On Line Orders
Orders Through our online store
Fast and direct ordering via our online store www.athensproaudio.gr. Is the product or products that interest you and add to the cart. The system allows you to order without having to become a member. But we suggest you first log in and become a member using your email so you can track the progress of your order
Telephone Orders
If you have any questions about products, some difficulty, you can place your order by phone to one of our specialized sales agents
Orders from our shop in the center of Athens
You can come and order your products from our shop Asklipiou 26, 106 80 in the center of Athens, so we can assist you to resolve any questions exist as to make the best choices based on your needs.
Email Orders
You can send your order online at: sales@athensproaudio.gr
* Invoices are issued to companies and freelancers as fill in their order the following information: Name, Tax, Tax Office, phone, address, office, profession.
** For invoices issued for areas which are subject to a reduced rate of VAT should be sent to trade and certificate of release shall be the area where the company is based. In all other cases voucher retailers.