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Terms of Use

Athens Pro Audio has the sole purpose of customer service. The site is simple and easy to use and designed to meet the specific needs of each user. The Athens Pro Audio does not distribute to any other organization or partner who is not connected with the company e-mail addresses or other information concerning users and customers.

Personal data:

Users of the site of Athens Pro Audio can visit without having to reveal their identity unless they wish. That is, only if they want to order product (s), register on our website and/or send an email. In this case collection:

1. Information the user gives us when registering as a customer

2. Information the user gives us to execute the order of the Athens Pro Audio

Information concerning product markets:

At the completion of any order form on our website, you will be asked your name, address, zip code of your site, your address, phone number, credit card, how to order payment. Additionally you can request more specific information, such as dispatch - delivery of an order, billing information or details on the offer you have requested.

H Athens Pro Audio uses the information you provide during the electronic delivery of the form to contact you regarding:

1. The delivery of your order at your place

2. To confirm and identify the client, any necessary case

3. Special offers and newsletters campaigns

H safely use credit card guaranteed in each case and to charge, require identification evidence supporting the legitimate holder of the first and only time. Any documentary evidence or document certifies and declares the identity of the client remains strictly confidential and is only checked by the relevant department manager of Athens Pro Audio

The screening is provided and the Athens Pro Audio uses environmentally safe and certified Piraeus Bank in the recording of data on credit cards.

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