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Portable Recorders

21  Products

The MR-1000 from Korg is an ultra-portable digital recorder that offers incredibly high-fidelity, 1-bit recording at a terrific price. Great for use in the field or the studio, the MR-1000 records to a 40GB internal hard drive to store up to six hours of audio at highest quality, or approximately 60 hours at CD-quality. The XLR/TRS combo inputs, along with RCA and XLR outputs allow you to connect virtually any audio device to the unit. A high-speed USB 2.0 port is included for interfacing with your Mac or PC

789 €
36 Instalments 27,24€ / month
In Stock

The most robust handheld recorder, the H6essential is a recording powerhouse. With 6 tracks of 32-bit float recording, the H6essential provides unprecedented quality and unmatched versatility.

328 ,9 €
36 Instalments 11,35€ / month
In Stock

Four Tracks. More Options. With four tracks, 32-bit float recording, advanced X/Y mics and 2 XLR/TRS inputs, creators have more ways to record their music, podcasts, and audio-for-video.

217 ,8 €
36 Instalments 7,52€ / month
In Stock

Φορητή πολυκάναλη ψηφιακή συσκευή εγγραφής, υψηλής ανάλυσης, νέας γενιάς.Προηγμένη τεχνολογία εγγραφής, αλλά απλή στη χρήση!Η λήψη ήχου υψηλής ανάλυσης είναι εύκολη με το Portacapture X6. Η διαισθητική λειτουργία στη μεγάλη έγχρωμη οθόνη αφής του, που μοιάζει με εφαρμογή, καθιστά εύκολη την εγγραφή ή την επεξεργασία του ήχου σας. Ηχογραφήστε χρησιμοποιώντας τα δύο ενσωματωμένα μικρόφωνα ή συνδέστε τα δικά σας μικρόφωνα στις δύο εισόδους XLR. Η ποιότητα εγγραφής στο Portacapture X6 θα είναι το μυστικό σας πλεονέκτημα. Η τεχνολογία εγγραφής 96 kHz/32 bit σημαίνει ότι μπορείτε να καταγράψετε ήχο πιο απαλό ή πιο δυνατό από το ιδανικό, διασφαλίζοντας ότι δεν θα χάσετε ποτέ αυτή τη στιγμή.Φορητή πολυκάναλη ψηφιακή συσκευή εγγραφής, υψηλής ανάλυσης, νέας γενιάς.Ενσωματωμένος μίκτης με επεξεργασία ήχου που περιλαμβάνει EQ, low-cut filter, compressor, limiter, auto gain, noise gate και άλλα.Οι ρυθμίσεις εισόδου μπορούν να αποθηκευτούν σε έως και τρεις προεπιλογές και να κοινοποιηθούν σε όλες τις εφαρμογές εγγραφής (προγραμματίζεται για μελλοντική ενημέρωση).Oι ρυθμίσεις μονάδας και οι ρυθμίσεις της εφαρμογής εγγραφής μπορούν να αποθηκευτούν σε έως και τρεις προεπιλογές και να ανακληθούν με ένα μόνο πάτημα από το LAUNCHER (προγραμματίζεται για μελλοντική ενημέρωση).Έξοδος κάμερας/γραμμής με δυνατότητα επιλογής εξασθένησης για αποστολή ήχου σε κάμερα ή άλλες εξωτερικές συσκευές.Παρακολούθηση ήχου μέσω της εξόδου ακουστικών ή του ενσωματωμένου μεγαφώνου.Ασύρματο τηλεχειριστήριο από smartphone/tablet χρησιμοποιώντας προαιρετικό Bluetooth dongle (Tascam AK-BT1) και την αποκλειστική εφαρμογή Portacapture Control (δωρεάν λήψη).Ασύρματος συγχρονισμός timecode με συσκευές Atomos και UltraSync Blue (προγραμματίζεται για μελλοντική ενημέρωση).Οι κάρτες Micro SD έως 512 GB μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν ως μέσα εγγραφής.Τροφοδοσία με τέσσερις μπαταρίες AA (αλκαλικές, Ni-MH, λιθίου), USB bus power ή προαιρετικό μετασχηματιστή AC (Tascam PS-P520U).Αυτόματη επιλογή τροφοδοσίας για να συνεχίσετε με μπαταρίες, για παράδειγμα, κατά τη διάρκεια διακοπής ρεύματος.Γενικά ΧαρακτηριστικάΝέας γενιάς συσκευή εγγραφής ήχου PCM υψηλής ανάλυσης.Έγχρωμη οθόνη αφής 2,4 ιντσών για εύκολο χειρισμό και τέλεια αναγνωσιμότητα.Ασυμβίβαστη ποιότητα ήχου με ρυθμούς δειγματοληψίας έως 96 kHz και ανάλυση 32 bit floating point – ιδανικό για μετέπειτα επεξεργασία χωρίς απώλειες με οποιοδίποτε λογισμικό DAW.Διαισθητικό σύστημα εκκίνησης με προκαθορισμένες ρυθμίσεις για μια ποικιλία σκηνών εγγραφής, όπως βασική εγγραφή πολλαπλών καναλιών, podcast, μουσική, φωνή (συνεντεύξεις, vlog), εγγραφές σε εξωτερικό περιβάλλον, ASMR ή μη αυτόματες ρυθμίσεις.Δύο ρυθμιζόμενα πυκνωτικά μικρόφωνα (μπορούν να ρυθμιστούν σε A-B ή X-Y).Ενσωματωμένη κάρτα ήχου USB με έξι εισόδους και δύο εξόδους:Τα μικρόφωνα που περιλαμβάνονται μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν ως πηγή ήχου μέσω USB.Τα σήματα εισόδου που λαμβάνονται μέσω USB μπορούν να εγγραφούν σε κάρτα SD.USB mix-minus στην εφαρμογή PODCAST (προγραμματίζεται για μελλοντική ενημέρωση).Μετάδοση ήχου USB σε ανάλυση float 32-bit (προγραμματίζεται για μελλοντική ενημέρωση).Δύο είσοδοι μικροφώνου/γραμμής μέσω υποδοχών κλειδώματος XLR.Η ισχύς Phantom (24 V / 48 V) μπορεί να ρυθμιστεί για κάθε είσοδο μικροφώνου ξεχωριστά.Πρόσθετη είσοδο μικροφώνου/γραμμής για παρακολούθηση και εγγραφή ήχου που αποστέλλεται από ασύρματο μικρόφωνο, κάμερα ή άλλη συσκευή (στερεοφωνική υποδοχή 3,5 mm, υποστηρίζει τροφοδοσία plug-in).Εγγραφή πολλαπλών καναλιών έως και έξι κανάλια (τέσσερα κανάλια + στερεοφωνική μίξη).Εγγραφή σε μορφή WAV (BWF) ή MP3.Αποκωδικοποιητής MS, εφέ αντήχησης (έξι δωμάτια, μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν με ρυθμούς δειγματοληψίας 44,1/48 kHz).Η λειτουργία προεγγραφής επιτρέπει την έναρξη της εγγραφής πριν πατηθεί το πλήκτρο εγγραφής.Λειτουργία αυτόματης εγγραφής για αυτόματη έναρξη της εγγραφής με βάση τη στάθμη εισόδου.Η διπλή εγγραφή επιτρέπει την εγγραφή κάθε καναλιού σε διαφορετική μορφή αρχείου.Οι ήχοι Slate tones μπορούν να προστεθούν αυτόματα ή μη αυτόματα για να απλοποιηθεί ο συγχρονισμός των αρχείων βίντεο κατά την επεξεργασία.Τα σημάδια μπορούν να ρυθμιστούν αυτόματα (peak, level, time).Η λειτουργία XRI επιτρέπει την αποθήκευση πληροφοριών σχετικά με τις ρυθμίσεις εγγραφής με ένα αρχείο BWF.Υποστηριζόμενα λειτουργικά συστήματαWindows 11 (έκδοση 22H2) Windows 11 (έκδοση 22H1) Windows 10 (Νοέμβριος 2021, έκδοση 21H2) Windows 10 (Μάιος 2021, έκδοση 21H1).macOS Ventura (13.0) macOS Monterey (12.0) macOS Big Sur (11.0).iOS 16 / iPadOS 16

364 €
36 Instalments 12,57€ / month
In Stock

DescriptionEight ultra-low-noise Kashmir microphone preamps with adjustable limiters capture high quality audio in the field, on set, or with a computer.Create a mix using the built-in 10 x 4 portable mixer. Record up to 12 tracks to an SD card and backup to a USB thumb drive.12-in, 4-out USB audio interface streams to your computer via USB-C at bit depths up to 32-bit float.Choose bit depths from 16 to 32-bit float, and sampling rates from 44.1 kHz to 192 kHz.Internal LTC timecode generator. Timecode In/Out via BNC or Aux In/Stereo Out. Timecode and record triggering via HDMI.USB-A for control surfaces, keyboards, and auto-copy to USB drive.In-unit ISO mixing, gain, pan, low-cut, phase inversion, and phantom power.Sunlight-readable color touch screen and LED metering.Lightweight, durable, and small: perfect for bag use, mobile recording, or a home studio.Powerful 300 mW+300 mW headphone amp allows clear and accurate reference of audio.Includes a MX-8AA Battery Sled (batteries not included), XL-WPH3 AC Power Supply, and USB-C to USB-C cable.Customize with plugins from the Plugin Store.What’s New in the MixPre-10 II?Bit depth up to 32-bit float for increased dynamic range.32-bit float USB audio streaming – the only 32-bit float USB audio interface on the market.Same intuitive interface, more powerful hardware.Adjustable limiters.Increased output level to +18 dBu on TA3.Optional NoiseAssist Plugin.Complex Productions, SimplifiedVersatile. Durable. High-Performance.If you record field audio, sound effects, audio for film, live music, or are just starting your audio journey, the MixPre-10 II is for you! With eight crystal-clear, ultra low-noise Kashmir preamps, you can record multiple actors, multiple podcasters, or audio for film with superior quality – all the way up to a 32-bit float bit depth and a 192 kHz sample rate. This newest generation of Sound Devices’ award-winning MixPre Series has been redesigned for increased performance and an astounding 142 dB of dynamic range.  Your MixPre-10 II is highly customizable to your needs. Record internally to a compatible SD card on set or stream your podcast over USB to your computer at home. Power with wall power, or record in the middle of nowhere with AA or Sony L-mount batteries. Adjust limiters, bit depth, sample rates, gain, pan, low-cut, phase inversion and phantom power to your liking. Stay in sync with your camera using the internal timecode generator, or feed timecode in via HDMI, Aux In, or BNC. The choice is yours!Professionals love the flexibility of the MixPre Series. Don’t need all those options? Basic mode has you covered.Your MixPre-10 II is rugged, lightweight, and small, so you can throw it in a bag or mount it to a tripod or camera – or get situated on set with our Wingman App and one of our four supported USB control surfaces. With the superior sound and build quality that you can expect from the industry leader in production audio recording, your MixPre-10 II can capture audio for any application. Our friendly and knowledgeable support team, based in the USA and the UK, is here for all your questions and comments. Our job is to make your job easier.Customize With PluginsSuppress background noise instantly on-location with the NoiseAssist plugin for MixPre II Series. One instance of NoiseAssist can run on any channel, bus L, or bus R.Using multiple microphones with your MixPre II? Enable MixAssist to reduce unwanted background noise while recording.Are you a songwriter or musician? Buy the Musician Plugin to easily create a song using your MixPre-10 II as a standalone recorder or USB interface. Use onboard features like overdub, bounce, reverb, and tracking to a metronome. Create Music Projects to lay down backing tracks and use them live or at home for writing or practicing. Capturing your song ideas has never been easier! While in Music Mode, the MixPre-10 II is limited to eight simultaneous live inputs.Download the Ambisonics Plugin to record in 360° audio and monitor binaurally with an ambisonic microphone like the Sennheiser AMBEO and your MixPre-10 II.WarrantyRegister your MixPre to upgrade your 1 year warranty into a 2 year warranty. 

2.418 €
36 Instalments 83,48€ / month
Upon Order

With the DP-006 you’re ready wherever creativity strikes. With two condenser microphones directly in the front, this compact battery-powered multitrack recorder is optimally designed for on-the-spot recording. Record vocals or acoustic guitar anytime without the need for extra equipment or set-up time. There is also a tripod mount for versatile set-up and placement. With the analogue feel of dedicated control knobs, built-in chromatic tuner and metronome and an ultra lightweight design, this Pocketstudio is one of the simplest to use songwriting scratchpad on the market. The DP-006 has two inputs by phone jack to connect an external microphone, an electric-acoustic guitar or a line-level device like a synthesizer. With an optional conversion cable a tablet device like an iPad will be able to connect. Recordings are written to widely available SD/SDHC card media (2GB card included). All song ideas can be transferred via USB 2.0 or SD card readers to and from the unit at any point in the recording process. Basic editing functions are also available. For elongated battery life, the DP-006 can connect directly to Tascam’s external battery pack (BP-6AA) via USB.

180 €
36 Instalments 6,21€ / month
In Stock

ASCAM's DR-60DmkII, an update of the award winning DR-60D, is the audio recording solution for on-set filmmakers and videographers. The streamlined design fits perfectly under a DSLR camera rig, without relying on bulky recorders or the limited audio quality of the camera’s microphone in.The DR-60DmkII is the next generation of 4-track solid-state recording, based on TASCAM’s decades of recording innovation. The upgraded HDDA microphone preamps provide up to 64dB of gain, capturing every nuance of a performance. Up to four channels at a time can be recorded to the internal SD Card, at up to 96kHz/24-bit WAV file resolution. Two of the mic inputs utilize locking XLR connectors with 48V phantom power, the other two use an 1/8” stereo connector for wireless and lavaliere microphones. 
A Camera Output sends the mic mix to the camera for later synchronization, and a Camera Input is provided for monitoring playback. An additional headphone out and line out assist the crew during filming.The DR-60DmkII is designed for low-noise operation, including soft touch buttons and dedicated gain controls.
Multiple recording modes are available on the DR-60DmkII. Four-Channel Mode records all four microphone inputs. Dual Recording is an alternate setting, capturing a copy of your audio at a lower level for a distortion-free safety track. Menus and operation are well laid out, owing to decades of innovative recording design.
Reach beyond the limited performance of your camera’s audio to capture the other half of your film. At a cost less than competing preamps, the TASCAM DR-60DmkII is the ultimate 4-track recorder designed for filmmakers, television, live events and web broadcast.

187 ,49 €
36 Instalments 6,47€ / month
In Stock

Innovative, powerful, yet simple Right after start-up, the large colour touch screen of the Portacapture X8 shows the Launcher which lets you easily select the best audio settings that match your application. Taking advantage of these presets, you have more time to focus on the actual recording without having to struggle with complicated settings. Six different recording apps to choose from MANUAL This is the main app for multi-track recording of up to six audio sources and a stereo mix (2-mix). VOICE This recording app is ideal for capturing interviews, dictation and meetings. PODCAST Use this for podcast creation with up to four people. MUSIC Choose this app for capturing instrumental and vocal performances. FIELD Ideal for recording nature sounds outdoors. ASMR The screen visual effect changes in response to the input sound. Set your levels with ease The Portacapture X8 provides a preset level setting to achieve a wide dynamic range utilizing premium dual A/D converters and recording technology with 32-bit floating point resolution. The result is content with uncompromised audio quality even with low-level recordings. When editing the audio data later, you can increase the level without deteriorating the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N). Also, the internal normalize function can automatically align the level of the stereo mix file after recording. USB audio interface for your computer Utilizing plug-and-go driverless functionality, the Portacapture X8 can be used as a compact mixer with built-in microphones for live streaming via OBS or similar platforms, and also offers direct recording of video narration and dialogue directly to DAW and editing software. The Portacapture X8 streams up to eight tracks (six inputs plus stereo mix) through USB. By supporting the USB Type-C Power Delivery standard, the unit can simultaneously supply any external microphone with phantom power via the USB bus. For video or audio conferencing, use the Portacapture X8 as your USB stereo microphone and even record the audio simultaneously. Premium large-format microphones The Portacapture X8 comes with two high-quality condenser microphones, each with a diameter of 14.6 mm – the largest in our lineup. Employing a detachable mechanism, both L and R mics can be flexibly attached to and detached from the main unit to form A-B or X-Y mic patterns. A-B Pattern: Ideal for creating a wide stereo field X-Y pattern: Provides extra-clear reproduction with reduced phase displacement between both channels Combined with the dual A/D converter, 32-bit floating point processing and sampling rates up to 192 kHz, these microphones capture everything from the quietest rustle to the loudest spectacle. Wireless remote control (with optional Bluetooth adapter) The Portacapture X8 can be remote-controlled via mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets (iPad and Android devices) using the optional AK-BT1 Bluetooth adapter and the Portacapture Control app, which can be downloaded free of charge from the Apple Store or Google Play. In this way, you can, for example, record nature sounds in the wild without affecting the result with your own direct presence or your own noises. Multi-track recording with up to eight tracks The Portacapture X8 can simultaneously record up to eight audio tracks in total (six individual tracks + stereo mix). Select which inputs are recorded on which tracks, apply noise-gate, compression, EQ and reverb like you would do on a mixing console. The MANUAL app allows you to set levels and stereo positions for each of the six input tracks and create a stereo mix ready to be published as a podcast, vlog, song or other content. For the XLR/TRS inputs, Tascam know-how utilizing the in-house-developed HDDA (High Definition Discrete Architecture) mic preamps enables high-quality audio recording. Four XLR/TRS jacks plus in and out for your camera and other equipment With four professional, locking XLR/TRS combo inputs for mic- and line-level signals, the Portacapture X8 is prepared for most of your daily recording challenges. An additional mini-jack input and output each enable you to hook up your camera or other audio devices. When creating video footage, for example, you can record a guiding track with slate tones on your camera to simplify synchronisation during post-editing of the video material. The level of the camera output is adjustable and can thus be adapted to virtually any camera model. Of course, there is also a headphones output, which is powerful enough to keep you in control even in noisy environments. Flexible handling – wherever you feel creative The Portacapture X8 weighs less than 500 grams including batteries and can be mounted directly on a DSLR or camera or combined with AV rigs thanks to its rear cold shoe adapter. You can also attach it to mic stands or wireless receivers. Fastened this way, your Portacapture X8 is less susceptible to handling noise and your recordings turn out even better.

511 €
36 Instalments 17,64€ / month
In Stock

Four ultra-low-noise Kashmir microphone preamps with adjustable limiters capture high quality audio in the field, on set, or with a computer. Create a mix using the built-in 6 x 2 portable mixer.  Record up to 8 tracks to an SD card and backup to a USB thumb drive. 8-in, 4-out USB audio interface streams to your computer via USB-C at bit depths up to 32-bit float. Choose bit depths from 16 to 32-bit float, and sampling rates from 44.1 kHz to 192 kHz. Internal LTC timecode generator. Timecode In/Out via Aux In/Stereo Out.  Timecode and record triggering via HDMI. USB-A for control surfaces, keyboards, and auto-copy to USB drive. In-unit ISO mixing, gain, pan, low-cut, phase inversion, and phantom power. Sunlight-readable color touch screen and LED metering. Lightweight, durable, and small: perfect for bag use, mobile recording, or a home studio. Powerful 300 mW+300 mW headphone amp allows clear and accurate reference of audio. Includes a MX-4AA Battery Sled (batteries not included), MX-PSU AC Power Supply, and USB-C to USB-C cable. Customize with plugins from the Plugin Store.

1.445 €
36 Instalments 49,89€ / month
Upon Order

The Only Recorder That Adapts To Your Way Of Creating 12 simultaneous recording tracks, interchangeable capsules, and an App-driven touchscreen interface, the H8 is designed to meet all your audio recording needs. There's An App For Your Workflow  Whether you’re capturing audio on location, recording music, or producing a podcast, the H8 color touchscreen adapts to your project’s needs with three App-driven interface options. All with the touch of your finger. The Mic Capsule The H8 comes with the Zoom XYH-6 microphone. This capsule provides two matched high-quality unidirectional mics, for capturing signal directly in front of the recorder. With the Zoom mic capsule system you can easily swap capsules to ensure you’re always using the right mic for the job. Remote Control  You can monitor level meters and hit REC,PLAY, and STOP in each H8 application mode. Just insert the BTA-1 to your H8 and connect to your iOS device. Inputs & Outputs H8 offers 4 XLR inputs with dedicated pad switches and gain control. 2 additional XLR/TRS combo jacks with Hi-Z switches allow you to capture line level signals, microphones, or directly record electric guitars and basses. Monitor tracks using the built-in 1/8” headphone output or connect directly to your camera using the dedicated stereo line output. Multi-Channel Audio Interface The H8 is a powerful USB audio interface. Connect via USB to your PC, Mac, or iPad for up to 12 channels of simultaneous recording. Recording Time & File Formats  Get more than 10 hours of recording time from just 4 AA batteries. Or record forever with the optional AD-17 adapter.

383 ,9 €
36 Instalments 13,25€ / month
Upon Order

Anytime, Anywhere AudioThe groundbreaking new MixPre-3 is a lightweight, high-resolution audio recorder with integrated USB audio streaming that offers world-class sound quality combined with extreme durability – perfect for musicians, sound designers, podcasters, videographers, YouTubers and field recordists.The MixPre-3 features Sound Devices' new Kashmir™ microphone preamps. These high-performance, ultra-low-noise, discrete, Class-A mic preamps were hand-crafted by Sound Devices. The Kashmir mic preamps feature a -130dBV noise floor, analog limiters, and new 32-bit A-to-D converters to ensure the highest quality audio recordings that far surpass those of other recorders using simple off-the-shelf IC-based mic preamps.The small stature and design of the MixPre-3 will fit any production environment. It features a responsive capacitive touch screen for incredibly simple and intuitive operation, and a bright, IPS technology, sunlight-readable color LCD for the ultimate in convenient navigation.Like all Sound Devices products, the MixPre-3 is extremely durable. Constructed with a die-cast aluminum chassis, it is both lightweight and incredibly robust. The MixPre-3 is super-compact, so much so that it can fit in your pocket – perfect for jobs on the run.Features:Kashmir Microphone PreampsUSB Audio-Recording InterfaceSmall Stature Fits Most EnvironmentsNavigation with Basic and Advanced Modes 

1.179 €
36 Instalments 40,70€ / month
Upon Order

Features: Multi-format recording and playback, including SACD ultra-high quality 1-bit DSD@2.8224 MHz; multi-bit PCM formats up to 24-bit@192 kHz. (DSDIFF/WSD/DSF/WAV[BWF]/MP3/MP2 recording and playback are supported.) High-performance X-Y configuration stereo electret condenser mic; capable of rotating 210 degrees. Screw mounts provided on two surfaces allow mounting to a commercially available camera tripod for flexible placement. High-performance analog limiter, low-cut filter, and bass EQ are provided. 40 Recording Setups call up specific mic sensitivity, limiter, low-cut filter, and bass EQ settings to suit a variety of situations. Ten custom user settings can be memorized. Records directly to (and plays back from) SD or SDHC cards. USB 2.0 (Mini-B type USB connector) allows high-speed data transfer to and from a computer. Convenient, high-performance KORG chromatic tuner is built in. 128 x 128 pixel LCD with noiseless backlight provides excellent visibility. Two-way power; operates either on two AA nickel-metal hydride batteries, or on USB bus power.

465 €
36 Instalments 16,05€ / month
In Stock

Four Track Digital Audio Recorder and USB Audio Interface Versatile four-track audio recorder for cinema, music, podcasting and any other application. Easy-to-use compact design with a high-performance feature set and versatile audio I/O, all to produce professional content. Specifications : Recording Media SD card (64MB to 2GB), SDHC card (4GB to 32GB), SDXC card (up to 128GB) File System FAT16/32, exFAT Recording File Format   WAV / BWF   Sampling Frequency 44.1k / 48k / 96k Hz Bit-depth 16 / 24-bit MP3   Sampling Frequency 44.1k / 48k Hz Recording Bit-rate 32k / 64k / 96k / 128k / 192k / 256k / 320k bps Playback Bit-rate 32k to 320k bps, VBR, ID3TAG Ver. 2.4 Number of Channels 4-channel (2 Stereo) Playback speed control 0.5 to 2.0 times (in 0.1 increments) * 44.1k/48kHz only Built-in Microphone Unidirectional, Stereo (switchable between A-B and X-Y positions) EXT MIC/LINE IN   Connector XLR/TRS Combo jack (1: GND, 2: HOT, 3: COLD) Nominal Input Level -19dBV (MIC) / +4dBu (LINE) Maximum Input Level -3dBV (MIC) / +20dBu (LINE) Input Impedance 2.2kΩ (MIC) / 10kΩ (LINE) PHONES/LINE OUT   Connector 1/8" (3.5mm) Stereo Mini jack (Unbalanced) for LINE connection   Nominal Output Level -14dBV (10kΩ load) Maximum Output Level +2dBV (10kΩ load) Output Impedance 12Ω for Headphones connection   Maximum Output Power 20mW + 20mW (32Ω load) USB   Connector USB Micro B-type Format USB2.0 HIGH SPEED Built-in Speaker 0.3W, Mono Low-cut Filter 40 / 80 / 120Hz Chromatic Tuner C1 to B6, A4 = 435Hz to 445Hz (in 1Hz increments) Effector 6 presets (Hall 1, Hall 2, Room, Studio, Plate 1, Plate 2) Tripod attachment screw-hole 1/4" Tripod attachment screw-hole Power 3 AA Batteries, USB bus power, AC 100 to 240V (optional AC Adapter) Power Consumption 2.5 W (Max) Battery Operation Time(Recording)   Alkaline (EVOLTA) approx. 18 hours (2ch WAV, 44.1kHz, 16-bit, using Built-in Microphone, JEITA) Ni-MH (eneloop) approx. 16 hours (2ch WAV, 44.1kHz, 16-bit, using Built-in Microphone, JEITA) Dimensions (W×H×D) 2.75" × 6.1" × 1.37" / 70 × 155 × 35 mm Weight 8.3 oz. / 213 g   Audio Performance Frequency Response   Fs 44.1kHz 20Hz to 20kHz, +1/-3dB (EXT IN to LINE OUT, JEITA) Fs 48kHz 20Hz to 22kHz, +1/-3dB (EXT IN to LINE OUT, JEITA) Fs 96kHz 20Hz to 40kHz, +1/-3dB (EXT IN to LINE OUT, JEITA) Total Harmonic Distortion 0.05% or less (Fs 44.1k/48k/96kHz, EXT IN to LINE OUT, JEITA) Signal-to-Noise Ratio 92 dB or higher (Fs 44.1k/48k/96kHz, EXT IN to LINE OUT, JEITA)   Computer Requirements Windows Computer Windows PC with USB2.0 or USB3.0 port CPU Dual Core, 2GHz or faster (x86) Memory 2GB or more Macintosh CPU Power PC, iMac, G3, G4, G5 266MHz or faster Memory 64MB or more USB USB2.0 recommended

196 ,6 €
36 Instalments 6,79€ / month
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Stereo Handheld Digital Audio Recorder and USB Audio Interface The new standard in stereo hand held recorders Easy and compact audio recorder with great sound quality. Multiple fail-safe function and switchable microphone configuration make music recording more fun and brilliant. Specifications : Recording Media microSD card (64MB to 3GB), microSDHC card (4GB to 32GB), microSDXC card (up to 128GB) File System FAT16/32, exFAT Recording File Format   WAV / BWF   Sampling Frequency 44.1k / 48k / 96k Hz Bit-depth 16 / 24-bit MP3   Sampling Frequency 44.1k / 48k Hz Bit-rate for recording 32k / 64k / 96k / 128k / 192k / 256k / 320k bps Playback Bit-rate 32k to 320k bps, VBR, ID3TAG Ver. 2.4 Number of Channels 2-channel (Stereo) / 1-channel (Mono) Playback speed control 0.5 to 2.0 times (in 0.1 increments) * 44.1k/48kHz only Built-in Microphone Unidirectional, Stereo (switchable between A-B and X-Y positions) MIC/EXT IN   Connector 1/8" (3.5mm) Stereo Mini jack (Unbalanced, Plug-in Power) Nominal Input Level -20dBV Maximum Input Level -4dBV Input Impedance 18kΩ or more (PLUG IN PWR: OFF)2kΩ or more (PLUG IN PWR: ON) PHONES/LINE OUT   Connector 1/8" (3.5mm) Stereo Mini jack (Unbalanced) for LINE connection   Nominal Output Level -14dBV (10kΩ load) Maximum Output Level +2dBV (10kΩ load) Output Impedance 12Ω for Headphones connection   Maximum Output Power 20mW + 20mW (32Ω load) USB   Connector USB Micro B-type Format USB2.0 HIGH-SPEED Built-in Speaker 0.3W, Mono Low-cut Filter 40 / 80 / 120Hz Chromatic Tuner C1 to B6, A4 = 435Hz to 445Hz (in 1Hz increments) Effector 6 presets (Hall 1, Hall 2, Room, Studio, Plate 1, Plate 2) Tripod attachment screw-hole 1/4" Tripod attachment screw-hole Power 2 AA Batteries, USB bus power, AC 100 to 240V (optional AC Adapter) Power Consumption 1.7 W (Max) Battery Operation Time(Recording)   Alkaline (EVOLTA) approx. 17.5 hours (2ch WAV, 44.1kHz, 16-bit, using Built-in Microphone, JEITA) Ni-MH (eneloop) approx. 15.5 hours (2ch WAV, 44.1kHz, 16-bit, using Built-in Microphone, JEITA) Dimensions (W×H×D) 68 × 158 × 26 mm Weight 127 g   Audio Performance Frequency Response   Fs 44.1kHz 20Hz to 20kHz, +1/-3dB (EXT IN to LINE OUT, JEITA) Fs 48kHz 20Hz to 22kHz, +1/-3dB (EXT IN to LINE OUT, JEITA) Fs 96kHz 20Hz to 40kHz, +1/-3dB (EXT IN to LINE OUT, JEITA) Total Harmonic Distortion 0.05% or less (Fs 44.1k/48k/96kHz, EXT I Not LINE OUT, JEITA) Signal-to-Noise Ratio 92 dB or higher (Fs 44.1k/48k/96kHz, EXT I Not LINE OUT, JEITA)   Computer Requirements Windows Computer Windows PC with USB2.0 or USB3.0 port CPU Dual Core, 2GHz or faster (x86) Memory 2GB or more Macintosh CPU Power PC, iMac, G3, G4, G5 266MHz or faster Memory 64MB or more USB USB2.0 recommended

116 €
36 Instalments 4,00€ / month
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The new standard in stereo hand held recorders The DR-05X is the new standard in stereo hand held recorders with its high value, powerful features, simple interface and excellent sound quality, It is first choice for recording meetings, music, audio-for-video, dictation, and more. Specifications: Recording Media microSD card (64MB to 3GB), microSDHC card (4GB to 32GB), microSDXC card (up to 128GB) File System FAT16/32, exFAT Recording File Format   WAV / BWF   Sampling Frequency 44.1k / 48k / 96k Hz Bit-depth 16 / 24-bit MP3   Sampling Frequency 44.1k / 48k Hz Recording Bit-rate 32k / 64k / 96k / 128k / 192k / 256k / 320k bps Playback Bit-rate 32k to 320k bps, VBR, ID3TAG Ver. 2.4 Number of Channels 2-channel (Stereo) / 1-channel (Mono) Playback speed control 0.5 to 2.0 times (in 0.1 increments) * 44.1k/48kHz only Built-in Microphone Omnidirectional, Stereo MIC/EXT IN   Connector 1/8" (3.5mm) Stereo Mini jack (Unbalanced, Plug-in Power) Nominal Input Level -20dBV Maximum Input Level -4dBV Input Impedance 18kΩ or more (PLUG IN PWR: OFF)2kΩ or more (PLUG IN PWR: ON) PHONES/LINE OUT   Connector 1/8" (3.5mm) Stereo Mini jack (Unbalanced) for LINE connection   Nominal Output Level -14dBV (10kΩ load) Maximum Output Level +2dBV (10kΩ load) Output Impedance 12Ω for Headphones connection   Maximum Output Power 20mW + 20mW (32Ω load) USB   Connector USB Micro B-type Format USB2.0 HIGH SPEED Built-in Speaker 0.3W, Mono Low-cut Filter 40 / 80 / 120Hz Chromatic Tuner C1 to B6, A4 = 435Hz to 445Hz (in 1Hz increments) Effector 6 presets (Hall 1, Hall 2, Room, Studio, Plate 1, Plate 2) Tripod attachment screw-hole 1/4" Tripod attachment screw-hole Power 2 AA Batteries, USB bus power, AC 100 to 240V (optional AC Adapter) Power Consumption 1.7 W (Max) Battery Operation Time (Recording)   Alkaline (EVOLTA) approx. 17.5 hours (2ch WAV, 44.1kHz, 16-bit, using Built-in Microphone, JEITA) Ni-MH (eneloop) approx. 15.5 hours (2ch WAV, 44.1kHz, 16-bit, using Built-in Microphone, JEITA) Dimensions (W×H×D) 2.4" × 5.55" × 1.02" / 61 × 141 × 26 mm Weight 4.1 oz. / 116 g   Audio Performance Frequency Response   Fs 44.1kHz 20Hz to 20kHz, +1/-3dB (EXT IN to LINE OUT, JEITA) Fs 48kHz 20Hz to 22kHz, +1/-3dB (EXT IN to LINE OUT, JEITA) Fs 96kHz 20Hz to 40kHz, +1/-3dB (EXT IN to LINE OUT, JEITA) Total Harmonic Distortion 0.05% or less (Fs 44.1k/48k/96kHz, EXT I Not LINE OUT, JEITA) Signal-to-Noise Ratio 92 dB or higher (Fs 44.1k/48k/96kHz, EXT I Not LINE OUT, JEITA)   Computer Requirements Windows Computer Windows PC with USB2.0 or USB3.0 port CPU Dual Core, 2GHz or faster (x86) Memory 2GB or more Macintosh CPU Power PC, iMac, G3, G4, G5 266MHz or faster Memory 64MB or more USB USB2.0 recommended

100 ,07 €
36 Instalments 3,45€ / month
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The Sound Devices 302 is the most compact and cost-effective, battery-powered, professional audio mixer in its class. This no-nonsense, rugged little mixer features three exceptionally quiet mic preamps and balanced transformers to perfectly handle very low frequencies.With important features to accommodate nearly any over-the-shoulder production, the 302 interfaces with wireless transmitters and receivers, camera audio inputs of all kinds, and external audio recorders. Its microphone inputs share the same superb circuitry as the 552 Portable Production Mixer and MixPre-D Compact Field Mixer.Like Sound Devices larger 552 Field Mixer, the 302 is a complete Field Mixer, but designed in a super-compact package. Controls are accessible on its three main surfaces, its high-efficiency power circuitry runs the mixer from either three internal AA batteries or external 5-18 VDC.Developed specifically for audio-for-picture applications, the 302 mixer is the perfect tool for production companies and camera operators wanting to take control of their audio. The 302 is stunning for its size, flexibility, control and performance; it is the most widely-used compact battery-powered professional audio mixer in its class.Features:3 transformer-balanced mic or line-level inputsLundahl transformer-balanced mic or line level inputs on XLR connectorsContinuously adjustable input trim2-position highpass filterPan switchesLimiters on inputs and outputsStereo and MS linking of channel 1 and 2Phantom (48V or 12V) or “T” microphone powering selected per channelSolo (PFL) channel monitoring in headphonesPeak limiters per channelTape level output on TA3 locking connectorsActive-balanced line/tape/mic level outputs on XLR connectorsStereo tape level output on TA3 connectorReturn input for monitoringChannel 4/5 input optionSunlight-viewable LED meters, with proprietary software selected ballisticsOnboard MS stereo matrixPush pots for setup features, to keep the front panel clutter-freeDurable extruded aluminum chassisWeight less than 1 kg with batteriesPowered by 3 AA batteries or external 5 – 18 VDC

2.105 €
36 Instalments 72,67€ / month
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The CL-8 from Sound Devices is a powerful mixing control unit designed for use with the 788T digital audio recorder. The CL-8 can be mounted to the 788T or used remotely to provide in-depth mixer control.The unit features 8 rotary faders for controlling input levels. Tactile buttons provide control over each input's high-pass filter, limiter, polarity, and muting. Shortcuts are provided for routing the inputs to the left/right Mix tracks and the Aux tracks. LED indicators Features:​Aluminum & Steel ConstructionBus-Powered8 FadersTactile Buttons Sound Devices CL-8 from Sound Devices on Vimeo.

1.514 €
36 Instalments 52,27€ / month
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Borrowing the same award-winning microphone preamplifiers found on their 744T digital portable interface, the Sound Devices USBPre 2 provides one of the highest quality portable interfaces available for both Mac and Windows computers. The USBPre 2 is equipped with a pair of fully discrete, transistor-based XLR inputs and impressively lucid 24-bit converters that are capable of up to 192kHz sample rates. Additional inputs for line-level sources and consumer audio electronics, as well as S/PDIF optical Toslink digital devices are also available. A 23-segment, multicolor LED meter provides you with the essential feedback you need to keep an eye on your levels, and are an invaluable asset when using the USBPre 2 as a standalone preamp and A-to-D converter. Features:Extended bandwidth, low-noise microphone preamplifiers with 48 V phantom, limiters, highpass filters, and 15dB padDynamic range greater than 114dB (in 24-bit operation)Flat 10Hz to 40kHz (@96kHz SR) audio bandwidth with very low distortionEach input individually selectable between microphone, line, and aux level signals (both channels selected simultaneously for S/PDIF connections)Precision, 23-segment, multicolor LED peak/VU meter, selectable between input and output sourcesHigh-output headphone amplifier can drive a wide range of headphonesBalanced outputs on XLR connectors with dedicated level control can be used to drive line- or mic-level inputsMix control enables zero-delay monitoring of source audio, computer audio, or a mix of both source and computer audio for multitrack recording or computer telephonyPhono (RCA) jacks connect Aux Output to external loudspeakers or preamplifiersBus powering via USB for convenient, single-cable connection to the computerIn Stand-Alone mode the USBPre 2 operates as a microphone preamplifier and analog-to-digital converterHardware loop-through for test & measurement to send computer audio directly back to an inputHigh-strength extruded aluminum chassisMac OS X 10.4+, Windows XP/Vista/7, and Linux, class-compliant audio deviceAdditional features controlled by hardware DIP switches on the back panel 

1.109 €
36 Instalments 38,29€ / month
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Capture audio during interviews, press conferences and meetings with this compact PCM recorder. Simply attach the DR-10X to a dynamic or battery-powered condenser microphone with XLR output.TASCAM’s compact DR-10X attaches to a handheld microphone for the ultimate compact news gathering recording system. A captive XLR connector attaches firmly to your microphone, capturing interviews at 48kHz/24-bit Broadcast WAV resolution. Offload recordings through the microUSB connection or by removing the microSD card.The DR-10X has both manual and automatic gain settings, with a low cut filter and limiter to prevent overloads. The Dual Recording mode captures a copy of the audio at a lower level, so if there is distortion you have a backup safety. Recording can begin instantly by holding the record side switch while turning the unit on.Features:XLR plug-on connectionCompatible with dynamic mics as well as bettery-powered condenser mics48kHz/24-bit linear PCM mono recordingWAV files (compatible with BWF format)Media: microSD/SDHC cards (supports 32GB capacities)Sliding record switch and hold function to prevent misoperation during recordingDual recording functionautomatic file closing function to prevent the loss of already recorded dataXLR connector also can use as external input for external inputHigh/Mid/Low recording level settingsLow-cut filterLimiterAutomatic level functionWith a built-in clock function, supports BWF files that can have time information added, which is convenient for editing and searchingTime track incrementing function can create new files at regular intervals (every 15 minutes) during recordingPlayback function allows recorded data to be checked immediatelyHeadphone outputSpecifications:Recording media: microSD card(64MB to 2GB), microSDHC card(4GB to 32GB)Media discharging: Push-Push type (Guard cover mounted)Sampling frequency: 48kHzQuantization bit rate: 24bitNumber of channels: 1-channel (Mono)Connector: XLR-3-31Input Impedance: 10k ohm or moreMIC input gain: LOW / MID / HIGHConnector: 3.5mm(1/8") stereo mini jack (DUAL MONO)Connector: Micro-B type 4pinMaximum Output: USB2.0 HIGH SPEED mass storage classPower: 1 AAA batteries (Alkaline or NiMH), Alkaline batteries (EVOLTA): About 10 hoursBattery (RTC): Lithium × 1(built in with soldering)Dimensions: 52(W) × 94.4(H) × 28(D) mmWeight: 68.3g (including batteries) / 56.3g (without batteries)

149 €
36 Instalments 5,14€ / month
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Connect your Sennheiser lavalier microphone while providing an analog output to connect to a wireless transmitter, the DR-10CS Micro Linear PCM Recorder from Tascam is capable of tracking in up to 24-bit, 48 kHz resolution to SD or microSD cards up to 32 GB.Either as a primary recording device or as a back up to protect against wireless drop outs, recording your material before wireless transmission. Additionally, it can record a safety track at a lower volume simultaneously to prevent against distortion. The DR-10CS can be powered by a single AAA battery (not included) for up to 10 hours.Features:.Micro Linear PCM Recorder for Wireless Beltpacks48 kHz/24-bit mono digital recordingUses standard microSD/microSDHC card media (up to 32 GB)Dual Recording feature captures a safety track in case of distortionHold function prevents accidentally switching off the recorder (All keys cannot operate during recording)Limiter and low-cut filter on inputAuto gain controlRecords BWF file timestamped with time of day clockTime Track increment function writes new track after a preset amount of time.(There is on/off setting, but the time is 15 minutes fixed when turn it on)OEL display for easy visibility in any light conditionMore than 8 hours recording on a single AAA batterySettings can be created with text file on PC and transferred to DR-10C via USB connectionInfrared data communication for transferring setting information among mulitple DR-10C

296 €
36 Instalments 10,22€ / month
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The Tascam AK-DR10CH adapter connects to your DR-10C Series Recorder and allows you to plug your Shure microphones in through their own TA4 connectors. This is the perfect accessory to save you re-terminating your existing mics for your new equipment.Features:.Micro linear PCM recorder for lavalier microphonesCan be connected between a lavalier microphone and a wireless transmitter to provide a backup recordingMono BWF recording at 48 kHz sample rate and 24-bit resolutionRecords to microSD/microSDHC card (up to 32 GB)Dual recording function allows two files to be recorded simultaneously at different levels to provide a safety track in case of distortionHold function prevents accidentally switching off the recorderSwitchable limiter to prevent clippingSwitchable low-cut filter conveniently reduces low-frequency noiseAuto gain controlTime Track increment function writes new track after a preset amount of time (switchable on/off)Playback function for checking recordings via headphones

250 €
36 Instalments 8,63€ / month
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