Διάφορα Πετάλια
Digitech FreqOut natural feedback creator σε μορφή πεταλιού, γεννήτρια feedback effect, παράγει φυσικό feedback σε οποιαδήποτε ένταση χωρίς παραμόρφωση, 7 τύποι harmonic feedback, λειτουργία true bypass, ρυθμιστικά onset και gain, διακόπτης 7-way type rotary switch για επιλογή ανάμεσα σε 1η, 2η, 3η, 5η, Nat-Low, nat-hi και τύπους sub feedback, μεταλλική κατασκευή, λειτουργία με τροφοδοτικό (διατίθεται προεραιτικά).
Released 6 years ago, FELiX helped usher in a renaissance of amplified acoustic sound quality and functionality. What once required racks of studio gear and stage techs to achieve, FELiX made available in a single, affordable and rugged /compact floor unit. Since its release, we have worked together with many demanding players to improve and hone its features and functionality, and are now pleased to announce the latest version of this little champ – FELiX2.FELiX2 NEW FEATURES INCLUDE:STEREO OPERATIONNew dual mono or true stereo FX loop allows for independent FX loops on either channel or stereo FX operation with mono or stereo inStereo amp output for connecting to stereo stage amp rigStereo headphone output for stereo headphone personal monitoring blissVARIABLE PHASE CONTROLBuilt in variable phase control on channel 2 allows users to adjust mic / pickup blending systems to be perfectly phase coherentMORE EQ POWERHIGH shelving EQ control updated to include 2 transition frequency settings at 1k and 2k, allowing for more flexible high frequency tone controlNew notch filter uses a much higher Q setting for better surgical control of problem frequenciesNEW POWER SUPPLYClass II power supply eliminates ground loops when connecting to stage amps and other non-isolated stage equipmentNOTE: this is now a 2 prong power inputBETTER STAGE MANNERSNew protective side rails and slightly lower profile knobs to help protect controls from extra left feet and floppy stray instrument cablesCHANNEL 1 BOOST DEFEATAllows the boost circuit to only affect channel 2FELiX2 is a studio quality, 2 channel blending acoustic instrument and mic preamp, designed for working musicians, engineers, sound companies or venues looking for the highest quality solution for amplifying stringed instruments. FELiX2 is built into a roadworthy floor unit chassis of anodized aluminum and steel, portable enough to leave the rack at home but bring studio quality to the stage. With the same stunning audio performance and legendary reliability as Grace Design’s pro audio range, FELiX2 brings open, musical and nuanced preamplification to any performance situation.A powerful eq section allows simple and intuitive tone shaping for even the most unruly of instruments. Each channel’s variable high pass filter cuts 12dB per octave from 20Hz to 1kHz, and can also be set as a notch filter for chasing down problem feedback or rumble areas. Parametric mid range controls cover from 70Hz all the way to 8KHz. While fixed low and high controls are carefully voiced for musical shading of bass and treble.Controls are simple and clearly marked on a bright panel, making them easy to read and tweak on a dark stage. Footswitch functions include a mute / tune switch for muting all outputs except the dedicated tuner out, a boost switch which activates a variable boost circuit, and finally, an A/B mode switch for when FELiX2 is in A/B mode (which simply toggles between the two different channels).FELiX2 brings the kitchen sink approach to I/O. Inputs include a 48V XLR mic input and two instrument inputs. Two independent transformer isolated DI outputs can be sourced from either the mix or the individual channel. This allows you to send the front of house a mix or each channel independently. A dedicated, level controlled amplifier output can be sourced from the mix or channel 2. A dedicated tuner output stays active when all the other outputs are muted. A side panel mounted 1/8” mini jack headphone amplifier is there for practicing, private noodling during boring soundchecks, or scrutinizing dubious eq decisions. Dual TRS jack send and return FX loop signals and can be configured for stereo operation or dual mono with separate FX loops for each channel.Guitar, bass, fiddle, mandolin, cello, dare we say banjo, that weird 3 string gourd thing – FELiX2 is your instrument’s new best friend. Flexible, reliable, a good listener and eager to make you sound better, FELiX2 is also your new best friend.Designed and built by family and friends in sunny Lyons, CO, USA.FEATURES:Open, musical and detailed instrument and mic preamplification for discerning artists and engineers2 channel audio path with blend output controlm101 style transimpedance microphone preamplifier, no electrolytic capacitors in the signal pathVariable Phase control on channel to for fine tuning phase between a microphone and pickupUltra precision 0.5% thin film resistors are used in the signal pathCareful power supply design and grounding yield an ultra-quiet signal path and professional level headroom and line driving abilityFully ground isolated DI outputs with high quality, low distortion, fully shielded transformersSuper rugged 1/4” connectors with heavy duty metal bushingsNew side rails to protect control from inadvertent changes via cables or feetPowerful, independent EQ on both channels – hi and low shelving and full parametric midrangeMid frequency control has two ranges 70-880Hz / 670 – 8kHz20Hz-1kHz sweepable HPF on both channels, can also be set as notch filterA / B footswitch for multiple instrument configurations or soloing different pickupsMute/ tune footswitch mutes all outputs except dedicated tuner outBoost footswitch for variable 10dB level boost (global)DI outputs sources are configurable – Ch1 (mix or Ch1) Ch2 (mix or Ch2)Dedicated level controlled stereo stage amp output (configurable as blend or Ch2)Dedicated tuner out, remains hot when unit is mutedSide panel switches for 48V, phase, mid Hz range select, HPF/notch select, 12V and A/B mode select12V mic input power available on Ch2Phase reverse switch for each channel3 input impedance settings on each channel – Ch1 10K, 1MEG, 10MEG / Ch2 332K, 1MEG, 20MEG accommodating a wide range of pickup typesMic stand flange mount screw holes holes for putting FELiX on a mic stand1/8” stereo headphone jack, active when FELiX is mutedStereo FX loop or independent dual mono FX loopsNEW CLASS II Universal 100-240 AC power supply with standard IEC cableFull 5 year transferable warranty / built for long, happy life on the roadDesigned and built by family and friends in Lyons, CO, USA
Released 6 years ago, FELiX helped usher in a renaissance of amplified acoustic sound quality and functionality. What once required racks of studio gear and stage techs to achieve, FELiX made available in a single, affordable and rugged /compact floor unit. Since its release, we have worked together with many demanding players to improve and hone its features and functionality, and are now pleased to announce the latest version of this little champ – FELiX2.FELiX2 NEW FEATURES INCLUDE:STEREO OPERATIONNew dual mono or true stereo FX loop allows for independent FX loops on either channel or stereo FX operation with mono or stereo inStereo amp output for connecting to stereo stage amp rigStereo headphone output for stereo headphone personal monitoring blissVARIABLE PHASE CONTROLBuilt in variable phase control on channel 2 allows users to adjust mic / pickup blending systems to be perfectly phase coherentMORE EQ POWERHIGH shelving EQ control updated to include 2 transition frequency settings at 1k and 2k, allowing for more flexible high frequency tone controlNew notch filter uses a much higher Q setting for better surgical control of problem frequenciesNEW POWER SUPPLYClass II power supply eliminates ground loops when connecting to stage amps and other non-isolated stage equipmentNOTE: this is now a 2 prong power inputBETTER STAGE MANNERSNew protective side rails and slightly lower profile knobs to help protect controls from extra left feet and floppy stray instrument cablesCHANNEL 1 BOOST DEFEATAllows the boost circuit to only affect channel 2FELiX2 is a studio quality, 2 channel blending acoustic instrument and mic preamp, designed for working musicians, engineers, sound companies or venues looking for the highest quality solution for amplifying stringed instruments. FELiX2 is built into a roadworthy floor unit chassis of anodized aluminum and steel, portable enough to leave the rack at home but bring studio quality to the stage. With the same stunning audio performance and legendary reliability as Grace Design’s pro audio range, FELiX2 brings open, musical and nuanced preamplification to any performance situation.A powerful eq section allows simple and intuitive tone shaping for even the most unruly of instruments. Each channel’s variable high pass filter cuts 12dB per octave from 20Hz to 1kHz, and can also be set as a notch filter for chasing down problem feedback or rumble areas. Parametric mid range controls cover from 70Hz all the way to 8KHz. While fixed low and high controls are carefully voiced for musical shading of bass and treble.Controls are simple and clearly marked on a bright panel, making them easy to read and tweak on a dark stage. Footswitch functions include a mute / tune switch for muting all outputs except the dedicated tuner out, a boost switch which activates a variable boost circuit, and finally, an A/B mode switch for when FELiX2 is in A/B mode (which simply toggles between the two different channels).FELiX2 brings the kitchen sink approach to I/O. Inputs include a 48V XLR mic input and two instrument inputs. Two independent transformer isolated DI outputs can be sourced from either the mix or the individual channel. This allows you to send the front of house a mix or each channel independently. A dedicated, level controlled amplifier output can be sourced from the mix or channel 2. A dedicated tuner output stays active when all the other outputs are muted. A side panel mounted 1/8” mini jack headphone amplifier is there for practicing, private noodling during boring soundchecks, or scrutinizing dubious eq decisions. Dual TRS jack send and return FX loop signals and can be configured for stereo operation or dual mono with separate FX loops for each channel.Guitar, bass, fiddle, mandolin, cello, dare we say banjo, that weird 3 string gourd thing – FELiX2 is your instrument’s new best friend. Flexible, reliable, a good listener and eager to make you sound better, FELiX2 is also your new best friend.Designed and built by family and friends in sunny Lyons, CO, USA.FEATURES:Open, musical and detailed instrument and mic preamplification for discerning artists and engineers2 channel audio path with blend output controlm101 style transimpedance microphone preamplifier, no electrolytic capacitors in the signal pathVariable Phase control on channel to for fine tuning phase between a microphone and pickupUltra precision 0.5% thin film resistors are used in the signal pathCareful power supply design and grounding yield an ultra-quiet signal path and professional level headroom and line driving abilityFully ground isolated DI outputs with high quality, low distortion, fully shielded transformersSuper rugged 1/4” connectors with heavy duty metal bushingsNew side rails to protect control from inadvertent changes via cables or feetPowerful, independent EQ on both channels – hi and low shelving and full parametric midrangeMid frequency control has two ranges 70-880Hz / 670 – 8kHz20Hz-1kHz sweepable HPF on both channels, can also be set as notch filterA / B footswitch for multiple instrument configurations or soloing different pickupsMute/ tune footswitch mutes all outputs except dedicated tuner outBoost footswitch for variable 10dB level boost (global)DI outputs sources are configurable – Ch1 (mix or Ch1) Ch2 (mix or Ch2)Dedicated level controlled stereo stage amp output (configurable as blend or Ch2)Dedicated tuner out, remains hot when unit is mutedSide panel switches for 48V, phase, mid Hz range select, HPF/notch select, 12V and A/B mode select12V mic input power available on Ch2Phase reverse switch for each channel3 input impedance settings on each channel – Ch1 10K, 1MEG, 10MEG / Ch2 332K, 1MEG, 20MEG accommodating a wide range of pickup typesMic stand flange mount screw holes holes for putting FELiX on a mic stand1/8” stereo headphone jack, active when FELiX is mutedStereo FX loop or independent dual mono FX loopsNEW CLASS II Universal 100-240 AC power supply with standard IEC cableFull 5 year transferable warranty / built for long, happy life on the roadDesigned and built by family and friends in Lyons, CO, USA
Η Universal Audio, ένας κορυφαίος κατασκευαστής επαγγελματικού υλικού και λογισμικού ηχογράφησης, είναι υπερήφανη που παρουσιάζει το UAFX, την πρώτη σειρά πεντάλ εφέ της εταιρείας, που διαθέτει ηχητικά αυθεντικές προσομοιώσεις κλασικών κυκλωμάτων αντήχησης, καθυστέρησης και διαμόρφωσης.Τα αποτελέσματα μιας εξαντλητικής πολυετούς προσπάθειας: UAFX Golden Reverberator, Starlight Echo Station και Astra Modulation Machine φέρνουν ισχυρή αρχιτεκτονική διπλού επεξεργαστή στην αγορά πεντάλ εφέ, παρέχοντας τρεις ξεχωριστούς vintage ήχους ανά πεντάλ, με άψογο αναλογικό σχεδιασμό και κατασκευή/ποιότητα Universal Audio.Οι λειτουργίες Hallmark UAFX περιλαμβάνουν διαισθητικές λειτουργίες Preset / Live, αναλογική μετάδοση, στερεοφωνική / διπλή μονοφωνική λειτουργία, πραγματική παράκαμψη (bypass) με αθόρυβη εναλλαγή και δυνατότητα λήψης (download) πρόσθετων εφέ από την αναγνωρισμένη ομάδα αλγορίθμων UAD και πολλά άλλα.Από τον πυκνό ήχο των studio plates της δεκαετίας του 1950, μέχρι την λαμπάτη αντήχηση ελατηρίων των κλασικών ενισχυτών κιθάρας της δεκαετίας του 1960 και το θαύμα των ψηφιακών συσκευών αντήχησης, το Golden Reverberator διαθέτει εικονικούς ήχους αντήχησης δεκαετιών, σε ένα μοναδικό, όμορφα κατασκευασμένο stompbox.Τα εφέ Spring 65, Plate 140 και Hall 224, το καθένα με δυνατότητα διαμόρφωσης, προσφέρουν μια ολοκληρωμένη παλέτα αντήχησης, vintage υφής.
Η Universal Audio, ένας κορυφαίος κατασκευαστής επαγγελματικού υλικού και λογισμικού ηχογράφησης, είναι υπερήφανη που παρουσιάζει το UAFX, την πρώτη σειρά πεντάλ εφέ της εταιρείας, που διαθέτει ηχητικά αυθεντικές προσομοιώσεις κλασικών κυκλωμάτων αντήχησης, καθυστέρησης και διαμόρφωσης.Τα αποτελέσματα μιας εξαντλητικής πολυετούς προσπάθειας: UAFX Golden Reverberator, Starlight Echo Station και Astra Modulation Machine φέρνουν ισχυρή αρχιτεκτονική διπλού επεξεργαστή στην αγορά πεντάλ εφέ, παρέχοντας τρεις ξεχωριστούς vintage ήχους ανά πεντάλ, με άψογο αναλογικό σχεδιασμό και κατασκευή/ποιότητα Universal Audio.Οι λειτουργίες Hallmark UAFX περιλαμβάνουν διαισθητικές λειτουργίες Preset / Live, αναλογική μετάδοση, στερεοφωνική / διπλή μονοφωνική λειτουργία, πραγματική παράκαμψη (bypass) με αθόρυβη εναλλαγή και δυνατότητα λήψης (download) πρόσθετων εφέ από την αναγνωρισμένη ομάδα αλγορίθμων UAD και πολλά άλλα.Το Astra Modulation Machine είναι ένας πλήρης ηχητικός σταθμός εργασίας.Από τους διαστημικούς ήχους του flanger των στούντιο της δεκαετίας του 1970, μέχρι το gritty bucket-brigade chorus και το luscious opto tube tremolo, το Astra βάζει τρείς τέλεια προσομοιωμένα ήχους διαμόρφωσης στα πόδια σας.Οι ρυθμίσεις Chorus Brigade, Flanger DBLR και Trem 65 - με δευτερεύουσες λειτουργίες για Vibrato, Doubling και πολλά άλλα - συνδυάζονται για μια πληθώρα καλαίσθητων τροποποιήσεων.
Το τέλειο Tweed Deluxe PedalΟ λαμπάτος ενισχυτής Fender 5E3 Tweed Deluxe* με "ευρύ πάνελ" κυκλοφόρησε το 1955 και γρήγορα έγινε αγαπημένος στους μουσικούς της κάντρι, μπλουζ και ροκ. Η ισχυρή μηχανή UAFX της UA προσφέρει τον ηχητικά πιο αυθεντικό αμερικανικό ενισχυτή λυχνίας στα μέσα της δεκαετίας του '50, που έχει τοποθετηθεί ποτέ σε stompbox.Πλήρης εξομοίωση διαδρομής ενισχυτή του vintage Fender 5E3 Deluxe "golden unit" του 1955, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της ανάμειξης καναλιών για γνήσιους τόνους τουίντ.Περιλαμβάνει καμπίνα ηχείων παγκόσμιας κλάσης, μικρόφωνο και τεχνολογία Dynamic Room Modeling που προέρχεται από το βραβευμένο OX Amp Top Box.Διαθέτει ενισχυτή, προενισχυτή και ηχεία "hot rod", καθώς και πρόσθετες καμπίνες ηχείων με δυνατότητα λήψης κατά την εγγραφή του προϊόντος.Αξιοσημείωτοι μουσικοί: Neil Young, The Eagles, Larry Carlton, Mike Campbell, J Mascis.
A NEW ERA OF SOUND, POWER, & PERFORMANCE The Roland GR-55 is a revolution in guitar synthesis, with features never before available in any guitar processor. In terms of speed, it’s the fastest ever. It’s also the most accurate, thanks to newly developed pitch-detection technology. As for sound, the triple-core generator houses a world-class array of virtual guitars, basses, amps, and synth voices, enabling tones and textures that have never been heard before. Onstage or in the studio, you can instantly access the GR-55’s huge library of ready-to-use sounds, from pop to rock and beyond, with quick-access category buttons. Welcome to a groundbreaking new era in guitar synthesis! A revolutionary fusion of guitar synthesis and powerful COSM guitar modeling Up to four sound sources at a time: two PCM synth tones, plus COSM guitar modeling and normal guitar input Easy to use and easy to play with hundreds of great, ready-to-use sounds for rock or pop guitarists Advanced Roland technology provides superb sound quality and lightning-fast processing Over 900 of Roland’s latest fully editable PCM sounds, including pianos, organs, strings, vintage synths, and much more COSM guitar and amp modeling Two types of multi-effects engines, plus global reverb, chorus, and delay effects, and an onboard looper Built-in USB audio player with foot control Available with or without GK-3 Divided Pickup New Sound Possibilities The GR-55’s powerful triple-core engine comprises two PCM synthesizers (with over 900 tones powered by the latest Roland synthesis technology) and COSM guitar modeling, featuring a virtual treasure trove of guitar, bass, amp, and synth models. Together, these combined technologies allow you to create unique, revolutionary sounds. The “Metal Synth Lead” preset, for example, combines two types of thick, brilliant synth textures with an overdriven solid-body/humbucking tone for incredible punch and power. Lightning-Fast Tracking Thanks to Roland’s decades of research and dedication to guitar synthesizers and powerful new pitch detection technology, the GR-55 is far and away the fastest guitar synth ever. Furthermore, the COSM guitar-modeling engine needs zero detection time, allowing the GR-55 to respond instantly and exactly as you play. The GR-55 detects pitch, velocity, and behavior for unprecedented response to your performance. Instant Gratification Get ready to rock…and fast! The GR-55 puts you instantly in touch with a huge library of amazing sounds, no editing required. The onboard lineup of ready-to-use presets (270, plus 297 user) takes the pain out of the process, with simple category buttons for finding the perfect sound fast. Choose from hundreds of great presets for pop, rock, and beyond, and kick-start your song or jam with unique, powerful sounds that will turn heads and raise fists. Easy to Use If you’re new to the world of technology, fear not. The GR-55 is powerful yet extremely friendly. For customizing sounds, the EZ Edit feature (made famous in the GT-10) and large LCD takes the guesswork out of the process. And for those who want to go deep, the GR-55 offers huge array of controllable parameters. Pros will appreciate the power of the GR-55 while beginners will love how quick and easy the unit is to operate. USB Connectivity The GR-55 conveniently bridges the guitarist to the desktop music production world with its two USB ports. The rear-panel port can be used one for MIDI/Audio data communication; the side-panel port is dedicated to real-time playback of audio files from a USB memory device (sold separately). The GR-55 provides foot control of USB audio playback so your hands never need to leave the guitar. Technical Specifications: Sound Generator: PCM: 2 tones Modeling: 1 tone Tones: PCM: 910 types Modeling: 23 types (guitar mode) 17 types (bass mode) Effects: MFX (Multi-Effects): 20 types AMP (Preamp): 42 types MOD (Modulation): 14 types DELAY: 7 types REVERB: 5 types CHORUS: 4 types EQ: 1 type Patch Memory: Guitar mode Preset: 270 + User: 297 Bass mode Preset: 90 + User: 297 AD Conversion: 24-bit (GK Pickup) 24-bit + AF method ** (Normal Pickup) DA Conversion: 24-bit Sampling Frequency: 44.1 kHz Nominal Output Level: OUTPUT jacks: -10 dBu GUITAR OUT jack: -10 dBu Output Impedance: OUTPUT jacks: 2 k ohms GUITAR OUT jack: 2 k ohms USB Memory Audio Player: File Format: WAV, AIFF Display: Graphic LCD 240 x 64 dots Connectors: GK IN connector (13 pins DIN type) GUITAR OUT jack (1/4-inch phone type) OUTPUT L/MONO, R jacks (1/4-inch phone type) PHONES jack (Stereo 1/4-inch phone type) MIDI connectors (IN, OUT) (5-pin DIN type) USB COMPUTER connector (supports Hi-Speed USB, USB MIDI and USB Audio) USB MEMORY connector (supports Hi-Speed USB Flash Memory) DC IN jack Power Supply: DC 9 V Current Draw: 700 mA Accessories: AC adaptor (PSB-1U + AC Cord Set) Owner's manual Divided pickup (GK-3) (only for GK included model) GK cable (5 m) (only for GK included model) Options (sold separately): Divided pickup: GK-3 (for guitar), GK-3B (for bass guitar) GK cable: GKC-5 (5 m), GKC-10 (10 m) MIDI foot controller: FC-300 Unit selector: US-20 AC adaptor (PSB-1U) * When purchasing an AC adaptor, be sure to specify the adaptor (from the list that follows) that is designed for the region in which it will be used, and the voltage supplied there. (PSB-120/PSB-120TW/PSB-230EU/PSB-230UK/PSB-240A) Width: 405 mm 16 inches Depth: 244 mm 9-5/8 inches Height: 78 mm 3-1/8 inches Weight: 3.3 kg 7 lbs. 5 oz. Not Including GK-3 pickup and 5m GK cable
A NEW ERA OF SOUND, POWER, & PERFORMANCE The Roland GR-55 is a revolution in guitar synthesis, with features never before available in any guitar processor. In terms of speed, it’s the fastest ever. It’s also the most accurate, thanks to newly developed pitch-detection technology. As for sound, the triple-core generator houses a world-class array of virtual guitars, basses, amps, and synth voices, enabling tones and textures that have never been heard before. Onstage or in the studio, you can instantly access the GR-55’s huge library of ready-to-use sounds, from pop to rock and beyond, with quick-access category buttons. Welcome to a groundbreaking new era in guitar synthesis! A revolutionary fusion of guitar synthesis and powerful COSM guitar modeling Up to four sound sources at a time: two PCM synth tones, plus COSM guitar modeling and normal guitar input Easy to use and easy to play with hundreds of great, ready-to-use sounds for rock or pop guitarists Advanced Roland technology provides superb sound quality and lightning-fast processing Over 900 of Roland’s latest fully editable PCM sounds, including pianos, organs, strings, vintage synths, and much more COSM guitar and amp modeling Two types of multi-effects engines, plus global reverb, chorus, and delay effects, and an onboard looper Built-in USB audio player with foot control Available with or without GK-3 Divided Pickup New Sound Possibilities The GR-55’s powerful triple-core engine comprises two PCM synthesizers (with over 900 tones powered by the latest Roland synthesis technology) and COSM guitar modeling, featuring a virtual treasure trove of guitar, bass, amp, and synth models. Together, these combined technologies allow you to create unique, revolutionary sounds. The “Metal Synth Lead” preset, for example, combines two types of thick, brilliant synth textures with an overdriven solid-body/humbucking tone for incredible punch and power. Lightning-Fast Tracking Thanks to Roland’s decades of research and dedication to guitar synthesizers and powerful new pitch detection technology, the GR-55 is far and away the fastest guitar synth ever. Furthermore, the COSM guitar-modeling engine needs zero detection time, allowing the GR-55 to respond instantly and exactly as you play. The GR-55 detects pitch, velocity, and behavior for unprecedented response to your performance. Instant Gratification Get ready to rock…and fast! The GR-55 puts you instantly in touch with a huge library of amazing sounds, no editing required. The onboard lineup of ready-to-use presets (270, plus 297 user) takes the pain out of the process, with simple category buttons for finding the perfect sound fast. Choose from hundreds of great presets for pop, rock, and beyond, and kick-start your song or jam with unique, powerful sounds that will turn heads and raise fists. Easy to Use If you’re new to the world of technology, fear not. The GR-55 is powerful yet extremely friendly. For customizing sounds, the EZ Edit feature (made famous in the GT-10) and large LCD takes the guesswork out of the process. And for those who want to go deep, the GR-55 offers huge array of controllable parameters. Pros will appreciate the power of the GR-55 while beginners will love how quick and easy the unit is to operate. USB Connectivity The GR-55 conveniently bridges the guitarist to the desktop music production world with its two USB ports. The rear-panel port can be used one for MIDI/Audio data communication; the side-panel port is dedicated to real-time playback of audio files from a USB memory device (sold separately). The GR-55 provides foot control of USB audio playback so your hands never need to leave the guitar. Technical Specifications: Sound Generator: PCM: 2 tones Modeling: 1 tone Tones: PCM: 910 types Modeling: 23 types (guitar mode) 17 types (bass mode) Effects: MFX (Multi-Effects): 20 types AMP (Preamp): 42 types MOD (Modulation): 14 types DELAY: 7 types REVERB: 5 types CHORUS: 4 types EQ: 1 type Patch Memory: Guitar mode Preset: 270 + User: 297 Bass mode Preset: 90 + User: 297 AD Conversion: 24-bit (GK Pickup) 24-bit + AF method ** (Normal Pickup) DA Conversion: 24-bit Sampling Frequency: 44.1 kHz Nominal Output Level: OUTPUT jacks: -10 dBu GUITAR OUT jack: -10 dBu Output Impedance: OUTPUT jacks: 2 k ohms GUITAR OUT jack: 2 k ohms USB Memory Audio Player: File Format: WAV, AIFF Display: Graphic LCD 240 x 64 dots Connectors: GK IN connector (13 pins DIN type) GUITAR OUT jack (1/4-inch phone type) OUTPUT L/MONO, R jacks (1/4-inch phone type) PHONES jack (Stereo 1/4-inch phone type) MIDI connectors (IN, OUT) (5-pin DIN type) USB COMPUTER connector (supports Hi-Speed USB, USB MIDI and USB Audio) USB MEMORY connector (supports Hi-Speed USB Flash Memory) DC IN jack Power Supply: DC 9 V Current Draw: 700 mA Accessories: AC adaptor (PSB-1U + AC Cord Set) Owner's manual Divided pickup (GK-3) (only for GK included model) GK cable (5 m) (only for GK included model) Options (sold separately): Divided pickup: GK-3 (for guitar), GK-3B (for bass guitar) GK cable: GKC-5 (5 m), GKC-10 (10 m) MIDI foot controller: FC-300 Unit selector: US-20 AC adaptor (PSB-1U) * When purchasing an AC adaptor, be sure to specify the adaptor (from the list that follows) that is designed for the region in which it will be used, and the voltage supplied there. (PSB-120/PSB-120TW/PSB-230EU/PSB-230UK/PSB-240A) Width: 405 mm 16 inches Depth: 244 mm 9-5/8 inches Height: 78 mm 3-1/8 inches Weight: 3.3 kg 7 lbs. 5 oz. Including power adapter, GK-3 pickup and 5m GK cable
Πεταλιέρα με 3 πεντάλ για το Yamaha P-125. Χαρακτηριστικά: Piano-style Sustain Sostenuto Damper Χρώμα: Λευκό Διακόπτης Πολικότητας: Όχι
Πεταλιέρα με 3 πεντάλ για το Yamaha P-125. Χαρακτηριστικά: Piano-style Sustain Sostenuto Damper Χρώμα: Μαύρο Διακόπτης Πολικότητας: Όχι
Πετάλι για χρήση ρύθμισης έντασης από χυτό αλουμίνιο το οποίο λειτουργεί και σαν expression. Διαθέτει 2 input, 2 output και ξεχωριστή υποδοχή για τη λειτουργία expression. Χρώμα μαύρο. Βάρος 1,3 kg.
Το κλασικό Wah-Wah πετάλι της VOX με παραδοσιακό ήχο & εμφάνιση της δεκαετίας του '60.
Digitech SDRUM Strummable Drums, drum machine σε μορφή πεταλιού, 5 ήχοι drumkit στουντιακής ποιότητας, 12 διαφορετικά στύλ hats/rides, Lexicon effects, αποθήκευση έως 36 διαφορετικά songs με 3 προγραμματιζόμενα μέρη για κάθε song, pads για Kick και Snare beat entry,.Ρυθμιστικά για Level και Tempo, επιλογέας Groove / Kit για επιλογή time signature, επιλογέας Hats/Rides για επιλογή στύλ hats/rides, κουμπί ελέγχου Guitar Audition / Calibrate, κουμπί ελέγχου Tempo, κουμπί Part (Verse, Chorus, Bridge) για επιλογή song parts, κουμπί Song control για πρόσβαση στα αποθηκευμένα song patterns, κουμπιά ελέγχου Alt control για επιλογή ήχων drum kit, μεταλλική κατασκευή, ενδεικτικό λειτουργίας Led, διακόπτης bypass, έξοδος Mixer output (L/R), θύρα mini USB για αναβαθμίσεις λειτουργικού, είσοδος JamSync για συγχρονισμό με άλλες συμβατές συσκευές DigiTech, είσοδος TRS για ποδοδιακόπτη FS3X, περιλαμβάνεται τροφοδοτικό λειτουργίας 9V, διαστάσεις 140 x 85 x 65 mm, βάρος 500g.
Fuzz effect σε μορφή πεταλιού, 2 διαφορετικά voicing modes, λειτουργία true bypass, ποικιλία διαφορετικών ήχων fuzz, ρυθμιστικά before (fuzz), output (volume), after (bias) και Hi-Cut, διακόπτης επιλογής ανάμεσα στα DEMHE και HALI voicing modes, ενδεικτικό status LED, ποδοδιακόπτης bypass, μεταλλική κατασκευή, λειτουργία με μπαταρία 9V ή τροφοδοτικό 9V DC (optional),
Digitech DOD Mini Volume Pedal, λειτουργία gear drive, treble bleed για διατήρηση των υψηλών συχνοτήτων σε χαμηλή ένταση, λειτουργία passive, αντιολισθητική επιφάνεια στο πάνω μέρος του πεταλιού, mono IN/OUT jacks, μεταλλική κατασκευή, λειτουργία χωρίς τροφοδοτικό ρεύματος.
Το Πετάλι Uni-Vibe, Chorus-Vibrato είναι ένα από τα πιο εμβληματικά πετάλια στην ιστορία της μουσικής. Από τα τέλη της δεκαετίας του '60, πρωτοποριακοί κιθαρίστες το έχουν χρησιμοποιήσει για να επεκτείνουν την ΄΄τονική΄΄ παλέτα του ήχου της ηλεκτρικής κιθάρας. Λειτουργεί με μπαταρία 9V ή με το τροφοδοτικό Dunlop ECB003 AC Adapter (προαιρετικό δεν περιλαμβάνεται)
Συσκευή για δημιουργία ατελείωτων, παρατεταμένων ταλαντώσεων με κλιμακωτή ηχητική ομορφιά. Συμπαγής σχεδιασμός του επιτρέπει στους μουσικούς να το κρατούν άνετα σε όλες τις εμφανίσεις, ενώ το ανθεκτικό περίβλημα από αλουμίνιο εξασφαλίζει διάρκεια και αντοχή στο χρόνο. Διαθέτει απίστευτα εκφραστικούς τόνους και κλασσικά εφέ, όπως arpeggios, bouncy spiccato, legatos, και πολλές άλλες δυναμικές εκφράσεις. Εφαρμόζεται σε κιθάρες, μπάσα άλλα έγχορδα μουσικά όργανα.
FELiX is a studio quality, 2 channel blending acoustic instrument and mic preamp, designed for working musicians, engineers, sound companies or venues looking for the highest quality solution for amplifying stringed instruments. FELiX is built into a roadworthy (beer-resistant) floor unit chassis of anodized aluminum and steel, portable enough to leave the rack at home but bring studio quality to the stage. With the same stunning audio performance and legendary reliability as Grace Design’s pro audio range, FELiX brings open, musical and nuanced preamplification to any performance situation.A powerful eq section allows simple and intuitive tone shaping for even the most unruly of instruments. Each channel’s variable high pass filter cuts 12dB per octave from 20Hz to 1kHz, and can also be set as a notch filter for chasing down problem feedback or rumble areas. Parametric mid range controls cover from 70Hz all the way to 8KHz. While fixed low and high controls are carefully voiced for musical shading of bass and treble.Controls are simple and clearly marked on a bright panel, making them easy to read and tweak on a dark stage. Footswitch functions include a mute / tune switch for muting all outputs except the dedicated tuner out, a boost switch which activates a variable boost circuit, and finally, an A/B mode switch for when FELiX is in A/B mode (which simply toggles between the two different channels).FELiX brings the kitchen sink approach to I/O. Inputs include a 48V XLR mic input and two instrument inputs. Two independent transformer isolated DI outputs can be sourced from either the mix or the individual channel. This allows you to send the front of house a mix or each channel independently. A dedicated, level controlled amplifier output can be sourced from the mix or channel 2. A dedicated tuner output stays active when all the other outputs are muted. A side panel mounted 1/8” mini jack headphone amplifier is there for practicing, private noodling during boring soundchecks, or scrutinizing dubious eq decisions. A TRS insert is included for adding effects, and finally, a remote footswitch jack is included if FELiX is going to spend his life in a rack or up off the floor.Guitar, bass, fiddle, mandolin, cello, dare we say banjo, that weird 3 string gourd thing - FELiX is your instrument’s new best friend. Flexible, reliable, a good listener and eager to make you sound better, he is also your new best friend.Designed and built by family and friends in sunny Lyons, CO, USA.
In a few short years, FELiX and AliX have become the preamps of choice for discerning touring and recording musicians. From Banjo to bass players, they enable performers to perfect their stage and studio sound beyond what was previously possible.And now directly from this lineage comes BiX, which shares the exact same DNA of its bigger siblings, but with an intelligently streamlined feature set and a price that puts it in reach of any performer, whether on their way to the local coffee shop or the megadome.Controls are dead simple – input gain, high and low shelving EQ, and a 10dB variable boost circuit, with footswitches for mute and boost. I/O includes the instrument input, separate send and return insert jacks, an unbalanced line output, and a balanced ISO DI output on XLR. For enhanced EQ control, rear panel DIP switches select between two different transition frequencies for both High and Low controls. And BiX is pedalboard friendly, with a 9VDC power input and a compact, rugged low-profile chassis.Sonically, BiX is a carbon copy of its bigger siblings, with crystal clear, ultra-quiet audio performance. A better than 30VDC internal operating voltage provides for incredible headroom. The highs are smooth and open, and the lows are deep and rock solid. The dynamics and tone of the instrument come alive with clarity and realism, which translates to creating a deeper bond between you and your instrument.1/4" high impedance inputSeparate FX send and return1/4" unbalanced line outputBalanced XLR DI transformer iso output10dB variable boostMute and Boost footswitchesHigh and Low shelving EQSelectable EQ transition frequencies9VDC operationOver 30V internal operating voltagePedalboard friendly design5 year transferable warrantyMade in the USA
The Grace Design ALiX instrument preamplifier gives you studio-quality sound at your next gig. The powerful EQ controls on the ALiX allow you to sculpt the sound of any stringed instrument to perfection. Other useful features include a dedicated tuner out, a variable and footswitchable boost function, a ground-isolated DI output, and more. If you want an instrument preamp with Grace Design's stunning audio performance and legendary reliability, then you need the Grace Design ALiX instrument preamplifier.Grace Design ALiX Instrument Preamp at a Glance:Powerful EQ sectionVariable input impedance for optimized toneRugged Grace construction Powerful EQ sectionThe versatile ALiX preamp pedal will carve your signature sound via a powerful equalizer that delivers a natural and musical tone at all frequencies. You'll be able to manipulate the fixed low and high controls, a parametric midrange that covers everything from 65Hz to 6kHz, and a highpass filter that cuts 12dB per octave from 20Hz to 1kHz. The layout is simple and intuitive to use. It doesn't matter if you play guitar, bass, mandolin, fiddle, banjo, or anything else, the Grace Design ALiX instrument preamp will dial in the perfect sound. Variable input impedance for optimized toneThe Grace Design ALiX flawlessly preserves the sound of your stringed instrument with its high impedance input, making it an excellent choice as a DI box. Your live sound will revel in the same resolution and detail as Grace preamplifiers available for DI recording situations. And you'll be able to precisely match your instrument's pickup for the best sound possible by choosing from three input impedance settings. Rugged Grace constructionThe rugged construction allows discerning live performers to achieve studio-quality sound in their live situations with ALiX. The Grace Design ALiX delivers big studio sound, while the anodized aluminum and steel body withstands the rigors of the road. Take it from the Sweetwater crew - the Grace Design ALiX instrument preamp will give you years of great performance and amazing sound. Grace Design ALiX Instrument Preamp Features:Single-channel studio-grade instrument preamp with a detailed and open soundPowerful EQ controls to sculpt your sonic signaturePremium components used throughout for uncompromising soundVariable and footswitchable boost functionDI output with selectable source and output levelUltra-quiet signal path thanks to studio-quality power supply designDedicated tuner output3 input impedance settings for matching your pickup outputFully grounded DI output with high-quality transformers Get detailed and articulate studio sounds live with the single-channel Grace Design ALiX Instrument Preamp.
The Grace Design ALiX instrument preamplifier gives you studio-quality sound at your next gig. The powerful EQ controls on the ALiX allow you to sculpt the sound of any stringed instrument to perfection. Other useful features include a dedicated tuner out, a variable and footswitchable boost function, a ground-isolated DI output, and more. If you want an instrument preamp with Grace Design's stunning audio performance and legendary reliability, then you need the Grace Design ALiX instrument preamplifier.Grace Design ALiX Instrument Preamp at a Glance:Powerful EQ sectionVariable input impedance for optimized toneRugged Grace construction Powerful EQ sectionThe versatile ALiX preamp pedal will carve your signature sound via a powerful equalizer that delivers a natural and musical tone at all frequencies. You'll be able to manipulate the fixed low and high controls, a parametric midrange that covers everything from 65Hz to 6kHz, and a highpass filter that cuts 12dB per octave from 20Hz to 1kHz. The layout is simple and intuitive to use. It doesn't matter if you play guitar, bass, mandolin, fiddle, banjo, or anything else, the Grace Design ALiX instrument preamp will dial in the perfect sound. Variable input impedance for optimized toneThe Grace Design ALiX flawlessly preserves the sound of your stringed instrument with its high impedance input, making it an excellent choice as a DI box. Your live sound will revel in the same resolution and detail as Grace preamplifiers available for DI recording situations. And you'll be able to precisely match your instrument's pickup for the best sound possible by choosing from three input impedance settings. Rugged Grace constructionThe rugged construction allows discerning live performers to achieve studio-quality sound in their live situations with ALiX. The Grace Design ALiX delivers big studio sound, while the anodized aluminum and steel body withstands the rigors of the road. Take it from the Sweetwater crew - the Grace Design ALiX instrument preamp will give you years of great performance and amazing sound. Grace Design ALiX Instrument Preamp Features:Single-channel studio-grade instrument preamp with a detailed and open soundPowerful EQ controls to sculpt your sonic signaturePremium components used throughout for uncompromising soundVariable and footswitchable boost functionDI output with selectable source and output levelUltra-quiet signal path thanks to studio-quality power supply designDedicated tuner output3 input impedance settings for matching your pickup outputFully grounded DI output with high-quality transformers Get detailed and articulate studio sounds live with the single-channel Grace Design ALiX Instrument Preamp.
Πετάλι Expression Dual Zone με αίσθηση πεντάλ κλασικού πιάνου, καλώδιο 1.8μ, Ακροδέκτης 1/4'' καρφί.
Σετ 3 πετάλ για το ROLAND FP-30, λευκού χρώματος, με όλο το ξύλινο σκέλος που εφαρμόζει στο ηλεκτρικό πιάνο.Πεταλιέρα με 3 πεντάλ για το P-85.
To Radial Tonebone Mix-Blender αποτελεί ένα multi-function πετάλι που επιτρέπει την μείξη δύο διαφορετικών μουσικών οργάνων ή εφέ ταυτοχρόνως και την αποστολή του παραγόμενου σήματος μέσω ενός mixer-style εφέ loop για περαιτέρω επεξεργασία. Κατασκευασμένο για χρήση με κιθάρα ( ηλεκτρική / ηλεκτροακουστική ), ηλεκτρικό μπάσο καθώς και πλήκτρα. Το Radial Tonebone Mix-Blender περιλαμβάνει δύο υψηλής απόδοσης Class-A buffers για μέγιστη ευκρίνεια. Μεταφέρει το ηχητικά επεξεργασμένο σήμα χωρίς παραμόρφωση ή θόρυβο. Επιπλέον το πετάλι της Radial ενσωματώνει δύο ανεξάρτητα και μοναδικά volume controls σε κάθε κανάλι, επιτρέποντας την ξεχωριστή μείξη του ηχητικά παραγόμενου σήματος. Χαρακτηριστικά :Μείξη δύο διαφορετικών μουσικών οργάνωνBlend-in εφέ με διατήρηση της αρχικής χροιάς του μουσικού οργάνουClass-A buffered είσοδοι με ανεξάρτητα level controls
FELiX is a studio quality, 2 channel blending acoustic instrument and mic preamp, designed for working musicians, engineers, sound companies or venues looking for the highest quality solution for amplifying stringed instruments. FELiX is built into a roadworthy (beer-resistant) floor unit chassis of anodized aluminum and steel, portable enough to leave the rack at home but bring studio quality to the stage. With the same stunning audio performance and legendary reliability as Grace Design’s pro audio range, FELiX brings open, musical and nuanced preamplification to any performance situation.A powerful eq section allows simple and intuitive tone shaping for even the most unruly of instruments. Each channel’s variable high pass filter cuts 12dB per octave from 20Hz to 1kHz, and can also be set as a notch filter for chasing down problem feedback or rumble areas. Parametric mid range controls cover from 70Hz all the way to 8KHz. While fixed low and high controls are carefully voiced for musical shading of bass and treble.Controls are simple and clearly marked on a bright panel, making them easy to read and tweak on a dark stage. Footswitch functions include a mute / tune switch for muting all outputs except the dedicated tuner out, a boost switch which activates a variable boost circuit, and finally, an A/B mode switch for when FELiX is in A/B mode (which simply toggles between the two different channels).FELiX brings the kitchen sink approach to I/O. Inputs include a 48V XLR mic input and two instrument inputs. Two independent transformer isolated DI outputs can be sourced from either the mix or the individual channel. This allows you to send the front of house a mix or each channel independently. A dedicated, level controlled amplifier output can be sourced from the mix or channel 2. A dedicated tuner output stays active when all the other outputs are muted. A side panel mounted 1/8” mini jack headphone amplifier is there for practicing, private noodling during boring soundchecks, or scrutinizing dubious eq decisions. A TRS insert is included for adding effects, and finally, a remote footswitch jack is included if FELiX is going to spend his life in a rack or up off the floor.Guitar, bass, fiddle, mandolin, cello, dare we say banjo, that weird 3 string gourd thing - FELiX is your instrument’s new best friend. Flexible, reliable, a good listener and eager to make you sound better, he is also your new best friend.Designed and built by family and friends in sunny Lyons, CO, USA.
Stereo volume πετάλι για keyboard με knob για ρύθμιση έντασης.
Το Bassbone είναι ένας προενισχυτής μπάσου με εκπληκτικά αποτελέσματα επί σκηνής αλλά και σε στούντιο ηχογραφίσεις. Διαθέτει 2 εισόδους στις οποίες μπρούμε να συνδέσουμε 2 διαφορετικά μπάσα και ειδικό διακόπτη ο οποίος επιτρέπει την εναλλαγή μεταξύ τους,ενώ παράλληλα τα αντίστοιχα gain controls της κάθε εισόδου μας επιτρέπουν να επιτυγχάνουμε level matching.Το EQ του Bassbone είναι τόσο ευέλικτο ώστε να μας δίνει τη δυνατότητα να κάνουμε το ίδιο μπάσο να ακουστεί σα 2 διαφορετικά μοντέλα. Ταυτόχρονα ο διακόπτης boost είναι ιδανικός για bass solos ή απλώς για να τονίσουμε κάποιες φράσεις. Στα outputsτου περιλαμβάνεται έξοδος ¼’’, XLR balanced και ξεχωριστή έξοδος fx loop και tuner.Χαρακτηριστικά:2 channel προενίσχυση για 1 ή 2 ξεχωριστά μπάσαΕνσωματωμένο Radial direct box μεl ow Z έξοδοΣυνδυασμός power boost και fx loopEQ και contour ρυθμιστικά
Μονός ποδοδιακόπτης ON-OFF για χρήση sustain.
Πεταλιέρα 5 διακοπτών για PA1X, PA1X PRO, PA80.
The FC-300 sets a new standard of power, versatility for MIDI foot control. With features such as bi-directional MIDI data flow to the Roland VG-99 via newly adopted RRC2*, patch memory recall, twin expression and control pedals and more, this advanced control station is a perfect companion for Roland’s new VG-99 V-Guitar System or any other performance-based MIDI instrument or device.*RRC2: Newly developed connection protocol for Roland products that allows bidirectional MIDI data flow and electric power supply by one simple connection with using commercially available LAN (Ethernet) cable (CAT5).- Advanced MIDI foot controller with two assignable expression pedals, two control pedals, nine footswitches and expandability- New Patch Mode stores up to 100 MIDI setups- In addition to standard MIDI connection, newly developed RRC2* protocol adopted for bidirectional data flow between FC-300 and Roland RRC2 equipped products.- 3-way power supply (battery:6xAA, AC adapter, via RRC2) and rock-solid metal construction for stage use- Two Amp Control switches for controlling amp channels or effects- Perfect companion for the new VG-99
BESPECO expression για keyboard με polarity switch.
Bespeco sustain pedal για πιάνο.
Πεταλ DAMPER ROLAND DP-10 piano style . 190 cm Καλωδιο
Το EV-5 είναι ένα expression πετάλι για χρήση με οποιοδήποτε αρμόνιο ή πεταλιέρα. Διαθέτει ρυθμιζόμενο ελάχιστο volume και κατασκευή αρκετά ανθεκτική. Διαστάσεις: 20,00 (Μήκος) x 8,60 (Πλάτος) x 5,40 (Ύψος) σε εκατοστά. Βάρος: 400 gr
Το PACER ενισχύει τη δημιουργικότητά σας παρέχοντας έλεγχο του λογισμικού ή υλικού της κιθάρας, DAW, MIDI, καθώς και εναλλαγή καναλιών και FX στον αξιόπιστο αναλογικό ενισχυτή σας, χωρίς να χρησιμοποιείτε τα χεριά σας. Όλα ενσωματωμένα σε ένα ανθεκτικό πεντάλ ποδιού με 10 προγραμματιζόμενους ποδοδιακόπτες LED 4, ρελέ μεταγωγής και συνδέσεις για έως και 4 εξωτερικούς ποδοδιακόπτες και 2 πεντάλ expression.Έτσι δίνεται τρομερή ευχέρεια στην εναλλαγή λειτουργειών μόνο με τα πόδια σας: Με ένα μόνο πάτημα ενός κουμπιού, μπορείτε να στείλετε έως και 16 MIDI και να αναμεταδώσετε μηνύματα για να διαμορφώσετε ξανά μια ρύθμιση αμέσως. Ανεβάστε το ρυθμό σας με αυτό το ισχυρό χειριστήριο ποδοδιακόπτη MIDI DAW!