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Κεφαλές MC Moving Coil

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First released in 1978 and recipient of the prestigious (at the time) Design and Engineering Award at the Chicago CES in both 1978 and 1981. The new Dynavector 10X5 MKII MC cartridge presents a new benchmark in High Output MC cartridge performance not requiring a step-up device or MC phono preamplifier.ImprovementsAlong with several exclusive Dynavector technologies that include Magnetic Flux Damping, Softened Magnetism (Patent) and powerful neodymium magnets that provide the smooth treble response Dynavector are renowned for.The Dynavector 10X5 MKII also features an improved stylus assembly with the nude diamond “Shibata III” line contact stylus and improved hardened cantilever material. These improvements ensure secure tracking ability over even the most torturous of record grooves whilst achieving extended high frequency response and enhanced musical resolution. The legendary Dynavector coil winding technology using the finest of wire has enabled the Dynavector 10X5 MKII to minutely increase the coil windings and achieve a reduction in impedance to 150 ohms whilst retaining a healthy 2.8mV output.Mounting the cartridge to the tonearm is achieved by a rigid red aluminium head block that provides a stable platform for the cartridge along with easy and secure fixing to the tonearm.

752 ,85 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 62,74€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

H Hana SL είναι η κεφαλή Hana με τις περισσότερες κριτικές και βραβεία μέχρι σήμερα. Διακρίνεται για το μαύρο σώμα του και την ακίδα Shibata. Η Hana SL διαθέτει μεγαλύτερη ακρίβεια σε ισορροπία καναλιών, μεγαλύτερο διαχωρισμό καναλιών και βελτιωμένη επέκταση υψηλών συχνοτήτων.“A first-class MC cartridge” – STEREO (Germany)  “Remarkably smooth frequency response…terrific value for the money.” – HiFi World (UK) “In the same class as a cartridge costing 10x the price.” – TNT Audio (France) Stereophile Recommended Component USA The Absolute Sound USA Golden Ear Award 2017Rocky Mountain International HiFi Press Award winner  2018 and 2019

750 €
24 Άτοκες Δόσεις 31,25€ / μήνα

Η κλασική κεφαλή της Denon, η DL-103, αποτελεί το βιομηχανικό πρότυπο για δεκαετίες. Παρέχοντας ομαλή απόκριση σε πολλά συστήματα Hi-Fi, η DL-103 αποδίδει ευχάριστο ήχο και αναδεικνύει τις πλήρεις λεπτομέρειες της απόδοσης ήχου.Χαρακτηριστικά:Frequency response (Hz): 20-45,000Output@1khz, 50mm/sec: .3mVOutput impedance: 40 ohmsLoad impedance: 100ohmsChannel seperation at 1kHz: over 25dbChannel sensitivity: 1dB or lessTracking tip: 16.5 micron special round solid diamondCopliance: 5x10-6cm/dyne (100Hz)Tracking force- 2.3~2.7gCantilever: aluminum, conicalMass: 8.5g

329 €
36 Δόσεις 11,36€ / μήνα

The DV XX-1 was the first cartridge to feature a "magnetic flux damper" (patent) and softened magnetism" (patent) processes that reject the magnetic fluctuation that is detrimental to a moving coil cartridges performance.The The DV XX-2 MKII retains the benefit of the flux damper but features the Alnico-5 magnet and the similar rigid construction to the Te Kaitora Rua. Alnico magnets exhibit high magnetic flux density combining with a low coercive therefore magnetic resistance is lower than other magnetic types such as rare earth and ferrite, providing the exceptional stability of the XX-2 MKII output voltage. There is also the additional advantage of low magnetic and electrical resistance contributing to a discernable improvement in sound quality.The XX-2MKII also exhibits deep powerful bass, treble is both clear and lively possessing none of the hardness found in many moving coil designs.The XX-2MKII also features a 6 mm solid boron cantilever fitted with a Pathfinder Line contact stylus. PCOCC (pure copper ohno continuous casting process) copper wire is used for the coil. The output voltage of 0.28mV is higher than that of the XX-2 and 6 ohms impedance are suited to most moving coil phono stages.For ridgity of construction the XX-2 MKII cartridge body is machined from 7075 aluminium the hardest available. However, having only a total weight of only 8.9 grams it is suitable for a variety of popular tonearms.

1.997 ,85 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 166,49€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Χειροποίητη Reference κεφαλή κατόπιν ειδικής παραγγελίας Made in England.

1.789 €
24 Άτοκες Δόσεις 74,54€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

HANA ML – Προσιτή τελειότητα στην αναπαραγωγή ήχουΒασισμένη στη φημισμένη ηχητική υπογραφή της HANA, η ML ανεβάζει τον πήχη προσφέροντας την απόλυτη ποιότητα "Brilliant and Gorgeous" που έχει καταξιώσει τη μάρκα παγκοσμίως.Κορυφαία Χαρακτηριστικά της HANA MLΒελόνα Nude Microline – Υψηλών ΠροδιαγραφώνΗ σειρά M χρησιμοποιεί βελόνα Nude Microline, που προσομοιώνει τη βελόνα κοπής δίσκων, εφαρμόζοντας τέλεια στην αυλάκωση του βινυλίου. Αυτό εξασφαλίζει καλύτερη παρακολούθηση, πλουσιότερη αναπαραγωγή συχνοτήτων, βελτιωμένη στερεοφωνική εικόνα και ανώτερη ανάλυση.Χαλκός υψηλής καθαρότηταςΧαλκός υψηλής καθαρότητας χρησιμοποιείται για την περιέλιξη του πηνίου της ML, με γεννήτρια χαμηλής αντίστασης για βέλτιστη απόδοση και συμβατότητα με ευρύτερο φάσμα προενισχυτών phono.Σώμα από Delrin© – Προηγμένα υλικάΤο σώμα της κεφαλής κατασκευάζεται από Delrin©, έναν προηγμένο πολυμερικό υλικό με ανώτερα μηχανικά χαρακτηριστικά για καλύτερη απορρόφηση των συντονισμών. Αυτό αποκαλύπτει περισσότερες ηχητικές λεπτομέρειες και ενισχύει το δυναμικό εύρος.Κρυογονική επεξεργασία με μοναδική τεχνικήΗ κρυογονική επεξεργασία (Cold Annealing) πραγματοποιείται σε θερμοκρασίες κοντά στο απόλυτο μηδέν, αναδομώντας τα μέταλλα σε μοριακό επίπεδο. Η επεξεργασία αυτή εφαρμόζεται στο σύστημα της γεννήτριας της ML, ενισχύοντας την ακρίβεια του μαγνητικού πεδίου για πιο γραμμική και μουσική ηχητική απόδοση.Ορειχάλκινο κάλυμμα με σπειρώματα – Ανώτερη μηχανική σύνδεσηΤο σώμα της ML περιλαμβάνει κατεργασμένο ορειχάλκινο κάλυμμα που προσφέρει απορρόφηση συντονισμών μέσω δομικής ακαμψίας και βελτιώνει τη συνολική μάζα στις 9,5 γραμμάρια, εξασφαλίζοντας ευρεία συμβατότητα με τόνους και πλατό. Ενσωματωμένα σπειρώματα διευκολύνουν την τοποθέτηση στο headshell, βελτιώνοντας τη μηχανική σύνδεση για πιο δυναμικό ήχο και καλύτερο μπάσο.HANA ML – Ζήστε την απόλυτη μουσική εμπειρία!

1.250 €
24 Άτοκες Δόσεις 52,08€ / μήνα

Lyra again turns the analog world on its ear with the introduction of the Etna λ Lambda SL phono cartridge. Sharing its name with Sicily’s majestic Mount Etna, Etna λ Lambda SL the cartridge is an impressive monument in its own right, one that melds tried and true Lyra design tenets with designer Jonathan Carr’s very latest thinking on phono cartridges.Etna λ Lambda SL was designed with a strong emphasis on engineering efficiency, so that its performance would be as far beyond the sum of its parts as possible. For this reason, although it shares some of its design philosophy with Atlas λ Lambda SL, the concepts are executed rather differently.Etna λ Lambda SL employs a solid titanium core structure machined with non-parallel surfaces to inhibit internal reflections whenever possible, but unlike Atlas (and Titan i before it), this is mated to a slightly undersized, asymmetric, mirror-black anodized duralumin outer body that locks over the core like a very tightly-fitting jigsaw puzzle. The core and body are augmented with bronze and stainless-steel resonance control rods, then pressure-fit together into a pre-stressed, solid, void-free structure which is comprised of multiple materials and complex internal shapes. The constrained-layer nature of this construction dramatically reduces the resonant signature of each material and creates a far more neutral-sounding body structure than otherwise possible, while the high body stiffness benefits transients, dynamics and resolution.Etna λ Lambda SL uses a yokeless dual magnet system, diamond-coated boron rod cantilever and Lyra-designed variable-radius line-contact stylus. Lyra remains the only cartridge manufacturer to mount the cantilever directly into the cartridge body to create a rigid, seamless connection between the cantilever assembly and tonearm headshell. Why? Linear transducers such as phono cartridges are inherently inefficient devices, on the order of 5-10%. In other words, of the vibrational energy that enters a cartridge from the LP groove, only 5-10% will be converted into electrical signal. The cartridge’s internal damping system will dissipate some of the remaining 90 to 95%, but much of the excess vibrational energy will reflect inside the cartridge, creating internal echoes and a general diminishing of fidelity. It is quite easy to hear this with many cartridges- play a highly modulated LP with the power amp turned off, and bring your ear close to the cartridge. The “needle talk” that you hear is excess vibrational energy which isn’t being controlled properly. Etna λ Lambda SL’s direct-mounted cantilever helps conduct this excess vibrational energy into the headshell, where it is safely dissipated within the greater mass of the tonearm and turntable plinth. Etna λ Lambda SL utilizes the asymmetric design concept first seen in the flagship Atlas, but moves the screw/screwhole all the way to the front of the cartridge and interposes a bronze damping barrier between it and the mechanical path linking the cantilever assembly to the tonearm headshell. Freed of all obstructions and voids, the rigid, direct path established between cantilever and headshell is highly effective at draining away vibrations once they have been converted into electrical signals, effectively suppressing induced resonances and internal reflections that would otherwise manifest as sonic colorations. A narrowed mounting area couples Etna λ Lambda SL more tightly to the headshell and facilitates the transfer of vibrational energy into the tonearm, giving even better control over spurious resonances.Another design strength is Etna λ Lambda SL high-efficiency X-shaped signal coils, another attribute it shares with the flagship Atlas. Compared to traditional square coil formers the X-shape allows each channel to operate with greater independence from one another, giving better tracking, tighter channel matching, improved separation, and lower crosstalk-induced distortion. Although there are and have been other X-coil cartridges, their benefits have been accompanied by poor efficiency (in converting mechanical work into electrical output), either requiring high internal impedance (the larger coils add considerable moving mass and increase noise) and/or having low output voltage (which stresses the phono stage). To overcome this weakness, Lyra conducted a careful investigation of X-core coils, using a combination of mathematical analysis and hands-on experimentation. The outcome of the analysis program was a very specific X-core shape and dimensions that not only had higher efficiency than any previous X-core cartridge, but also surpassed the efficiency of Lyra’s earlier square-coil cartridge designs.Lyra’s New Angle technology mechanically pre-biases the signal coils so they are perfectly aligned to the front and rear magnets during LP playback, which allows the coils to move optimally in all directions for superior, distortion-free playback.A seldom-mentioned yet key factor in defining the performance and sound of a phono cartridge is the suspension and damper system. A cantilever’s materials, dimensions and constructions all affect the sound in unique ways, and unless the dampers and suspension are engineered to be a suitable match to the cantilever chosen, the sound and performance will not be optimal.For Lyra’s post-2008 New Angle models (Delos, Kleos, Etna, Atlas) we developed tapered dampers to pre-load the cantilever downwards when it is in the rest position, so that the application of vertical tracking force (VTF) will bring the coil angle into alignment with the magnets when the cartridge is in the playing position. Our continued research into dampers and suspension systems has now led to the next level up - Lambda. Lambda separates the tapered dampers of the New Angle cartridges into flat elastomer discs (for damping) and an additional support “pillow” to serve as the cantilever pre-loading element. This division allows the use of more specialized materials that are better suited to their individual tasks.The Lambda Atlas and Etna thereby continue the New Angle benefits (coil and magnet angles become aligned when the cartridge is in the playing position), but stability and sonic performance are significantly improved.The Lambda improvements apply to both the single coil layer models (Atlas SL, Etna SL) and the standard double coil layer models (Atlas, Etna). Likewise for the Atlas Mono and Etna Mono models.While Etna λ Lambda SL is second from the top in Lyra’s line, one listen will demonstrate that this cartridge’s performance would define the very top of any other cartridge line. Atlas has a very refined, elegant and voluptuous sound while Etna λ Lambda SL personality is more outgoing. We truly believe that choosing between these two exceptional performers will come down to one’s tastes and the system in which it will live. For many customers Etna λ Lambda will be ideal and become their preferred Lyra.

8.600 €
36 Δόσεις 296,90€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Lyra again turns the analog world on its ear with the introduction of the Etna λ Lambda SL phono cartridge. Sharing its name with Sicily’s majestic Mount Etna, Etna λ Lambda SL the cartridge is an impressive monument in its own right, one that melds tried and true Lyra design tenets with designer Jonathan Carr’s very latest thinking on phono cartridges.Etna λ Lambda SL was designed with a strong emphasis on engineering efficiency, so that its performance would be as far beyond the sum of its parts as possible. For this reason, although it shares some of its design philosophy with Atlas λ Lambda SL, the concepts are executed rather differently.Etna λ Lambda SL employs a solid titanium core structure machined with non-parallel surfaces to inhibit internal reflections whenever possible, but unlike Atlas (and Titan i before it), this is mated to a slightly undersized, asymmetric, mirror-black anodized duralumin outer body that locks over the core like a very tightly-fitting jigsaw puzzle. The core and body are augmented with bronze and stainless-steel resonance control rods, then pressure-fit together into a pre-stressed, solid, void-free structure which is comprised of multiple materials and complex internal shapes. The constrained-layer nature of this construction dramatically reduces the resonant signature of each material and creates a far more neutral-sounding body structure than otherwise possible, while the high body stiffness benefits transients, dynamics and resolution.Etna λ Lambda SL uses a yokeless dual magnet system, diamond-coated boron rod cantilever and Lyra-designed variable-radius line-contact stylus. Lyra remains the only cartridge manufacturer to mount the cantilever directly into the cartridge body to create a rigid, seamless connection between the cantilever assembly and tonearm headshell. Why? Linear transducers such as phono cartridges are inherently inefficient devices, on the order of 5-10%. In other words, of the vibrational energy that enters a cartridge from the LP groove, only 5-10% will be converted into electrical signal. The cartridge’s internal damping system will dissipate some of the remaining 90 to 95%, but much of the excess vibrational energy will reflect inside the cartridge, creating internal echoes and a general diminishing of fidelity. It is quite easy to hear this with many cartridges- play a highly modulated LP with the power amp turned off, and bring your ear close to the cartridge. The “needle talk” that you hear is excess vibrational energy which isn’t being controlled properly. Etna λ Lambda SL’s direct-mounted cantilever helps conduct this excess vibrational energy into the headshell, where it is safely dissipated within the greater mass of the tonearm and turntable plinth. Etna λ Lambda SL utilizes the asymmetric design concept first seen in the flagship Atlas, but moves the screw/screwhole all the way to the front of the cartridge and interposes a bronze damping barrier between it and the mechanical path linking the cantilever assembly to the tonearm headshell. Freed of all obstructions and voids, the rigid, direct path established between cantilever and headshell is highly effective at draining away vibrations once they have been converted into electrical signals, effectively suppressing induced resonances and internal reflections that would otherwise manifest as sonic colorations. A narrowed mounting area couples Etna λ Lambda SL more tightly to the headshell and facilitates the transfer of vibrational energy into the tonearm, giving even better control over spurious resonances.Another design strength is Etna λ Lambda SL high-efficiency X-shaped signal coils, another attribute it shares with the flagship Atlas. Compared to traditional square coil formers the X-shape allows each channel to operate with greater independence from one another, giving better tracking, tighter channel matching, improved separation, and lower crosstalk-induced distortion. Although there are and have been other X-coil cartridges, their benefits have been accompanied by poor efficiency (in converting mechanical work into electrical output), either requiring high internal impedance (the larger coils add considerable moving mass and increase noise) and/or having low output voltage (which stresses the phono stage). To overcome this weakness, Lyra conducted a careful investigation of X-core coils, using a combination of mathematical analysis and hands-on experimentation. The outcome of the analysis program was a very specific X-core shape and dimensions that not only had higher efficiency than any previous X-core cartridge, but also surpassed the efficiency of Lyra’s earlier square-coil cartridge designs.Lyra’s New Angle technology mechanically pre-biases the signal coils so they are perfectly aligned to the front and rear magnets during LP playback, which allows the coils to move optimally in all directions for superior, distortion-free playback.A seldom-mentioned yet key factor in defining the performance and sound of a phono cartridge is the suspension and damper system. A cantilever’s materials, dimensions and constructions all affect the sound in unique ways, and unless the dampers and suspension are engineered to be a suitable match to the cantilever chosen, the sound and performance will not be optimal.For Lyra’s post-2008 New Angle models (Delos, Kleos, Etna, Atlas) we developed tapered dampers to pre-load the cantilever downwards when it is in the rest position, so that the application of vertical tracking force (VTF) will bring the coil angle into alignment with the magnets when the cartridge is in the playing position. Our continued research into dampers and suspension systems has now led to the next level up - Lambda. Lambda separates the tapered dampers of the New Angle cartridges into flat elastomer discs (for damping) and an additional support “pillow” to serve as the cantilever pre-loading element. This division allows the use of more specialized materials that are better suited to their individual tasks.The Lambda Atlas and Etna thereby continue the New Angle benefits (coil and magnet angles become aligned when the cartridge is in the playing position), but stability and sonic performance are significantly improved.The Lambda improvements apply to both the single coil layer models (Atlas SL, Etna SL) and the standard double coil layer models (Atlas, Etna). Likewise for the Atlas Mono and Etna Mono models.While Etna λ Lambda SL is second from the top in Lyra’s line, one listen will demonstrate that this cartridge’s performance would define the very top of any other cartridge line. Atlas has a very refined, elegant and voluptuous sound while Etna λ Lambda SL personality is more outgoing. We truly believe that choosing between these two exceptional performers will come down to one’s tastes and the system in which it will live. For many customers Etna λ Lambda will be ideal and become their preferred Lyra.

7.800 €
36 Δόσεις 269,28€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

The Kleos is the lowest cost Lyra cartridge to feature the full fledged Ogura manufactured boron cantilever and coil system with Lyra original line-contact (3 x 70μm) stylus. This is similar to what is employed on even the most expensive Lyra models.Nevertheless, the most important element of the new Kleos is it’s sound. We firmly believe that the Kleos is capable of extracting more information from the vinyl grooves than it’s predecessors, and that the reproduction of music is both more dynamic, more detailed, and more natural than the models preceding it. We also are of the opinion that the Kleos will set a new standard for sonic performance at it’s price point.Today there are only a small handful of master cartridge builders in the world, and Lyra’s Yoshinori Mishima belongs to this elite group of individuals that are capable of crafting the highest level MC transducers on the planet. His assistant Akiko Ishiyama, who has undergone several years of apprenticeship, is also involved in the building process leading to each Kleos. The Kleos is not only hand made, but each cartridge is listened to extensively and “voiced” by the master cartridge builder, like the finest musical instruments.Lyra offers a unique combination of capable, advanced cartridge design by Jonathan Carr and complete handmade execution by the above mentioned individuals. Investing in a Lyra Kleos through an authorized retailer will offer you an unparallelled analog experience from your stereo microgroove vinyl records.

3.550 €
36 Δόσεις 122,56€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

The Kleos is the lowest cost Lyra cartridge to feature the full fledged Ogura manufactured boron cantilever and coil system with Lyra original line-contact (3 x 70μm) stylus. This is similar to what is employed on even the most expensive Lyra models.Nevertheless, the most important element of the new Kleos is it’s sound. We firmly believe that the Kleos is capable of extracting more information from the vinyl grooves than it’s predecessors, and that the reproduction of music is both more dynamic, more detailed, and more natural than the models preceding it. We also are of the opinion that the Kleos will set a new standard for sonic performance at it’s price point.Today there are only a small handful of master cartridge builders in the world, and Lyra’s Yoshinori Mishima belongs to this elite group of individuals that are capable of crafting the highest level MC transducers on the planet. His assistant Akiko Ishiyama, who has undergone several years of apprenticeship, is also involved in the building process leading to each Kleos. The Kleos is not only hand made, but each cartridge is listened to extensively and “voiced” by the master cartridge builder, like the finest musical instruments.Lyra offers a unique combination of capable, advanced cartridge design by Jonathan Carr and complete handmade execution by the above mentioned individuals. Investing in a Lyra Kleos through an authorized retailer will offer you an unparallelled analog experience from your stereo microgroove vinyl records.

3.250 €
36 Δόσεις 112,20€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

While vinyl records played back with an MC cartridge can sound exceptionally good, it is a surprising fact that the design of conventional MCs restricts the sound quality that can be achieved from LPs. An essential factor for proper operation of an MC cartridge is the angle between the magnetic circuit, signal coils and core. Performance is optimal when the angles are all aligned, but any significant difference in the angles will cause the formation of a strong and directional flux that will flow constantly from the magnetic circuit into the signal core. This directional magnetic flux will orient the core toward a specific direction and make it impossible for the core to move with equal ease in all directions, which is necessary for proper cartridge performance. Unfortunately, conventional MC cartridges have been designed so that the angles between magnetic circuit, signal coils and core become aligned only when tracking force is not applied. The result is that during playback, the required tracking force causes the angle between magnetic circuit, signal coils and core to become misaligned. This limits the cartridge’s resolution, tracking ability and dynamic range.The new Lyra Delos is designed to conquer this problem. Compared to conventional cartridges, the Delos has a new body structure with an unusually shallow angle, and this has been paired with a unique asymmetrical damping system. When no tracking force is applied, the shape of the asymmetrical dampers forces the signal coils and core into a more upright angle than the magnetic circuit.However, no tracking force applied means that the cartridge is not operating, and therefore any angular discrepancies between magnetic circuit, signal coils and core will have no effect on performance. When tracking force is applied, however, the force of the stylus pushing on the LP causes the asymmetrical dampers to be deformed into a symmetrical shape, and when this happens the angular discrepancies between magnetic circuit, signal coils and core all disappear. Since tracking force applied means that the cartridge is now operating, it should be clear that the design of the Delos is able to keep the angles between the magnetic circuit, signal coils and core aligned during playback.Keeping the proper angular alignment prevents the formation of any strong and directional flux that could otherwise flow constantly from the magnetic circuit into the signal core, and enables the Delos’ core to move with equal ease in all directions, for optimal performance.The Delos also has a microridge stylus on a boron cantilever for outstanding tracking, a non-parallel solid machined metal body for low resonances, and 6-N high-purity copper coils and nude construction for greater clarity. The result is clearly improved sound quality, particularly resolution, tracking ability, dynamic range, transient impact and immediacy.Feel free to audition the Lyra Delos, and hear how good a New Angle can make your LPs sound.

1.680 €
36 Δόσεις 58,00€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Κινητού πηνίου(MC).Προδιαγραφές:  Output voltage at 1000 Hz, 5cm/sec.0,3 mVChannel balance at 1 kHz< 0,8 dBChannel separation at 1 kHz> 27 dBChannel separation at 15 kHz> 20 dBFrequency range at - 3dB20 - 60.000 HzFrequency response 20 kHz - 20 kHz+1,5/0Tracking ability at 315Hz at recommended tracking force *)90 µmCompliance, dynamic, lateral16 µm/mNStylus typeNude Shibata, Boron cantileverStylus tip radiusr/R 6/50 µmTracking force range2,0-2,5 g (20-25 mN)Tracking force, recommended2,3 g (23 mN)Tracking angle20°Internal impedance, DC resistance5 OhmRecommended load impedance> 10 OhmCartridge body materialStainless steel AluminiumCartridge colourBlack/BlackCartridge weight10,7 gram 

2.849 €
36 Δόσεις 98,36€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Για την μέγιστη δυνατή απόλαυση της δικής σας συλλογής βινυλίου, δοκιμάστε την κεφαλή πικάπ DL-110. Η υψηλή της έξοδος σας επιτρέπει να την χρησιμοποιήσετε εναλλακτικά με είσοδο πικάπ κινητού μαγνήτη. Η DL-110 έχει τρόπο να διεισδύει στα αυλάκια του δίσκου και να εξάγει τις περιεχόμενες πληροφορίες με πλήρως αυθεντικό τρόπο. Χαρακτηριστικά: Type: MC Weight: 4.8 Output impedance:160 ohmsFrequency range: 20 Hz - 45 Output voltage: 1.6 m

298 €
36 Δόσεις 10,29€ / μήνα

Drawing on Dynavector's 'dispersion theory' that produced the original world first KARAT series Dynavector are indeed proud to announce the entirely new 17DX KARAT Diamond phono cartridge. As in the past KARAT series, the frequency response of the new KARAT 17DX at 20 to 20,000 Hz is ruler flat providing an extremely accurate groove tracking ability. However, several new features will ensure that the new 17DX will shortly gain the same legendary status and soon surpass its predecessors.Features and ImprovementsThe rationale for the new KARAT 17DX was to significantly improve upon the now legendary original KARAT series. After exhaustive listening and technical research, the decision was made to incorporate a body machined from solid brass, Samarium-cobalt magnets for lower magnetic resistance, unmatched coil winding techniques, the incredible 1.7mm long cantilever with Micro Ridge stylus all combining in a brand-new KARAT 17DX that will delight the listener, providing clear and articulate reproduction of analog recordings without a hint of harshness in the high frequency range.

2.252 ,85 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 187,74€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Η HANA-Umami Blue συνδυάζει το όραμα του σχεδιαστή κεφαλών Okada-san με την παράδοση μοναδικών υλικών, κλασικές ιαπωνικές τεχνικές και τη σύγχρονη μηχανική ήχου. Ο ειδικά σχεδιασμένος κορμός Auricle™, αποκλειστικός στη σειρά Umami, κατασκευάζεται με CNC από Duralumin. Κοινά χαρακτηριστικά με την Umami Red, όπως η βελόνα διαμαντιού κομμένη με απόλυτη ακρίβεια, ο βραχίονας από βορίο και οι αγωγοί χαλκού υψηλής καθαρότητας, συνδυάζονται με το μαγνητικό σύστημα Alnico που χρησιμοποιείται στη διάσημη Hana ML, δημιουργώντας την εξαιρετικά μουσική HANA-Umami Blue.Η συνεργιστική σχέση στον σχεδιασμό κεφαλών κινητού πηνίου μεταξύ συγκεκριμένων υλικών, μοναδικού σχεδιασμού σώματος, εξελιγμένου συστήματος γεννήτριας και χειροποίητης ακρίβειας είναι ζωτικής σημασίας για εξαιρετική απόδοση. Αυτό προσφέρει μια αξέχαστη και συγκινητική εμπειρία, όπως ένα γεύμα σε εστιατόριο με 3 αστέρια Michelin, όπου κάθε στοιχείο λειτουργεί αρμονικά.Όλα τα κύρια μέρη της HANA-Umami Blue κατασκευάζονται από την Excel Sound, με ιστορία άνω των 50 ετών. Οι εξειδικευμένοι τεχνίτες της Excel συναρμολογούν με το χέρι την HANA-Umami Blue, εξασφαλίζοντας μια βαθιά μουσική εμπειρία που ενισχύει την εξαιρετική ποιότητα ήχου “Brilliant and Gorgeous” της HANA.

2.490 €
24 Άτοκες Δόσεις 103,75€ / μήνα

Η Φιλοσοφία HANA-UmamiΗ κορυφαία κεφαλή MC (κινητού πηνίου) HANA-Umami Red συνδυάζει εξαιρετικά υλικά και κλασικές ιαπωνικές τεχνικές με τη σύγχρονη μηχανική ήχου. Ξύλο έβενου, μαγνήτες σπάνιων πετρομάτων, διαμάντια κομμένα με απόλυτη ακρίβεια, αγωγοί χαλκού υψηλής καθαρότητας, βερνίκι Urushi και κατεργασμένο με CNC Duralumin συνεργάζονται κάτω από το όραμα του σχεδιαστή της Hana, Okada-san.Η συνέργεια στα συστήματα κινητού πηνίου μεταξύ του μαγνήτη, του οπλισμού και των περιελίξεων του πηνίου αποτελεί κρίσιμο στοιχείο για τον σχεδιασμό μιας εξαιρετικής κεφαλής. Όπως ένα πιάτο υπογεγραμμένο από έναν σεφ εστιατορίου με 3 αστέρια Michelin, κάθε στοιχείο και λεπτομέρεια που λειτουργεί αρμονικά προσφέρει μια αξέχαστη και συγκινητική εμπειρία.Όλα τα κύρια μέρη της HANA-Umami Red κατασκευάζονται από την Excel Sound, με ιστορία άνω των 50 ετών. Οι εξειδικευμένοι τεχνίτες της Excel συναρμολογούν με το χέρι την HANA-Umami Red, εξασφαλίζοντας μια βαθιά μουσική εμπειρία που ενισχύει την απαράμιλλη ποιότητα ήχου “Brilliant and Gorgeous” της HANA.Ήχος Umami – Μια υπέροχη γεύση στη μουσική

3.699 €
24 Άτοκες Δόσεις 154,13€ / μήνα

Advanced nude tapered boron and weight reductionThis model succeeds in thinning down and shortening the cantilever, compared to the AT33PTG. The coil impedance is also refined from 17Ω to 10Ω. We realized significant weight reduction of the vibration system and successfully improved the basic performance and sound quality of the cartridge. High performance and long-life Microlinear stylusMicrolinear (ML) is a specially polished line contact stylus. This has better high range performance than the conical or elliptical stylus due to its small curvature radius and realizes low distortion and expanding high range reproduction even when playing at the inner circumference of records. And the constancy of the line contact shape is one of its main features with an average product lifetime of around 1000 hours.

599 €
24 Άτοκες Δόσεις 24,96€ / μήνα

Η Audio-Technica AT-OC9XSL κεφαλή κινητού πηνίου (Dual Moving Coil) με ελλειπτική βελόνα.

799 €
24 Άτοκες Δόσεις 33,29€ / μήνα

Murasakino Ltd. is proud to announce the new MC cartridge, “Sumile.”
“Sumile” means “violet” in Japanese, taken from the cartridge’s housing color.
(It is “Das Veilchen” in German.)
Sumile is not lavished with superfluous technologies or rare materials.
Instead, through our commitment to fundamental quality, it is the ultimate analog product.
As a low-impedance MC cartridge, Sumile’s impedance is only 1.2Ω.
Producing a low-impedance cartridge is fairly simple because the impedance is kept low by reducing the number of turns in the coil.
However, fewer coil turns also reduce output voltage, which has to be compensated for by larger amplification.
In addition, noise problems are more likely to occur.
But Sumile solves these problems by maintaining low impedance while ensuring sufficient output voltage.
The cartridge’s base to which the power-generation system, including the coil, is attached is made of stainless steel.
Stainless steel is renowned for its stable sound quality and has been incorporated into products such as tonearms (and some cartridges) by many manufacturers.
Compared to aluminum, stainless steel is more rigid and harder to process, but the high-quality result makes the difficulty worthwhile.
Sumile creates a sound that is just not possible for aluminum.
But not stopping there, we bring Sumile to perfection by gold plating the processed stainless steel.
Gold plating not only coats and protects the stainless steel but also improves the overall sound quality.
Gold plating Sumile was inspired by how various platings on wind instruments transform and improve their sound.

9.800 €
36 Δόσεις 338,33€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Ortofon aspires to provide the ultimate musical experience through a mixture of innovation, technical expertise and inspiration. This new state of the art phono cartridge, representative of numerous Ortofon design elements and ideals, is truly exemplary of the highest degree of performance possible in contemporary analogue playback technology. For the new MC Diamond cartridge, the Ortofon Wide Range Damping System (WRD) has been re-engineered to include an enhanced rubber suspension, specially developed in-house. The WRD system was originally introduced in the MC 20 Mk II in 1979 and was also subsequently used in the MC A90, MC Windfeld, Xpression, MC Anna, MC Anna Diamond and MC Century phono cartridges. In this system, a small, heavy platinum disc is sandwiched between two rubber absorbers, both with different properties. This ensures not only an exceptional tracking performance, but also creates a perfect damping through the entire frequency spectrum. Because of this, distortion and resonance are virtually eliminated entirely.The new rubber compound formula is based on the Multi Wall Carbon Nano Tube (MWCNT) highly efficient nano filler. The new MWCNT-based compound offers desirable mechanical properties, which allow for optimal interaction between compliance and damping, that improves stability and playback and ensures unparalleled sound quality.The cartridge body of the MC Diamond is made of titanium using our custom Selective Laser Melting (SLM) technique. This technique allows for precise control of the density of the body, which provides extremely high internal damping, and results in a significant reduction in vibrations and enhanced sound quality.
Magnet System
The MC Diamond’s magnet system combines choice materials, optimized geometry, and unrivaled consistency that deliver unmatched performance. Together with the non-magnetic armature, the result is vivid, highly-accurate audio reproductions defined by nearly boundless dimensionality.Replicant 100 Diamond
The MC Diamond makes use of Ortofon Replicant 100 diamond. This Line Contact type stylus distinguishes itself by having a narrow and long contact surface, which is as close as possible to the original cutting stylus. This ensures the most accurate reproduction, lowest distortion and extended frequency range.
NB: The stylus guard provided for the MC Diamond is designed to be easily replaced and removed without risking contact to the fragile stylus assembly. To avoid accidental damage to the stylus or cantilever please mount the enclosed stylus guard onto the cartridge whenever the cartridge is not in use. The stylus guard should also be attached during mounting or removal of the cartridge.Diamond cantilever
The MC Diamond uses a solid Diamond Cantilever that, in combination with Ortofon Replicant 100 diamond, offers extreme transparency, speed, and responsiveness beyond any other combination. A solid Diamond cantilever provides the best possible interface between the stylus and armature, owing to its hardness and crystal structure. The improvements found in the use of a Diamond cantilever have redefined the boundaries of analogue reproduction, presenting greater inner detail, subtlety, and depth like never before.

7.950 €
36 Δόσεις 274,46€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Those who choose to adopt the MC Windfeld Ti will experience the lifelike, dynamic and open sound, with exceedingly clear midrange. The MC Windfeld Ti remains extremely musical while paying close attention to micro dynamic details, with its delicate, but also analytical nature.Our extensive knowledge of vibration properties, characteristics in different shapes and materials, competences in magnetism, mechanical design and new technologies has been applied for optimization of the MC Windfeld model. The MC Windfeld Ti has gone to the next level by reducing unwanted vibrations and increasing the dynamic capability of the cartridge.At the heart of the MC Windfeld Ti lies Selective Laser Melting technology, apllied for manufacturing of the Ortofon Exclusives Series cartridges. The use of Titanium in the MC Windfeld Ti has provided a further improvement to the overall rigidity of the structure and the cartridge weight. Obviously, MC Windfeld Ti has gone to the next level by reducing unwanted vibrations and increasing the dynamic capability of the cartridge.

4.599 €
36 Δόσεις 158,77€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

DescriptionHigh-Output Moving Coil – For outstanding musical detailExposed Cantilever Design – Reduces unwanted resonance and vibration.Elliptical Stylus – Improved frequency response and lower distortion.Designed and Engineered in the UK – Bespoke Cambridge Audio design.Alva MC High-Output Moving Coil CartridgeWith its exposed cantilever design and elliptical stylus, our engineers custom-designed Alva MC, a high-output Moving Coil cartridge for Alva TT to deliver stunning levels of musical detail. The 68° angled cantilever is a call-back to our founding year of 1968 and a celebration of over 50 years of innovation.High-Output Moving CoilMoving Coil cartridges are known for high-precision and detailed music reproduction during playback.Exposed Cantilever DesignAlva MC utilises an exposed cantilever design. This cuts down on unwanted resonance and vibration that can be a downside of conventional enclosed designs.Elliptical StylusWe chose an elliptical stylus for Alva MC, to give a large contact area within the groove of your records. This offers outstanding frequency response and low distortion figures. Lightweight and FastCompared to many of its Moving Magnet (MM) counterparts, Alva MC is lighter and faster to respond to the record’s grooves, therefore able to unlock more of the musical detail contained within. Designed and Engineered in LondonFinished in our custom lunar-grey to compliment Alva TT V2, the bespoke Cambridge Audio design adopts the patterned knurling found on our premium Edge hi-fi. The 68° angle seen running top to bottom is a call-back to our founding year of 1968. A playful touch that reminds us of our roots. 

499 €
36 Δόσεις 17,23€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

For more than 35 years Dynavector have established an enviable reputation for producing affordable high quality moving coil cartridges. Notably high output models that are designed to work with MM inputs negating the necessity for equipment change or the use of setup devices required for low output cartridges. The outstanding performance of the Dynavector high output moving coil cartridges can be attributed to the exclusively Dynavector designed coil winding machine capable of utilizing extremely fine coil wire providing a high output to mass ratio.Features and ImprovementsDV-20X has a solid aluminum alloy body and a rigid magnet construction similar to XX-2MKII. The cantilever is a 6mm length of hard aluminum pipe with a Micro-Ridge stylus. The magnetic flux damping and softened magnetism along with powerful neodymium magnets. The 20 X2L has an output of 0.3 mV ideal for most MC phono stages. The low output version offers superb performance when combined with dedicated moving coil inputs.

1.152 ,85 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 96,07€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

For more than 35 years Dynavector have established an enviable reputation for producing affordable high quality moving coil cartridges. Notably high output models that are designed to work with MM inputs negating the necessity for equipment change or the use of setup devices required for low output cartridges. The outstanding performance of the Dynavector high output moving coil cartridges can be attributed to the exclusively Dynavector designed coil winding machine capable of utilizing extremely fine coil wire providing a high output to mass ratio.Features and ImprovementsDV-20X has a solid aluminum alloy body and a rigid magnet construction similar to XX-2MKII. The cantilever is a 6mm length of hard aluminum pipe with a Micro-Ridge stylus. The magnetic flux damping and softened magnetism along with powerful neodymium magnets gives the 20X2H a healthy 2.8 mV output - suitable for most MM inputs. The high output model is well suited to valve preamplifiers or electronics that only offer MM inputs.

1.152 ,85 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 96,07€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

The original Te Kaitora cartridge was the result of collaboration between Dynavector Japan and Dynavector New Zealand. The Te Kaitora allowed analogue enthusiasts to embark on a voyage of discovery to the outer limits of vinyl reproduction. The improved Te Kaitora Rua continues the journey by incorporating many of the newest features of its Dynavector stable-mates, the XV-1s and XX-2. The Te Kaitora Rua has even managed to improve on the original's silk-like treble and openness. Note: Te Kaitora means "The Discoverer" in the language of the NZ Maori people, Rua, is "the second version".ImprovementsThe wire for the coil has been changed to the PCOCC copper wire from the silver wire. It sounds a much smoother and has a much better musical performance.A titanium headpiece for maximum ridgity along with a miniature stainless steel bolt coupling the front and rear yokes to the magnetic circuit assembly.A 6mm long boron cantilever with the Pathfinder (PF) line contact stylus as used with both Dynavector XV-1s and XX-2.The ingenious square shaped armature and matching square shaped aperture in the front yoke providing much improved linearity in the magnetic flux distribution.Alnico magnets are used for high magnetic flux density.

3.452 ,85 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 287,74€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

HANA MH – Μία από τις καλύτερες κεφαλές MC υψηλής εξόδου. Η HANA MH συνδυάζει τις τεχνολογικές καινοτομίες της σειράς M με την ιδανική συμβατότητα για προενισχυτές κινητού μαγνήτη (MM), προσφέροντας εξαιρετική απόδοση και κορυφαία ποιότητα ήχου.Κύρια Χαρακτηριστικά της HANA MHΒελόνα Nude Microline υψηλών προδιαγραφώνΗ HANA MH διαθέτει βελόνα Nude Microline, σχεδιασμένη να μιμείται τη βελόνα κοπής δίσκων. Εφαρμόζει άψογα στην αυλάκωση του βινυλίου, προσφέροντας εξαιρετική παρακολούθηση, ακριβή αναπαραγωγή συχνοτήτων, βελτιωμένη στερεοφωνική εικόνα και υψηλή ανάλυση ηχητικών λεπτομερειών.Σώμα από Delrin© – προηγμένα υλικάΤο σώμα της κεφαλής είναι κατασκευασμένο από Delrin©, έναν προηγμένο πολυμερικό υλικό με ανώτερες μηχανικές ιδιότητες. Η δομή αυτή μειώνει τους συντονισμούς, αποκαλύπτοντας περισσότερες ηχητικές λεπτομέρειες και βελτιώνοντας το δυναμικό εύρος.Κρυογονική Επεξεργασία – Μοναδική τεχνική επεξεργασίαΗ κρυογονική επεξεργασία σε σχεδόν απόλυτο μηδέν αναδομεί τα μέταλλα σε μοριακό επίπεδο. Αυτή η διαδικασία εφαρμόζεται σε βασικά μέρη της γεννήτριας σήματος, βελτιώνοντας τη γραμμικότητα και την ακρίβεια του μαγνητικού πεδίου για πιο φυσικό και μουσικό ήχο.Ορειχάλκινο κάλυμμα με σπειρώματα – ανώτερη μηχανική σύνδεσηΤο σώμα από Delrin© διαθέτει κατεργασμένο ορειχάλκινο κάλυμμα για απορρόφηση συντονισμών και βελτίωση της ακαμψίας. Το βάρος των 9,5 γραμμαρίων προσφέρει μεγαλύτερη συμβατότητα με τόνους και πλατό, ενώ τα ενσωματωμένα σπειρώματα διευκολύνουν την τοποθέτηση, εξασφαλίζοντας ισχυρότερη μηχανική σύνδεση, καλύτερο μπάσο και δυναμική απόδοση.HANA MH – Απαράμιλλη μουσική εμπειρία για απαιτητικούς ακροατές!

1.200 €
24 Άτοκες Δόσεις 50,00€ / μήνα

H Hana SH είναι η έκδοση Hi-Output της κεφαλή Hana SL που έχει τις περισσότερες κριτικές και βραβεία μέχρι σήμερα. Διακρίνεται για το μαύρο σώμα της και την ακίδα Shibata. Η Hana SL προσφέρει μεγαλύτερη ακρίβεια σε ισορροπία καναλιών, μεγαλύτερο διαχωρισμό καναλιών και βελτιωμένη επέκταση υψηλών συχνοτήτων.“A first-class MC cartridge” – STEREO (Germany)  “Remarkably smooth frequency response…terrific value for the money.” – HiFi World (UK) “In the same class as a cartridge costing 10x the price.” – TNT Audio (France) Stereophile Recommended Component USA The Absolute Sound USA Golden Ear Award 2017Rocky Mountain International HiFi Press Award winner  2018 and 2019

740 €
24 Άτοκες Δόσεις 30,83€ / μήνα

H Hana EL παρέχει μουσική απόδοση υψηλών προδιαγραφών από μια κεφαλή κινούμενου πηνίου σε εξαιρετικά ελκυστική τιμή. Χειροποίητη στην Ιαπωνία, η EL χρησιμοποιεί μαγνήτες ALNICO και προσφέρει στον ακροατή ηχητική ποιότητα που συναντάς σε πολύ ακριβότερες κεφαλές moving coil.

480 €
24 Άτοκες Δόσεις 20,00€ / μήνα

H Hana EL παρέχει μουσική απόδοση υψηλών προδιαγραφών από μια κεφαλή κινούμενου πηνίου χαμηλής εξόδου σε εξαιρετικά ελκυστική τιμή. Χειροποίητη στην Ιαπωνία, η EL χρησιμοποιεί μαγνήτες ALNICO και προσφέρει στον ακροατή ηχητική ποιότητα που συναντάς σε πολύ ακριβότερες κεφαλές moving coil.

482 ,85 €
24 Άτοκες Δόσεις 20,12€ / μήνα

Το πιο πρόσφατο μέλος της σειράς κεφαλών Rega MC, η Ania Pro χρησιμοποιεί την προηγμένη ακίδα γυμνού διαμαντιού προφίλ Vital. Αυτό το προφίλ έχει σχεδιαστεί για να εξάγει όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες από την επιφάνεια του βινυλίου. Η Ania Pro προσφέρει σφιχτά μπάσα, ζεστή μεσαία περιοχή και ακριβείς υψηλές συχνότητες για να προσφέρει μια καλά ισορροπημένη και λεπτομερή απόδοση.Ακούστε σαν επαγγελματίαςΧρησιμοποιώντας το μοναδικό μας χειροποίητο πηνίο μικροτύλιξης που βρίσκεται και στην υπόλοιπη σειρά MC, η Ania Pro στεγάζεται σε ένα μοναδικό εξαιρετικά άκαμπτο σώμα, εξασφαλίζοντας ακριβή κατασκευή και τη μέθοδο στερέωσης τριών σημείων της Rega που προσφέρει βέλτιστη σύνδεση με το κέλυφος κεφαλής.

1.079 €
24 Άτοκες Δόσεις 44,96€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

AT-ART9XA, κεφαλοβελόνα κινούμενου πηνίου της Audio-Technica με βελόνα shibata σε στήριγμα διαμέτρου 0,28mm, απόκριση συχνότητας 20-50000Hz, διαχωρισμό καναλιών 30dB, έξοδο 0.2mV.

1.549 €
24 Άτοκες Δόσεις 64,54€ / μήνα

AT-ART9XI, κεφαλοβελόνα κινούμενου πηνίου της Audio-Technica με βελόνα special line σε στήριγμα διαμέτρου 0,28mm, απόκριση συχνότητας 20-50000Hz, διαχωρισμό καναλιών 30dB, έξοδο 0.5mV.

1.549 €
36 Δόσεις 53,48€ / μήνα

Το AT33Sa είναι το πρώτο μοντέλο της Audio-Technica MC που διαθέτει μια γραφίδα Shibata. Εκτός από την ανώτερη απόδοση υψηλής ευκρίνειας ως γραφίδα επαφής γραμμής, η γραφίδα Shibata παράγει ήχο μεσαίων και μπάσων που είναι ισχυρός και πλούσιος. Η γραφίδα Shibata είναι τοποθετημένη σε κονσόλα βορίου με διπλό αποσβεστήρα.

799 €
24 Άτοκες Δόσεις 33,29€ / μήνα

279 €
24 Άτοκες Δόσεις 11,63€ / μήνα

Η Audio-Technica AT-OC9XML κεφαλή κινητού πηνίου (Dual Moving Coil) με ελλειπτική βελόνα.

599 €
24 Άτοκες Δόσεις 24,96€ / μήνα

Η Audio-Technica AT-OC9XEN κεφαλή κινητού πηνίου (Dual Moving Coil) με ελλειπτική βελόνα.

369 €
24 Άτοκες Δόσεις 15,38€ / μήνα

Η Audio-Technica AT-OC9XSH κεφαλή κινητού πηνίου (Dual Moving Coil) με ελλειπτική βελόνα.

699 €
24 Άτοκες Δόσεις 29,13€ / μήνα

Η DL-103R είναι βλετιωμένη έκδοση της DL-103. Παρέχει βελτιωμένο ήχο χρησιμοποιώντας 6N χάλκινα πηνία τυλιγμένα με ακρίβεια στον άξονα προβόλου. Οι λάτρεις του ήχου θα ευχαριστηθούν με τις λεπτομέρειες που αναδεικνύονται με αυτή την εκπληκτική κεφαλή πικάπ.Χαρακτηριστικά:Principle Moving coil: (MC) typeOutput Voltage: 0.25 mV (1 kHz, 50 mm/s horizontal directionChannel Balance: 1 dB max. (1 kHz)Channel Separation: 25 dB min. (1 kHz)Electrical Impedance: 14 ohms ±20%Compliance: 5 x 10-3 m/NStylus: 0.2 mm square solid diamondTracking Force: 25 mN ±3 mN (2.5 g ±0.3 g)Frequency Response: 20 Hz to 45 kHzMass: 8.5 g

429 €
36 Δόσεις 14,81€ / μήνα

Dual Magnet (ΜΜ) Πηνία υψηλών προδιαγραφών παράλληλου τυλίγματος. Κάθε μία από τις κεφαλές κινητού μαγνήτη, είναι σχολαστικά κατασκευασμένες που συναρμολογούνται με το χέρι με τα υψηλότερα πρότυπα από άριστα εκπαιδευμένους τεχνικούς. Η διαδικασία σχεδιασμού και συναρμολόγησης επικεντρώνονται σε έναν και μόνο στόχο, "την εξόρυξη" περισσότερης μουσικής από βινύλιο σας.Κάθε μια χρησιμοποιεί ένα ζεύγος παράλληλων πηνίων, τα οποία στη συνέχεια συναρμολογούνται προσεκτικά προσαρμοσμένα να δημιουργήσει μια στέρεογεννήτρια. Κάθε κεφαλή στη συνέχεια δοκιμάζεται και ελέγχεται πάνω από δύο ημέρες για να εξασφαλίσει όλες τις αυστηρές παραμέτρους για κάθε μοντέλοώστε να πληρείτε πριν τη συσκευασία ή τελειότητα.Η πολυ- βραβευμένη  κεφαλή Rega κινητού μαγνήτη προσφέρει απαράμιλλη καθαρότητα, την πολύ καλή  στερεοφωνική απεικόνιση και  δυναμικές επιδόσειςστην επαφή με τη συλλογή δίσκων βινυλίου σας όπως ποτέ.Χαρακτηριστικά:Τύπος: Dual Magnet (ΜΜ)Πηνία: Υψηλών προδιαγραφών παράλληλου τυλίγματοςCantilever: CarbonStylus: Αιχμή κατεργασμένου τετράγωνου διαμαντιούΙσορροπία καναλιών: 0 dBΈξοδος: 6.8 - 7.2mVΒάρος Ανάγνωσης: 1.5-1.75 grΒάρος: 6,5 gr

359 €
24 Άτοκες Δόσεις 14,96€ / μήνα

Υψηλών προδιαγραφών παράλληλου τυλίγματος. Κάθε μία από τις κεφαλές κινητού μαγνήτη,είναι σχολαστικά συναρμολογημένη με το χέρι , με τα υψηλότερα πρότυπα από άριστα εκπαιδευμένους τεχνικούς. Οι διαδικασίες σχεδιασμού και συναρμολόγησης που εστιάζονται σε έναν απλό στόχο,την "εξόρυξη" όσο μουσική από βινύλιο σας είναι δυνατόν.Η πολυβραβευμένη σειρά Rega κινητού μαγνήτη προσφέρει απαράμιλλη καθαρότητα, την πλοκή στερεοφωνικής απεικόνισης και φυσικά δυναμικές επιδόσεις για την ακρόαση της συλλογή δίσκων βινυλίου σας όπως ποτέ πριν.Χαρακτηριστικά:Τύπος: Dual Magnet (ΜΜ)Πηνία: Υψηλών προδιαγραφών παράλληλου τυλίγματοςCantilever: CarbonStylus: Ελλειπτικό διαμάντιΈξοδος: 6.8 - 7.2mVΒάρος Ανάγνωσης: 1.5-1.75 grΒάρος: 6,5 gr

135 €
24 Άτοκες Δόσεις 5,63€ / μήνα

The Ortofon Quintet moving coil cartridge system for high performance sound reproduction of your favourite analogue records! Ortofon has been working with sound reproduction since 1918. Ortofon developed its first phono cartridge in 1948, since then more than 300 different phono cartridges have been engineered and manufactured. Reflecting our extensive experience in industrial design and technological knowhow we have become the global leader in the manufacture and supply of phono cartridges.The Quintet Series has been engineered in accordance with the highest standards and is congruent with Ortofon’s unrelenting commitment to providing the most precise and accurate reproduction possible without coloration. Each of the five Quintet Series cartridges has its individual sonic expression, and all five models together represent the ensemble of five classic variations:Χαρακτηριστικά:Output voltage at 1 kHz 5 cm/sec : 0,45 mVChannel balance : < 1,5 dBChannel separation at 1 kHz : > 23 dBChannel separation at 15 kHz : > 15 dBFrequency range at -3 dB : 20 Hz - 50 kHzFrequency response 20 Hz - 20 kHz : +3/-1Tracking ability at 315 Hz at recommended tracking force : 80 μmCompliance, dynamic, lateral : 12 μm/mNStylus type : Nude Fine Line on Alu cantileverStylus tip radius : r/R 8/40Tracking force range : 2,2-2,7 g (22-27 mN)Tracking force recommended : 2,5 g (25 mN)Tracking angle : 20ºInternal impedance, DC resistance : 5 OhmRecommended load impedance : 50-500 OhmCartridge body material : Stainless steel AluminiumCartridge colour : Red/Black Cartridge weight : 10,7 g

329 €
36 Δόσεις 11,36€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

The Ortofon Quintet moving coil cartridge system for high performance sound reproduction of your favourite analogue records! Ortofon has been working with sound reproduction since 1918. Ortofon developed its first phono cartridge in 1948, since then more than 300 different phono cartridges have been engineered and manufactured. Reflecting our extensive experience in industrial design and technological knowhow we have become the global leader in the manufacture and supply of phono cartridges.The Quintet Series has been engineered in accordance with the highest standards and is congruent with Ortofon’s unrelenting commitment to providing the most precise and accurate reproduction possible without coloration. Each of the five Quintet Series cartridges has its individual sonic expression, and all five models together represent the ensemble of five classic variations:Χαρακτηριστικά:Output voltage at 1000 Hz, 5cm/sec. : 0.3 mVChannel balance at 1 kHz : < 1.0 dBChannel separation at 1 kHz : > 23 dBChannel separation at 15 kHz : > 15 dBFrequency range at - 3dB : 20 - 25.000 HzFrequency response 20-20.000 Hz : +/- 1.5 dBTracking ability at 315Hz at recommended tracking force : 80 µmCompliance, dynamic, lateral : 15 µm/mNStylus type : Nude Shibata on Boron cantileverStylus tip radius : r/R 6/50 µmTracking force range : 2.1-2.5 g (21-25 mN) Quintet SideBlack01Tracking force, recommended : 2.3 g (23 mN)Tracking angle : 20°Internal impedance, DC resistance : 5 OhmRecommended load impedance : > 20 OhmCartridge body material : ABS/AluminiumCoil wire material : Aucurum

949 €
36 Δόσεις 32,76€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

The Ortofon Quintet moving coil cartridge system for high performance sound reproduction of your favourite analogue records! Ortofon has been working with sound reproduction since 1918. Ortofon developed its first phono cartridge in 1948, since then more than 300 different phono cartridges have been engineered and manufactured. Reflecting our extensive experience in industrial design and technological knowhow we have become the global leader in the manufacture and supply of phono cartridges.The Quintet Series has been engineered in accordance with the highest standards and is congruent with Ortofon’s unrelenting commitment to providing the most precise and accurate reproduction possible without coloration. Each of the five Quintet Series cartridges has its individual sonic expression, and all five models together represent the ensemble of five classic variations:Χαρακτηριστικά:Output voltage at 1 kHz 5 cm/sec : 0,5 mVChannel balance : < 1,2 dBChannel separation at 1 kHz : > 23 dBChannel separation at 15 kHz : > 15 dBFrequency range at -3 dB : 20 Hz - 50 kHzFrequency response 20 Hz - 20kHz : +2/-1Tracking ability at 315 Hz at recommended tracking force : 80 μmCompliance, dynamic, lateral : 12 μm/mNStylus type : Nude FG 70 on Ruby cantileverStylus tip radius : r/R 6/70Tracking force range : 2,2-2,7 g (22-27 mN)Tracking force recommended : 2,5 g (25 mN)Tracking angle : 20ºInternal impedance,DC resistance : 5 OhmRecommended load impedance : 50-200 OhmCartridge body material : Stainless steel Aluminium

499 €
36 Δόσεις 17,23€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

The Ortofon Quintet moving coil cartridge system for high performance sound reproduction of your favourite analogue records! Ortofon has been working with sound reproduction since 1918. Ortofon developed its first phono cartridge in 1948, since then more than 300 different phono cartridges have been engineered and manufactured. Reflecting our extensive experience in industrial design and technological knowhow we have become the global leader in the manufacture and supply of phono cartridges.The Quintet Series has been engineered in accordance with the highest standards and is congruent with Ortofon’s unrelenting commitment to providing the most precise and accurate reproduction possible without coloration. Each of the five Quintet Series cartridges has its individual sonic expression, and all five models together represent the ensemble of five classic variations:Χαρακτηριστικά:Output voltage at 1 kHz 5 cm/sec : 0.3 mVFrequency range at -3 dB : 20-25.000 HzFrequency response 20 Hz - 20 kHz : +/-2.0 dBTracking ability at 315 Hz at recommended tracking force : 70 μmCompliance, dynamic, lateral : 15 μm/mNStylus type : Nude EllipticalStylus tip radius : r/R 8/18 μmTracking force range : 2.1-2.5 g (21-25 mN)Tracking force recommended : 2.3 g (23 mN) Quintet SideMono01Tracking angle : 20ºInternal impedance, DC resistance : 5 OhmRecommended load impedance : >20 OhmCartridge body material : ABS/AluminiumCoil wire material : Pure 4-nines silverCartridge colour : WhiteCartridge weight : 9 g 

499 €
36 Δόσεις 17,23€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

The Ortofon Quintet moving coil cartridge system for high performance sound reproduction of your favourite analogue records! Ortofon has been working with sound reproduction since 1918. Ortofon developed its first phono cartridge in 1948, since then more than 300 different phono cartridges have been engineered and manufactured. Reflecting our extensive experience in industrial design and technological knowhow we have become the global leader in the manufacture and supply of phono cartridges.The Quintet Series has been engineered in accordance with the highest standards and is congruent with Ortofon’s unrelenting commitment to providing the most precise and accurate reproduction possible without coloration. Each of the five Quintet Series cartridges has its individual sonic expression, and all five models together represent the ensemble of five classic variations:Χαρακτηριστικά:Output voltage at 1000 Hz, 5cm/sec. : 0.3 mVChannel balance at 1 kHz : < 1.2 dBChannel separation at 1 kHz : > 23 dBChannel separation at 15 kHz : > 15 dBFrequency range at - 3dB : 20-25.000 HzFrequency response 20-20.000 Hz : +/-1.5 dBTracking ability at 315Hz at recommended tracking force : 80 µmCompliance, dynamic, lateral : 15 µm/mNStylus type : Nude Fine LineStylus tip radius : r/R 8/40 µm Quintet SideBronze02Tracking force range : 2.1-2.5 g (21-25 mN)Tracking force, recommended : 2.3 g (23 mN)Tracking angle : 20°Internal impedance, DC resistance : 5 OhmRecommended load impedance : > 20 OhmCartridge body material : ABS/AluminiumCoil wire material : Pure 4-nines copper

699 €
36 Δόσεις 24,13€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας
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