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STEINBERG The Grand 3 Λογισμικό
36 Instalments
2 Years Warranty
36 Instalments
2 Years Warranty

Back with a Masterpiece
The Grand 3 boasts completely different piano models to its two predecessors, merely building on the prestige that its name has managed to attain over the past years. This means that versions 2 and 3, both old and new, equally deserve to be held in high esteem for their respective quality piano models. But always keep in mind: for The Grand 3, Steinberg has not only come up with several different piano models but uses intelligent sample architecture and latest recording technology to achieve an even more authentic sonic image and realistic feel.
Three grand masters
The Grand 3 prides itself on three outstanding virtual grand pianos with a rich and realistic sound based on the most widely acclaimed grand pianos. The Yamaha C7 grand piano is the artist’s choice — its sound providing a true concert grand experience, while the expressive tone of the Bösendorfer 290 Imperial provides an extended musical range not found in other pianos. What’s more: the incredible sound, responsiveness and superb playing behavior of the Steinway D have also been added to perfectly complement the collection of virtual pianos featured in The Grand 3.
More pianos, more choices
The classic Yamaha CP80 Electric Grand has a timbral character that makes it genuinely recognizable. The Nordiska Pianofabriken upright piano has been recorded and designed for the not so grandeur of musical genres — its sound is ideal for pop and jazz music.
Superb reverberation
The Grand 3 comes with a convolution reverb based on the same technology used by REVerence, the world’s first VST3-based convolution reverb processor already featured in Cubase 5 which benefits from every single aspect the VST3 standard has to offer. It boasts sumptuously realistic natural space simulation, emulating any acoustic environment — from the smallest live music venue to the most impressive cathedrals. This reverb includes a vast number of impulse responses that put the characteristic sound of some of the world’s most distinctive settings immediately in one’s hands — both in stereo and surround.
An algorithmic reverb is also included to increase the amount of reverbs. With more than 60 reverb presets, this leaves the artist with ample scope to spatially enhance the piano sound!
Flexible equalization
This powerful and versatile equalizer offers full four-band parametric control that works as a sum over all output channels with variable response curves and shelving modes, as well as analog-style peak filters.
All tuned up
The enhanced tuning editor provides customizable scales and a wealth of presets for tempered and concert tuning. Each tuning situation may be stored and retrieved as preset whenever required.
The Grand 3 standalone
The standalone version allows The Grand 3 to be used without a host application — a great choice for performing live and delivering the best sounding, most playable virtual piano software ever experienced!
The Grand 3 standalone version comes with two additional features:
For the record: The quick-idea scratch pad in The Grand 3 standalone version guarantees that all flashes of inspiration are recorded. Simply hit the button and The Grand 3 records everything played — now there’s no excuse for missing that one tune! With the scratch pad allows the recorded sequence to be played back for rehearsal purposes or exported as a standard MIDI file. It is also possible to load MIDI files and play them back as well.
Never miss a beat: The metronome integrated into The Grand 3 standalone version is a useful tool, helping musicians keep a constant tempo while practicing the most difficult of piano pieces.
Steinberg Key required
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