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36 Instalments
2 Years Warranty
36 Instalments
2 Years Warranty

Ampire grows up and moves out.
Ampire is PreSonus’ new State Space Modeled guitar amp/cab/stompbox simulator, included in Studio One Professional 4.6 and later. You get five new amplifier models, 16 cabinet emulations, and a pedalboard full of effects, and—in a first for PreSonus—we’ve made Ampire available for use in other DAWs in VST3, AAX, and AU formats!
In short, Ampire has never sounded better, due in no small part to...
Ampire State Building.
So what makes today’s Ampire so great? Well, this time around, the boys in Hamburg leveraged their expertise in State Space Modeling technology to create our amplifier and stompbox models. This same technology also powers our StudioLive Fat Channel plug-in emulations of the venerated compressor and EQ designs that keep eBay in business—while also ensuring that the nuanced, variable sonic character of analog survives its transition to the digital realm.
These aren’t your gramp’s amps
(Actually, a couple of them might be.) These five world-class amplifier models are the heart of Ampire. Each is meticulously State Space Modeled from a bonafide classic, with all their analog-defining nonlinearities and dynamic responsiveness—critical for capturing the tone and character of vacuum tube and semiconductor-based circuitry.

Impulse Responses bring classic cabs to life.
Amps, of course, aren’t the end-all, be-all of guitar tone, as speaker cabinets do a great deal to color the sound of a guitar rig: speaker complement, wood, and cabinet size are all determining factors in the final tone. Furthermore, when recording a speaker cab, strategic microphone placement also imparts a dramatic sonic consequence. But when it comes to emulation, speaker cabinets require a different solution than the State Space Modeling tech we use with the amplifiers.
As the circuitry of cabinets is comparatively simple, we relied heavily on impulse responses (acoustic measurements of real-world cabinet behavior) and microphone modeling to emulate the recording performance of the 16 classic speaker cabinets found in Ampire. You also get a microphone edit page that provides control over microphone blend, plus polarity and balance. We even included a convenient tuner.
And if you’re into DIY cabinetry, you can even create impulse responses of your own real-world cabinets and spaces and save them for use in Ampire! Mix and match amps, mics, and cabs to your heart’s content with our best simulations yet.
Find your sound with Pedalboard.
No non-Ramones tribute band guitar rig is complete without a mess of stompboxes, and Ampire doesn’t hold back in this regard. The same nerdy State-Space Modeling technology that made our amp modeling possible also drives five of the thirteen stompboxes included in the Ampire Pedalboard. And for non-guitarists looking to use stompboxes to warp their vocals, drum machines, keyboards, kazoos, or any other audio source, the Pedalboard is also available as a stand-alone plug-in.

- Compatible with VST3, AudioUnit and AAX compatible host applications
- Compatible with Studio One 4.6 and higher. Prime and Artist (included in Professional)
- State Space modeled guitar amplifier/cab/stompbox plug-in
- Available in Studio One® Native Effects, VST3, AU, and AAX formats for use in your DAW of choice
- Five amplifier models suitable for everything from rock to roots reggae
- 16 diverse cabinet emulations recreate using Impulse Responses of vintage cabinets
- Pedalboard full of 13 effects, including 5 State Space models of classic stompboxes
- Separate Pedalboard plug-in also included
- Easy installation, authorization, and updates from PreSonus Hub plug-in manager application
Below are the minimum computer-system requirements for Ampire.
Mac (Studio One only)
- macOS® 10.11 or higher (64-bit only)
- Intel® Core Duo processor (Intel Core™ Core i3 or better recommended)
Mac (Other host applications)
- macOS® 10.13 or higher (64-bit only)
- Intel® Core Duo processor (Intel Core™ Core i3 or better recommended)
- VST3-, AU-, or AAX-compatible 64-bit host application
Windows (Studio One)
- Windows® 7 (SP1 + platform update), Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 x64
- Intel Core™ Duo or AMD Athlon™ X2 processor (Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD X4 or better recommended)
Windows (Other host applications)
- Windows® 10 x64
- Intel Core™ Duo or AMD Athlon™ X2 processor (Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD X4 or better recommended)
- VST3- or AAX-compatible 64-bit host application
Windows and Mac Systems (All host applications)
- 4GB RAM (8GB or more recommended)
- Monitor with at least 1366x768 resolution (high-dpi monitor recommended)
The minimum system requirements may differ for DAWs other than Studio One. Please check the requirements for your DAW of choice with its manufacturer.
Note that the speed of your processor, amount of RAM and size and speed of your hard drive will greatly affect the overall performance of your recording system.
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