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Focusrite Scarlett 4th Gen

Monday 03 June 2024
Focusrite Scarlett 4th Gen

A new generation of audio interfaces for the challenges of the future.

To remain at the forefront of music production with ultra-high performance products, Focusrite presents its fourth generation of its acclaimed Scarlett 4th Gen range of audio interfaces. The brand that manufactures the best-selling audio interfaces in the world takes a giant step forward.

Better than ever

• 120dB of dynamic range, using the converters used by the award-winning RedNet range.

• All-new remote-controlled preamps with 69dB of gain for incredible sound with any mic.

• Redesigned Air Mode with Presence, and all-new Harmonic Saturation.

• New Auto Gain and Clip Safe modes that will make every shot perfect.

• New custom headphone amplifier design, the best playback quality in Scarlett history.

• Redesigned dynamic Gain Halos with output metering, modernizing the iconic Scarlett Gain Halos.

• Redesigned headphones in the Studio Packs, with a flatter response than ever and even more comfortable than the previous ones.

• Improved quick start tool, truly plug-and-play interfaces.

Incredible performance

With each generation of Scarlett Focusrite has tried to help musicians achieve the best possible sound in their recordings, and these new Scarlett 4t Gen audio interfaces are no exception. They have taken an incredible step forward by completely redesigning the audio circuitry and also including the same professional converters as the RedNet audio interfaces. These changes give exceptional performance to this new generation of Focusrite Scarlett sound cards.


Up to 69dB gain

Up to 116dB dynamic range

Records mics, guitars, basses and gear at line level

Line outputs

120dB dynamic range

Ultra Low Distortion: -112dB

Incredibly flat frequency response

Better headphone output

Up to 116 dB dynamic range

Ultra low distortion: -108dB

More than enough power for high impedance headphones

Adjust Levels? The Scarletts take care

Adjusting input levels without producing signal distortions in recordings is one of the biggest challenges faced by musicians starting out in recording. The Auto Gain function allows you to focus on the music while the Scarlett makes the right adjustments for perfect sound.

Unlike other options on the market, Scarlett Auto Gain ensures the best levels by focusing on:

Preamp noise threshold

Digital noise floor

Crosstalk between channels

Unwanted noises and knocks in microphones

Clipping-free recordings. Clip Sage

Thanks to constant direct contact with users at Focusrite, they discovered that Auto Gain could be a great improvement in the audio quality achieved by musicians of any level of experience, not just the most novice ones, because throughout the musical performance it is very It's easy to forget to make adjustments take after take, which often results in a perfect take being ruined by saturated levels. That's what Clip Safe is for (only available on 2i2 and 4i4 models).

When Clip Safe is activated, Scarlett continuously monitors the input signal and with a combination of analog preamp settings and DSP, Clip Safe significantly reduces the risk of clipping. Something that those who record outdoors will greatly appreciate, even if they arrive at an event just in time and do not have headphones on hand to monitor the signal.

Dynamic gain halos

It's never been easier to adjust levels and get measurement at a glance. Scarlett's new Dynamic Halos are more detailed than ever because they use dynamic lighting to show you exactly where your levels are. Find the exact level instantly and get the best sound every time

Get creative with Loopback What is Loopback?

Do you need to sample loops or recordings? Make your own with Loopback. Send Stereo Audio from any of your direct audio applications (Zoom, YouTube, media player or a VST working in standalone mode) to a stereo track in your DAW with these virtual inputs. You can also use Loopback to include the mix of whatever is currently playing on your computer and route it, for example, into your live streaming broadcasts while mixing it with the signal from the microphones!

The Scarlett Solo and 2i2 4th Gen now also include Loopback functionality, a functionality that until now was only present in the 3rd gen versions starting with the Scarlett 4i4. Loopback allows computer audio to be easily recorded into a DAW by sending the computer's audio outputs back to a pair of virtual inputs within the Scarlett itself. Sampling or re-recording from your favorite tracks while playing over a video without having to mix later, for example, has never been easier.

Loopback can also be used to create a mix of various audio sources on your Scarlett. A powerful tool to create a live mix supported by backing tracks or to have a perfect balance between the sound of your microphone and the sound of, for example, a game you are playing in streaming, to record the final result in your DAW or broadcast it by Twich.

Air. Discover the authentic Focusrite signature sound

For recording lead vocals and acoustic instrument tracks where quality must be extreme but analog warmth feels great, Scarlett's new Air mode captures the unique character of your sound and brings it clearly to the front of the mix, adding authentic presence. musical and more harmonic richness. Just as if we were using the channel strips of a classic mixing console from an expensive studio. 

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