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Precision pulses breathe new life into Digital Audio. A new master clock generator for the Hi-Res era.Features at a glanceHigh-precision "TEAC Reference OCXO" – an ‘oven-controlled’ crystal oscillator±3 ppb frequency temperature characteristics±0.1 ppm frequency precision4 x 10MHz clock output connectors (gold-plated BNCs)Completely independent and isolated circuitHigh capacity toroidal-core power transformerAn iconic OVEN STATUS gauge for oscillation stability monitorDimmable backlight color matching with the Reference 505 amplifiersPatent-registered ‘Pin-Point’ feet to minimise vibrations*Three feet for the perfect supportFull-metal body to eliminate incoming electromagnetic noiseDetachable 3-pole IEC power socketCompatible with TEAC UD-701N, UD-505-X, NT-505-X, UD-505, NT-505, UD-503 and NT-503Compliant with RoHSNew Reference OCXO – an Oven-controlled Crystal OscillatorSince temperature has a huge effect on accuracy of the crystal oscillator, minimising temperature changes and maintaining it at an ideal level are extremely important in order to generate an accurate clock signal. The CG-10M-A employs an innovative oven-controlled crystal oscillator, the TEAC Reference OCXO to reduce oscillation frequency fluctuations caused by temperature changes.A class-leading ultra high-precision clockThanks to the TEAC Reference OCXO, the CG-10M-A delivers an ultra high-precision 10MHz clock signal – within ±3 ppb of frequency temperature characteristics and within ±0.1 ppm of frequency precision – to USB DACs and digital players. A unique laser-engraved serial number and the TEAC Reference OCXO logo on every OCXC case is proof of the rigorous quality inspection undertaken during the manufacturing process.ppm=10-6, ppb=10-9Frequency temperature characteristics: A value of frequency fluctuation caused by temperature changeFrequency precision: An actual frequency rangeFour BNC clock output connectorsFour gold-plated BNC connectors (50 ohms) are provided to deliver clock signals to multiple devices. Up to four devices that support a 10MHz input may be connected simultaneously, including USB DACs, network players and SA-CD players.Independent and isolated circuit designEach circuit in the CG-10M-A – from the power supply section to the buffer-amp at the output stage, – is completely isolated to prevent cross-interference when multiple devices are connected to the BNC connectors.By incorporating a buffer-amp into each circuit, no degradation of the signal waveform occurs when the generated clock signal is shared by several devices.Oven Status Gauge for clock stability monitoringThe OVEN STATUS analogue gauge located in the middle of the unit, a TEAC trademark in recent years, shows the stability of the crystal oscillator when in use. As the temperature of the oven that contains the crystal oscillator reaches to the ideal temperature for accurate clock generation, power consumption of the oven decreases and the gauge points to zero, signaling to the user that the digital processing on the connected device is now controlled by an extremely accurate 10MHz clock signal.The gauge is a backlit-type with a dimmer control (including the ability to completely switch the backlight off).* The oscillator is usually stable about 2 minutes after the power is turned on. However, at least 10 minutes are necessary for the clock to reach an ideal condition.Toroidal-core power transformerA high-capacity, toroidal-core power transformer constantly supplies a constant, stable current that contributes greatly to the efficacy of the crucial clock generation and its subsequent high-precision output.Three-position, patented ‘Pin-Point’ feet for perfect stabilityThe CG-10M-A employs TEAC's patented ‘Pin-Point’ feet. These ingeniously comprises two separated metal sections in a in an integrated housing. One is has a spiked top and is attached to the bottom of the chassis, the other is a basin-shaped base that hangs down from the spiked section with a flange-shaped cup to simply installation.Three ‘Pin-Point’ foot are used for support, two at the front and one at the rear, for excellent stability, even on an uneven floor.As a result, the three ‘Pin-Point’ feet help improve the accuracy of clock oscillation by minimising vibrations and resonance. This, in turn, reduces mid and low frequency muddiness, improves the soundstage and enhances fine sound detail.* Japan patent No. 4075477 and No. 3778108A robust full-metal chassis, combined with an A4-size footprintDesigned to match the successful Reference 500 series, the CG-10M-A features aluminum panels and a robust metal chassis (that also isolates it from electromagnetic noise).with a compact A4-size footprint that will fit anywhere.

1.758 ,9 €
36 Instalments 60,72€ / month
Upon Order

Precision pulses breathe new life into Digital Audio. A new master clock generator for the Hi-Res era.Features at a glanceHigh-precision "TEAC Reference OCXO" – an ‘oven-controlled’ crystal oscillator±3 ppb frequency temperature characteristics±0.1 ppm frequency precision4 x 10MHz clock output connectors (gold-plated BNCs)Completely independent and isolated circuitHigh capacity toroidal-core power transformerAn iconic OVEN STATUS gauge for oscillation stability monitorDimmable backlight color matching with the Reference 505 amplifiersPatent-registered ‘Pin-Point’ feet to minimise vibrations*Three feet for the perfect supportFull-metal body to eliminate incoming electromagnetic noiseDetachable 3-pole IEC power socketCompatible with TEAC UD-701N, UD-505-X, NT-505-X, UD-505, NT-505, UD-503 and NT-503Compliant with RoHSNew Reference OCXO – an Oven-controlled Crystal OscillatorSince temperature has a huge effect on accuracy of the crystal oscillator, minimising temperature changes and maintaining it at an ideal level are extremely important in order to generate an accurate clock signal. The CG-10M-A employs an innovative oven-controlled crystal oscillator, the TEAC Reference OCXO to reduce oscillation frequency fluctuations caused by temperature changes.A class-leading ultra high-precision clockThanks to the TEAC Reference OCXO, the CG-10M-A delivers an ultra high-precision 10MHz clock signal – within ±3 ppb of frequency temperature characteristics and within ±0.1 ppm of frequency precision – to USB DACs and digital players. A unique laser-engraved serial number and the TEAC Reference OCXO logo on every OCXC case is proof of the rigorous quality inspection undertaken during the manufacturing process.ppm=10-6, ppb=10-9Frequency temperature characteristics: A value of frequency fluctuation caused by temperature changeFrequency precision: An actual frequency rangeFour BNC clock output connectorsFour gold-plated BNC connectors (50 ohms) are provided to deliver clock signals to multiple devices. Up to four devices that support a 10MHz input may be connected simultaneously, including USB DACs, network players and SA-CD players.Independent and isolated circuit designEach circuit in the CG-10M-A – from the power supply section to the buffer-amp at the output stage, – is completely isolated to prevent cross-interference when multiple devices are connected to the BNC connectors.By incorporating a buffer-amp into each circuit, no degradation of the signal waveform occurs when the generated clock signal is shared by several devices.Oven Status Gauge for clock stability monitoringThe OVEN STATUS analogue gauge located in the middle of the unit, a TEAC trademark in recent years, shows the stability of the crystal oscillator when in use. As the temperature of the oven that contains the crystal oscillator reaches to the ideal temperature for accurate clock generation, power consumption of the oven decreases and the gauge points to zero, signaling to the user that the digital processing on the connected device is now controlled by an extremely accurate 10MHz clock signal.The gauge is a backlit-type with a dimmer control (including the ability to completely switch the backlight off).* The oscillator is usually stable about 2 minutes after the power is turned on. However, at least 10 minutes are necessary for the clock to reach an ideal condition.Toroidal-core power transformerA high-capacity, toroidal-core power transformer constantly supplies a constant, stable current that contributes greatly to the efficacy of the crucial clock generation and its subsequent high-precision output.Three-position, patented ‘Pin-Point’ feet for perfect stabilityThe CG-10M-A employs TEAC's patented ‘Pin-Point’ feet. These ingeniously comprises two separated metal sections in a in an integrated housing. One is has a spiked top and is attached to the bottom of the chassis, the other is a basin-shaped base that hangs down from the spiked section with a flange-shaped cup to simply installation.Three ‘Pin-Point’ foot are used for support, two at the front and one at the rear, for excellent stability, even on an uneven floor.As a result, the three ‘Pin-Point’ feet help improve the accuracy of clock oscillation by minimising vibrations and resonance. This, in turn, reduces mid and low frequency muddiness, improves the soundstage and enhances fine sound detail.* Japan patent No. 4075477 and No. 3778108A robust full-metal chassis, combined with an A4-size footprintDesigned to match the successful Reference 500 series, the CG-10M-A features aluminum panels and a robust metal chassis (that also isolates it from electromagnetic noise).with a compact A4-size footprint that will fit anywhere.

1.758 ,9 €
36 Instalments 60,72€ / month
Upon Order

Ο Άρχοντας του ΧρονισμούΤο Master Clock CC2 της Grimm Audio φέρνει την απίστευτη σταθερότητα χρονισμού του Αναλογικοψηφιακού μετατροπέα AD1 στο σύστημά σας. Το CC2 δέχεται σήμα Word Clock και διανέμει υπερυψηλής ποιότητας Word Clock σε κάθε συσκευή σας. Εναλλακτικά, το CC2 μπορεί να επαναχρονίζει (reclocking) και να μειώνει (de-jittering) τις διακυμάνσεις χρονισμού (jitter) της ψηφιακής σύνδεσης s/pdif ανάμεσα στο CD transport ή media serverκαι στο DAC (με κάθε CC2 παρέχεται ένα σετ καλωδίων μετατροπής RCA- XLR). Τώρα κάθε studio ή high end σύστημα μπορεί να επωφεληθεί από μερικά από τα ξεχωριστά χαρακτηριστικά του AD1 όπως η απόλυτη μουσική ροή και η τονική σταθερότητα.Πολλοί άνθρωποι γνωρίζουν για τη σημασία του ταλαντωτή σε εξοπλισμό ψηφιακού ήχου. Παίζει σημαντικό ρόλο στην επίτευξη ποιοτικού ήχου. Ο ταλαντωτής κατευθύνει τη διαδικασία δειγματοληψίας στους μετατροπείς και μπορεί συνεπώς να θεωρηθεί ως αγωγός του όλου συστήματος. Χρησιμοποιώντας ένα εξωτερικό ρολόι συχνά βελτιώνει την ποιότητα μιας κάρτας ήχου. Αυτό σχετίζεται με την βραχυπρόθεσμη σταθερότητα του ρολογιού, με άλλα λόγια: το ποσό του jitter.Εάν θέλετε ο μετατροπέας σας να ακούγεται διαφανής , το κύκλωμα ταλαντωτή της Grimm θα είναι η πρώτη σας επιλογή. Έχει αντικειμενικά το χαμηλότερο jitter σε σχέση με οποιαδήποτε pro συσκευή clock στην αγορά.Είτε εργάζεστε σε ένα στούντιο ηχογράφησης, σε ένα mastering στούντιο ή μιξάρετε ζωντανό ήχο, το CC2  εγγυάται τη βέλτιστη ποιότητα ήχου. Οι πελάτες που χρησιμοποιούν το clock της Grimm Audio λένε οτι έχει "εξαιρετική λεπτομέρεια και απεικόνιση" και "μια χειροπιαστή αύξηση της φυσικότητας, την επέκτασης και της χωρικής κατανομής"  Με το CC2, η  κορυφαία ποιότητα  απόδοσηs μπορεί να γίνει κτήμα του καθενός.Όπως όλα τα προϊόντα της Grimm Audio, το CC2 ξεχωρίζει για την κομψότητα του σχεδιασμού και την ποιότητα της κατασκευής του. Χαρακτηριστικά:ultra-low jitter clock source2 word clock outputssample rates from 44.1kHz up to 192kHzsmall form factor for portabilityoptional 19" rack mount  

1.130 €
24 Interest Free Instalments 47,08€ / month
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The Master of Timing Grimm Audio’s CC1 V2 brings the incredible clock stability of the AD1 to your current setup! The CC1 V2 accepts Word Clock and distributes a super high quality Word Clock sync to all equipment in your system. Alternatively, use the CC1 to reclock and de-jitter the s/pdif digital audio connection between your CD transport or media server and DAC (a set of XLR-RCA conversion cables is provided with the unit). Now, any studio or high end system can benefit from some of the features of our AD1’s unique sound quality like ultimate musical timing and stability of tone. “With regards to a clock, accuracy and stability are two very different things.” Grimm Audio’s extensive research into the correlation between jitter and sound quality brought to light that emotional response to music is vastly more sensitive to jitter than previously realized. Attention turned from “making jitter low” to achieving the most stable clock possible. Marketing tends to express a clocking circuit’s performance in a “the lower the better” ppm (parts per million) or picosecond (1 picosecond = 1 trillionth of a second) number. Hence the claim that Atomic clocks are “the best” for audio because of their accuracy. Atomic clocks are “accurate”.Some are only a second off in a century (about three billion seconds): an average accuracy of 0.3 parts per billion or 0.0003ppm. That’s the sort of thing they were designed for. Does that imply that they are only one three-billionth of a second off in one second? Not at all. When a clock runs one millisecond late during one second and one millisecond early during the next, it’s basically correct again. So long as these short term errors don’t accumulate over time, they do not disqualify the clock as a timepiece. But you will agree that it would not merit the name “stable”. On the other hand, a clock that is one second off every day could still manage to slice every second into tiny slivers that are just perfectly equal. Accuracy and stability are two very different things. “Owing to a radically redesigned discrete crystal oscillator, CC1’s clock stability betters that of even the best test equipment available.” Grimm Audio’s research turned up a surprising array of previously underestimated performance factors that affect a clocking circuit’s stability, like power supply noise, oscillator control circuit noise and low-level crosstalk. The end result is that owing to a radically redesigned discrete crystal oscillator, clock stability betters that of even the best test equipment available. To sync to an external reference the CC1 sports a PLL offering an astounding 90 dB of jitter suppression at 10 Hz, further improving at 60 dB/dec. The CC1 offers base rates of 44.1kHz and 48kHz and 1/2/4 multiples in separately selectable groups, in addition to an AES/EBU reclocker for cleaning the digital feed to your DA converter. Like all Grimm Audio products, the CC1 features striking styling and solid build quality. Features: ultra-low jitter clock source generate and slave to word clock s/pdif reclocking sample rates from 44.1kHz up to 192kHz two independent sample rate groups

2.785 €
24 Interest Free Instalments 116,04€ / month
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The perfect solution for mastering, recording and project studios, film-scoring, post-production and live sound. For over a decade, Antelope’s legendary OCX Master Clock has been a dominant force in the audio world. This legacy now continues with the newest master clock by Antelope Audio – Isochrone OCX HD.OCX HD raises the bar yet again, delivering sample rate support of up to 768 kHz, Antelope’s best-in-class 4th generation Acoustically Focused Clocking (AFC) jitter management algorithm and oven-controlled crystal oscillator.OCX HD Master Clock offers a great variety of clocking options – 10 configurable in pairs Word Clock Outputs on BNC, four AES/EBU Outputs and two more on S/PDIF.This vast assortment of connectivity makes the OCX HD the most versatile audio master clock on the market, while proven, proprietary clocking technology delivers the most musical and reliable audio sync generation on the market. Additionally, OCX HD offers two Word Clock Inputs and a Video Sync Input, which can resolve to a huge variety of SD and HD formats, as well as clock distribution with gear-boxing, and pull-up and pull-down rates, as featured in the triple clock powerhouse, Trinity Master Clock. A 10 MHz Input allows for syncing with Antelope’s newest Atomic Clock – 10MX. Antelope’s latest master clock benefits from flexible firmware update functionality, as featured in all new-generation Antelope products, allowing for fast and easy firmware updates on the user-friendly software control panel, available for both OS X and Windows.The desktop app provides convenient remote control to simplify project workflow. The device is also easily configurable from an elegant front panel, which will add a futuristic aesthetic to any gear rack.Features:Antelope Audio game-changing 4th gen ACF jitter management algorithmOCX HD can output five different sample ratesAES/EBU, S/PDIF clocking outs up to 192kHz, video in on BNC and Atomic clock InputSpecifications:Sample Rate: Up to 768kHzClock Inputs: 2 x Word Clock, 1 x Video, 1 x Atomic, 2 x S/PDIF , 1 x AES/EBU, 1 x USB (for control)Clock Outputs: 10 x Word Clock, 4 x AES/EBU, 2x S/PDIFRack Spaces: 1U 

1.794 €
36 Instalments 61,94€ / month
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High-end Clocking, the Next GenerationAntelope Audio defined high-end clocking with their original 10M Atomic Clock and Trinity Master Clock. Now, the company's next-generation 10MX Atomic Master Clock combines the best attributes of both, in a svelte 1U chassis. Boasting even better sonic imaging and ergonomics, as well as sampling rate support up to 768kHz, the 10MX features a newly designed, smaller atomic oscillator and an updated power supply that make it possible to shrink the form factor and reduce the weight of the unit - excellent news if you work in multiple studios or on the road. And you'll also appreciate the new software control panel that gives you remote control over clock rates and display brightness.Antelope's no-compromise clockingIn pro audio, Antelope Audio is considered the gold standard when it comes to high-end clocking. The 10MX Atomic Master Clock builds on the clocking prowess of the original 10M Atomic Clock and Trinity Master Clock by incorporating proven technologies and cutting-edge industrial design to deliver a no-compromise product that gives you the atomic precision of the 10M, along with the sophisticated Acoustically Focused Clocking (AFC) algorithms of the Trinity - all in a gorgeous-looking (and quite portable) 1U package.Clock up to ten devices simultaneouslyThe Antelope Audio 10MX is fitted with multiple atomic outputs, which let you simultaneously clock up to ten devices over 10MHz. It also gives you four BNC word clock outputs that support an astonishing sample rate of up to 768kHz. (Four additional word clock outputs are available via AES and S/PDIF.) You can access all the features of the 10MX directly on its front panel or via the included Mac/Windows software control panel.Ideal for both studio and stageSweetwater knows that as digital gear continues to proliferate in your audio signal chain, high-quality clocking has never been more essential. The Antelope 10MX is ideally suited for state-of-the-art recording, mixing, and mastering studios, while its trim size and weight also make it perfect for a variety of live sound applications where exceptional clarity and ultra-stable, 3-dimensional imaging are required. The 10MX is built to exacting tolerances with top-shelf components, to deliver the most stable clocking solution available. And because the 10MX's smaller Rubidium oscillator is extremely efficient, you enjoy the benefits of lower power consumption and commensurate heat generation. Antelope Audio 10MX Atomic Master Clock Features:The best of the 10M Atomic Clock and Trinity Master Clock, in a compact 1U chassisNew smaller atomic oscillatorImproved sonic stability over 10M10 x 10MHz outputs on BNC connectors4 standard word clock outputs on BNC connectorsS/PDIF and AES outputs (2 each)Onboard clock rates up to 768KHzIncluded Mac/Windows software control panel SpecificationsSample Rate    Clock rates up to 768 kHzClock Inputs    1 x Word (BNC)Clock Outputs    4 x Word (BNC), 10 x Atomic (BNC)Other I/O    1 x USB Type B, 2 x XLR (AES out)Rack Spaces    1UManufacturer Part Number    10MX​​​

6.975 ,5 €
36 Instalments 240,82€ / month
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