamism in your music. Using the same game-changing technologies as its siblings, 607 S3 is perfect for enjoying your music or providing surround sound as part of a home theatre system.Layered, beautiful detailsThe new 607 S3 introduces our all-new Titanium Dome tweeter, which combines exceptional resolution and insight with smooth, refined high-frequency reproduction. The result? An accurate and immersive insight into your favorite music.Truly amazing sound607 S3 introduces our new and even more acoustically transparent tweeter grille mesh, first developed for our revered Signature models. Alongside the new Titanium Dome tweeter, the resolution and realism is exceptional.Precision and transparencyThanks to its composite construction, the Continuum cone avoids the abrupt transitions in behavior that can impair the performance of a conventional drive unit. With 607 S3, experience a more open, neutral performance that delivers voices and instruments with precision and transparency.Upgraded speaker terminalsDerived from the speaker terminals recently introduced in our 700 Series range, the speaker terminals on the new 607 S3 feature an improved layout and a cleaner signal path between your amplifier and your loudspeakers.

699 €
849 €
36 Δόσεις 24,13€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας
tag icon
Κέρδος: 150,00€

607 S3Offering power and scale that belies its compact form, the 607 S3 bookshelf speaker combines our new Titanium Dome™ tweeter with the accuracy and transparency of our acclaimed Continuum™ bass/midrange cone. *Stand(s) not included.Same size, even more detailIdeal for smaller spaces, the 607 S3 uncovers incredible insight and dynamism in your music. Using the same game-changing technologies as its siblings, 607 S3 is perfect for enjoying your music or providing surround sound as part of a home theatre system.Layered, beautiful detailsThe new 607 S3 introduces our all-new Titanium Dome tweeter, which combines exceptional resolution and insight with smooth, refined high-frequency reproduction. The result? An accurate and immersive insight into your favorite music.Truly amazing sound607 S3 introduces our new and even more acoustically transparent tweeter grille mesh, first developed for our revered Signature models. Alongside the new Titanium Dome tweeter, the resolution and realism is exceptional.Precision and transparencyThanks to its composite construction, the Continuum cone avoids the abrupt transitions in behavior that can impair the performance of a conventional drive unit. With 607 S3, experience a more open, neutral performance that delivers voices and instruments with precision and transparency.Upgraded speaker terminalsDerived from the speaker terminals recently introduced in our 700 Series range, the speaker terminals on the new 607 S3 feature an improved layout and a cleaner signal path between your amplifier and your loudspeakers.

699 €
849 €
36 Δόσεις 24,13€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας
tag icon
Κέρδος: 150,00€

CapellaWi-Fi & Bluetooth SpeakerTHE SONG OF THE TWIN STARSCAPELLA embodies the ambition of an enthusiastic team to combine the acoustic experience of TRIANGLE with advanced sound signal processing technologies in a refined enclosure.Made in France, CAPELLA provides a complete, intelligent audio system with unprecedented performance. Entirely configurable to suit your taste and environment, CAPELLA adapts and fits your needs.Modern and connectedEnjoy a wealth of compatible streaming options and connectivity to stream all your content in high definition.Modern and connected, the system is Bluetooth and Wi-Fi compatible (Airplay, Chromecast, UPnP/DLNA), as well as Roon Ready for the most demanding audiophiles. The speakers communicate wirelessly with the “Stereo Hub”, a compact, remote box using WiSA technology. All your sources (TV/ARC, USB, Optical, RCA...) are centralized on the Hub.

2.699 €
36 Δόσεις 93,18€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

CapellaWi-Fi & Bluetooth SpeakerTHE SONG OF THE TWIN STARSCAPELLA embodies the ambition of an enthusiastic team to combine the acoustic experience of TRIANGLE with advanced sound signal processing technologies in a refined enclosure.Made in France, CAPELLA provides a complete, intelligent audio system with unprecedented performance. Entirely configurable to suit your taste and environment, CAPELLA adapts and fits your needs.Modern and connectedEnjoy a wealth of compatible streaming options and connectivity to stream all your content in high definition.Modern and connected, the system is Bluetooth and Wi-Fi compatible (Airplay, Chromecast, UPnP/DLNA), as well as Roon Ready for the most demanding audiophiles. The speakers communicate wirelessly with the “Stereo Hub”, a compact, remote box using WiSA technology. All your sources (TV/ARC, USB, Optical, RCA...) are centralized on the Hub.

2.699 €
36 Δόσεις 93,18€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

CapellaWi-Fi & Bluetooth SpeakerTHE SONG OF THE TWIN STARSCAPELLA embodies the ambition of an enthusiastic team to combine the acoustic experience of TRIANGLE with advanced sound signal processing technologies in a refined enclosure.Made in France, CAPELLA provides a complete, intelligent audio system with unprecedented performance. Entirely configurable to suit your taste and environment, CAPELLA adapts and fits your needs.Modern and connectedEnjoy a wealth of compatible streaming options and connectivity to stream all your content in high definition.Modern and connected, the system is Bluetooth and Wi-Fi compatible (Airplay, Chromecast, UPnP/DLNA), as well as Roon Ready for the most demanding audiophiles. The speakers communicate wirelessly with the “Stereo Hub”, a compact, remote box using WiSA technology. All your sources (TV/ARC, USB, Optical, RCA...) are centralized on the Hub.

2.699 €
36 Δόσεις 93,18€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

WIRELESS BLUETOOTH BOOKSHELF SPEAKER – BOREA ACTIVE BR02 BTThe BR02 BT speakers create a compact and powerful all-in-one Hi-Fi system with multiple features. These active speakers have been designed for modern and versatile use.They offer vast possibilities to meet every need: ease of use with HD Bluetooth aptX music streaming, a phono input to connect a vinyl turntable, an optical input for a TV screen and a Sub output for a subwoofer association. The BR02 BT integrate a Class-D amplifier with an output of 2x50 Watts RMS. Equipped with an EFS fabric dome tweeter combined with a 13 cm midrange/bass driver from the BOREA range, these compact size speakers offer a rich, precise, and detailed sound image. Easy to position on dedicated speaker stands or furniture, they will be ideal for rooms of up to 25m2.A remote control with a range of more than 15 meters regardless of obstacles (walls, furniture, etc.), a power cable and a 3m speaker cable to connect the amplified speaker to the passive speaker are provided with the speakers.

549 €
36 Δόσεις 18,95€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

WIRELESS BLUETOOTH BOOKSHELF SPEAKER – BOREA ACTIVE BR02 BTThe BR02 BT speakers create a compact and powerful all-in-one Hi-Fi system with multiple features. These active speakers have been designed for modern and versatile use.They offer vast possibilities to meet every need: ease of use with HD Bluetooth aptX music streaming, a phono input to connect a vinyl turntable, an optical input for a TV screen and a Sub output for a subwoofer association. The BR02 BT integrate a Class-D amplifier with an output of 2x50 Watts RMS. Equipped with an EFS fabric dome tweeter combined with a 13 cm midrange/bass driver from the BOREA range, these compact size speakers offer a rich, precise, and detailed sound image. Easy to position on dedicated speaker stands or furniture, they will be ideal for rooms of up to 25m2.A remote control with a range of more than 15 meters regardless of obstacles (walls, furniture, etc.), a power cable and a 3m speaker cable to connect the amplified speaker to the passive speaker are provided with the speakers.

549 €
36 Δόσεις 18,95€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

WIRELESS BLUETOOTH BOOKSHELF SPEAKER – BOREA ACTIVE BR02 BTThe BR02 BT speakers create a compact and powerful all-in-one Hi-Fi system with multiple features. These active speakers have been designed for modern and versatile use.They offer vast possibilities to meet every need: ease of use with HD Bluetooth aptX music streaming, a phono input to connect a vinyl turntable, an optical input for a TV screen and a Sub output for a subwoofer association. The BR02 BT integrate a Class-D amplifier with an output of 2x50 Watts RMS. Equipped with an EFS fabric dome tweeter combined with a 13 cm midrange/bass driver from the BOREA range, these compact size speakers offer a rich, precise, and detailed sound image. Easy to position on dedicated speaker stands or furniture, they will be ideal for rooms of up to 25m2.A remote control with a range of more than 15 meters regardless of obstacles (walls, furniture, etc.), a power cable and a 3m speaker cable to connect the amplified speaker to the passive speaker are provided with the speakers.

549 €
36 Δόσεις 18,95€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

WIRELESS BLUETOOTH BOOKSHELF SPEAKER – BOREA ACTIVE BR02 BTThe BR02 BT speakers create a compact and powerful all-in-one Hi-Fi system with multiple features. These active speakers have been designed for modern and versatile use.They offer vast possibilities to meet every need: ease of use with HD Bluetooth aptX music streaming, a phono input to connect a vinyl turntable, an optical input for a TV screen and a Sub output for a subwoofer association. The BR02 BT integrate a Class-D amplifier with an output of 2x50 Watts RMS. Equipped with an EFS fabric dome tweeter combined with a 13 cm midrange/bass driver from the BOREA range, these compact size speakers offer a rich, precise, and detailed sound image. Easy to position on dedicated speaker stands or furniture, they will be ideal for rooms of up to 25m2.A remote control with a range of more than 15 meters regardless of obstacles (walls, furniture, etc.), a power cable and a 3m speaker cable to connect the amplified speaker to the passive speaker are provided with the speakers.

549 €
36 Δόσεις 18,95€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

WIRELESS BLUETOOTH BOOKSHELF SPEAKER – BOREA ACTIVE BR02 BTThe BR02 BT speakers create a compact and powerful all-in-one Hi-Fi system with multiple features. These active speakers have been designed for modern and versatile use.They offer vast possibilities to meet every need: ease of use with HD Bluetooth aptX music streaming, a phono input to connect a vinyl turntable, an optical input for a TV screen and a Sub output for a subwoofer association. The BR02 BT integrate a Class-D amplifier with an output of 2x50 Watts RMS. Equipped with an EFS fabric dome tweeter combined with a 13 cm midrange/bass driver from the BOREA range, these compact size speakers offer a rich, precise, and detailed sound image. Easy to position on dedicated speaker stands or furniture, they will be ideal for rooms of up to 25m2.A remote control with a range of more than 15 meters regardless of obstacles (walls, furniture, etc.), a power cable and a 3m speaker cable to connect the amplified speaker to the passive speaker are provided with the speakers.

549 €
36 Δόσεις 18,95€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

The Gold 100 6G is a substantial stand-mount speaker. A powerful performer, it creates an astonishing soundstage, is capable of deep extended bass and beautifully lifelike MF/HF definition. Its design features the latest MPD III high-frequency transducer, the new 3-inch mid-driver and a powerful 8-inch bass driver, both of which benefit from the latest HDT, C-CAM cone technology and hugely powerful motor systems. The Gold 100 6G delivers outstanding levels of high-fidelity sound with consummate ease.Key FeaturesThree-way design1 x MPD III high-frequency transducer1 x 3-inch mid-driver featuring HDT, C-CAM cone technologySteel mid-pod enclosure with die-cast aluminium baffle1 x 8-inch bass driver featuring HDT, C-CAM cone technologyNew crossover design utilising carefully selected high-quality capacitorsPorted cabinet design using HiVe II port technology and through-bolt technologyCompatible with the ST-2 Universal StandFinishes available: Macassar wood veneer, High-Gloss Black and Satin WhiteIndividual driver ‘Magnetic grilles’ included

3.700 €
36 Δόσεις 127,74€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

The Gold 100 6G is a substantial stand-mount speaker. A powerful performer, it creates an astonishing soundstage, is capable of deep extended bass and beautifully lifelike MF/HF definition. Its design features the latest MPD III high-frequency transducer, the new 3-inch mid-driver and a powerful 8-inch bass driver, both of which benefit from the latest HDT, C-CAM cone technology and hugely powerful motor systems. The Gold 100 6G delivers outstanding levels of high-fidelity sound with consummate ease.Key FeaturesThree-way design1 x MPD III high-frequency transducer1 x 3-inch mid-driver featuring HDT, C-CAM cone technologySteel mid-pod enclosure with die-cast aluminium baffle1 x 8-inch bass driver featuring HDT, C-CAM cone technologyNew crossover design utilising carefully selected high-quality capacitorsPorted cabinet design using HiVe II port technology and through-bolt technologyCompatible with the ST-2 Universal StandFinishes available: Macassar wood veneer, High-Gloss Black and Satin WhiteIndividual driver ‘Magnetic grilles’ included

3.700 €
36 Δόσεις 127,74€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

The Gold 100 6G is a substantial stand-mount speaker. A powerful performer, it creates an astonishing soundstage, is capable of deep extended bass and beautifully lifelike MF/HF definition. Its design features the latest MPD III high-frequency transducer, the new 3-inch mid-driver and a powerful 8-inch bass driver, both of which benefit from the latest HDT, C-CAM cone technology and hugely powerful motor systems. The Gold 100 6G delivers outstanding levels of high-fidelity sound with consummate ease.Key FeaturesThree-way design1 x MPD III high-frequency transducer1 x 3-inch mid-driver featuring HDT, C-CAM cone technologySteel mid-pod enclosure with die-cast aluminium baffle1 x 8-inch bass driver featuring HDT, C-CAM cone technologyNew crossover design utilising carefully selected high-quality capacitorsPorted cabinet design using HiVe II port technology and through-bolt technologyCompatible with the ST-2 Universal StandFinishes available: Macassar wood veneer, High-Gloss Black and Satin WhiteIndividual driver ‘Magnetic grilles’ included

3.700 €
36 Δόσεις 127,74€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

The Gold 50 6G is a compact, high-fidelity bookshelf speaker. Its discreet proportions, plus the ability to partner it with the ST-2 speaker stand, make it the most flexible of all the Gold Series 6G models when it comes to placement in a listening environment. Designed to house the latest MPD III high- frequency transducer and a powerful 6-inch mid-bass driver, both of which benefit from the new HDT, C-CAM cone technology and hugely powerful motor systems. The Gold 50 6G is a joy, delivering purity, precision, and a never less than compelling listen.Key FeaturesTwo-way design1 x MPD III high-frequency transducer1 x 6-inch bass-mid driver, featuring HDT, C-CAM cone technologyMachined aluminium drive unit trimsNew crossover design utilising carefully selected high-quality capacitorsPorted cabinet design using HiVe II port technology and through-bolt technologyCompatible with the ST-2 Universal StandFinishes available: Macassar wood veneer, High-Gloss Black and Satin WhiteIndividual driver ‘Magnetic grilles’ included

2.150 €
36 Δόσεις 74,23€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

The Gold 50 6G is a compact, high-fidelity bookshelf speaker. Its discreet proportions, plus the ability to partner it with the ST-2 speaker stand, make it the most flexible of all the Gold Series 6G models when it comes to placement in a listening environment. Designed to house the latest MPD III high- frequency transducer and a powerful 6-inch mid-bass driver, both of which benefit from the new HDT, C-CAM cone technology and hugely powerful motor systems. The Gold 50 6G is a joy, delivering purity, precision, and a never less than compelling listen.Key FeaturesTwo-way design1 x MPD III high-frequency transducer1 x 6-inch bass-mid driver, featuring HDT, C-CAM cone technologyMachined aluminium drive unit trimsNew crossover design utilising carefully selected high-quality capacitorsPorted cabinet design using HiVe II port technology and through-bolt technologyCompatible with the ST-2 Universal StandFinishes available: Macassar wood veneer, High-Gloss Black and Satin WhiteIndividual driver ‘Magnetic grilles’ included

2.150 €
36 Δόσεις 74,23€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Studio 89The compact, high-performance Studio 89 is inspired by the creativity and individuality of the 1980s. This sense of adventure is brought up to date with the latest Monitor Audio technology, including an MPD III high-frequency transducer and twin 4 ¼” RDT III C-CAM bass-mid drivers.Simplicity personified.Small, compact and visually unique, the all-new Studio 89 is an uncompromising little speaker. It packs an awful lot of acoustic technology into its compact dimensions, and while it is one hundred percent a Monitor Audio speaker, born of our Transparent Design Philosophy, it is as unique in the range as the statement Hyphn.Studio 89 is designed to be different. Listen Again. Born of a decade fuelled by cultural change-makers.Studio 89 takes inspiration from this culturally explosive decade but is a thoroughly modern loudspeaker. Inspired by individual expression and the culture that shapes it, Studio 89 is the loudspeaker for the new change-makers.MTM Driver Array.The MTM (Mid-Tweeter-Mid) Driver Array offers advantages of vertical symmetry. Also, increased bass-mid driver cone surface and voice coils mean improved dynamic capability and better in-room floor and ceiling interaction. Working like a point source, the sound dispersion is large, spacious and enveloping.RDT III.Studio 89’s bass-mid driver cones are made up of three ultra-thin layers to ensure rigidity and strength. A C-CAM outer skin, ‘ceramic-coated aluminium magnesium’, sits over a Nomex honeycomb central core with the underside skin made up of a woven carbon fibre. The result: super lightweight and very, very strongTransparent Design Philosophy.The all-new Studio 89 is built upon an R&D philosophy of maintaining a balance between design and technology. One is never allowed to overpower the other and both play a vital role in delivering on our promise of musical neutrality and acoustic transparency. The physical speakers are designed to sit comfortably within their environment. They are a beautiful statement, but one where perfectly balanced design neutrality means they will blend in for a lifetime of use.Key FeaturesTwo-way design with MTM driver array speaker configuration1 x MPD III high-frequency transducer2 x 4 ¼” RDT III, C-CAM bass-mid driversRigid die-cast aluminium baffle with through-bolt driver fixingsNew crossover design utilising carefully selected high-quality capacitorsPorted cabinet design featuring twin velocity reflex HiVe II slot portsPrecision machined Rhodium-plated speaker terminalsCompatible with the bespoke Studio 89 StandFinishes available: high-gloss black with gold drive unit cones

2.490 €
36 Δόσεις 85,96€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Bluetooth & Wi-Fi Speaker - AIO TWINThe AIO TWIN speakers are packed with technologies and TRIANGLE know-how. Versatile and in a sleek design, they are a state-of-the-art product. With all the features and performances of a modern Hi-Fi system, they offer a rich, precise, and detailed sound.With Bluetooth/Wi-Fi connectivity, you can easily stream your music in high-resolution (24 bits / 192 KHz) from your smartphone, tablet, or computer. They also feature a Phono input, compatible with most turntables available on the market.You will appreciate their minimalist design and wide range of finishes: Graphite Black, Frosted White, Linen Grey, Abyssal Blue and Brown Maple.Absolute VersatilityA speaker to match your styleHigh-Res streaming: Stream your music in high-resolution from your smartphone or tablet.Turntable: Enjoy your 33 & 45 rpm records by connecting your turntable directly using the dedicated phono input.Multiroom: Create an AIO environment so you can listen to your favorite music throughout your home or stream different music in different rooms.Audio-Video: Connect your flat screen TV to your AIO TWIN speakers through the dedicated optical/SPDIF input and enjoy stereo sound in Hi-Fi quality for all your audio-visual programs.The High Fidelity in High ResolutionEnjoy high quality digital music and easy connectivityBluetooth aptX : Streaming is made easy thanks to the latest Bluetooth 5.0 aptX receiver, ensuring universal compatibility with all types of sources (smartphones, tablets, etc.).Wi-Fi : Enjoy superior sound quality thanks to the Wi-Fi technology, allowing you to stream your songs in high-resolution (24 bits / 192 kHz) and ensuring optimal quality.Triangle AIO appMusic and speakers, at your fingertipsAccess a wide choice of streaming services from your smartphone or tablet using the free “Triangle AIO” app, available on the App Store or Google Play Store. You can also access the music stored on your devices or your home network.Set up all the TRIANGLE AIO devices on your network using the Linkplay technology, and easily monitor all the audio equipment from your home.Control the streaming in each room, adjust the sound level, optimize the sound thanks to the tone controls or pair your speakers with each other directly from the app.

749 €
36 Δόσεις 25,86€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Bluetooth & Wi-Fi Speaker - AIO TWINThe AIO TWIN speakers are packed with technologies and TRIANGLE know-how. Versatile and in a sleek design, they are a state-of-the-art product. With all the features and performances of a modern Hi-Fi system, they offer a rich, precise, and detailed sound.With Bluetooth/Wi-Fi connectivity, you can easily stream your music in high-resolution (24 bits / 192 KHz) from your smartphone, tablet, or computer. They also feature a Phono input, compatible with most turntables available on the market.You will appreciate their minimalist design and wide range of finishes: Graphite Black, Frosted White, Linen Grey, Abyssal Blue and Brown Maple.Absolute VersatilityA speaker to match your styleHigh-Res streaming: Stream your music in high-resolution from your smartphone or tablet.Turntable: Enjoy your 33 & 45 rpm records by connecting your turntable directly using the dedicated phono input.Multiroom: Create an AIO environment so you can listen to your favorite music throughout your home or stream different music in different rooms.Audio-Video: Connect your flat screen TV to your AIO TWIN speakers through the dedicated optical/SPDIF input and enjoy stereo sound in Hi-Fi quality for all your audio-visual programs.The High Fidelity in High ResolutionEnjoy high quality digital music and easy connectivityBluetooth aptX : Streaming is made easy thanks to the latest Bluetooth 5.0 aptX receiver, ensuring universal compatibility with all types of sources (smartphones, tablets, etc.).Wi-Fi : Enjoy superior sound quality thanks to the Wi-Fi technology, allowing you to stream your songs in high-resolution (24 bits / 192 kHz) and ensuring optimal quality.Triangle AIO appMusic and speakers, at your fingertipsAccess a wide choice of streaming services from your smartphone or tablet using the free “Triangle AIO” app, available on the App Store or Google Play Store. You can also access the music stored on your devices or your home network.Set up all the TRIANGLE AIO devices on your network using the Linkplay technology, and easily monitor all the audio equipment from your home.Control the streaming in each room, adjust the sound level, optimize the sound thanks to the tone controls or pair your speakers with each other directly from the app.

749 €
36 Δόσεις 25,86€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Bluetooth & Wi-Fi Speaker - AIO TWINThe AIO TWIN speakers are packed with technologies and TRIANGLE know-how. Versatile and in a sleek design, they are a state-of-the-art product. With all the features and performances of a modern Hi-Fi system, they offer a rich, precise, and detailed sound.With Bluetooth/Wi-Fi connectivity, you can easily stream your music in high-resolution (24 bits / 192 KHz) from your smartphone, tablet, or computer. They also feature a Phono input, compatible with most turntables available on the market.You will appreciate their minimalist design and wide range of finishes: Graphite Black, Frosted White, Linen Grey, Abyssal Blue and Brown Maple.Absolute VersatilityA speaker to match your styleHigh-Res streaming: Stream your music in high-resolution from your smartphone or tablet.Turntable: Enjoy your 33 & 45 rpm records by connecting your turntable directly using the dedicated phono input.Multiroom: Create an AIO environment so you can listen to your favorite music throughout your home or stream different music in different rooms.Audio-Video: Connect your flat screen TV to your AIO TWIN speakers through the dedicated optical/SPDIF input and enjoy stereo sound in Hi-Fi quality for all your audio-visual programs.The High Fidelity in High ResolutionEnjoy high quality digital music and easy connectivityBluetooth aptX : Streaming is made easy thanks to the latest Bluetooth 5.0 aptX receiver, ensuring universal compatibility with all types of sources (smartphones, tablets, etc.).Wi-Fi : Enjoy superior sound quality thanks to the Wi-Fi technology, allowing you to stream your songs in high-resolution (24 bits / 192 kHz) and ensuring optimal quality.Triangle AIO appMusic and speakers, at your fingertipsAccess a wide choice of streaming services from your smartphone or tablet using the free “Triangle AIO” app, available on the App Store or Google Play Store. You can also access the music stored on your devices or your home network.Set up all the TRIANGLE AIO devices on your network using the Linkplay technology, and easily monitor all the audio equipment from your home.Control the streaming in each room, adjust the sound level, optimize the sound thanks to the tone controls or pair your speakers with each other directly from the app.

749 €
36 Δόσεις 25,86€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Bluetooth & Wi-Fi Speaker - AIO TWINThe AIO TWIN speakers are packed with technologies and TRIANGLE know-how. Versatile and in a sleek design, they are a state-of-the-art product. With all the features and performances of a modern Hi-Fi system, they offer a rich, precise, and detailed sound.With Bluetooth/Wi-Fi connectivity, you can easily stream your music in high-resolution (24 bits / 192 KHz) from your smartphone, tablet, or computer. They also feature a Phono input, compatible with most turntables available on the market.You will appreciate their minimalist design and wide range of finishes: Graphite Black, Frosted White, Linen Grey, Abyssal Blue and Brown Maple.Absolute VersatilityA speaker to match your styleHigh-Res streaming: Stream your music in high-resolution from your smartphone or tablet.Turntable: Enjoy your 33 & 45 rpm records by connecting your turntable directly using the dedicated phono input.Multiroom: Create an AIO environment so you can listen to your favorite music throughout your home or stream different music in different rooms.Audio-Video: Connect your flat screen TV to your AIO TWIN speakers through the dedicated optical/SPDIF input and enjoy stereo sound in Hi-Fi quality for all your audio-visual programs.The High Fidelity in High ResolutionEnjoy high quality digital music and easy connectivityBluetooth aptX : Streaming is made easy thanks to the latest Bluetooth 5.0 aptX receiver, ensuring universal compatibility with all types of sources (smartphones, tablets, etc.).Wi-Fi : Enjoy superior sound quality thanks to the Wi-Fi technology, allowing you to stream your songs in high-resolution (24 bits / 192 kHz) and ensuring optimal quality.Triangle AIO appMusic and speakers, at your fingertipsAccess a wide choice of streaming services from your smartphone or tablet using the free “Triangle AIO” app, available on the App Store or Google Play Store. You can also access the music stored on your devices or your home network.Set up all the TRIANGLE AIO devices on your network using the Linkplay technology, and easily monitor all the audio equipment from your home.Control the streaming in each room, adjust the sound level, optimize the sound thanks to the tone controls or pair your speakers with each other directly from the app.

749 €
36 Δόσεις 25,86€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Bluetooth & Wi-Fi Speaker - AIO TWINThe AIO TWIN speakers are packed with technologies and TRIANGLE know-how. Versatile and in a sleek design, they are a state-of-the-art product. With all the features and performances of a modern Hi-Fi system, they offer a rich, precise, and detailed sound.With Bluetooth/Wi-Fi connectivity, you can easily stream your music in high-resolution (24 bits / 192 KHz) from your smartphone, tablet, or computer. They also feature a Phono input, compatible with most turntables available on the market.You will appreciate their minimalist design and wide range of finishes: Graphite Black, Frosted White, Linen Grey, Abyssal Blue and Brown Maple.Absolute VersatilityA speaker to match your styleHigh-Res streaming: Stream your music in high-resolution from your smartphone or tablet.Turntable: Enjoy your 33 & 45 rpm records by connecting your turntable directly using the dedicated phono input.Multiroom: Create an AIO environment so you can listen to your favorite music throughout your home or stream different music in different rooms.Audio-Video: Connect your flat screen TV to your AIO TWIN speakers through the dedicated optical/SPDIF input and enjoy stereo sound in Hi-Fi quality for all your audio-visual programs.The High Fidelity in High ResolutionEnjoy high quality digital music and easy connectivityBluetooth aptX : Streaming is made easy thanks to the latest Bluetooth 5.0 aptX receiver, ensuring universal compatibility with all types of sources (smartphones, tablets, etc.).Wi-Fi : Enjoy superior sound quality thanks to the Wi-Fi technology, allowing you to stream your songs in high-resolution (24 bits / 192 kHz) and ensuring optimal quality.Triangle AIO appMusic and speakers, at your fingertipsAccess a wide choice of streaming services from your smartphone or tablet using the free “Triangle AIO” app, available on the App Store or Google Play Store. You can also access the music stored on your devices or your home network.Set up all the TRIANGLE AIO devices on your network using the Linkplay technology, and easily monitor all the audio equipment from your home.Control the streaming in each room, adjust the sound level, optimize the sound thanks to the tone controls or pair your speakers with each other directly from the app.

749 €
36 Δόσεις 25,86€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Bluetooth & Wi-Fi Speaker - AIO TWINThe AIO TWIN speakers are packed with technologies and TRIANGLE know-how. Versatile and in a sleek design, they are a state-of-the-art product. With all the features and performances of a modern Hi-Fi system, they offer a rich, precise, and detailed sound.With Bluetooth/Wi-Fi connectivity, you can easily stream your music in high-resolution (24 bits / 192 KHz) from your smartphone, tablet, or computer. They also feature a Phono input, compatible with most turntables available on the market.You will appreciate their minimalist design and wide range of finishes: Graphite Black, Frosted White, Linen Grey, Abyssal Blue and Brown Maple.Absolute VersatilityA speaker to match your styleHigh-Res streaming: Stream your music in high-resolution from your smartphone or tablet.Turntable: Enjoy your 33 & 45 rpm records by connecting your turntable directly using the dedicated phono input.Multiroom: Create an AIO environment so you can listen to your favorite music throughout your home or stream different music in different rooms.Audio-Video: Connect your flat screen TV to your AIO TWIN speakers through the dedicated optical/SPDIF input and enjoy stereo sound in Hi-Fi quality for all your audio-visual programs.The High Fidelity in High ResolutionEnjoy high quality digital music and easy connectivityBluetooth aptX : Streaming is made easy thanks to the latest Bluetooth 5.0 aptX receiver, ensuring universal compatibility with all types of sources (smartphones, tablets, etc.).Wi-Fi : Enjoy superior sound quality thanks to the Wi-Fi technology, allowing you to stream your songs in high-resolution (24 bits / 192 kHz) and ensuring optimal quality.Triangle AIO appMusic and speakers, at your fingertipsAccess a wide choice of streaming services from your smartphone or tablet using the free “Triangle AIO” app, available on the App Store or Google Play Store. You can also access the music stored on your devices or your home network.Set up all the TRIANGLE AIO devices on your network using the Linkplay technology, and easily monitor all the audio equipment from your home.Control the streaming in each room, adjust the sound level, optimize the sound thanks to the tone controls or pair your speakers with each other directly from the app.

749 €
36 Δόσεις 25,86€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Bluetooth & Wi-Fi Speaker - AIO TWINThe AIO TWIN speakers are packed with technologies and TRIANGLE know-how. Versatile and in a sleek design, they are a state-of-the-art product. With all the features and performances of a modern Hi-Fi system, they offer a rich, precise, and detailed sound.With Bluetooth/Wi-Fi connectivity, you can easily stream your music in high-resolution (24 bits / 192 KHz) from your smartphone, tablet, or computer. They also feature a Phono input, compatible with most turntables available on the market.You will appreciate their minimalist design and wide range of finishes: Graphite Black, Frosted White, Linen Grey, Abyssal Blue and Brown Maple.Absolute VersatilityA speaker to match your styleHigh-Res streaming: Stream your music in high-resolution from your smartphone or tablet.Turntable: Enjoy your 33 & 45 rpm records by connecting your turntable directly using the dedicated phono input.Multiroom: Create an AIO environment so you can listen to your favorite music throughout your home or stream different music in different rooms.Audio-Video: Connect your flat screen TV to your AIO TWIN speakers through the dedicated optical/SPDIF input and enjoy stereo sound in Hi-Fi quality for all your audio-visual programs.The High Fidelity in High ResolutionEnjoy high quality digital music and easy connectivityBluetooth aptX : Streaming is made easy thanks to the latest Bluetooth 5.0 aptX receiver, ensuring universal compatibility with all types of sources (smartphones, tablets, etc.).Wi-Fi : Enjoy superior sound quality thanks to the Wi-Fi technology, allowing you to stream your songs in high-resolution (24 bits / 192 kHz) and ensuring optimal quality.Triangle AIO appMusic and speakers, at your fingertipsAccess a wide choice of streaming services from your smartphone or tablet using the free “Triangle AIO” app, available on the App Store or Google Play Store. You can also access the music stored on your devices or your home network.Set up all the TRIANGLE AIO devices on your network using the Linkplay technology, and easily monitor all the audio equipment from your home.Control the streaming in each room, adjust the sound level, optimize the sound thanks to the tone controls or pair your speakers with each other directly from the app.

749 €
36 Δόσεις 25,86€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

The bookshelf speaker Borea BR02 is the most compact speaker of the range. It fits easily on a dedicated stand (S02/S04), your bookshelf or most other furniture. A perfect introduction to the world of hi-fi, this small speaker will surprise you by the immersion and sound amplitude it provides.Equipped with a 25mm EFS silk dome tweeter and a 13cm transducer with a natural cellulose paper membrane, this speaker transposes all the richness of the voices and instruments tones, while maintaining a surprising bass level for its reduced size.It will fit perfectly in rooms of up to 20m2, offering the dynamism and energy emblematic of TRIANGLE. The BR02 can also be used as an effect channel (Surround or Atmos) in home theater setups.

399 €
36 Δόσεις 13,78€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

LYMNAPLAISIR SPEAKERPLAISIR Lymna is equipped with a 5.25-inch driver, providing a dynamic midrange and deep bass. More rigid than conventional suspensions, TRIANGLEs small pleat version enables a great response. The tweeters titanium dome reproduces the high frequencies with clearness and accuracy, key values of the TRIANGLE sound. Thanks to a sensitivity of 90dB / W the speaker can be matched with a low-power amplifier and still deliver sound pressure, dynamics and detail. It works great both in stereo or as surround channels with Kari as front speakers.PLAISIR series offers affordable speakers with all the warmth and dynamics of the renowned TRIANGLE sound.PLAISIR Lymna is equipped with a 5.25-inch driver, providing a dynamic midrange and deep bass. More rigidthan conventional suspensions, TRIANGLEs small pleat version enables a great response. The tweeters titaniumdome reproduces the high frequencies with clearness and accuracy, key values of the TRIANGLE sound.Thanks to a sensitivity of 90dB / W the speaker can be matched with a low-power amplifier and still deliver soundpressure, dynamics and detail. It works great both in stereo or as surround channels with Kari as front speakers.

379 €
36 Δόσεις 13,08€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Comete Ez is one of the most famous Triangle speakers. This loudspeaker provides a similar listening experience to a floorstander, without taking up the space! Comete Ez is renowned for incredible performances throughout the lower frequencies and is ideally suited for rooms with a surface between 15 and 30m2The COMÈTE Ez provides a similar listening experience to a floorstander, without taking up the space. Ideally suitedfor rooms with limited surface (15 and 30m2 ), it guarantees incredible performance when it comes to lower frequencies.

779 €
36 Δόσεις 26,89€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Developed to deliver high quality sound with minimal constraints, the active Elara LN01A bookshelf speakers integrates a Class-D amplification module of 2X50 watts. It features a wireless Bluetooth APTX 4.0 connection and phono input to connect to vinyl.

599 €
36 Δόσεις 20,68€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Developed to deliver high quality sound with minimal constraints, the active Elara LN01A bookshelf speakers integrates a Class-D amplification module of 2X50 watts. It features a wireless Bluetooth APTX 4.0 connection and phono input to connect to vinyl.

599 €
36 Δόσεις 20,68€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Introducing the Avyra 622 Bookshelf Speakers from Morel – where compact design meets extraordinary sound quality.These speakers, part of the esteemed Avyra series, are a testament to Morel's commitment to audio excellence and stylish design. Elegance Tailored SoundEach speaker is crafted to fit elegantly into any space, offering a variety of finishes to complement your personal style. Immersive Sound CraftsmanshipThe Avyra 622 is equipped with Morel's pioneering audio technologies, including bespoke soft dome tweeters and a robust magnet system, ensuring a listening experience that is both immersive and dynamic. Precision in Every NoteIdeal for both music and movie lovers, these bookshelf speakers offer a powerful performance, capturing every nuance and beat with absolute precision and depth.

1.370 €
36 Δόσεις 47,30€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Introducing the Avyra 622 Bookshelf Speakers from Morel – where compact design meets extraordinary sound quality.These speakers, part of the esteemed Avyra series, are a testament to Morel's commitment to audio excellence and stylish design. Elegance Tailored SoundEach speaker is crafted to fit elegantly into any space, offering a variety of finishes to complement your personal style. Immersive Sound CraftsmanshipThe Avyra 622 is equipped with Morel's pioneering audio technologies, including bespoke soft dome tweeters and a robust magnet system, ensuring a listening experience that is both immersive and dynamic. Precision in Every NoteIdeal for both music and movie lovers, these bookshelf speakers offer a powerful performance, capturing every nuance and beat with absolute precision and depth.

1.370 €
36 Δόσεις 47,30€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Introducing the Avyra 622 Bookshelf Speakers from Morel – where compact design meets extraordinary sound quality.These speakers, part of the esteemed Avyra series, are a testament to Morel's commitment to audio excellence and stylish design. Elegance Tailored SoundEach speaker is crafted to fit elegantly into any space, offering a variety of finishes to complement your personal style. Immersive Sound CraftsmanshipThe Avyra 622 is equipped with Morel's pioneering audio technologies, including bespoke soft dome tweeters and a robust magnet system, ensuring a listening experience that is both immersive and dynamic. Precision in Every NoteIdeal for both music and movie lovers, these bookshelf speakers offer a powerful performance, capturing every nuance and beat with absolute precision and depth.

1.370 €
36 Δόσεις 47,30€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Introducing the Avyra 622 Bookshelf Speakers from Morel – where compact design meets extraordinary sound quality.These speakers, part of the esteemed Avyra series, are a testament to Morel's commitment to audio excellence and stylish design. Elegance Tailored SoundEach speaker is crafted to fit elegantly into any space, offering a variety of finishes to complement your personal style. Immersive Sound CraftsmanshipThe Avyra 622 is equipped with Morel's pioneering audio technologies, including bespoke soft dome tweeters and a robust magnet system, ensuring a listening experience that is both immersive and dynamic. Precision in Every NoteIdeal for both music and movie lovers, these bookshelf speakers offer a powerful performance, capturing every nuance and beat with absolute precision and depth.

1.370 €
36 Δόσεις 47,30€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

The Answer is always in the QThe new Q Series with MAT™ always has the right sound solution for youEquipped with innovative technology from our premium ranges, the Q Series now features Metamaterial Absorption Technology (MAT™) and the 12th generation Uni-Q driver array. This ensures exceptional sound quality, making it an ideal choice for both stereo and home theatre setups.The comprehensive line-up caters for any room size, budget or application with models including floorstanding, bookshelf, centre channels and on-wall HiFi speakers. With the versatility to seamlessly mix and match, the Q Series can adapt to evolving audio needs. Colour-matched grilles are included with the speakers.3-way bookshelf speaker​The Q Concerto Meta HiFi speaker is the largest in our Q Series bookshelf speaker collection. Paying tribute to the original 1969 Concerto, which was our first 3-way standmount speaker, this modernised version delivers professional high-end audio quality. Thanks to its 3-way design and Metamaterial Absorption Technology (MAT™), this wired speaker is sure to deliver high-fidelity performance.

1.199 €
36 Δόσεις 41,39€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

The Answer is always in the QThe new Q Series with MAT™ always has the right sound solution for youEquipped with innovative technology from our premium ranges, the Q Series now features Metamaterial Absorption Technology (MAT™) and the 12th generation Uni-Q driver array. This ensures exceptional sound quality, making it an ideal choice for both stereo and home theatre setups.The comprehensive line-up caters for any room size, budget or application with models including floorstanding, bookshelf, centre channels and on-wall HiFi speakers. With the versatility to seamlessly mix and match, the Q Series can adapt to evolving audio needs. Colour-matched grilles are included with the speakers.3-way bookshelf speaker​The Q Concerto Meta HiFi speaker is the largest in our Q Series bookshelf speaker collection. Paying tribute to the original 1969 Concerto, which was our first 3-way standmount speaker, this modernised version delivers professional high-end audio quality. Thanks to its 3-way design and Metamaterial Absorption Technology (MAT™), this wired speaker is sure to deliver high-fidelity performance.

1.199 €
36 Δόσεις 41,39€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

The Answer is always in the QThe new Q Series with MAT™ always has the right sound solution for youEquipped with innovative technology from our premium ranges, the Q Series now features Metamaterial Absorption Technology (MAT™) and the 12th generation Uni-Q driver array. This ensures exceptional sound quality, making it an ideal choice for both stereo and home theatre setups.The comprehensive line-up caters for any room size, budget or application with models including floorstanding, bookshelf, centre channels and on-wall HiFi speakers. With the versatility to seamlessly mix and match, the Q Series can adapt to evolving audio needs. Colour-matched grilles are included with the speakers.3-way bookshelf speaker​The Q Concerto Meta HiFi speaker is the largest in our Q Series bookshelf speaker collection. Paying tribute to the original 1969 Concerto, which was our first 3-way standmount speaker, this modernised version delivers professional high-end audio quality. Thanks to its 3-way design and Metamaterial Absorption Technology (MAT™), this wired speaker is sure to deliver high-fidelity performance.

1.199 €
36 Δόσεις 41,39€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

The Answer is always in the QThe new Q Series with MAT™ always has the right sound solution for youEquipped with innovative technology from our premium ranges, the Q Series now features Metamaterial Absorption Technology (MAT™) and the 12th generation Uni-Q driver array. This ensures exceptional sound quality, making it an ideal choice for both stereo and home theatre setups.The comprehensive line-up caters for any room size, budget or application with models including floorstanding, bookshelf, centre channels and on-wall HiFi speakers. With the versatility to seamlessly mix and match, the Q Series can adapt to evolving audio needs. Colour-matched grilles are included with the speakers.Compact 2-way bookshelf speaker​The compact Q3 Meta HiFi speaker punches above its size, refusing to compromise your listening enjoyment. Like all new Q Series speakers it features a 12th generation Uni-Q driver array and Metamaterial Absorption Technology. The Q3 Meta is the ultimate entry-level speaker for those looking to build their first HiFi sound system.

719 €
36 Δόσεις 24,82€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας
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