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36 Instalments
2 Years Warranty
36 Instalments
2 Years Warranty

Read our buyer's guide for Compression
The Studio Channel is a professional channel strip combining Class A tube preamplifier, VCA-based compressor and three-band parametric equalizer perfect for the professional and project studio. Great for all types of microphones, instruments, keyboards and synths, the Studio Channel has the sonic power and flexibility to achieve any tone you can dream of – luscious in your face vocals, crystal clear acoustic guitars, fat solid bass guitar, dynamic acoustic piano, cracking snare, punchy bass, huge MPC tracks and more.
Enhance your signal path
The Studio Channel noticeably outperforms preamplifiers that are built-in to most recording interfaces and affordable mixers. Add a VCA-based compressor and studio-grade equalizer to the class A tube preamp and you get not only big fat tube tonality but also complete control of your tone and sounds. Since much of the recording process is accomplished one track at a time, you need a signal path that can deliver a variety of high quality tones and sounds, which is why the Studio Channel is the perfect tool for any studio.
Class A Tube Preamplifier
The Studio Channel has everything needed to deliver big tone. The preamplifier stage of the Studio Channel is based on the award winning BlueTube preamplifier with a high output 12AX7 vacuum tube operating on voltages double than all other preamplifiers in its class delivering high headroom and big tone. Dual control Gain and Tube Drive enables a wide range of sounds from transparent and clear to edgy and overdriven.
Full Featured VCA Compressor
The compressor in the Studio Channel is a fully variable ultra-fast and smooth VCA-based circuit with all of the controls needed for a wide range of compression settings: ratio, threshold, attack, release and gain make up. The VCA-based compressor is known for musicality as well as ultra fast attack with the ability to tame the fastest transients. From slap bass, to snare drum, to vocals, the Studio Channel’s compressor stage allows you to record as hot as needed without clipping giving you total dynamic control.
Three Band Parametric EQ
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