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Now the signature transparency and detail of our circuit designs is available for your 500 series frame.
While the 500 series market has plenty of colored mic preamplifier options, the natural, musical clarity of the m501 makes it a welcome addition to the field.
This circuit is for engineers confident with the quality of the source, mic section and placement, and wish to capture it with as little coloration or distortion as possible.
The m501 module is a balanced, transformerles preamplifier, with 48V phantom, a 75Hz HPF and a 1/4” HI-Z instrument input.
Also standard is our exclusive ribbon mic mode, which raises the mic input impedance, bypasses the input decoupling capacitors and deactivates 48V phantom to protect delicate ribbon mics from damage.
Large diaphragm, vintage ribbon or trusty dynamic - the m501 brings out the very best in any microphone and takes the guesswork out of your input chain. Stay tuned for complete details.
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