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36 Instalments
2 Years Warranty
36 Instalments
2 Years Warranty

The C|24 DB25 Cable Kit includes all the cables you need to connect a C|24 control surface to any Pro Tools|HD system with a 192 I/O audio interface. This 13-cable kit includes the following cables:
DB25–DB25 cable (4)
Includes four 25-foot cables to connect:
Pro Tools Input (Monitor section)
Surround Input (Monitor section)
Line Outputs 1–8 (mic/line/DI preamps)
Line Outputs 9–16 (mic/line/DI preamps)
DB25–XLR Male cable (1)
Includes one 25-foot cable to connect:
5.1 Control Room Out (Monitor section)
DB25–XLR Female cable (2)
Includes two 25-foot cables to connect:
Mic Inputs 1–8 (preamps)
Mic Inputs 9–16 (preamps)
DB25–TRS cable (6)
Includes six 25-foot cables to connect:
Submixer Inputs 1–4 (line submixer)
Submixer Inputs 5–8 (line submixer)
Ext Stereo Inputs
Cue Outputs
Line/DI Inputs 1–8
Line/DI Inputs 9–16
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