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36 Δόσεις
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Ένας Monitor Controller με πολλές δυνατότητες και talkback
Το SPL MTC Mk2 παίρνει όλα όσα έκαναν τον προκάτοχό του μεγάλη επιτυχία και το ανεβάζει σε υψηλότερο επίπεδο. Αυτός ο Monitor Controller διαθέτει ένα κουμπί στάθμης ήχου με πολύ σταθερή αίσθηση και μπορεί να συνδεθεί με 3 ζευγάρια ηχείων monitor και ένα Subwoofer. Περιλαμβάνει διακόπτες Mono και Dim, μεμονωμένους διακόπτες Mute για κάθε ηχείο monitor και ακουστικά. Tο MTC Mk2 περιλαμβάνει πολλές εισόδους - εξόδους I/O για 3 ζευγάρια ηχείων monitor, και προσφέρει τέσσερις στερεοφωνικές πηγές εισόδου. Η ειδική έξοδος μέτρησης στάθμης και το calibration της ρύθμισης στάθμης εξασφαλίζουν τον απόλυτο έλεγχο στην αναπαραγωγή του ήχου.
Το εξαιρετικό σύστημα Talkback του MTC Mk2 περιλαμβάνει ενσωματωμένο μικρόφωνο, καθώς και αποκλειστικό έλεγχο στάθμης του Talkback, αυτόματη εξασθένιση μίξης και έλεγχο hands-free μέσω ενός ποδοδιακόπτη. Έχετε επίσης έναν κορυφαίο ενισχυτή ακουστικών με δύο υποδοχές εξόδου ακουστικών και ειδικά χειριστήρια στάθμης για κάθε έξοδο. Συμπληρωματικά, το MTC Mk2 περιλαμβάνει την περίφημη τεχνολογία Phonitor Matrix της SPL για απόδοση που μοιάζει με ηχείο κατά την ακρόαση με ακουστικά. Το MTC Mk2 περιλαμβάνει +/-18V εσωτερική τάση λειτουργίας, εξαρτήματα και υψηλής ποιότητας και τροφοδοτικό με μεταγωγή.
Take full command of your monitoring chain
The MTC Mk2 gives you full control over your monitoring chain. A solid-feeling aluminum knob provides easy, intuitive volume adjustment. Three monitoring modes ensure maximum flexibility. Stereo monitoring — complete with a mono compatibility check — is the standard. You can monitor a reverse-phase version of your mix via the Ø switch. You can also audition a reverse stereo version of your mix via the LR Swap switch — a must-have for film work. What's more, by using the Mono and Ø switches in concert you can monitor the mid and side portions of your mix individually. The MTC Mk2 also includes a Dim switch, plus separate Mute switches for your speakers and headphones.

Easy communication with the artist
The MTC Mk2 boasts an impressive talkback system, complete with a built-in condenser mic. The built-in microphone features a top-shelf design derived from the technology employed by measurement microphones. The talkback system is activated via a Talk button, which lights up when pressed. You also get a dedicated Level control for the talkback signal. The talkback signal is routed to the Talk Out jack on the MTC Mk2's rear panel, where it can either be fed into a speaker in the recording room or sent back to your DAW. Engaging the talkback system automatically attenuates the artist's cue mix, and the attenuation is fully adjustable. To top it off, a Footswitch input enables hands-free use of the MTC Mk2's talkback system.
Top-shelf sound for your headphones
If you demand top-quality sound from your headphones, you're in luck. The SPL MTC Mk2's headphone amplifier boasts a push-pull, Class AB design, which yields higher gain and higher output voltage than Class A amplifiers. The amplifier's output stage transistors are thermally coupled for consistent operation and a stable sound image. Beyond that, the MTC Mk2's buffered power supply facilitates great sound, even with low-impedance headphones. The MTC Mk2 includes two headphone output jacks, each with a dedicated level control.
Speaker-like monitoring with headphones
You'll be able to use your headphones more effectively when you monitor through the MTC Mk2, thanks to its integrated Phonitor Matrix. The Phonitor Matrix re-creates the spatial effects of listening on stereo loudspeakers (listening angle and crosstalk between left and right channels) in your headphones. Headphones are a great tool for magnifying edit points, unwanted clicks and pops, fades, and other details in your recordings. For this type of editing, turn off the Phonitor Matrix spatial processing. Then turn the Phonitor Matrix mode on when you're ready to make adjustments to panning, EQ, effects sends, and other mixing tasks. The realistic stereo imaging of the Phonitor Matrix mode will allow you to achieve better mixing results than you otherwise would with headphones.

- Solid-feeling aluminum knob provides easy, intuitive volume adjustment
- 3 monitoring modes: Stereo, Reverse Phase, and LR Swap
- Mono switch enables you to check your mix's mono compatibility
- Enables you to monitor the mid and side portions of your mix individually
- Dim switch, plus separate Mute switches for your speakers and headphones
- Enough outputs for 3 pairs of stereo speakers, along with a mono output for a subwoofer
- Dedicated on/off switch for each pair of outputs, plus a separate Sub switch
- Subwoofer output can be used to connect a single full-range mono monitor speaker
- 4 stereo inputs; includes both balanced and unbalanced connectors
- Dedicated meter output and studio monitor level calibration
- Excellent talkback system with a built-in condenser mic
- Dedicated Level control for the talkback signal
- Engaging the talkback system automatically attenuates the artist's cue mix
- Footswitch input enables hands-free use of the talkback system
- High-quality push-pull, Class AB headphone amplifier with thermally coupled output stage transistors
- 2 headphone output jacks, each with a dedicated level control
- Phonitor Matrix re-creates speaker-like spatial effects when listening on headphones
- +/-18V internal operating voltage accommodates levels up to +22.5dB with added headroom
- Employs through-hole technology for all important components
- High-quality switched-mode power supply
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