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36 Instalments
2 Years Warranty
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36 Instalments
2 Years Warranty

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The SMK4061 combines two DPA 4061s omnidirectional miniature microphones, Lo-Sens, with a variety of mounting accessories. These include the BLM6000 Boundary Layer Mount, which can be used in conjunction with a 4061 (or any of DPA’s miniature mics) to place the mic on a reflective boundary such as a floor, wall, ceiling, piano lid etc, enabling them to capture the ambient sound of the area. The sound captured from this “pressure zone” has higher sensitivity, clarity and intelligibility compared to the sound captured from the "free air" and serves as a kind of acoustical zoom.
Also included in the kit is among others the DMM0007 soft rubber holder. This allows all kinds of instruments, from acoustic guitar through grand piano to drums, to be mounted in the best-sounding position, using special non-marking adhesive discs
2X DPA 4061 omni microphones
2X DAD 6001-BC phantom XLR adapters
2X BLM 6000 boundary layer mounts
5Χ DMM0007 Universal surface mount
5Χ DUA0560 Windscreens
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