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36 Instalments
2 Years Warranty
36 Instalments
2 Years Warranty

Soundcraft SI Performer 3. Digital audio console suitable for small concerts, corporates rental, music groups, theaters and churches. It has 32 mic preamp inputs with the Vi1, 2 stereo line inputs, 25 buses, of which 14 bus (aux-bus) which can be assigned to any of the 16 physical XLR outputs, 4 matrix out, 4 anathetoumena insert send & returns , 4 FX busses, 4 mute groups, 3 master out (LCR).
Additional features for each input channel, led bar meter & as a custom color backlit LCD display that shows the channel name or status eg Vocal, MTX, MIX3, DMX1., Digital delay, full parametric equalizer 4 areas, low and high pass filters and settings bell or shelf in HF & LF frequencies, integrated digital processor dynamic areas (compressor, gate, limiter), DMX512 control with 4 preset & control up to 30 DMX addresses. Additional features include 4 on board Lexicon effects, and 30 areas of graphic equalizer for each BSS Audio output, without limiting the DSP console.
Led meters on each output and a color touch screen display on the master section. Consoles COMPACT SI series have all consoles like the series this system Fader-Glow and can be a part of HiQnet System HARMAN. Finally have 2 option card slots, for future expansion, as more channels, in-ear system or direct outputs for recording. Operating voltage: 90-264V, 47-63Hz, self. Dimensions: (H x W x D) 170mm x 940mm x 536mm. Weight: 21,5 kg.
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